


Mission (why, what, how)

Different space agencies from all over the world aim to return to the Moon, more precisely to establish permanent lunar bases there. This would be used especially as a laboratory to test technologies with conditions that we cannot have on Earth (gravity, radiation, atmosphere, soil…), but also as a first step to Mars.
With the will of establishing permanent lunar bases, sustainability concerns arise, especially regarding food supply. Here is where BioMoon steps in!

Figure 1: Overview of BioMoon

Customer definition and market analysis

BioMoon for space

BioMoon aims to solve two problems posed by lunar exploration: valorisation of local resources and generation of food. Sending resources regularly to the Moon is not sustainable in the long-term. Therefore, it is required to find solutions for the establishment of self-sufficient colonies. With the ability to produce food directly on the lunar soil regolith, we propose an innovative solution to cover an unmet need. Moreover, our bacteria could be grown on minimal medium, with an astronaut waste not recycled by other projects yet, creatinine.

Being conceived to promote the establishment of long-term lunar stations, BioMoon will find its customer base in the spatial agencies, public and private. Currently, two main missions are being designed with such an objective: the Artemis Program led by NASA with the cooperation of ESA and JAXA; and the International Lunar Research Station led by the Chinese space agency with the support of Russia.
The integration of private space agencies in our strategy is quite unclear since these companies are recent in the market. It is hard to predict if they could support the development of such long-term missions but their growing influence in the space sector should make them a major stakeholder in the future. Thus, we remain open to partnership with companies, such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and Axiom Space.

The Total Addressable Market (TAM) represents the full size of the market we are aiming for. For BioMoon, this would represent the total amount invested by governments in space agencies. In 2023, world governments invested around $117 billion for space programs1. The country that invested the most was the US with $73.2 billion, followed by China with $14.1 billion and Japan with $4.7 billion. In Europe, France is the country that invest the most with $3.4 billion and the annual budget of the ESA was about $7 billion with investments and contract in all member nations2. These expenditures keep increasing, compared to 2022 the total investment is 15% higher. However, a shift was observed in the way this budget is allocated: defence expenditures got ahead of civil space activities with the global tensions we are currently witnessing. Regarding private space agencies, SpaceX for instance spent $1.3 billion in 2023 in R&D3, yet most of its budget originates from investments of NASA.

The Serviceable Available Market (SAM) is the fraction of the TAM that is related to our activity. For us, this would be the total amount invested in R&D and, more precisely, in the development of permanent lunar bases. The 2025 NASA budget request is $25.4 billion. From this amount, $7.8 billion would be allocated for the Artemis campaign, with short-term objectives as the launch of a crew to the Moon and more long-term objectives with the establishment of a permanent base4, 5. NASA also aims to invest $7.6 billion to perform scientific exploration. It is harder to find data about the budget allocated by China for the development of its International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) but regarding the total budget of the space agency, the number of countries involved, and the will to establish a permanent settlement for 20306, it should easily reach several billions. Overall, the investment of governments in Moon exploration is expected to increase in the next decade, reaching about $17 billion by 20327. Over the 751 space exploration missions planned for the period 2023-2032, 235 should concern Moon exploration, that is to say 31% representing the second field just behind human spaceflight in low Earth orbit.

Finally, the Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) is the portion of the SAM that is effectively reachable. Since we are sponsored by CNES, the French space agency and second contributor of ESA8, we expect to have privileged relationships with the Artemis Program to which ESA is participating. Thus, our SOM is less related to ILRS and private space agencies. Looking closer at the NASA’s 2025 budget, we can notice that $140.2 million will be invested for “Advanced Exploration Systems for future lunar surface habitats” and “$91 million for Biological and Physical Sciences to better understand how biological and physical systems work from the unique vantage point of space and to develop transformative research capabilities with the commercial space industry to dramatically increase the pace of space-based research9.”. We think that BioMoon is directly related to these two budgets by enabling self-sufficiency on the Moon with a biological approach. That said, we are not planning an exclusive partnership with the Artemis Program. Indeed, we think that our product should be adopted in all kinds of permanent lunar bases and, thus, regardless of the country or company developing it.

BioMoon for Earth : BioEarth

In the face of global environmental challenges such as climate change, soil degradation and increasing desertification, modern agriculture is under increasing pressure to enhance productivity while reducing its environmental impact. A major issue is the decline in arable land due to soil erosion, contamination and depletion of natural nutrients. This problem is exacerbated in arid and semi-arid regions, where water scarcity and poor soil conditions limit crop yields. At the same time, consumer demand for sustainable agricultural practices is increasing, leading farmers to seek alternatives to chemical fertilizers and conventional soil treatments.

Conventional farming practices, which rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and excessive irrigation, have provided short-term solutions but at significant environmental costs. The reliance on chemical fertilizers for enhancing plant growth often results in nutrient runoff, contributing to pollution and the depletion of natural soil fertility. In fact, the production and use of synthetic fertilizers accounts for 2.4% of global emissions, making them one of the most climate-damaging industrial chemicals10. Intensive fertilizer use can cause water eutrophication, which means there is an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water. In addition, modern agriculture in arid or semi-arid regions relies heavily on intensive irrigation, putting immense pressure on already limited freshwater resources.

These current solutions are not only unsustainable in the long term but often fail to address the underlying causes of soil degradation and declining plant productivity. In France, one response to this issue has been the construction of mega-basins11 to store water during Winter and use it for irrigation during droughts. While this approach can be effective in the short term, it presents significant challenges in the long run. These reservoirs can disrupt natural ecosystems by altering water flow patterns, further intensifying drought conditions. The need for irrigation is also rising, with 7.3% of crops requiring irrigation today compared to 5.8% in 201012. In contrast, our biostimulant provides a sustainable alternative for arid soils, reducing the need for excessive water usage, while naturally regenerating the soil in a resilient way.

We think that BioMoon can also offer a solution for farmers that are facing the aforementioned issues with a new product, BioEarth. This product would rely on the research performed for the regolith but of course adapted to terrestrial parameters. Pseudomonas fluorescens-based biostimulants are already commercially available. However, we believe that we could fit in the market with our engineered bacterium that would enable detoxification of the soil, nitrate provision for the plant and water retention. This terrestrial market will not be neglected, but it will be prospected after the implementation of BioMoon in the space market.

