Emma Leazana Pujol

Msc student in Bioengineering
I love teamwork and iGEM offers the best opportunity to gain experience in everything: lab, organisation, finances and even modeling! Spending time in the lab with my team having fun and learning more about biology was the highlight of this journey!
Which plant would I like to grow on the Moon ? Coffee beans, no explanation needed.
I enjoy handling our meetings and keeping things in order, as the team and organisation leader I ensure that every part of the project is going in the right direction and that everyone is on the same page!

Laura Bezaud

Msc student in Bioengineering
I always wanted to work in research, and doing iGEM was the opportunity to start with an interesting project chosen and led by a team from A to Z.
The most important thing to bring on the Moon ? The best camera there is.
Serving as the communication leader of the team was a great fit for me, as I have a passion for connecting with people from all around the world. This role allowed me to build meaningful relationships and expand my global network.

Léa Breton
Wet Lab

Msc student in Microbiology
The 2021 Toulouse iGEM team Elixio was my first real introduction to the fascinating world of synthetic biology. I immediately wanted to participate to iGEM for using my skills in a 100% student-led project.
If I were to go in space I would love to go on one of Saturn’s Moons to see its asteroid belt.
As the member with the most experience behind the bench and the wet lab manager, I am guiding the team in the planning experiments, managing plasmids’ design and all the DNA-related matters.

Lou-Sahra Khourab

Msc student in Bioengineering
I wanted to work on a project that would be innovative and 100% student-created. Gaining experience in lab and working in group were the two major skills I wanted to develop, thus taking part in iGEM was an obvious choice !
First thing I would do if I was on the Moon ? Jump as high as I can.
I love technology and web design, this is why the role of wiki manager suits me perfectly!

Matthieu Plormel

Msc student in Bioengineering and in Management
Thanks to my skills in biology and management, I bring the best of both worlds to my team. iGEM is a unique experience mixing science and team spirit, and I had so much fun spending summer with my friends in the lab !
Best feature for a Moon station ? Night club (it's always night on the Moon so...)
As the money man of the team, I managed every deal with sponsors and worked tirelessly to ensure BioMoon has all the money it needs to carry on.

Nathan Cabaret
Human Practices

Msc student in Bioengineering
iGEM was a great way to practice biology while having fun with my friends and participate in the biggest biology competition at the same time.
On the Moon I would surely grow violet flowers. They made us win in 2021 !
Being the human practices leader is a perfect fit for me because I'm skilled at explaining concepts, sharing biology facts, and I have a passion for communicating science, especially to young audiences.

Rebecca Belfiore

Msc student in Bioeconomy
I learned about iGEM during my bachelor’s. I was incredibly captivated by the opportunity to merge biology, modeling, communication, and entrepreneurship into a single interdisciplinary project.
If I were hired to design a space suit, I'd definitely include a small pocket specifically for a cat.
Thanks to my background in mathematics and computer science and their applications to biology, I was the natural choice for modeling manager. I applied my knowledge to a project designing myself the strategy in the support of design and wet lab.

Yohann Quivet

Msc student in Bioengineering
Joining iGEM was an opportunity to gain first-hand experience on what working in research would look like. I had a chance to work on a project of my choosing and design. I love to see our little baby plants growing each day.
If I were to discover a new plant species on the Moon, I would name it Lovegood.
Leading in entrepreneurship has exposed me to a broader dimension of research, pushing me beyond traditional lab work. It allowed me to explore innovative approaches and connect research with real-world applications.