Our human practices approach has been instrumental to position our project BioMoon into a larger societal context. We asked ourselves:
How does BioMoon influence or will influence the world around us? How does the world around us influence or will influence the development of BioMoon biostimulant?
It was important for us to design BioMoon in a meaningful and responsible way, following good human practices guidelines. Not only did we want to showcase excellence in synthetic biology, we also thrived to make a change in the field of human waste recycling in order to ease the establishment of lunar bases. By developing our biostimulant, we wanted to be part of a larger effort toward sustainable resource management.
- Throughout our design phase, we’ve been guided by the following standards:
- Innovation: It was important for us to ensure that no other researchers were working on a similar project. More specifically, we wanted to be sure that the substrate we chose was not upcycled yet in other space programs and that lunar biostimulants hadn’t been explored yet.
- Creating value for targeted customers, astronauts and farmers: our iGEM project meant to bring something positive to society. We made sure that our BioMoon biostimulant, as well as the new knowledge we shared, was valuable.
- Respecting ethics and legal regulations regarding synthetic biology: Synthetic biology is a fantastic playground when you are creative. But it is crucial to keep in mind that engineering living organisms has to be done mindfully. On Earth, the law is exhaustive about the use of GMOs, with clear guidelines and restrictions. However, the lines are blurry for the deployment of GMOs on the Moon, where a gray ethical zone currently exists. We discussed with experts about space exploration and bringing living organisms from Earth to the Moon, and adjusted the design of BioMoon in return.
- Awareness: Choosing a space project was very exciting but it came with certain drawbacks and responsibilities. We made an effort to fully acknowledge the negative aspects that can be associated with space missions and the colonization of the Moon, and we kept them in mind when designing our project. Amongst others: ensuring a terrestrial application of our biostimulant for a higher impact, and limiting unnecessary pollution.
Identifying and Meeting the experts
By choosing a project encompassing two research fields we are new to, we placed ourselves in a position where meeting with experts was crucial. Being beginners in vegetal physiology and space exploration allowed us to identify and meet experts and stakeholders to shape the edges of our project and be able to implement it in the lab.
Check out our expert’s map! By clicking on the pins you will access a short description of the organizations and people that have helped us. Read also our project outline to discover their advice!


Toulouse Biotech Industry is a laboratory located on the same campus as us. There are researchers from many different fields, from polymers characterization to space exploration. We received a lot of help from several researchers all along our project.

Agronutrition in a company located south from Toulouse, that sells microbial biofertilizer solutions.

LIPME (Laboratory of plant-microbe-environment interactions) is specialized in studying symbiosis interactions. They helped us build our plant hardware.

CNES stands for National Center of Space Exploration. It is the most influential space organism in France and they are located in Toulouse. Leading the development of space Technology, they are keen on supporting innovative projects carried out by students.

The European biostimulant industry council is an association including 70 companies working in the field of biostimulation. Their goal is to popularize the use of such technologies instead of regular chemical fertilizers.
Space resource technologies

Space resource Technology is an American company specialized in providing space related minerals simulants.
UK Center for Astrobiology

UK Center for Astrobiology was founded in 2011 in Scotland to extend the current knowledge in Astrobiology.

The European Spatial Agency is the biggest space organism in europe. They developed the MELISSA project from which we got inspiration.

Project outline: How was BioMoon built?
Following the selection of our project, we engaged in extensive conversations with experts to guide us in the build up of our project. From our starting idea to the final product, we designed every step carefully following the advice we received.
Choosing the topic
At the beginning of our project, we met Alexis Paillet, on the 29th of March 2024, director of the Spaceship FR project at CNES, to discuss the future of space exploration and the challenges associated with lunar missions. This meeting was pivotal in shaping our project direction toward developing a lunar biostimulant to grow plants directly on regolith.
We have been introduced to the Artemis mission which aims to explore and establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon1. While the initial focus of Artemis is exploration, it was clear that, for any permanent settlement, food production would become essential for sustainability.