Figure 3: Map of Risk of Drought Impact for Agriculture from 2024-07-11 until 2024-07-20 (from red high risk to no color no risk)13

Where could BioEarth be deployed in priority for soils suffering of drought? On this map from Copernicus, a European program of data collection14, we can see the region with a risk of impact of drought on agriculture. This factor is calculated from 3 parameters: drought hazard (probability to have a severe drought), exposure (total population affected) and vulnerability (how sensitive is the area to a drought). From this map, we can see that BioMoon could be particularly useful in Morocco, North Algeria, Nigeria, Brazil, Turkey, Ukraine and Italy.

Figure 4: Topsoil Hg concentrations (μg kg−1) across 26 EU countries estimated by deep neural network15

In Europe, where are there heavy metal contamination that BioEarth could help reduce? Although it is quite hard to find data for heavy metal contamination worldwide, it is possible to analyse what it looks like in Europe. The presented map shows the concentration of mercury in soil in Europe and is quite alarming. 28.3% of the total surface area of the EU suffer from HMs contamination (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn, Sb, Co and/or Ni)16. We can assume that this situation is also true in other countries, especially where these elements were extracted from mines and not treated correctly.

Figure 5: Phosphorus concentration in soils in Europe17

Where would BioEarth be used in Europe to tackle phosphorus deficiency? This map displays the area, where there is a deficiency in phosphorus in the soil. Currently, most are treated with chemical fertilizers to tackle this issue but this has big repercussions on the ecosystem, especially in the sea with eutrophication. BioMoon could solve this problem in a more sustainable way as Pseudomonas fluorescens has already demonstrated its ability to enhance phosphorus biodisponibility for plants18. There are also areas where phosphorus is present in too high concentrations due to an excessive use of fertilizers, in those areas BioMoon could also help by converting the phosphorus present in soils to a form assimilable by plants. A similar observation can be done with nitrogen excedance, which is especially presents in the most densely populated area (China, India, Europe and USA)19. This element is highly persistent in water, provoking eutrophication. With the bacteria being symbiotic to plants, the nitrates produced would not spread on the soil and thus not be transported to rivers.

From these data, we gather that our product could be beneficial for soils all over the world. Unfortunately, the area presented here will probably spread even more with climate change so it is urgent to take measures. As the demand for our terrestrial products grows, we will increase our production capacity to meet market needs. This will involve expanding our manufacturing facilities, optimizing our supply chain, and investing in new technologies to enhance production efficiency. But, as explained in the implementation strategy, this will only happen from 2027. We will continue to strengthen our intellectual property portfolio by filing additional patents for our innovative technologies and products. This will secure our competitive advantage and ensure long-term success in the market.

In 2023, the market of fertilisers was valued at $212.8 billion. This market is still growing, with an annual growth rate of about 3.3% and it should reach a value of $285 billion by 2032 20. This constant growth is due to an increase of the global population and also their movement to cities. This implies that more food needs to be produced with less available area because some soils are made uncultivable by pollution and drought, rising sea level so lands will be flooded, and some space will be concrete to receive more people.

The biostimulant market was valued at $3 billion in 2022 and should rapidly grow in the coming decade: a CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) of more than 10% is expected until reaching a value of more than $9.5 billion in 203221. This is promising for BioMoon to integrate this growing market because it means that the market is not saturated and there is still room for innovation.

In a first period, it would be relevant for BioMoon to seek local opportunities when entering the terrestrial market, that is to say focusing on Europe. In 2024, the biostimulant market in Europe was valued at $1.6 billion, with a CAGR of 8% following the trend in the world. Moreover, France represents the largest market in Europe22. A lot of money is reinvested into R&D, from 3 to 10% of annual turnover of the questioned companies23. This implies that the market is still developing, also at this more local scale, so BioMoon should definitely find its way on Earth after conquering space! Moreover, there are initiatives like EBIC that promote the integration of biostimulants into agriculture24. This assistance could be of great help since our primary expertise is on the space aspect, so external advisors with complementary expertise will be welcome.

Market authorization
    In France, after classification of GMMs (the categories), various rules must be observed:

  • The manipulation of GMMs must be performed in a confined environment. This is a precautionary principle.
  • If there is a risk of GMM release into the atmosphere or water, it is obligatory to warn authorities of any foreign country that may be affected by this potential release.
  • France, like all other EU countries, has to send a summary report every year to the European Commission so that the uses of the two most at-risk classes of GMMs are reported.

In the European Union, there are two main pathways for bringing plant biostimulants to market, as outlined by Béatrice Fabre from the European Biostimulants Industry Council (EBIC). First, companies can complete the conformity assessment process under Regulation (EU) 2019/1009, which allows access to the entire European Single Market. Alternatively, a company may satisfy the requirements of a national regulation, but this limits the product to that specific country.

For a microorganism to be included in an EU Plant Biostimulant under Regulation (EU) 2019/1009, it must be listed in this document. Currently, only four groups of microorganisms are approved: Azotobacter spp., Mycorrhizal fungi, Rhizobium spp., and Azospirillum spp.. This presents a challenge for BioMoon, as P. fluorescens, the core microorganism in our biostimulant, is not yet included in this list. Ensuring regulatory compliance and pursuing potential inclusion in future revisions of the regulation is a key strategic priority for our project. A technical study is currently underway to look at the question of allowing more microorganisms in EU Plant Biostimulants. That study is being conducted by the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT).

The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture has already been adopted by multiple countries (Brazil, China, and USA) with examples such as BASF’s Poncho®/VOTiVO® seed treatment25. While these genetically modified biostimulants and biocontrols have shown promise in improving agricultural efficiency and sustainability, they also raise significant ecological, health, and socioeconomic concerns26. A major risk is the potential for genetically engineered microbes to become invasive species or novel pathogens, which could disrupt ecosystems or pose threats to human health.

In the case of BioMoon, our biostimulant, which is based on genetically engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens, addresses some of these concerns by focusing on the specific goal of promoting plant growth in challenging environments such as lunar or arid soils. However, as with all genetically engineered microbes, it is crucial to understand the broader implications of releasing these organisms into the environment. One of the major challenges in microbial engineering is the unpredictability of soil microbiomes, which are incredibly complex and only partially understood. This raises questions about how our biostimulant will interact with native soil organisms, especially in terrestrial applications. While complete containment of microbes is virtually impossible, one approach could be engineering the bacteria to be dependent on the plant to minimize its spread.

