Team background
Our team is located in —— Guangdong Province, a province along the southeast coast of China, adjacent to Fujian Province. Fujian and Guangdong provinces both have relatively rich Marine resources. At present, our team with the help of south China university of technology, biological science and engineering institute of scientific research strength and entrepreneurial education college of actual combat experience, as well as the national innovation entrepreneurship education practice base of the support of the forces, combined with scientific research and innovation practice, focus on frontier solutions for energy conservation and emissions reduction field. Among them, the team has wet lab group, dry lab group, wiki group, art group, publicity group, business group, etc., so that each member of different backgrounds can add color to the team results in their own fields.
In addition to the daily experimental research, our team is also actively involved in the community activities. We contacted companies to conduct field trips to facilitate the implementation of our technology. Online, we posted interesting videos and articles on the wechat official account and the new media accounts of the bilibili platform, with a total of over 1,000 views. Offline, we organized in the school, " Run! The yeast " campaign, which attracted multiple participants, spread the synthetic biology idea.
We also maintain close communication with other teams and pursue progress in communication. We will focus on the mission of the team: committed to energy conservation and emission reduction, promoting climate warming, leading green development with sustainable kelp farming, and contributing to global ecological and environmental protection. Here, we write down the slogan of our team: green kelp, protect the blue planet —— to build a better future of ESG.
Project highlights
In the context of the iGEM Synthetic Biology competition theme and new development concepts in China, our team is committed to finding solutions to mitigate the greenhouse effect.
In order to have a deeper understanding of the difficulties of the industry, I visited Nanri Island and Baikui irui (Shenzhen) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and gained a deeper understanding of the existing synthetic biology technology, existing link difficulties and the future of synthetic biology in China. For our team to learn the forefront of theoretical knowledge combined with practice, the project focuses on kelp farming and derivative business, for the process of green kelp aquaculture as the technical challenges, Marine carbon sink data and related methodology and imperfect carbon market mechanism and carbon emissions system policy and poor market adaptability, looking for new solutions.
This project mainly focuses on the following two core issues.
One problem is the low quality of the kelp supply. For most of the current domestic biosynthetic processing industry enterprises, their operation depends on the stable supply of key raw materials, and kelp, as a resource with green and efficient advantages, shows advantages in industrial fermentation. However, the existing kelp planting mode in southern China may not be able to meet the requirements of large-scale application, resulting in insufficient supply or unstable situation. In addition, industrial fermented kelp as a green raw material has high efficiency and environmental advantages, but there are obstacles in technology promotion and resource utilization, which affect its popularization and application in the market.
And kelp, in addition to its own can be used as a commodity circulation in the market, can also be applied to the Marine carbon sink.
Therefore, the second issue of our team is the growing problem of global climate change. Nowadays, the national and international community has increasingly high requirements for energy conservation and emission reduction, and the pressure on enterprises is not only to comply with regulations, but also to reduce carbon emissions in operation to reduce the negative impact on the environment; and with the promotion of carbon emission right system, enterprises need to face high carbon emission costs, which puts pressure on the economic benefits of many enterprises. Marine carbon sinks play an important role in the global carbon cycle, but there are still many challenges in its potential and development, including the lack of sufficient data and methodology to support the introduction of policies and the establishment of effective market mechanisms. Making up for this gap will be an important step for China to complete its concerns for the climate crisis.
To this end, this project will improve the contribution of Chinese mainland Marine carbon sink through large-scale aquaculture sea, respond to China's call for energy conservation and emission reduction, at the same time solve the problem of insufficient supply of key raw materials, improve the production efficiency of enterprises, and pay attention to the sustainable development of Marine carbon sink. In addition, in the long-term plan, in order to reduce the carbon emission cost of enterprises and provide relevant data for national organs, the project will focus on the practical application of carbon emission rights, so as to promote the establishment and improvement of carbon market mechanism, so as to address the challenges brought by the climate crisis.
The main highlights of this project are that:
  1. Explore the scale breeding scheme that can be applied to industrial fermentation of kelp
  2. Promote the improvement of CCER's methodology for Marine carbon sink
To clarify the operational logic of this project, we performed PEST and SWOT analyses to identify rapidly growing opportunities and potential threats in our environment. These analyses guide us in allocating resources and to focus on our strengths and areas of the greatest potential. It also focuses on the financial analysis section, including inspections of investment plans, sales revenue, cost of sales, taxes, surcharges, and sales profits. According to the results of the financial forecast, the project has considerable economic benefits and will have a profound impact on the sustainable development of the project.
Market Analysis
1 Industry Overview
This project mainly focuses on the kelp industry, focusing on the market situation of kelp breeding and the frontier application of kelp and its processed products and accessories in southern China.
At present, with the continuous improvement and improvement of kelp breeding technology, China's kelp output is growing steadily. In 2021, the output of kelp cultivation in China reached 1.7424 million tons, a significant increase from 1,486,600 tons in 2017. According to the regional output data in 2021, Fujian Province (accounting for 48.63% of the national total output), Shandong Province (31.13%) and Liaoning Province are the main breeding areas of kelp in China, and the areas with high output value are mostly concentrated in the eastern coastal areas. Take Xiapu County, Fujian Province as an example. In 2022, the kelp breeding area in Xiapu County will reach more than 300,000 mu, with an output value of up to 4 billion yuan. From the data of the demand side, the demand for kelp in China showed a continuous positive growth trend in the four years from 2017 to 2021, and the demand in 2021 was about 1,730,500 tons.
2 PEST analysis
Category Text Description Image
① policy support:
In 2023, the first central government document proposed to build a diversified food supply system, and specifically proposed to cultivate and expand the edible fungus and algae industries. This shows that the country attaches importance to and support to the seaweed industry, including kelp farming. This policy orientation provides a stable development environment for the kelp industry.

