

our gratitude

Team Members Contributions

Shuang Li

Primary PI


Conceptualization, Project Administration, Safety

Specific tasks:

(1)Conceptualization: She gave us guidance and advice on the concept of our project. (2)Project Administration: Managed our project. (3)Safty: Managed the safety of the laboratory.

Alexander Tjahjasari



Investigation, Analysis, Data Curation, Safety

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation, Analysis, Data Curation: He gave us training, guidance and advice on wet experiments. (2) Safety: Managed the safety of the laboratory.

Long Zhou

Student Leader


Conceptualization, Background Research, Investigation, Analysis, Public Engagement, Project Administration, Writing, Fundraising

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization: Selected the topic, conducted literature research, and checked background during the selection process. (2) Background Research: Read peer-reviewed scientific research articles, white papers, regulations/guidelines, and other documents. (3) Investigation: Performed the experiments and collected data. Participated in the on-site investigation of the kelp economy on Nanri Island. (4) Analysis: Contributed to experimental data analysis and used tools for visualization. (5) Public Engagement: Prepared and engaged in Human Practice activities. (6) Project Administration: Managed the overall project and coordinated team cooperation, including Human Practice activities, experiments, model, web engineering and so on. (7) Writing: Wrote and translated the project proposal. Wrote our Model section of wiki, the script of our Project Promotion Video and part of Biosafety and Bioethics White Paper that our team participated in. (8) Fundraising: Bridged sponsorship with relevant enterprises and raised money.

Shengtao Wu

Student Leader


Conceptualization, Investigation, Analysis, Data Curation, Background Research, Writing, Public Engagement, Project Administration, Notebook/record keeping

Specific tasks:

(1) Conceptualization: Brainstormed and developed ideas for our project. (2) Investigation: Performed the experiments, collected data, and coordinated experiment plans. (3) Analysis: Analysed data that collected by our team and searched from literature. (4) Data Curation: Annotated, cleaned, and maintained research data. (5) Background Research: Read peer-reviewed scientific research articles, white papers, regulations/guidelines, and other documents. (6) Writing: Wrote content about experiment of wiki. (7) Public Engagement: Participated in some Education and Human Practice activities. (8) Project Administration: Managed the whole wet experiment as the leader of wet lab group. (9) Notebook/record keeping: Maintained the laboratory notebook and kept recording wet experiments.

Suyan Pang

Student Leader


Investigation, Analysis, Data Curation, Background Research, Writing, Public Engagement, Project Administration, Notebook/record keeping

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation: Participated in experimental materials and data collection. (2) Analysis: Participated in experimental data analysis. (3) Data Curation: Participated in experimental data sorting, cleaning and archiving. (4) Background Research: Searched the literature related to the experiment. (5) Writing: Wrote the Human Practice section of wiki. (6) Public Engagement: Participated in various activities. (7) Project Administration: Assisted in organizing various activities. (8) Notebook/record keeping: Experiment record.

Wenqi Cai



Investigation, Writing, Public Engagement, Background Research, Conceptualization, Safety, Visualization, Other

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation: Performed the experiments and collected data. (2) Writing: Wrote the Team and Safety sections of wiki and the script of our Project Promotion Video. Wrote and organized our Biosafety and Bioethics White Paper. (3) Public Engagement: Organized, contected and participated in some Education and Human Practice activities. Also participated in communication activities. (4) Background Research: Read biosafety laws and regulations. (5) Conceptualization: Brainstormed and developed ideas for our project. (6) Safety: Organized the safety trainning and ensured comliance with the safety guidelines. (7) Visualization: Designed and drew part of the pictures and leaflets. (8) Other: Recorded details of team expenses.

Jiying Liu



Investigation, Analysis, Public Engagement, Writing, Notebook/record keeping

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation: Performed the experiments. (2) Analysis: Participated in the data analysis of the experiment. (3) Public Engagement: Participated in some Education and Human Practice activities (the yeast running activity, entered the middle school classroom, participated in CCIC, and participated in biological debates). (4) Writing: Wrote and edited the description, Proof of concept and Notebook parts for the wiki. (5) Notebook/record keeping: Responsible for the recording of Human Practice activities.

Fangjun Ge



Investigation, Background Research, Notebook/record keeping, Writing, Public Engagement

Specific tasks:

(1) Investigation: Performed the experiments and collected data. (2) Background Research: Searched for the information about the background of our project. (3) Record keeping: Participated in the writing of experimental records. (4) Writing: Wrote and edited the Protocol parts for the wiki. Wrote part of the Biosafety and Bioethics White Paper. Translated most of the web pages documentation and the script of Project Promotion Video. (5) Public Engagement: Participated in several Human Practice activities. Participated in the design of Gene Scissor Hand Mini-Game.

Zilong Pan



Wiki Coding, Visualization, Software

Specific tasks:

(1) Wiki design: Designed and coded wiki page(Home, wet lab, model, Entreprenership…). (2) Software: Mobile terminal mini-game development

Xiaoye Zhang



Wiki Coding, Visualization

Specific tasks:

(1) Wiki Coding: Home, Team and Human Practice page Coding. (2) Visualization: Wiki design; Picture design.

Liangzi You



Wiki Coding, Visualization

Specific tasks:

(1) Wiki design: Designed and coded wiki page(Home, Project, Awards…).

Yunqi Tang




Specific tasks:

(1) Wiki design and layout. (2) team logo design. (3) publicity poster design.