To comply with European regulations about GMOs, our biostimulant will also undergo a comprehensive risk assessment. This ensures that any risks to food safety and the environment are minimized, making BioMoon’s product a safe and sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers and other conventional solutions.

In France, the regulation of GMOs is strictly governed by European laws27, which state that no GMO can be placed on the market or released into the environment without prior authorization. This authorization is only granted after a thorough, case-by-case evaluation of the risks to human health and the environment. Once approved, GMOs are subject to monitoring, traceability, and labeling requirements to ensure safety and transparency.

Without such authorization, the commercialization or release of GMOs is prohibited.

    The main European texts regulating GMOs include28 :
  • Directive 2001/18/CE on the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment
  • Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 concerning genetically modified food and feed
  • Regulation (EC) No. 1830/2003 on the traceability and labeling of GMOs. These regulations are either directly applicable in France or have been incorporated into French law.

According to the classification outlined by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), our product falls under Category 429, which refers to products containing GMMs (Genetically Modified Microorganisms) capable of replication or gene transfer. For our biostimulant to be commercialized and used in the European Union, it would need to be reclassified to Category 1, where both the GMMs and the newly introduced genes are removed, as this category allows for broader market access and fewer regulatory hurdles. Achieving this classification will be a key step in our regulatory strategy to ensure compliance and successful commercialization across EU countries.

An important consideration in the development our product, is the potential for newly expressed proteins to resemble known toxins30. Some proteins can be harmful, even in small amounts, and may cause food poisoning if not properly assessed. Therefore, part of our development process involves verifying that no newly expressed proteins from Pseudomonas fluorescens share any structural or functional resemblance to known toxins. This precaution ensures the safety of the biostimulant when used in agricultural contexts.

Another area of concern is the risk of antibiotic resistance spreading, it could compromise medical treatments and agricultural practices, making it a critical issue to monitor. BioMoon’s product development strategy must therefore include careful selection of genetic markers and ensure rigorous safety assessments to prevent unwanted consequences.

This alternative would allow BioMoon to have a sufficient turnover in case we wanted to pursue our research on plant-growth in space.

In conclusion, BioMoon is currently marketable in the USA. The EU market is not accessible yet until P. fluorescens is approved as a Plant Biostimulant under Regulation. For this area, we must also comply with safety and GMOs requirements. To do so, we could perform directed evolution instead of transformation of the bacterium with plasmids. Although the process is much longer to reach the same point, as the organism is not modified by hand it would not be considered as a GMO and thus be marketable in the EU.

Alternative marketing strategy

Despite the fact that an all-rounded solution to the nutrition problem in long-term space missions is still elusive, we know there are many researchers working on this issue from completely different approaches. Thanks to our discussions with experts in the field, we have understood the challenges of applying our product in space. For example, we cannot fully anticipate the effects that radiation would have on genetically engineered microorganisms. In addition, growing plants directly on lunar soil would imply the construction of greenhouses, as well as drilling into the Moon to create loose enough soil for growth.

Thus, if the incomes are not sufficient to support the research expenses, we would launch BioMoon for Earth earlier. Indeed, prospecting customers on Earth should be easier since biostimulant is already a known product. Focusing on this market would allow us to have a source of income more rapidly available, which would facilitate our development. BioMoon could offer solutions to issues such as erosion, low-nutrient content, acidity or even salinity, thanks to the preliminary research performed on regolith.

This alternative would allow BioMoon to have a sufficient turnover in case we wanted to pursue our research on plant-growth in space.

Possibility, scalability, and inventiveness

Product description


We propose a different approach to food supply on the Moon that valorises a resource omnipresent there: the soil. Cultivating plants directly on regolith could be a sustainable way to provide fresh food for a permanent lunar base, without the requirement of complex infrastructures. However, regolith is a toxic environment for plants and lacks nutrients. That is where BioMoon steps in, with a biostimulant allowing plants to survive and grow on this soil. It would only require urinary waste as a carbon and nitrogen source for bacterial growth to produce fresh fruits and vegetables.

Figure 8: representation of BioMoon product (photomontage)


Our biostimulant offers a natural, soil-enhancing solution that reduces dependency on chemical inputs, conserves water, and promotes healthier plant growth. This not only aligns with modern sustainable agricultural practices but also offers farmers a viable, long-term approach to improving crop productivity.

Figure 9: representation of BioEarth product (photomontage)

Given the market and competitor pricing, we aim to price our biostimulant competitively, slightly above similar products due to its optimized and enhanced performance over the wild-type strains currently on the market. A price point of around €20 per hectare of soil is ideal. To meet our financial targets, we estimate the need to sell approximately 14,000 units in 2028 to cover our expenses. However, generating revenue beyond covering costs would require us to sell even more units.

It is important to note that while we may not have the industrial capacity to produce this volume immediately, our focus is on generating revenue quickly. We will work to scale production as demand grows, with full production capacity expected to be achieved by 2034, once BioEarth has established itself independently.31


Click on the PESTEL letters to get an explanation.

Political:government policies, political stability, tax policies, trade regulations, and other political factors that can affect an organization

Economic: economic conditions, such as inflation rates, exchange rates, economic growth, and unemployment levels, which can influence a company's performance.

Social: societal and cultural trends, demographics, lifestyle changes, and consumer behaviors that could affect demand for a company’s products or services.

Technological: technological advancements, innovation, automation, and R&D activity that could impact how a business operates or competes.

Environmental: environmental factors, such as climate change, sustainability, and environmental regulations, that could affect an organization’s operations and reputation.

Legal: laws and regulations, including labor laws, health and safety standards, consumer protection laws, and industry-specific regulations that a company must comply with.

Figure 10: PESTEL analysis of BioMoon

Click on each letter to get more information about BioMoon PESTEL


SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify and evaluate the internal and external factors that can affect an organization’s performance. The acronym SWOT stands for:

  1. Strengths: Internal attributes or resources that give an organization a competitive advantage. These could include strong brand reputation, unique technology, skilled workforce, or efficient processes.
  2. Weaknesses: Internal limitations or challenges that could hinder an organization's performance. Weaknesses might include a lack of expertise, poor product quality, limited resources, or weak brand presence.
  3. Opportunities: External factors or trends that the organization can capitalize on to grow or improve its position in the market. Opportunities might include emerging markets, changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, or regulatory changes.
  4. Threats: External factors that could pose challenges or risks to the organization. Threats might include new competitors, economic downturns, changing regulations, or negative press.