We first considered the use of hydroponic systems for growing plants in nutrient-rich water, a method commonly explored in space agriculture. However, we recognized major drawbacks, such as the dependency on constant nutrient addition and complex water management, which may not be sustainable over long-duration missions on the Moon. This sparked the need to investigate other approaches.
Another critical point was the importance of In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) for long-duration missions. We discussed how using only the materials available on the Moon (e.g., water, soil, and waste recycling) would be key for developing a self-sustaining system.
These discussions led us to conclude that a lunar biostimulant designed to enhance plant growth using only in-situ resources would be an innovative solution to address the challenges of lunar agriculture.
Defining the borders of our subject & targeting specific conditions
Following our initial discussions, the next step was to clearly define the scope of our project and create a suitable environment to simulate lunar conditions. We met again with Alexis Paillet, who provided further insights into where space stations will be established, notably at the lunar south pole, a strategic location due to its access to water in the form of ice.
One of the challenges we faced was the difficulty of obtaining real lunar regolith for experiments at our project’s scale because of the very small amount of lunar regolith material brought back by the Apollo missions. Alexis Paillet explained that regolith is rare and not easily accessible for small-scale projects. To address this, we reached out to Anna Metke, CEO of Space Resource Technologies, who advised us on the best available alternatives. After reviewing the options, we decided to use the Lunar South Pole (LSP-2) High-Fidelity Moon Dust Simulant2. This simulant closely replicates the properties of lunar regolith, particularly that found near the Moon’s south pole, making it the best fit for the environment we aim to recreate in our project.
As we continued defining our project, we focused on simulating a space-like environment to grow our plants. We decided to do our experiments in the context of permanent lunar bases, choosing to use an Earth-like atmosphere for plant growth to make the conditions more manageable. This allowed us to replicate the growth environment without introducing too many complex variables. However, after discussions with another team of students working on space exploration and lunar bases as part of the SEEDS program3, we realized that numerous challenges were beyond our capacity to simulate. Parameters such as microgravity, radiation, meteor impacts, and atmospheric composition were too difficult for us to account for in our project.
The SEEDS program, which involves students from 3 institutions: Politecnico di Torino, ISAE-Supaero, and the University of Leicester, is designed to equip graduates with the skills necessary to develop space missions from concept to launch. We had the chance to meet Isaac McCann, Morgane Le Net, Lisa Hedin, Alessandro Sacchi and Romuald Duret on the 14th of August, 2024
Exchanging with these students, who come from diverse fields such as physics and engineering, gave us a broader perspective on the technical aspects of space missions and the challenges of space farming.
Choosing the chassis
After deciding to focus on lunar agriculture using a biostimulant, we had to identify the best microbial chassis for our project. We initially considered three strong candidates: Bacillus mucilaginosus, Bacillus megaterium, and Pseudomonas fluorescens. These bacteria are known phosphorus-solubilizers, meaning they can increase the available phosphorus in lunar regolith simulants, thereby improving its fertility. More importantly, they have been shown to tolerate the challenging conditions of lunar regolith simulants, a critical factor given that the bacteria may face stress but are expected to survive4.
To choose the most suitable candidate, we consulted specialists in the field. On the 29th of April, 2024, Philippe Vogeleer confirmed that P. fluorescens was the best option due to its symbiotic nature, natural ability to produce biofilm, and robust growth in lab conditions. This was further validated by Agronutrition on the 6th of June, who confirmed that P. fluorescens is already used as a biostimulant in agriculture due to its proven Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria properties.
Choosing the bacterial substrate
One of the key decisions for our project was selecting a bacterial substrate that would be used as a sole carbon and nitrogen source. While urine initially seemed like a great option, we realized it wasn’t innovative enough. Urea, commonly found in urine, is already used in the MELiSSA project, and is the subject of ongoing research. Therefore, we sought an alternative that would provide similar benefits.
