·Safety and Security

Profile:In synthetic biology research, biosafety and biosecurity are critical aspects that cannot be overlooked. To ensure the progress of our project, protect the personal safety of researchers, maintain the normal operation of the laboratory, and prevent public health and environmental safety issues, our team has established a comprehensive safety system. This system primarily includes laboratory safety, biosafety and related regulations, our safety measures, and the biosafety and ethics white paper that we co-authored with the iGEM team JLU-NBBMS. Through the following explanations, we hope to provide a deeper understanding of the safety of our project and biosafety standards, fostering a safe, harmonious, and orderly research environment.

·Laboratory Safety

First, before entering the laboratory, we carefully reviewed the " Safety Manual of South China University of Technology Laboratory " [1]. Then, our instructor, Alexander Tjahjasari, provided us with laboratory safety management training, covering basic safety precautions, including but not limited to:
(1)Smoking, eating, and wearing contact lenses are prohibited in the laboratory;
(2)Appropriate protective equipment must be worn: lab coats, gloves, masks, and goggles when necessary. Wearing shorts, skirts, slippers, and leaving long hair untied are not allowed;
(3)Reagents and instruments should be returned to their original place after use;
(4)Waste generated in the laboratory must be classified and disposed of according to regulations, especially waste containing bacteria or other microorganisms, which should be autoclaved before disposal;
(5)Avoid working alone in the laboratory as much as possible;
(6)Ensure the safety of water, electricity, and materials in the laboratory before leaving, and maintain personal hygiene;
(7)In case of an accident, effective emergency measures should be taken immediately to control the scope of impact, and report to the unit leadership, the University Laboratory and Equipment Management Office, and the Security Office.

Laboratory Safety Training

Laboratory safety training session

We were also introduced to the usage protocols of equipment such as microscope, autoclaves, clean bench, and centrifuges, and practiced operating them.

Our laboratory safety management complies with the "Laboratory Safety Standards for Higher Education Institutions" [2] and aligns with Article 35 of the "Biosecurity Law of the People's Republic of China," which states, "Units engaged in biotechnology research, development, and application activities shall be responsible for the safety of their biotechnology research, development, and application, take biosafety risk prevention and control measures, establish systems for biosafety training, tracking inspections, regular reporting, and strengthen process management" [3].

Laboratory Practice

Laboratory practice

·Biosafety and Regulations

(1) Raw Material Safety:
We purchased quality-inspected dried kelp from a licensed online store with a business license and a food business permit. The kelp originates from Fujian Province, China, and is used as a fermentation raw material without any genetic modification.

(2) Strain Safety:
The strains we use are DH5α Escherichia coli from the K-12 lineage and PK2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The K-12 E. coli strain is a non-pathogenic strain classified as Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) and is included on the whitelist. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an opportunistic pathogen that generally does not cause disease. Although PK2 S. cerevisiae is not on the whitelist, we have submitted a check-in form for it. Both K-12 E. coli and PK2 S. cerevisiae are not listed in China's "List of Pathogenic Microorganisms Infectious to Humans" [4].

(3) Product Safety:
In the production of limonene, we conduct quality monitoring of the product, including testing limonene purity and checking for harmful substances, to ensure it meets relevant quality standards. When it comes to limonene itself, recent studies on limonene safety have not found significant impacts on human health, so limonene is generally considered safe for use in the food , chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. However, the environmental impact of limonene is still unclear, and further research is needed to assess its behavior and potential effects in the environment.

(4) Gene Editing Safety:
Legal regulations and requirements concerning gene editing, including the World Health Organization's recommendations on gene editing, China's " Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Human Genetic Resources" [5], Article 1009 of the "Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China" [6], and the "Biosecurity Law of the People's Republic of China " [3], primarily focus on the control and restriction of human gene editing. Currently, we have not found specific legal regulations for gene editing in S. cerevisiae. We believe that the gene editing of S. cerevisiae in our research is feasible and complies with the "Regulations on the Safety Management of Genetic Engineering" [7] and Article 34 of the " Biosecurity Law of the People's Republic of China," which states, "Biotechnology research, development, and application activities should comply with ethical principles" [3].

·Our Safety Measures
Laboratory Safety Training

The instant dry yeast we use

To prevent environmental contamination caused by the escape of strains, all operations involving E. coli and S. cerevisiae are conducted within the laboratory. When observing yeast cells under a microscope during our HP activities, we use food-grade wild-type yeast that is commercially available.

·Biosafety & Bioethics White Paper

Profile To enhance biosafety awareness and strengthen people's understanding of biosafety and ethics, we actively participated in the initiative led by the JLU-NBBMS team to compile a Biosafety and Bioethics White Paper. This activity brought together multiple teams from different tracks to co-author the white paper, showcasing each track's unique biosafety and ethics knowledge while also introducing their respective project designs. Our contribution to the Biosafety and Bioethics White Paper reflects our learning from previous experiences, further exploration and innovation within our track, and guidance and inspiration for future iGEM teams.
Click here to view the full version of the white paper

Biosafety White Paper

Biosafety & Bioethics White Paper cover and table of contents


[1] “Safety Manual of South China University of Technology Laboratory” :Link
[2] “Laboratory Safety Standards for Higher Education Institutions” :Link
[3] “Biosecurity Law of the People's Republic of China” :Link
[4] “List of Pathogenic Microorganisms Infectious to Humans” :Link
[5] “Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Human Genetic Resources” :Link
[6] “Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China” :Link
[7] “Regulations on the Safety Management of Genetic Engineering”:Link