SWOT analysis helped us understand our internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats we could face, empowering us to develop strategies that leverage our strengths, address weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats.

Figure 11: SWOT analysis of BioMoon

In our market, which consists in promoting plant growth on poor soils, other products exist that could potentially be applied in a lunar base. This analysis is qualitative but could help us understand how much our product is innovative regarding the market and what the room for improvement is.

    Our five key parameters to compare are:
  1. water consumption: does the implementation of the product necessitate a lot of water to the plant or does it reduce its need?
  2. variety of cultures: does the product promote the growth of a broad variety of plants or is it specific?
  3. sustainability: does the product require many resources (material, human, money…)?
  4. practicality: is it easy-to-use?
  5. innovation capacity: what are the perspectives? Are there any other potential applications? Can it be improved?

Click on the icons on the left to get an explanation

BioMoon: thanks to the improvement of regolith’s water retention with biofilm formation, water consumption will be reduced. Pseudomonas fluorescens is an organism that promotes the growth of a broad variety of plants; our product is not restrictive in this regard. The engineered creatinine pathway allows our bacteria to grow on human waste and, as it improves growth of plants directly on regolith, we are mostly using in situ resources in an easy-to-use way (it only requires to inoculate the bacteria on regolith). Although more research needs to be performed to grasp all the potential of this solution and to improve the performance of some engineered modules, BioMoon appears as the most promising solution both on Earth and on the Moon.

Hydropony: one major advantage for hydropony on the Moon is that it does not require a lot of water because it can be reused contrary to an open system32, 33. However, some types of fruits and vegetables are not cultivable by hydropony. Sustainability is also questionable since there is no real utilization of local resources and it is not so practical with the requirement of specific infrastructure and devices34. Moreover, all the nutrients for the plant should come from the watering system, so it should be somehow carried to lunar stations. Hydropony is well established on Earth and is currently being developed for space applications but more research should be conducted to ensure its potential in these specific conditions35.

Steady supply: continuously sending supply to lunar bases may appear as a good way to bring water to lunar bases. However, with all the indirect ressources it requires and the pollution it emits, the balance is clearly negative. Indeed, launching a rocket currently emits hundreds of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere36 for a payload of 13.5 tons in average37. That said, it is a solution that allows almost every kind of culture since fertile ground could also be supplied. It is however obviously not sustainable to feed astronauts that way, nor practical in the long-term: one kg of materials to the Moon currently costs about $1.2 million38. The future of this approach seems very limited to specific needs.

Antitranspirant for plants: it consists in a solution sprayed on the plants to form a film, which reduces transpiration39, 40. Thanks to this property, less watering is required with an easy-to-use solution. In terms of sustainability, this product is made with natural compounds, which is positive. However, it remains highly toxic for aquatic environments, which could be problematic in such controlled contexts as a space station. For the moment, this kind of product has not been envisioned for a use on lunar soil, so further research needs to be performed on this aspect. Finally, it does not solve other problems of culture in regolith (oxidative stress, pH, lack of nutrients…), so it would only be employed for soilless cultivation.

Bio charcoal: this product consists in pyrolyzed biomass applied directly on the ground. This product has been used for thousands years to fertilize poor soils with beneficial results. Its mechanisms of action are not clearly evidenced, yet it seems to render poor soil able to better support various types of cultures. It is also easy-to-use since it only requires applying it to the ground to harvest. However, it does not seem to have an effect on water consumption41. For the sustainable aspect, it depends on what biomass needs to be pyrolyzed to obtain sufficient yields on the plants: good if human waste is enough, useless if it needs to be wood. More research needs to be performed to evidence all its properties on terrestrial soils so it is highly unclear what effects it could have on lunar soils.

Figure 12: Competitive grid of BioMoon

With this comparative analysis, we concluded that our product has the potential to be used as the main solution to grow plants on the Moon since it is not guzzler in terms of water, allows for a large variety of cultures, requires mostly in situ resources, and is easy-to-use. All these advantages make BioMoon stand out from our competitors. However, we acknowledge that additional experiments and research should be performed to comfort our strengths and discover new opportunities.

Development plan

Business Model Canvas

This Business Model Canvas summarizes the structure of the future BioMoon company’s business.

Figure 13: business Model Canvas of BioMoon

Implementation (key activities)

This Business Model Canvas summarizes the structure of the future BioMoon company’s business.

Figure 14: implementation timeline of BioMoon

In the initial phase of our company's development, our primary goal is to prove the concept of each module in our BioMoon system and thoroughly assess their limitations. This involves:

  1. Engineering P. fluorescens to use creatinine in urine as a primary carbon and nitrogen source.
  2. Improving P. fluorescens biofilm production to enhance water retention in regolith.
  3. Engineering P. fluorescens to convert ammonia into nitrates, the preferred nitrogen source for plant growth.
  4. Modifying P. fluorescens to better resist the stresses posed by the regolith environment.

Our startup, BioMoon, will begin its journey by participating in the Spaceship FR program, an initiative by CNES (Centre National d'Études Spatiales). This program serves as an incubator, providing us with a unique platform to develop our project within the broader framework of the European Space Agency (ESA) Spaceship network. This environment fosters innovation by connecting us with other French startups and industry leaders in space exploration, robotics, recycling, and other relevant fields. Spaceship FR serves as an incubator for French innovations of all sizes, encompassing diverse fields relevant to space, such as recycling, mining, robotics, and biology, which is what encompasses us.

In establishing BioMoon, we have chosen the Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) as our legal status. Here’s why the SAS structure is particularly suitable for a biotech startup:

  • Flexibility in governance: SAS offers considerable flexibility in its management structure and decision-making processes. This is crucial for a startup like ours, where the ability to adapt quickly and make strategic decisions is key to success.
  • Attractive to investors: the SAS structure is attractive to investors due to its simplicity and the limited liability it provides to shareholders. This will help us secure funding more easily.
  • Ease of adding new shareholders: the SAS framework allows for the easy addition of new shareholders, which is beneficial as we grow and potentially add new partners or investors.
  • Tax advantages: SAS companies benefit from various tax advantages, which can be particularly beneficial in the early stages of a startup.

