Sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global development objectives established by the UN, aiming to comprehensively address social, economic, and environmental issues from 2015 to 2030, and to guide the world towards a path of sustainable development.
Our project focuses on promoting the development and utilization of blue carbon resources, such as kelp. By using kelp as a raw material, we employ yeast cell factories for biological fermentation to produce high-value terpenes like limonene. This opens up new markets for blue carbon utilization, maximizing the ocean’s carbon sequestration potential. Our project offers a novel approach to addressing the global climate crisis.
Our Goals
GOAL 13 Climate action
KNACC: Absorb CO2, Mitigate the Climate Crisis!
SDG 13 emphasizes taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
As we know, as greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. The world is now warming faster than at any point in recorded history. Warmer temperatures over time are changing weather patterns and disrupting the usual balance of nature. This poses many risks to human beings and all other forms of life on Earth[1]. However, according to the Emissions Gap Report 2023[2], Global GHG emissions set new record of 57.4 GtCO2e in 2022. This will severely impact our living environment and hinder sustainable development.
Our project focuses on promoting the development and utilization of blue carbon resources, with a particular emphasis on kelp. By constructing a kelp growth model, we calculated that each kilogram of kelp growth can sequester 97.59 kg of CO2. Therefore, we use kelp as a raw material and employ yeast cell factories for biological fermentation to produce high-value terpenes such as limonene. This opens up a new market for blue carbon utilization, maximizing the ocean's carbon sequestration capacity, and offering a new approach to addressing the global climate crisis.
GOAL 12 Responsible consumption and production
We transform cheap kelp into high-value terpene products!
How much do you know about Sustainable Development Goal 12?
SDG 13 emphasizes taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
SDG 12 is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. One of its key tasks is to achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources (SDG 12.2). As a third-generation biomass resource, large algae like kelp have several advantages: they are highly renewable, environmentally friendly, high-yielding, do not compete with food crops, do not require arable land, and do not depend on freshwater [4]. This demonstrates that kelp is a raw material that is easy to manage and utilize sustainably. After on-site investigations and interviews, we decided to establish a kelp farm on Nanri Island in Fujian Province to lay the foundation for industrializing our project.
Based on this background, we are committed to transforming kelp, a rich natural resource, into high-value terpene compounds like limonene, directly contributing to SDG 12.2—sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
By engineering the brewing yeast, we have developed an innovative biotechnology that enables yeast to efficiently utilize kelp as a carbon source for terpene production. This process avoids the environmental pollution and resource waste that traditional chemical extraction methods can cause, providing the market with a greener, safer, and higher-quality raw material.
Our project supports SDG 12.2 in the following ways:
1. Promoting Efficient Resource Utilization: Through biotechnological methods, we have achieved deep and efficient utilization of kelp, turning parts that might otherwise be considered low-value or waste into high-value products, thereby improving overall resource utilization.
2. Fostering Environmentally Friendly Production: Our production process follows green and low-carbon principles, reducing the use of chemical reagents and the generation of waste, effectively minimizing negative environmental impacts in line with sustainable development.
3. Promoting Sustainable Economic Development: Limonene, as an important chemical raw material and food additive, has wide applications in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fragrances, and other industries. Our project not only provides the market with high-quality limonene products but also stimulates the development of related industries, injecting new vitality into the local economy.
GOAL 14 Life below water
Grow, Kelp, Grow!
How much do you know about Sustainable Development Goal 14?
Sustainable Development Goal 14 refers to "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development." The ocean is the largest ecosystem on Earth, regulating the climate and providing livelihoods for billions of people [5] .
Kelp plays a significant role in marine ecosystems, mainly in the following aspects:
1. Food Source: As a large brown alga in the ocean, kelp is a crucial food source for many marine animals and microorganisms. Its nutrient-rich fronds provide abundant food for various marine life.
2. Habitat: Kelp forests offer an ideal habitat and shelter for many marine organisms. The dense fronds and complex structure provide hiding places for small fish, invertebrates, and other creatures, promoting marine biodiversity.
4. Carbon Sequestration: Kelp has remarkable carbon sequestration abilities, absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide, thus mitigating the impact of global climate change on marine ecosystems.
In summary, kelp plays multiple roles in marine ecosystems, contributing significantly to maintaining ecological balance and promoting biodiversity.
Our project directly promotes the sustainable use of marine resources. By engineering yeast to utilize kelp for producing high-value terpenes, we have developed a high-value conversion pathway for this abundant marine resource. This not only increases the economic value of kelp but also encourages fishermen and local communities to engage more actively in sustainable kelp farming. At the kelp farm we established on Nanri Island, Fujian, we will adopt eco-friendly farming methods to ensure that our activities do not harm the marine ecosystem, thus protecting biodiversity and maintaining ecological balance.
