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1.Running Yeast!
Aim: We are well aware that amidst the hustle of study and life, a call from nature and the enlightenment of knowledge are especially precious. Therefore, the "Running Yeast" orienteering running activity was born out of this realization. This event aims to inspire every participant's love and desire to explore synthetic biology in a relaxed and joyful manner.
Target Group: All students of South China University of Technology
Participants: Members of SCUT-China-S
Date: April 27, 2024
Event Content: The spring breeze rises morning and evening, blowing the green deeper day by day. It’s the best time of a year late spring tries in vain, and the School of biology and Biological Engineering’s 2024 iGEM SCUT-China-S team host the " Running Yeast" - Synthetic Biology orienteering running activity, inviting you to join!
The competition format of this event is mainly orienteering, with a total of 4 check-in sites (excluding the starting and ending sites), and the total route length is about 2 to 3 kilometers. Each check-in site has prepared questions related to biological knowledge. After answering the questions at all check-in sites, each participant can participate in the event's lucky draw and receive an event ticket.

Map Orientation

This event aims to provide participants with a unique experience and gains through the following three aspects:
Embracing Nature and Enjoying Health: Under the gentle caress of the spring breeze, running along the meticulously designed orienteering route allows the body to bask in the warm sunlight and fresh air, experiencing the joy of exercise and feeling the infinite charm of nature. This is not only a physical workout but also a spiritual cleansing, allowing us to find that long-lost tranquility and freedom amidst our busy lives.
Educational Entertainment, Inspiring WisdomThe four check-in sites along the way are not only physical challenges but also tests of intelligence. Each site is rich in biological knowledge, especially the cutting-edge trends and interesting Q&A of synthetic biology. In a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, participants will learn while running and run while learning, allowing the seeds of knowledge to take root in their hearts, stimulating curiosity and aspiration for the world of science.
Enhancing Communication, Building Dreams Together: The event is not just an individual journey but also a team collaboration. In the process of running and answering questions, participants will have the opportunity to meet like-minded friends, face challenges together, and share joy. This precious time of gathering will become a treasured memory for each other and may even spark innovation, together drawing the grand blueprint of synthetic biology.
In this season full of the spirit of spring, let us explore the mysteries of synthetic biology with the posture of running; open the door to wisdom with the key of knowledge; and build the bridge of dreams with the power of the team. Looking forward to meeting you in the "Running Yeast" event, to share this unforgettable and beautiful time together!
2. " Yeast cells take you inside synthetic biology" Event
Aim: We are well aware that amidst the hustle of study and life, a call from nature and the enlightenment of knowledge are especially precious. Therefore, the "Running Yeast" orienteering running activity was born out of this realization. This event aims to inspire every participant's love and desire to explore synthetic biology in a relaxed and joyful manner.We hope to plant the seed of synthetic biology in the hearts of these young students. By personally using a microscope to observe yeast cells in the laboratory, they can observe the characteristics and structure of yeast cells; through an origami game, they can understand the double helix structure of DNA.
Target Group: First-year students of the second biology class at Guangzhou Experimental Middle School.
Participants: Long Zhou, Jiying Liu, Suyan Pang, Wenqi Cai.
Date: June 12, 2024.
Event Content: This event includes four items.
2.1. A popular science introduction titled "Yeast cells take you inside synthetic biology."

Before the official start of the popular science session, we communicated with the students and found that they had never heard of synthetic biology and were unaware of the wonderful uses of yeast cells in synthetic biology.

2.2. Microscope Observation of Yeast Cells

Students are divided into pairs, and we distribute yeast cells that have been stained with Eosin Y and methylene blue to each group in advance. We teach them how to prepare slides and observe the morphology of yeast cells under the microscope. A small number of students can quickly and accurately adjust the microscope to find the yeast cells in the field of view, while most students require our assistance. The students are very surprised to see the moving yeast cells under the microscope for the first time.

2.3. Origami Game: DNA Double Helix Structure
2.4. Synthetic Biology Drawing

Based on their imagination, students draw their own designed synthetic organisms on white paper, give it a name, and describe its functions.

In this carefully planned synthetic biology journey for middle school students, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the children's longing for the mysteries of life and the forefront of science is no less than ours; they just temporarily lack a language that resonates with them and a guide to lead them in exploration.

This discovery has made us deeply aware that the seeds of curiosity have already been sown in the hearts of children, just waiting for the nourishment of knowledge to grow strong and tall.