After meeting with Pierre Joris on the 16th of May, 2024, a PhD student working for the MELiSSA project5, we decided to use creatinine as our primary substrate. He pointed out that creatinine can be separated from urine brine via chromatography, a method currently used on the ISS and likely to be available on lunar space stations. Creatinine may serve as both a carbon and nitrogen source, and additionally produces urea, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and formaldehyde.
On the 30th of May, Charles S. Cockell, co-director of the UK Centre for Astrobiology6, confirmed that the small amounts of formaldehyde produced through creatinine degradation would not be problematic, since it should be absorbed by the lunar regolith, allowing us to move forward with confidence in our substrate selection.
One critical hurdle we faced was that P. fluorescens had not been proven to metabolize creatinine, unlike other species such as P. putida7. Therefore, we focused on incorporating the necessary metabolic pathway to enable P. fluorescens to utilize creatinine effectively. This part of the project was largely guided by advice from our supervisors and insights from scientific literature8.
Focusing on the bacterial properties we want to improve
Now that P. fluorescens was expected to survive utilizing in-situ resources on the Moon, we had to address several key issues related to the soil’s properties to ensure successful plant growth on lunar regolith. The primary challenges included poor water retention, low bioavailability or lack of key nutrients (e.g., phosphorus, calcium, and nitrogen), stress from heavy metals, and the overall poor root development and growth in such a harsh environment.
We identified that our chosen chassis already offers several potential solutions to these problems, namely: biofilm formation, organic acid secretion, a chelating system, and the synthesis of Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) which promotes plant growth.9, 10, 11
After reviewing the natural properties of P. fluorescens, we decided to set aside certain aspects like indole and organic acid production, as these functions were already sufficiently developed and would add unnecessary complexity to the project. Instead, we focused on enhancing biofilm formation, nitrate production, and stress tolerance.
Biofilm formation
Biofilm formation plays a crucial role in promoting better root colonization and suggests improved water retention; both features are essential for plant growth on lunar soil. To optimize those, we designed our biofilm enhancement strategy with the assistance of Philippe Vogeleer, an expert in biofilm structures in E. coli at TBI, with whom we met on the 22nd of May, 2024.
We presented two different strategies aiming at enhancing biofilm formation by targeting the Wsp signaling pathway, known for its involvement in biofilm development. In this system, WspF acts as a repressor, creating a negative feedback loop that controls biofilm production12. The strategies we discussed included either repressing wspF using CRISPRi or knocking out the wspF gene entirely via a suicide plasmid.
Vogeleer provided valuable advice, particularly emphasizing the importance of verifying that any regulatory modifications (in this case deletion of wspF) would not have unintended effects. He highlighted the potential for these molecules to have other roles or interactions that could complicate the system. To avoid unwanted genome modifications, he recommended the CRISPRi strategy as the most suitable one, allowing us to inactivate the wspF gene when desired.
Nitrate production
Most of the design for this module was based on existing literature and drew direct inspiration from the MELiSSA cycle. We carefully selected enzymes from bacteria that are involved in the conversion of ammonium into nitrates in the MELiSSA cycle.
However, during the Mini-Jamboree we organized on the 4th & 5th of July, the jury made us rethink an important aspect of our design. After our presentation, they raised a critical question: Will there be enough creatinine to sustain the bacteria, and by extension, enough nitrates to support plant growth?
This feedback pushed us to rethink the scalability of our module, prompting further investigation into the quantities required to support plant growth in a closed-loop environment. From that point, we dedicated significant efforts both in the lab and through modeling to address this crucial question.
Stress tolerance
We first focused on addressing the stress caused by H2O2, a molecule produced as a by-product during creatinine degradation into glycine. To mitigate its accumulation, we opted for a detoxification mediated by the catalase KatB, a decision validated by Dr. Pierre Millard, a specialist in Metabolic Systems Biology at TBI.