To protect our brand, we will register "BioMoon" with INPI, the French intellectual property office. A search confirmed that the name is unique and available in France.

In line with iGEM’s guidelines, the synthetic parts will be submitted to the iGEM open-source registry, ensuring transparency. Securing intellectual property is essential for safeguarding our innovations. We will file patents with INPI to protect key technologies, including the engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens. We will modify these genes and patent the alterations, along with any unique methods, to protect our intellectual property

As part of the Spaceship FR program, we have the unique opportunity to be in direct contact with other space teams and companies, allowing us to easily adapt to and understand their needs. Given this context, we have chosen to adopt the Business-to-Business (B2B) model. This model allows for direct company-to-company exchanges, which is a significant advantage for developing precise and specialized solutions for space missions. Additionally, the B2B model provides stable and reliable funding. However, it is important to note that the B2B model also has its disadvantages: the profits may be lower than with other business models, and there may be certain constraints imposed by the partners.

For the first few years of BioMoon's development, we do not expect any gross sales, as our product will not be immediately market-ready. This presents a significant challenge in covering our initial expenses, which are estimated to reach €180,000 during the first year (including wages, lab consumables, patent deposits, fees, and communication costs). Regarding wages, while they are a necessary expense, there is some flexibility depending on the financial resources available. We are prepared to adjust wages as necessary, depending on the funding situation and development milestones. This flexibility will help ensure that we remain financially sustainable during the critical early years of the company's growth. To address this, we expect space agencies, particularly CNES (Centre National d'Études Spatiales), to invest in our product even before it reaches full production.

CNES, for instance, offers a range of financial support options that could significantly benefit BioMoon in its early phase. By providing funding, CNES can act as an investor, closely monitoring the quality and development of our product. This would involve offering not only financial backing but also human, technological, and intellectual resources to help accelerate BioMoon's progress. Once the development is complete, CNES could transition from investor to customer, integrating our biostimulant solutions into their space missions.

    There are several key advantages for CNES in investing in our project:
  • By supporting BioMoon, CNES aligns itself with pioneering biotechnologies designed for space exploration, ensuring that France remains a leader in space innovation.
  • As an investor, CNES would have early access to our technologies, benefiting from their use in critical missions before other space agencies or private companies.
  • With their direct involvement in our development, CNES would have the opportunity to shape our product to meet the specific needs of their missions, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance.

Establishing partnerships with space agencies and private space companies to integrate BioMoon’s solutions into their missions ensures a direct route to market. BioMoon already has a sponsorship and partnership with the CNES, which provides a strategic advantage in entering the space exploration market. BioMoon is part of the Spaceship FR project, a unique initiative by CNES aimed at creating a French hub for space exploration technologies. This platform not only supports our focus on biostimulants but also aligns with our efforts in recycling human waste and utilizing lunar minerals like regolith. By being part of this network, BioMoon will benefit from the collective expertise and resources, enhancing our ability to develop and deploy biotechnologies for space exploration. Our participation ensures that our solutions are well-integrated within the broader objectives of CNES and ESA, maximizing their impact and adoption.

Moreover, maintaining a focus on internal growth is crucial. We will prioritize training and internships in soft skills for the entire BioMoon team, guaranteeing that our employees are as versatile as possible. This will include areas such as finance and innovation management, empowering the team to adapt to various challenges and contribute to the company's success. Continuing to invest in R&D and building a robust internal team will ensure that BioMoon retains complete control over its core innovations and maintains a high standard of quality.

Thanks to steady incomes from CNES, we can continue to invest in R&D and look for diversification.

    Diversification of a company's activities, especially in a project like BioMoon, can be motivated by several strategic reasons :
  1. It helps spread risk across different markets and products, reducing dependency on a single revenue stream. It protects the company from market fluctuations and potential failures in the primary market (space agriculture) since its market is quite niche.
  2. Identifying and capitalizing on new market opportunities can drive growth.
  3. Diversification encourages a culture of innovation by continuously exploring new ideas and technologies.

While diversification can enhance performance by spreading risk and tapping into new markets, excessive diversification can lead to a drop in performance due to overextension and loss of focus. It's crucial for BioMoon to pursue new activities that are strategically linked, ensuring they complement and strengthen the core business. This is why a business development strategy needs to be settled.

There are two types of diversification, vertical and horizontal. The best option is probably horizontal integration. We will research terrestrial agriculture alongside our work on lunar agriculture. To reduce innovation cost, we will use the research we did for lunar agriculture for our terrestrial biostimulant, allowing us to make economies of scope*. We will commercialize biostimulant products developed for lunar soil to enhance plant growth on Earth. This not only opens new revenue but also enhances the company's reputation and impact on Earth. The two different branches will initially evolve together.

*Economy of scope refers to cost advantages that a business obtains by producing a wider variety of products, rather than specializing in just one, because sharing resources or capabilities across multiple products reduces overall costs.

When we launch the new branch focused on terrestrial agriculture, BioEarth, we aim to recruit a biological engineer with a background in environment, health and safety (EHS) in the agriculture industry. Bringing in a specialist will significantly strengthen our team by adding new expertise and competencies. This new team member will play a crucial role in adapting and optimizing our biostimulants for terrestrial application, ensuring that our products are not only scientifically but also commercially viable for agricultural markets. Their insights will help us navigate through various soil types, climate conditions, and crop needs, allowing us to fine-tune our biostimulants to meet the diverse challenges of modern agriculture.
In addition, this specialist will play a key role in navigating the complex legal and regulatory landscape surrounding the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. To ensure that our biostimulants can be used on Earth, we must comply with strict legislation governing GMO products. This includes conducting extensive safety testing, submitting our products for approval by the relevant agricultural and environmental authorities, and ensuring that our products meet all legal requirements for safe and effective use in different regions.

The specialist's expertise will help guide us through these regulatory hurdles, ensuring that our products comply with international and local laws, while securing the necessary approvals for commercialisation. Meeting these regulatory requirements will be critical to the successful launch of our biostimulants in agricultural markets worldwide.

