Meet our amazing team!

Our team is made up of 14 incredibly driven students who had the brilliant idea of reSkin. Thanks to each and every one of you, this project has come this far and is now so much more than we ever could have imagined. Read on and click on us to find out more about our members and get inspired!

We would also like to thank our amazing advisors and PIs, who provided invaluable support along the way. They are an important part of this team too!



Team Lead, Creative, Public Engagement, Wiki & WetLab
Studying: B. Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: dogs
Hobbies: choir, reading, sewing
Skills gained: organization, drawing, video cutting, doing gels & PCRs, SnapGene, text writing

Meet Greta!

Greta was our incredible team lead, who kept the big overview over everything, organised a lot and was the number one contact person for our PI. She did so much amazing design work! And she was the driving force behind the promotion and presentation video, which was her biggest project. She also helped out on the Resilin team, lending a hand with the awesome WetLab work! Our amazing reSkin board game was created by her, and she also helped with our fantastic public engagement activities and our brilliant wiki. She was the powerwoman of this project!

Greta joined iGEM to learn more about all the different fields that exist in science and get some inspiration for possible career paths! She was also really keen to brush up on her lab skills and learn more about how to work well with others.


Team Lead, Human Practices, WetLab & Wiki
Studying: B. Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: cats
Hobbies: crocheting and other handicrafts
Skills gained: running agarose gels!!!, SnapGene

Meet Lena!

Lena was our second absolutely amazing team lead! She did a fantastic job of supporting Greta and keeping an overview of the project! Her main focus was on human practices, which she approached with great enthusiasm and dedication. She reached out to a lot of experts to discuss our project and kept in touch with them. As part of the amazing hyaluronic acid team, she worked on the lab plan and even did some of the protocols herself. She also created some of the Wiki pages and wrote some texts!

Lena was thrilled to join iGEM because she was really excited to gain a deeper understanding of how working in a lab group works. She was really excited to improve her lab skills.


WetLab, Wiki & Safety
Studying: B. Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: penguins
Hobbies: reading, talking about books, listening to audiobooks, yoga, crocheting
Skills gained: calculating volumes, SnapGene, literature research

Meet Luna!

Luna was a huge help with WetLab projects and helped in the DryLab by designing the hyaluronic acid vector weused! She also designed wiki pages and helped with text writing. She even helped fill in the safety formsand talked to some experts about the safety guidelines for our team!

Luna joined iGEM to learn new things and to get a good insight into what research might be like. iGEM creates alot of different tasks and combines a lot of different skills and knowledge, which she absolutely loves!


Creative, Safety, Public Engagement, WetLab & Human Practices
Studying: M. Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: horses and cats
Hobbies: cooking, puzzle, listening to audiobooks, board games
Skills gained: project design, literature research, running agarose gels and PCRs, Organisation of educational events, self-confidence

Meet Emily!

Emily was the driving force behind the development of the basic project idea for reSkin. She was instrumental in organising and attending the kindergarten Science Day, and also played a key role in planning and making the Schülerforschungszentrum day a huge success! As a creative committee member, she was thrilled to be involved in the development of our design elements. In Human Practices, she was a huge help in planning and conducting interviews, searching for experts and reaching out to them. And there's more! Emily also wrote wiki texts and was an active part of the WetLab team as well as the safety committee.

Emily joined iGEM to push herself out of her comfort zone and see what she was capable of! She was really excited to be part of designing her own project together with other students and to improve her lab skills. She was also excited about gaining experience in other committees like Public Engagement and Human Practices.


Creative, Public Engagement, Wiki, DryLab, WetLab & Sponsoring
Studying: M. Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: Emily's cat
Hobbies: dancing, learning languages, sewing and creative handicrafts like painting and making jewelry
Skills gained: running agarose gels, planning a project, literature research, confidence

Meet Inara!