We also discussed with Stéphane Guillouet, Head of the Microbial Engineering Pole and Fermentation Advances and Microbial Engineering Team at TBI13, who collaborates with the MELiSSA project, on the 11th of April. He informed us that lunar regolith would likely be a stressful environment for the bacteria, but there are few studies on its specific effects on bacterial growth. The response to stress would depend largely on the microorganism used. Therefore, he advised that overexpressing genes involved in the general stress response would be a wise strategy to help the bacteria cope with various stresses, offering a broad-range approach to extend its survival on the Moon. We identified two genes in the literature which were the perfect candidates, hfq and rpoS14.Building our plant experimental set-up
In order to build the hardware needed to perform our plant growth experiments, we inquired help from several experts. We started by talking with Eliane Meilhoc, a professor at INSA Toulouse, who has done extensive research in plant biology. She was able to put us in touch with two researchers at LIPME15 (Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microbes-Environnement), a local laboratory that specializes in plant biology. We visited their lab and they gave us many useful tips in the building of our set-up. Firstly, they confirmed our choice of proof-of-concept plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, and even provided us with enough seeds to do all of our tests. They told us about the importance of being in a controlled environment, particularly the monitoring of temperature and humidity. Sandra Bensmihen and Benoît Lefebvre also provided us with protocols on how to sterilize seeds and how to make the seeds germinate.
Having observed significant differences in plants grown under identical conditions in our lab, we sought the expertise of Antoine Berger, a plant biology researcher at the Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI). Based on his advice, we relocated the plants to a room with more stable temperature and humidity levels, and drilled drainage holes in the microplates to prevent water accumulation. His feedback on our setup allowed us to redesign our equipment and conduct a second round of tests, resulting in data that aligned much more closely with our initial expectations.Incorporating a closed-loop perspective
While we initially focused on recycling the by-products of creatinine degradation, we lacked the bigger picture. Our early thinking was centered solely on reusing waste products, but we soon realized that every flux must be interconnected to create a truly efficient closed-loop system.
Stéphane Guillouet stressed this during our meeting on April 11th, reminding us that in space, everything has to be recycled. This broader perspective was reinforced on the 6th of June when we presented our project to the TBI executive committee, including Magali Remaud-Siméon, director of the Biocatalysis Pole, and Jérome Morchain, director of the Biochemical Process Pole. They emphasized the need to connect every part of the system and maintain a global vision, with a focus on integrating all fluxes.
The core of our closed-loop system now revolved around recycling every element. Humans provided creatinine, which fed the bacteria. As the bacteria degraded creatinine, they would produce urea, which would be further broken down into ammonium and CO2. CO2 supports plant growth, while ammonium is converted into nitrates to feed the plants. In return, plants offer root exudates to benefit bacteria, and they provide astronauts with food and oxygen, completing the cycle for sustainable life on the lunar base.
In 2020, the iGEM team Toulouse took a special interest in understanding closed-loop systems on the ISS16, with a primary focus on the recycling of water, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. As outlined in their study of metabolic fluxes, CO2 exhaled by astronauts is recycled by the Advanced Closed Loop System (ACLS), developed as part of ESA’s initiative to create a fully closed life-support system17. It not only keeps CO2 level.
CO2 exhaled by astronauts is already recycled within these systems, meaning it is not fully available for plant use. This is where our bacterial design steps in: the CO2 produced by the bacteria during creatinine degradation is what provides the necessary carbon for the plants, ensuring a complete and functional closed-loop system for both human life and plant growth on the lunar base, as explained below.
Developing our terrestrial application of BioMoon for greater benefit
When developing our project, we initially focused on its application in space. However, as we progressed and began outlining our entrepreneurship strategy, we had the opportunity to participate in brainstorming meetings at the incubator Le Catalyseur18 at Paul Sabatier with Franck Boulanger, a consultant supporting project leaders and start-ups from research laboratories. On the 18th of June, he quickly made us realize the importance of considering terrestrial applications for our project. This insight was not just from an entrepreneurship perspective but also essential for broader social acceptance and impact.
In the face of global environmental challenges, such as soil degradation, and increasing desertification, modern agriculture is under pressure to enhance productivity, while reducing its environmental impact. Our biostimulant has the potential to contribute significantly to these pressing issues by offering a sustainable solution for improving crop yields and soil health. The terrestrial impact of our product is not just a secondary benefit but has become central to our mission. We envision our biostimulant becoming an essential tool in the future of agriculture.