Additionally, instead of following the traditional technology-push strategy, we have decided to adopt a market-pull approach before penetrating the market. This means we will actively engage with the market to identify and understand the specific needs of our customers before entering this new market. Our goal is to secure our first clients as early as the Fall 2028, using real-world feedback to guide our product development.
Many startups in the biotechnological field have historically relied on a techno-push strategy, where they focus on extensive R&D first and only penetrate the market once the product is fully developed. This often means relying on fundraisers to survive the initial stages, and when these products finally enter the market, they can struggle to gain traction because they do not adequately meet market needs, which are dominated by a small number of large corporations, specifically in the agriculture market. Our approach will help mitigate this risk by ensuring our biostimulants address real agricultural challenges.

But how to penetrate this new market ?

We can choose from three primary strategic paths to achieve our objectives: Build, Buy or Borrow.
Option 1 : Build. Internal growth, or building, allows us to maintain full control over our development processes and technologies. This path ensures that all innovations are perfectly aligned with our company’s mission and values. By investing in research and development and building a robust internal team, BioMoon can tailor its solutions to the specific challenges of lunar and terrestrial agriculture and maintain a high standard of quality. However, this approach can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring significant investment in talent, infrastructure, and technology.

Option 2 : Buy. Acquisitions, or buying, can significantly accelerate market entry and technology acquisition. By acquiring companies with established technologies, expertise, and market presence, BioMoon can quickly enhance its capabilities and competitive position. However, acquisitions can be costly and present challenges in integrating different corporate cultures, systems, and processes. There may also be difficulties, especially in the space and biotechnology sectors, that need to be carefully navigated.

Our choice (option 3 : Borrow) : Partnering is particularly useful for entering new markets, where the business and social culture is substantively different from our own. We need to collaborate with a company that understands our needs, such as a startup created through an iGEM project. Since we first want to enter the European market, a European startup will be preferred.

inLux Biotech , a biotechnology startup specialized in the terrestrial agriculture market, is the perfect candidate for collaboration. They are redefining the standards of microorganism study, providing unprecedented precision to guide R&D decisions for sustainable agricultural solutions. By using bioluminescence to monitor pathogens in vivo, they offer undeniable proof of efficiency for developing plant protection products and biostimulants, which is exactly what we need. Additionally, their approach enables real-time, in-depth exploration of host-microorganism interactions.

Access to their technology will allow us to demonstrate the efficacy of our biostimulant, providing visual evidence of its effectiveness. Our biostimulant is composed of Pseudomonas fluorescens, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria that colonizes the roots of plants. This beneficial soil bacterium enhances plant growth by improving nutrient uptake, promoting root development, and protecting against pathogens. Interestingly, inLux Biotech shares a similar vision in expanding their technology to track microorganisms within the roots themselves, overcoming the challenges posed by soil and enabling real-time monitoring of root-microbe interactions. This synergy aligns perfectly with our goals and enhances the scientific foundation of our collaboration.

They also understand the challenges related to developing a company from an iGEM project, making them a valuable partner. inLux Biotech’s origins as an iGEM project mean they are well-aware with the challenges of translating innovative concepts into practical applications. They require collaborations and proof of concept to further extend their company’s reach and credibility. By partnering with us, they will gain access to our advanced synthetic biology and metabolic engineering technologies, enhancing their product offerings and proving their technology’s efficacy in new challenging environments.

We had the chance to meet two of the five founders of inLux Biotech, Elise Piette and Mathilde Cecchi, on the 23rd of August. During this meeting, we discussed several key topics, including the strategy to adopt for entering the agri-food industry. We obtained valuable insights into our implementation strategy and the challenges of transitioning from an iGEM project to a fully operational startup. This exchange provided us with crucial advice to help refine our approach, while consolidating our idea to create the BioMoon startup.

We are finally ready to sell our first products to customers for terrestrial applications, allowing us to generate our first gross sales. This marks a significant milestone in BioMoon's journey, as we transition from relying solely on external funding, such as the support provided by CNES, to generating our own income streams. This diversification ensures that we are not dependent solely on funding from space agencies and can build a sustainable business model with multiple income streams. As we grow, this shift will lead to greater financial stability and set us on a path toward profitability, with the potential for reinvestment in both our lunar and terrestrial R&D efforts.

As we look beyond 2034, our company envisions a strategic separation into two distinct entities to better address the unique challenges and opportunities in both the space and terrestrial agriculture markets. This separation will allow us to focus on the specialized needs of each market, while leveraging our combined strengths to drive innovation and growth.

Initially, we developed the company BioMoon, focusing on solutions for lunar agriculture. As our expertise will grow, we will expand to create a new range of terrestrial products under the brand BioEarth. This brand is dedicated to addressing the challenges of drought, soil detoxification, and nutrient-poor soils on Earth.

  1. BioMoon will continue to operate in the B2B space market, providing advanced biostimulants and related technologies for space agencies and other organizations involved in space exploration.
  2. BioEarth will enter the B2C market, developing a diverse range of products aimed at consumers and businesses in the terrestrial agriculture sector.
  3. Since the objectives and customer bases of these two entities are different, we believe that a formal separation, once both are financially stable, will be beneficial. This will enable each entity to focus on its core competencies and markets, ensuring optimal performance and customer satisfaction. At this time, BioMoon will remain a part of the Spaceship FR program. For BioEarth, we intend to invest in our own infrastructure. This will involve purchasing all the necessary lab equipment, as well as production equipment, as we plan to scale up production to meet consumer demand. While this will require a significant investment, the potential profits are also expected to be much higher due to the expansion of our product lines and market reach.

Intellectual property

On the 6th of September, we had the chance to meet Philippe Lucas from INPI, who works with startups on their trademark and patent strategies. We learned a great deal about the importance of intellectual property. Two key lessons emerged from this meeting:

  • It is crucial to properly draft the patent and take advantage of the provisional patent filing, which costs only €13 in France. Having a provisional filing allows us flexibility before making the definitive application.
  • Conducting a thorough anteriority search is extremely important before filing a patent. This ensures the uniqueness of our innovations and protects us from potential legal issues.