At the same time, we have also realized that for younger children, the efficiency of passively receiving knowledge is relatively low. They find it difficult to concentrate and prefer interactive segments. Therefore, in the upcoming "Volunteer activities for the country people" classes, we have increased the proportion of time for interactive Q&A and drawing sessions, hoping to achieve better results.

3. "Brewing Yeast take you inside synthetic biology " Classroom
Aim: In this July, we carry the seeds of knowledge and the wings of dreams on our journey to the countryside, where we have meticulously prepared a unique scientific feast—"Brewing Yeast take you inside synthetic biology." The aim is to ignite the children's curiosity about the unknown world through a wonderful encounter of science and innocence.
Target Group: Children aged 6 to 13
Participants: Shengtao Wu
Date: July 18, 2024
Event Content: For this classroom session, we have arranged two activities.
3.1. A popular science introduction titled " Yeast Cells take you inside synthetic biology."

Before the official start of the popular science session, we communicated with the students and found that they had never heard of synthetic biology and were unaware of the wonderful uses of yeast cells in synthetic biology.

3.2. Synthetic Biology Drawing

Based on their imagination, students draw their own designed synthetic organisms on white paper, give it a name, and describe its functions.

Our purpose is not only to impart cold, hard scientific knowledge but also to sow a lush forest of hope in the hearts of children during this sweltering summer. In this science mini-class, we have used vivid and interesting language to transform complex and profound synthetic biology knowledge into fun stories that children can easily understand, and we encourage them to pick up their brushes and let their imagination soar freely on the canvas. Each colorful synthetic biology drawing is a true reflection of the children's inner world, and it is their purest desire and expression for scientific exploration.

We believe that through such activities, we can plant the seeds of synthetic biology in the young hearts of children. These seeds may one day break through the soil, grow strong, and become an important force in promoting technological progress and changing the world.

1.Social Media Account
1. Popular Science Article
2. Gene Scissor Hand Mini-Game
Aim: In the vast star chart of synthetic biology, gene editing technology is like an exquisite key, leading us to explore the mysteries of life. To help everyone better understand this technology, we have carefully designed a unique CRISPR/Cas9 "Gene Scissor Hand" mini-game, combining knowledge of molecular biology, leading players into this precise and magical art of gene tailoring.
Target Group: People who wish to understand the principles of CRISPR/Cas9.
Game Introduction: The background is set within the cells of brewing yeast (eukaryotic organisms). Each level's background image represents a cellular location. We select appropriate components from the toolbox to combine and generate new components or to exert their functions [2][3]. The goal of each level is to achieve the desired components or effects through a series of interactions between the components.
New Component Explanation : For example, in the cell nucleus, by selecting DNA components and RNA polymerase components, they can be dragged and combined together to trigger the transcription effect, resulting in a new component: RNA. Subsequently, mRNA and ribosomes may be dragged together to trigger the translation effect, resulting in a new component: polypeptide chain.
Function Explanation: For instance, the final process where the CRISPR-Cas9 complex cuts the target sequence represents the complex exerting its function.
In this Gene Scissor Hand game, we have meticulously woven a wonderful journey about exploration, creation, and dreams, inviting you to step into the microscopic world of brewing yeast cells and jointly start a feast of wisdom and imagination. Through this game, we hope to:
1. Educate and entertain, stimulating interest in science: In this fantasy-filled game world, we cleverly integrate complex biological knowledge into fun and challenging levels. Each level is a deep exploration into the mysteries within the brewing yeast cells, allowing players to enjoy the fun of the game while inadvertently lifting the veil of genetic science, stimulating endless curiosity and love for life sciences.
2. Cultivate innovative thinking and practical operation skills: As a gene scissor hand, you will have a magical "toolbox" filled with various biological components, just like the experimental equipment in the hands of a scientist. By cleverly selecting and combining these components, you will experience the charm of gene editing in the game, exercising your innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities. Each successful combination is a brave attempt in the unknown field and a profound exploration of one's potential.
3. Convey the spirit of science and promote positive energy: We hope that through this game, players can not only gain knowledge and happiness but also convey a positive and uplifting spirit of science. In the process of exploration and creation, we encourage players to challenge themselves, dare to break through conventions, and continuously pursue truth and perfection. At the same time, we also hope that players will pay attention to the latest developments in life sciences and the sustainable development of human society, contributing their own strength to building a better future.