② Regional development policies:
1. Technical level: Action Plan for Transformation and Upgrading of Offshore Aquaculture:
issued by the General Office of Fujian Provincial People's Government, aiming to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of offshore aquaculture, strengthen intelligent control of aquaculture, and promote the green and high-quality development of aquaculture.
2. Financial subsidy: Implementation Plan of Fujian Provincial Marine Fishery Resources Conservation Subsidy Policy:
Jointly issued by Fujian Provincial Ocean and Fishery Administration and Fujian Provincial Finance Department, it puts forward specific measures for Marine fishery resources conservation subsidy, including classified subsidies for fishing boats of different operation types and sizes; aiming to strengthen the conservation of Marine fishery resources and promote the sustainable and healthy development of Marine fishing industry.
The No.1 Central Document
The Action Plan for the Transformation and Upgrading of Offshore Aquaculture
Implementation Plan of Fujian Provincial Marine Fishery Resources Conservation Subsidy Policy
Economic growth and consumption upgrading:
With the continuous growth of China's economy, China's consumption structure has been upgraded and the proportion of high-tech consumption has increased under the dual effects of the increase of residents' income level and the decline of Engel's coefficient [5].
Consumption upgrading promotes the diversification of kelp products, extending from traditional food processing to health care products, cosmetics and other fields, and even does not stay in the application of kelp itself, the market continues to explore the added value of kelp, bringing new growth points for kelp aquaculture industry.
Engel coefficient

① Resource and environment constraints
With the improvement of environmental awareness, the government's regulations on the protection of Marine resources are becoming stricter, and the kelp aquaculture industry needs to constantly adapt to environmental protection requirements and achieve green development.

② Nutritional requirements
Focus not only on eating enough, but on eating well. After the COVID-19 pandemic, people are paying more and more attention to healthy food and balanced nutrition [6]
Table 5 of consumers' demand for food and beverage attributes before and after the epidemic

Breeding, transportation, preservation technology upgrading

Business model
1 Industrial chain positioning
Before the specific analysis of the project, the project has a global perspective on the upstream and downstream links of the whole industry will be summarized below.

2 The SWOT analysis
Prior to determining the operational plan, an initial evaluation of the project is made through the four-dimensional strategic planning tool