For a space project to gain public support and recognition, it must demonstrate tangible benefits on Earth. People are more likely to support space-related initiatives if they see clear and immediate advantages in their daily lives.
In the context of our project, it was logical to investigate the terrestrial biostimulant market. Given the increasing global demand for sustainable agricultural practices and environmentally friendly solutions, biostimulants represent a promising market as detailed here.
Discussing legal limitations
When discussing the legal limitations for our project, we recognized the importance of understanding both terrestrial and current spatial legislation. To explore this facet, we met Alexis Paillet, who explained that there is no clear legislation regarding the use of GMOs on the Moon. This lack of legal framework means that the responsibility lies in our ethics. We are committed to treating contamination concerns on the moon with the same rigor as we would in a laboratory. In fact, safety measures should be even more stringent in space.
Additionally, we met with Sandra Ortega, an ECLSS Engineer at HE Space Operations19 for the European Space Agency, who informed us that most biological space projects currently do not use GMOs. She cited the example of the MELiSSA project, where it was a strategic decision to avoid GMOs due to uncertainties about their behavior in space conditions. She also emphasized that there is no formal policy for GMOs in space at the moment.
For terrestrial applications, we had a key discussion with Béatrice Fabre from the European Biostimulants Industry Council20. She pointed out that biostimulants are subject to a specific legislative framework, and it is crucial to ensure that our product aligns with those regulations. This varies significantly depending on the market, especially concerning the use of GMOs, where legislation differs from country to country. To learn more about this complex regulatory landscape, please refer to the "Market authorization" page in the entrepreneurship section.
These discussions underlined the importance of ethics in the use of GMOs in our project and highlighted the need to stay prepared for any potential changes in legislation.
Raising Awareness about space exploration
Space exploration doesn’t let anyone be indifferent. Some people love it, see it as the future of mankind. Some people hate it, see it as a waste of money. In this section, we present pros and cons of space exploration and space research in general. The aim for us was to consider all points of view to ensure BioMoon can be beneficial for society despite the fact that targeting space raises concerns in the first place.
Skepticism, criticism about space projects
Huge costs, mainly based on public contributions, for missions that can sometimes have no interest for regular people are one of the main reasons behind this skepticism. These huge resources could be allocated for the development of technologies directly addressed to problems people are facing instead of expecting positive fallouts that could take decades for it to become a mature and usable technology.
Furthermore, it is a polluting research field, it is hard to see how to relate the problems we face today to solutions found for space projects. They are most often seen as future prospects or sold as a miracle solution. Some people tend to market space as the only solution for human society: the Earth is unsalvageable and we have to move our society to another planet. This is a very pessimistic point of view and can be viewed as an excuse to stop efforts in finding a more sustainable way to manage the resources on our planet.
As a heritage of the Cold War, space exploration is often seen more as a way to prove the superiority of a country than a global effort to progress in sciences. For instance, different countries are planning to build their own space station and develop their own launching platform instead of collaborating with existing ones. Moreover, most satellites sent today have a military purpose. Space conquest remains a strategic interest for a country rather than the fruit of an altruistic international collaboration.
Many problems addressed through space projects don't concern us directly. It is often presented as the main advantage of space exploration that it has unexpected fallouts on Earth, with the same exemples always cited like GPS. The crucial word here is “unexpected”: most of these projects were designed for a totally different purpose and the great fallouts are mostly due to coincidences. Following the example of GPS: it was initially developed purely as a military technology in the 60’s both by the URSS and the USA. We had to wait until 1983, when a civil plane with 269 passengers was destroyed by URSS because he took a route that flew over a forbidden area, for the president Ronald Reagan to announce that the GPS technology will be open to the public21. Without this accident, people would probably have waited much longer to use GPS, and the same goes for many other space technologies.
Why is it useful to invest in space projects?