To protect our brand identity and secure our name and logo, we will register our brand "BioMoon" with INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle), the French intellectual property office. We already performed a search on the INPI website to ensure the availability of the BioMoon name. This search confirms that our brand name is unique and available for use in France.42

Securing our intellectual property is a crucial step in protecting the scientific and technological innovations behind BioMoon. Our patent strategy involves multiple approaches. First, we will file patents with INPI to protect the novel aspects of our technologies, including the engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens. In accordance with iGEM’s guidelines, the synthetic parts of our project will be submitted to the iGEM open-source registry of biological parts, allowing the scientific community to benefit from our work, while ensuring transparency and collaboration. To secure patent protection for the synthetic biology aspects of our project, we will modify the genes submitted to the iGEM registry. These modifications, along with any unique technical methods we develop, will be patented to protect our intellectual property. Patents grant exclusive rights for 20 years, during which we must pay annual maintenance fees. If these fees are not paid, the patent will lapse into the public domain. Importantly, only the filing date is considered for patent protection, providing BioMoon with ample time to develop customer trust and maintain market leadership.

Before submitting our patent application, it is essential to perform a thorough state-of-the-art search to identify existing patents or technologies that may overlap with ours. This step ensures that our innovations are unique and do not infringe upon existing patents. A similar search will be conducted for trademark registration, verifying that the BioMoon brand is available for use and protection in the relevant markets. This critical process helps avoid legal conflicts and establishes a clear path for innovation.

Given that biostimulants based on Pseudomonas fluorescens are already commercialized, it's essential to distinguish our product. Our unique modifications and applications, such as offering the possibility for customized biostimulants for agriculture, set BioMoon and BioEarth apart from existing products and patents.

Once the art search is completed, it is crucial to carefully consider our patent strategy. There are two key factors to address :

  • First, we must protect our R&D efforts by ensuring that the core innovations are secured.
  • Second, we must recognize that once a patent is filed with the INPI, the details become publicly accessible after 18 months. This means that even though our patent is protected, other companies can legally study it and develop new innovations based on our work.

This is why the drafting of the patent is critical. It needs to be both precise and broad enough to secure as much intellectual property as possible. A well-crafted patent should claim protection over key innovations, while being broad enough to prevent competitors from easily working around it.

In some cases, it may be more beneficial to patent only the final product, without revealing every step of the process. This approach can limit the ability of competitors to replicate our method, while still protecting the core aspects of our technology. Moreover, we can patent specific applications of our engineered bacteria, such as its use as a biostimulant for lunar agriculture, provided this application is novel. Importantly, proof of concept is not always required at the time of filing, allowing us to safeguard these innovations during early stages of development.

Regarding trademark costs, registering our BioMoon brand in France will cost €19043 for 10 years of protection. Trademark protection is limited to the jurisdiction of registration, so expanding internationally will require further steps to secure our brand globally.

Finances (balance)

The financial timeline for BioMoon's project reflects our phased approach to R&D, operational growth, and strategic development. Initially, the focus is heavily on research, lab consumables, and key equipment necessary for building our technological foundation. Over the first few years, our expenses will steadily increase due to the rising costs of wages, patent applications, and continuous R&D efforts. By 2027, with the introduction of an EHS engineer and the expansion of our patent portfolio to include BioEarth, expenses will peak as we expand both our terrestrial and space agriculture technologies.

To get information about our sources click here

We anticipate that during the initial years (2024-2027), our project will not generate direct revenue, relying on funding from space agencies like CNES and other grants. However, by 2028, we expect to launch our first terrestrial products, transitioning from R&D into the commercialization phase. This is when we begin to see our first gross sales. From this point forward, we foresee steady revenue growth, with profitability likely starting around 2030-2031, after recovering initial investments and covering ongoing operational costs.

The gradual increase in costs, such as patent fees, marketing, and communication, is designed to support both brand establishment and market penetration, which will be critical for securing long-term revenue. This structured timeline allows BioMoon to focus on sustainable growth, while addressing both lunar and terrestrial agricultural markets.

Risk analysis

In any business environment, understanding and managing risk is essential to ensure long-term success and stability. The purpose of this risk analysis is to systematically identify, assess, and prioritize potential risks that could impact our organization’s operations, objectives, and overall performance. By conducting a thorough risk analysis, we aim to anticipate and mitigate threats, minimize their impact, and turn challenges into opportunities. The risks are separated into seven categories: political, reglementation, market, customer, supplier, environment and management.

    The influence of 3 parameters was estimated:
  1. probability: how much likely is the event to happen, from 1 incredible to 10 guaranteed.
  2. impact: how much the risk could make the project obsolete, from 1 insignificant to 10 cancel motive.
  3. predictability: how much can we anticipate the risk to happen, from 1 expected to 10 unpredictable.

The product of these parameters gives a criticity level that helps us classify the risk we should focus on for the design of our strategy. Thus, we thought of three measures to minimize each of the four major risks that were highlighted by this analysis.

Figure 17: Risk Analysis of BioMoon

The most significant risks for our activity are mostly related to management and market: bad communication for task repartition, number of tasks is too great to meet the deadlines, refusal of market authorization and plagiarism by competitors. These risks are quite classical for any iGEM project and any company launching an innovative product in general. So are the measures to take to tackle those risks:

Figure 18: Management of major risks for BioMoon

Skills, capabilities, and stakeholders


We are a team of 8 people coming from various horizons (more information on Team page) which enables us to see different perspectives and opportunities for the evolution of the project. With people trained in finances and management, we already have solid bases to launch a startup. For instance, we proudly received the “Prix de la Promo 1974” in a school contest where 10 students pitched their projects to a jury of representatives from the Fondation INSA and alumni from the class of 1974. This prize recognizes the role of engineering in shaping the future. We also had the chance to exchange ideas with the alumni, gaining valuable insights from their experiences in entrepreneurship and business creation.

Moreover, our supervisors are of great help in terms of knowledge, experience, and network to ensure that our idea comes true and find its customer base. We also have the support of INSA Toulouse and Université Paul Sabatier, who provided material, consumables and of course rooms. Their help was crucial for the development of BioMoon at this early stage of the company.

Having the CNES as one of our major sponsors is a real pride for us. We had the opportunity to visit the premises of the Spaceship FR program, which allowed us to gain a better vision of what is possibly feasible with their support. We also visited places like the communication room for the rover Curiosity and another one for the ISS. This really motivated us to be part of this collaborative effort to advance space exploration.

All these contributors made us confident in the establishment of BioMoon as a successful company.