3 Core business
The business presented in this section, Focus on the service fermentation product application enterprises, The core resources of the production technology of industrial fermented kelp taking advantage of green and efficient advantages, With the kelp produced as the core product, Based on the need to meet the two major customer values, First, the economic value —— can achieve a long-term joint construction with a stable large integrated scale farmer that provides sufficient kelp, To reduce the supply chain costs, Second, functional value —— the advantages of kelp produced in the field of fermentation application as raw materials; At the same time, the social value of the enterprise established by the team —— supports the development of Marine aquaculture industry in southern China, especially in Fujian Province, Create the upstream and downstream close cooperation business model.
Establish a stable supply chain system, To achieve the economic benefits and social benefits of the double harvest. Establish a stable supply chain system, that is, seek the possibility of establishing long-term cooperative relationship with upstream suppliers to ensure the supply stability of site, technology and raw materials required in the production process, such as the breeding land, etc. For downstream, sell products directly to consumers through online and offline channels, offer reasonably and provide value-added services such as cold chain logistics to expand market share. Combined with the upstream and downstream, the enterprise will continue to rationalize the cost structure and diversify the income sources, to ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise. At the same time, pay attention to product quality control, establish brand reputation, to achieve economic benefits and social benefits of double harvest.
4 Future development strategy
4.1 Stage planning
The project is mainly divided into three stages. The first stage is the sales of kelp and the core business of the project. The second stage is the carbon trading stage with the carbon emission qualification of the kelp as intangible assets; the third stage is the channel cooperation to expand the service business and help the carbon emission qualification to complete the closed loop from application to landing to collect service fees and commission. To sum up, the company follows the development expectations of the phased system, and plans to focus on kelp production, from tangible assets to intangible assets and then to service products, to promote the improvement of the carbon market and the sustainable development of climate and ecology.

4.2 Industry background of new business lines
The carbon market, through a quota system, allows companies to buy and sell carbon emission rights to meet their greenhouse gas emission limits. This trading mechanism enables the enterprise to put its target customers in enterprises with high carbon emission costs and technology growth costs, thus enabling market participants to maximize the cost-benefit of carbon emission reduction, and promote the carbon emission reduction and effective allocation of resources.
From the perspective of the overall size of the carbon market, the transaction of CCER shows an increasing trend. The carbon price is expected to reach 87 RMB / ton in 2025, and the current quota gap is large, and the market prospect is broad.
In addition, as there is no methodology related to Marine carbon sink in China, the profit target of the business involved in this chapter can only be realized in the future.

4.3 Business expansion 1: Carbon emission right trading
Carbon emission trading mainly focuses on the development of CCER, and the specific links are shown in the figure below
One of the long-term goals of the enterprise is to develop the entity project of kelp breeding base, incubate the certification of carbon emission right, to trade the intangible assets of the carbon emission right and obtain the asset transfer response income; the short-term goal is to provide the data of the methodology of new field as the data extraction unit. This stage focuses on the construction of the brand recognition of the enterprise, which is beneficial to obtain the trust of the target customers of the core business 3.

4.4 Business expansion 2: The whole-process agency service of asset-light emission reduction projects
From the project to the acquisition of emission qualification, the link includes the development, approval, verification, monitoring and offset of the project. The specific agency services involving the content link as shown in the figure below
The company is committed to providing whole-process services with external cooperative monitoring agencies. During the service process, we will assess the technical complexity and duration of the whole process and charge personalized service fee for the customer, evaluate the benefits of the transfer of carbon emission rights, obtain commission fees and give tiered price discount to special partners.
Financial analysis
5.1 Basic financial assumptions
The team plans to complete the CCER project after the project enters the expansion period, and then start further financing plan. In this regard, only the financial situation of the core business is forecast here.
5.2 Financing Plan
During the start-up period, the team is expected to raise 3 million yuan of registered capital. The initial capital investment is mainly used for factory construction, purchase of raw materials and related equipment, as well as back-end operation management.
5.3 Estimated sales revenue, estimated cost and expenses and expected profit of the core business
The formal operation phase of the project begins in 2025. The sales revenue of five years is shown in the table (unit: 10,000 yuan).
According to the forecast, in the later stage of the project operation, the annual return on investment is expected to be considerable, indicating that the project has significant economic benefits.

This project is a comprehensive commercial project that integrates biological technology, kelp aquaculture, Marine carbon sequestration and carbon emission right system. Through in-depth research and scientific analysis, our team is committed to solving the challenges of low supply quality of kelp and the development of Marine carbon sink, so as to achieve win-win economic benefits and environmental protection. In particular, this project expects to make some achievements in the generation and improvement of Marine carbon sink methodology, further complement the current gap of China's current carbon emission right market mechanism, control carbon emission through incentive mechanism to alleviate the greenhouse effect, and then contribute Chinese wisdom to the construction of human ecological civilization. With the further promotion of the project, our team believes that an industrial chain with resource saving, environment friendly and significant economic benefits will gradually form, injecting new vitality into the sustainable development of China and even the world.