GOAL 4 Quality education
Combining online science outreach with offline talks, a win-win!
How much do you know about Sustainable Development Goal 4?
SDG 4 aims to "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all." However, the lack of quality education seems to be a widespread issue. In China, we still face challenges such as unequal distribution of educational resources and the need to improve the overall quality of education. For some cutting-edge fields like synthetic biology, public awareness remains limited. To address this, we have set several goals, aligned with targets 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.7, in the hope of alleviating this issue.
In our education parts(click and read more) , you can see our team's relentless efforts in promoting education on synthetic biology, a cutting-edge field. These activities include offline interactive experiences such as the "Running Yeast" orienteering running activity, "Yeast cells take you inside synthetic biology" Event and classroom workshops. Additionally, we have expanded onto online platforms, releasing science outreach articles and videos on social media, and designing games like the “Gene Scissor Hand Mini-Game.” This combination of online and offline outreach is a practical embodiment of SDG 4—ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Aligned with 4.1 (ensuring all girls and boys complete free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education) and 4.2 (ensuring that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care, and pre-primary education), we have focused on the youth demographic, especially middle school students, through initiatives like "Brewing Yeast take you inside synthetic biology" Classroom and "Volunteer activities for the country people" class. These activities aim to spark students' interest in science, foster curiosity, and build a strong foundation for future academic and career development. By teaching not only the basics of synthetic biology but also incorporating sustainable development concepts, we guide students to think critically about the relationship between scientific progress, society, and the environment, nurturing their sense of global citizenship and responsibility.
For 4.3 (ensuring equal access for all men and women to affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university), our collaboration with South China University of Technology has provided university students with a platform to engage in research and practical innovation. For example, the "Running Yeast" event not only imparted knowledge about synthetic biology in an enjoyable atmosphere but also enhanced students' teamwork and research skills, supporting their future career and educational endeavors.
Aligned with 4.7 (ensuring all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development), our online outreach activities are freely accessible to the public. Our social media accounts subtly convey the importance of technological innovation in solving global challenges like energy and environmental issues. By understanding the potential applications of synthetic biology in fields like food and chemicals, the public can recognize the critical role of technology in promoting sustainable development and modern energy access.
GOAL 9 Industry,innovation and infrastructure
We are using yeast cells innovatively to utilize kelp as a carbon source, producing high-value terpenoid compounds!
How much do you know about Sustainable Development Goal 9?
SDG 9 focuses on "Building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation." We emphasize two specific targets: 9.2 and 9.b.
For GOAL 9.2 (promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization), our project offers an innovative solution. Traditionally, the extraction of terpenoids such as limonene has heavily relied on plant-based sources [7]. However, by utilizing the abundant resource of kelp, we not only reduce production costs but also expand the raw material options for industrial-scale production, making the process more inclusive and sustainable.
Our project also responds to GOAL 9.b (supporting domestic technology development, research, and innovation, and improving industrial technological capabilities). By engineering yeast cells, we successfully convert kelp into high-value terpenoids. This represents not only a technological breakthrough but also a transformation of traditional production methods. Our research infrastructure and technological development provide a fresh perspective and direction for environmentally friendly industrial growth.
GOAL 8 Decent work and economic growth&GOAL 1 No poverty
We plan to establish factories that will provide more people with decent, stable jobs, enabling them to support themselves and reduce the impact of poverty on their lives!
How much do you know about Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 1? SDG 8 aims to "Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all." SDG 1 focuses on "Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere."
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, China's GDP experienced a decline for the first time, the urban unemployment rate rose, and the employment market confidence index dropped [3]. To address these challenges, we plan to establish a factory that will cultivate kelp and produce high-value terpenoids such as limonene. Through this process, we will create job opportunities for many unemployed workers. These decent jobs will help individuals regain hope and resilience, contributing to the global effort to reduce poverty.
GOAL 17 Partnerships for the goals
Strong partnerships: The foundation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals!
How much do you know about Sustainable Development Goal 17?
SDG 17 aims to "Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development." We co-hosted the 2024 iGEM iG20 SDG Meetup project proposal with the UM_Macau team from the University of Macau, the BNUZH_China team from Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, and the NWU_China_A team from Northwest University. A total of nine teams participated in this SDG-sharing event. Through these exchanges, we gained insights into other teams' understanding and interpretation of the SDGs, which provided us with a wealth of inspiration.