Space exploration shows various advantages and direct applications in our everyday life. Take a look at your phone or computer screen. Those devices only work because of the presence of satellites launched in space. Same goes for weather forecasting. As we can notice with the military, technologies are often developed for a military or spatial purpose in the first place, then end up in the civil field after a few years. Launching satellites to space, even if it is highly pollutant, helps us understand climate change better than any other terrestrial technology could, especially with a cartographic monitoring over time. And let’s not forget the biggest innovation of the last decades: the Internet. This revolution that totally disrupted our society was only made possible by the presence of satellites that connect people all over the world.
Space pushes the border of a science field beyond, by bringing new issues, new aspects to take into account. It stimulates creativity and encourages scientists to develop more robust solutions. For instance, in medicine we can cite Akihiko Hoshide from the JAXA: “On board the International Space Station, we help with the development of medicine. Without gravity, we get larger chunks of pure protein crystals, which could accelerate the analysis and development process for new medicine”22. This example illustrates that developing technologies in such a new context helps scientists envisioning new applications and improvements on Earth. The examples presented above also demonstrate that in this context, brand new technologies are required and can then be applied for everyday life. One other example is the survival blanket. NASA developed this technology for thermal isolation of its satellites in the 1960’s and it is now used by the first aid services all over the world to protect from hypothermia23.
Space development is an impressive catalyst for human collaboration worldwide. One good illustration of that point is the International Space Station. It is the most expensive single item ever built24 and the fruit of the cooperation of the USA, Russia, European Union (ESA), Japan (JAXA) and Canada (CSA). This flying laboratory welcomed astronauts from 20 different countries. Space exploration shows that it is possible to gather people and to collaborate with a common objective.
Space also makes people dream, and we tend to underestimate how important that is. We realized this during our visit to “La Cité de l’Espace”, where we saw plenty of enthusiastic childrens in front of space themed animations. The scheme repeated when we visited the CNES. Discussing with people involved in the Earth - ISS communication, we could really feel their passion about this topic. Who has never been amazed to see how small we are in the Universe and how beautiful our blue planet is?
Why did we choose to bring a space project?
BioMoon presents various applications in addition to space exploration.
BioMoon aims to help the establishment of permanent lunar bases by pushing forward space agriculture. That is its primary goal. But if we take a look at the bigger picture, BioMoon is for us the opportunity to work on agriculture, our biostimulant being able to revitalize barren soils. We are part of a larger effort to reshape the way we are thinking about agriculture, by prioritizing plant microorganism symbiosis rather than chemical fertilizers.
Our project offers a framework for fascinating synthetic biology research
Even if BioMoon is set in a lunar framework, at the laboratory scale, it is a synthetic biology project, including physiology, molecular biology, metabolic engineering, plant microorganism interaction and more. In addition to being a space exploration subject, BioMoon is an innovative and stimulating biology project, where every one of us can find interest, which made it our favorite topic during the brainstorming phase, later becoming our iGEM project.
Space projects give us an advantage in fundraising and marketing
As previously mentioned, space is the topic of choice when it comes to dreams. Space creates an interesting hook to engage the public on synthetic biology matters. Moreover, in the iGEM Competition, presentations are a key element and a space-themed project is an interesting choice since it allows us to produce stunning visuals and impressive presentations. In addition, we were able to drag the interest of large companies during our fundraising campaign.
Once we became aware of the whole picture, we were able to design a meaningful and impactful project. We designed BioMoon to merge real world concerns with the dream of a lunar space station.
Human practices were essential in the construction of BioMoon. Through many meetings with experts we validated the ethical integrity of our project. Our Human Practices approach allowed us to overcome knowledge gaps, particularly concerning plant biology and space environment, helping us to target specific unmet needs and conduct constructive experiments.
Our commitment to understanding the broader implications of space exploration guided us to develop BioMoon with a dual focus. While primarily addressing the challenge of sustainable food supply on lunar bases, we also ensured that our biostimulant could benefit Earth by improving agricultural practices. This connection between space and terrestrial applications not only amplifies the societal relevance of our project but also guarantees wider positive impacts.
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