Inara was instrumental in developing the basic project idea for reSkin! She was a huge help in the lab, assisting with the practical aspects and developing a strategy for crosslinking our hydrogel. She also contributed her talents to several other committees. She also planned some amazing public engagement projects, including Science City Day, Science Day at the kindergarten and the Schülerforschungszentrum day. Later on, she was a huge help to Laura in planning and leading our sponsorship activities. On top of all that, she was part of the creative team and had so many amazing ideas for the design part of our project! And finally, she worked on structuring and writing texts for our team wiki.

Inara joined iGEM to see of she could take on such a big project. She was also keen to gain more experience to feel more comfortable starting her Master's thesis.


Human Practices, Social Media, Finances, Sponsoring, Safety & Wiki
Studying: M. Sc. Biology
Favorite animal: dogs and horses
Hobbies: reading, writing, lots of sports such as horseback riding, scuba diving, apnea diving, going for a walk
Skills gained: structured working, communication, team work, SnapGene, marketing, finances, applications, general writing

Meet Hannah!

Hannah was really enthusiastic about getting involved and did a lot of work on sponsoring and finance to get a rough overview or to write applications. She also did social media with Sophia, and they had a blast implementing tons of awesome ideas! For human practices, she got in touch with the experts and prepared and conducted interviews to get support for our project. She also wrote the BioSpektrum article and helped fill out the first safety forms for our project.

Hannah joined iGEM to get to know what it's like to develop a project together as a team. She was excited to find out what's behind it, which areas you have to consider, and how much work it takes to really build something you can be proud of in the end.


WetLab, Human Practices & Wiki
Studying: B. Sc. Biology
Favorite animal: axolotl
Hobbies: different sports, cooking and handicraft
Skills gained: Teamwork. Was essential throughout the entire bioengineering process at all its different levels. SnapGene

Meet Boy!

Boy threw himself wholeheartedly into the organisation and planning of the laboratory work, and everything that came with it. He designed the cloning strategy, implemented it, and learned from his mistakes along the way. He kept at it and repeated the process until he got it right! He also took charge of ordering all the essential supplies for the lab and made sponsorship calls to get more equipment. On top of all that, he also helped design and write wiki texts! He was also involved in human practices, where he got the chance to speak to experts about burn wounds.

Boy joined iGEM to put his incredible knowledge and skills to good use by helping to develop a project. Above all, he was eager to experience what it would be like to be there from the very beginning and to gain a deeper understanding of the development process. He was really excited to find out what it was like to work in a team on such a big project.


WetLab, DryLab, Public Engagement & Wiki
Studying: B. Sc. Biology
Favorite animal: cats
Hobbies: reading, playing the oboe in orchestra, sports, travelling
Skills gained: a lot new lab techniques, deeper understanding of molecular biology, being patient with results, time managment, improvising

Meet Felisa!

Felisa was a huge help with our WetLab work! She did a lot of amazing research and planning regarding crosslinking our hydrogel. Not only did she call companies to get them to sponsor our project, but she also wrote texts for our wiki and was a huge help to our Public Engagement team. She also helped with planning and supervising the Schülerforschungszentrum day, the Science City day and the kindergarten Science Day. She also planned and helped film our fantastic promotion video and took part in the research visit at the UKSH. She even wrote the live stage proposals for the live stage talks at the Grand Jamboree!

Felisa joined iGEM to supercharge her lab skills and learn how to plan and carry out her own projects. She heard about our project reSkin and was really excited to be a part of creating a product that has the potential to help so many people!


WetLab, DryLab, Public Engagement, Human Practices, Finance & Sponsoring
Studying: B. Sc. Biology
Favorite animal: ducks
Hobbies: reading, sewing, swimming, lunging horses, cycling, cooking
Skills gained: developing a project, learning new lab techniques, organising, communication, team work

Meet Laura!