Stakeholders (matrix, discussions)

The stakeholder matrix gave us a structured approach to identify, analyze, and prioritize individuals, groups, and organizations that have an interest or influence in the project's outcome. We used this matrix to categorize stakeholders based on their level of interest (e.g., how much they are targeted and could benefit from BioMoon) and power (i.e., their potential influence on the project’s development). This helped us tailor communication strategies and engagement plans accordingly. By understanding the needs, expectations, and potential impact of each stakeholder, we feel stronger to foster collaboration, minimize conflicts, and work in accordance with the project's objectives.

Click on the different moons to get more information

Figure 19: Stakeholder matrix of BioMoon

Governement: Mayor of Toulouse

Governments and governmental organizations could throw a spanner in the works of the project. If the legislation becomes highly restrictive, we would not be able to find any market. However, they are not directly affected by the final product so their interest is quite low. In this category, we proudly received an encouraging letter from the mayor of Toulouse that is showing political support.

We plan to maintain close communication with governmental organizations, providing scientific data to support our product's safety and benefits. This engagement aims to ensure that any regulatory changes align with the innovative solutions we offer. The support we received from the Mayor of Toulouse is a promising start, and we intend to build on this relationship to advocate for a favorable legislative environment.

Biostimulant companies: Agronutrition

Existing companies selling biostimulants represent our major competitors, especially regarding the terrestrial market since we are the only one doing a lunar-based biostimulant. Their power to influence our project is quite limited unless they use the same bacterium or adopt similar engineering strategies, which is where the patent becomes compulsory. Their interest is also quite limited because the main market is not the same. We talked with people working at Agronutrition, a company that sells biostimulants and they gave us advice for our development. Maintaining a dialogue with these companies will be essential, as industry trends and insights could help us differentiate our product and explore potential partnerships or technology exchanges.

Pseudomonas fluorescens experts (Philippe Voegeller), nitrate expert at TBI (Antoine Berger)

Researchers working on Pseudomonas fluorescens are also to be considered because we want to keep improving our product, which means that we have to stay tuned to new genomic and metabolic pathways for engineering our strain. This process is also true in the other way: scientists could benefit from our results and know-how for their own research. We talked with Philippe Voegeller about the project in general and more specifically about biofilm production and he helped us in designing this module. We also collaborated with Antoine Berger for the design of the nitrate section. Moving forward, we will continue to collaborate with experts in microbial genomics and bioengineering to ensure that our strain evolves with the latest scientific discoveries. These collaborations will be essential for optimizing our biostimulant and expanding its applications. In return, we aim to share our research outcomes with the scientific community, fostering mutual growth and innovation.

Farmers: to be contacted

If we want to sell BioMoon on Earth, our target customers would be farmers. They should have a high interest in the product since we are aiming to create a biostimulant that could rehabilitate uncultivable soils. Their power is limited for the same reason as agricultural cooperatives. Discussing with farmers could help us understand what their specific needs are, especially considering that each one will have a specific situation.

Astronauts: to be contacted

Astronauts are not direct customers for our future company, but they will be our end users. In the future, their feedback will be essential in refining our product for space missions. We plan to engage with astronauts and space mission planners to gather insights on practical implementation, ensuring that our biostimulant seamlessly integrates into their routines. This will help us adapt our product to meet the specific needs of space environments. It is crucial to have their opinion on how using BioMoon could be integrated into an astronaut’s routine.

Agricultural cooperatives: Chambre de l’agriculture de Haute-Garonne

On the terrestrial market, agricultural cooperatives will be potential customers. Thus, their interest in the project is quite high. Although their impact is rather limited since we are first designing the project for a spatial purpose, we wanted to discuss with them to understand their needs and know if our product would interest them. The conclusion of the phone call we had with the Chambre d’Agriculture de Haute-Garonne is that, for the moment, this kind of product is not so popular. When a big drought occurred in 2022, these farmers used an antitranspirant solution so that the plants would need less watering. However, as discussed earlier, this solution does not seem to be optimal regarding its composition with toxic compounds for aquatic environments. We then concluded that our product could be a good proposition for such problematics, especially if we can improve the water retention of the soils with biofilms. In the future, we plan to collaborate with cooperatives to conduct trials, demonstrating the effectiveness of our biostimulant. This will be key in building trust and expanding market acceptance.

Space agencies : CNES

Finally, space companies are the stakeholders we should take the most care of. Indeed, their influence in the project is important because we aim to be incubated by the CNES in the short-term. Moreover, the future of lunar exploration relies on their progress. That should also be true in the other way around: their interest should be high because we propose an easy solution to provide food on the Moon in a sustainable manner. We had several interviews with Alexis Paillet from the CNES since they are one of our major sponsors. He was excited about our results and the future prospects. Our future strategy includes deepening our collaboration with CNES to further refine our product and integrate it into long-term space exploration plans. Our ongoing dialogue with Alexis Paillet at CNES is just the beginning of what we hope will be a fruitful partnership.


The direct impact of our product will be to enable plant culture on the Moon, directly using in situ ressources, which can be seen as a giant leap towards establishing a permanent lunar base. On Earth, soils made unexploitable due to global warming could be cultivated with our biostimulant.

One indirect impact of our product would be a boost of lunar exploration. Mars exploration could also benefit from our approach: a BioMoon-inspired product could be developed for Martian regolith, making more concrete the establishment of humanity on a new planet. On Earth, our product could reduce the dependency to chemical fertilizers and thus help fighting against eutrophication especially. However, one of the risks of the exploitation of BioMoon will be the spread of a GMO on Earth.

Sustainable development impact
Figure 20: the 17 goals44

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by the United Nations Members in 2015. The aim of this process is to agree on the same objectives worldwide, in developed and developing countries, to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future. All these goals are assessed with precise and defined indicators and criteria that should be met before 2030 for most of them: this is an urgent call of action to end poverty, improve health and education systems, and to tackle climate change-related issues.

Being part of an international biology contest, we think that integrating these SDGs in the design of our project is crucial. Indeed, our project has meaning only if it is integrated in a logic that takes into consideration real problems and aims to solve them. With BioMoon, we tried to incorporate aspects from five of these goals: Zero Hunger, Responsible consumption and production, Life below water, Life on land and Partnerships for the goals.

Click on each image to get more information

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