Zhouya Jie



Project Administration, Visualization, Public Engagement, Other

Specific tasks:

(1) Project Administration: The leader of the Art group interconnected with other groups to confirm requirements, assign tasks, supervise and execute tasks. (2) Visualization: preparation, creation and presentation of the work including Wiki design, team logo design, data visualization, user interfaces, videos and other graphics (3) Public Engagement: Design and prepare activity materials, contact manufacturers to ensure material quality. As a staff member, ensure that the event runs smoothly. (4) Other (Cultural and creative design): According to iGEM culture, the project theme of the team and specific occasions for the design team to extend the cultural and creative team, communicate with manufacturers, ensure the quality of cultural and creative, spread iGEM culture, and establish a friendly bridge with other teams.

Yuxi Yang



Visualization, Public Engagement, Other

Specific tasks:

(1) Visualization: preparation and creation of the work including Wiki design, data visualization, user interfaces, videos and other graphics. (2) Public Engagement: Designed and prepared activity materials, contacted manufacturers to ensure material quality. As a staff member, ensured that the event runs smoothly. (3) Other (Cultural and creative design): According to iGEM culture, the project theme of the team and specific occasions for the design team to extend the cultural and creative team, communicate with manufacturers, ensure the quality of cultural and creative, spread iGEM culture, and establish a friendly bridge with other teams.

Xiaotong Huang




Specific tasks:

Preparation, creation and presentation of the work including team logo design, Cultural and Cultural and creative product design, userinterfaces and other graphics.

Xinyi Zhou




Specific tasks:

Preparation, creation and presentation of the work including team logo design, team uniform design, userinterfaces and other graphics.

Jiaying Xiao



Background Research, Writing, Conceptualization, Analysis

Specific tasks:

(1) Background research: Searched for background information on our project. (2) Survey: Searched for project-related data. (3) Writing: Wrote and edited modeling papers. (4) Analysis: Analysed model data. (5) Conceptualization: The data in the fermentation process are conceptualized by the model.

Yingyi Tang




Specific tasks:

Developed business models and other commercially relevant materials or activities.

Yuhan Zhou



Background Research, Entrepreneurship, Writing, Public Engagement, Other

Specific tasks:

(1) Background Research: Searched for the information about the background of our project, especially about blue carbon. (2) Entrepreneurship: Participated in business plan writing. (3) Writing: Wrote and edited the sponsor part for the wiki. (4) Public Engagement: Visited the professor, attended several activities. (5) Other: Planned synthetic biology campus activities.

Hangtian Sun



Visualization, Writing, Background Research

Specific tasks:

(1) Background Research: Searched for the information about the background of our project. (2) Visualization: Model data visualization. (3) Writing: Wrote and edited modeling papers.

Tianqi Yang



Visualization, Public Engagement

Specific tasks:

(1) Recorded team activities, experiments, and create tweets and videos. (2) Produced team promotional videos, and videos introducing experiments. (3) Created cover photos for team members.

Meifeng Dong



Visualization, Public Engagement, Project Administration, Other

Specific tasks:

(1) Recorded team activities, experiments, and take photos. (2) Visualization: Shot and edited videos of team activities. (3) Project management: publicity team leader interacted with other teams to determine requirements and assign tasks.

Yanying Liu



Visualization, Other

Specific tasks:

(1) Visualization: Participate in the art team and give wiki suggestions. (2) Other (Supervise): Oversee all the work of the art team and give advice.

Yijia Li




Specific tasks:

As a senior, she provided suggestions on our project.

External Contributions


Institution Type: Industry

Relationship to Team: Sponsor


Fundraising, Public Engagement, Entrepreneurship

Specific tasks:

(1) The company provided us with financial support, which helped us carry out experiments, organize activities, participate in exchange meetings, etc. (2) We had face-to-face communication with the CEO of Biocreatech and other relevant personnel to introduce our project, and obtained the application value of limonene and other information related to our project, as well as their valuable suggestions on enterprises and other aspects.

Shanghai Yanyin Technology

Institution Type: Industry

Relationship to Team: Sponsor


Analysis, Data Curation, Project Administration

Specific tasks:

Provided a free online platform for team management, task distribution, experimental design, experimental data analysis and recording.

Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT)

Institution Type: Industry

Relationship to Team: Sponsor


Fundraising, Analysis

Specific tasks:

Provided us with free primer synthesis and other help.

Twist Bioscience

Institution Type: Industry

Relationship to Team: Sponsor



Specific tasks:

Provided us with free primer synthesis and other help.

Huixin Daily Necessities Co., Ltd.

Institution Type: Industry

Relationship to Team: Sponsor



Specific tasks:

They provided 200 units of "AoXiaoFei" shoe and sock deodorants as gifts for our team's "Running Yeast" Human Practice activity, which were distributed to the students who participated in the activity.


Building the Team Wiki

Start: 2024 July 20th

End:2024 October 2nd

Total time:11 weeks

Dry Laboratory Activities

Start:2024 May 8th

End:2024 September 27th

Total time:20 weeks

Wet Laboratory Activities

Start:2023 December 7th

End:2024 September 27th

Total time: 42 weeks

Recruit Team Members

Start:2023 November 22nd

End: 2024 April 23rd

Total time: 22 weeks

Development of Project Plan

Start: 2023 November 22nd

End: 2023 December 23rd

Total time: 4 weeks