
Medal Criteria

Bronze Medal Criteria




Competition deliverables We have completed these competition deliverables: Wiki, Presentation Video, Judging Form and will present our project at our Judging Session You can watch our project promotion video here.
Human Practices During the design of our project, we took into account its impact on the current scientific sphere and its possible impact on the world by discussing with many experts on the subject. You can find out how we integrated human practices into our project here.
Project Description In June, we launched our Project Description page, which detailed the initial design of BioMoon. Find out more about BioMoon here.
Contribution The purpose of every iGEM project is to contribute to synthetic biology and its community. You can read about how BioMoon has contributed to future iGEM teams on this dedicated page. Read about our contribution to the iGEM community here.

Silver Medal Criteria




Engineering Success Throughout BioMoon we have completed four engineering cycles, two of which had two iterations and one had three. You can read about our engineering efforts here.
Project Attributions Each member and collaborator of BioMoon played a crucial role in our success. The details are in our Attributions page. You can read about everyone’s involvement here.

Gold Medal Criteria




Excellence in synthetic biology If you wish to find out more about our achievements we encourage you to go read these pages:
  • Modeling
  • Parts
  • Entrepreneurship