Laura was a huge help with WetLab work and did a great job researching and planning crosslinking our hydrogel. She was the driving force behind sponsorship, writing texts for our portfolio, liaising with the deans office, organising the money for participation fees and tickets. She was our go-to person for all things company and foundation-related. She was also the driving force behind our teams' participation in the summer festivals on campus! She was a great help on all kinds of committees and activities, including the kindergarten Science Day, the Schülerforschungszentrum Day and the lab day for students. On top of all of this, she helped out with human practices and prepared questionnaires, and she was a part of the UKE pharmacy interview, too! She also organised our amazing stay in Paris and took care of all the other organisational tasks!

Laura joined iGEM to advance her own research project and to implement the methods she had learned at university. She was really keen to gain a deeper understanding of molecular biology methods. She was excited to meet new people and eager to brainstorm new solutions for existing challenges.


Studying: M. Sc. Molecular Plant Science
Favorite animal: xing xing
Hobbies: movies, try different foods and watch carlos alcaraz play tennis
Skills gained: Find out new ways to do experiments I already knew and also completely new experiments

Meet Marcela!

Marcela was a total star and helped us loads with the WetLab work! Her incredible knowledge of lab protocols was such a big help to us all!

Marcela joined iGEM to discover and learn new techniques and understand new cloning approaches.


WetLab, Social Media, Wiki, Creative & Public Engagement
Studying: M. Sc. Biology
Favorite animal: cheetah
Hobbies: reading, cooking, concerts (music), traveling, handicraft
Skills gained: Lab experience/ methods, scientific research on a molecular level, snap gene,  organisation, finance, design

Meet Sophia!

Sophia was an absolute star on the creative team! She designed our Instagram layout, created amazing presentations, logos and our merchandise. As part of the Social Media Team, she had the amazing opportunity to work with Hannah, collect ideas, take photos, write posts and stories, and share them with the world to show off our incredible team! She also had the amazing opportunity to join the Public Engagement Team and attend the Science City Day, the kindergarten Science Day and the Schülerforschungszentrum Day! She even sold waffles and represented our team at all kinds of events! On top of all that, she also helped in the lab and wrote Wiki texts!

Sophia was thrilled to join iGEM to gain more laboratory experience. She also saw it as a fantastic chance to meet new people and find out what goes on behind the scenes of a scientific project, as well as how to put it into practice.


Studying: B. Sc. Software Systems Development
Favorite animal: raccoon
Hobbies: baking, reading, cycling and camping
Skills gained: Working on a bigger project

Meet Oliver!

Oliver was the driving force behind our Wiki development. He had so many incredible ideas and the expertise to bring them to life perfectly. He kept us grounded when we started to overcomplicate things and had amazing new presentations each week. Everything you can see here on our Wiki is mostly his work, and we are so excited to have him on our team!

Oliver joined iGEM to contribute to a cool project while honing his web development skills.


WetLab, DryLab, Safety & Public Engagement
Studying: B. Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: cats
Hobbies: playing the flute, reading, going outside, youth work
Skills gained: independence in working in the Lab, project planning, communicating our project and ideas to other people

Meet Annabell!

Annabell had some amazing ideas for public engagement! She reached out to our partners, planned some fantastic activities, and got to do them with the kids. She was also really excited to get involved in the WetLab, doing experiments! She even filled out the first Safety forms and did an amazing job cutting and directing our promo and presentation video!

Annabell was thrilled to join iGEM to meet new people and dive into a truly exciting scientific project.


Studying: M.Sc. Mathematics & B.Sc. Computing in Science
Favorite animal: bald eagle
Hobbies: chess, jazz as well as literature and modular forms
Skills gained: css, web styling

Meet Can!

Can was a great help on our wiki, just like Oliver! He was an amazing help with both coding and design, and created the most beautiful wiki page for our team!

Can joined iGEM to gain some invaluable experience and to spend time on an exciting web design project with friends!



Studying: M.Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: leaf sheep
Hobbies: weightlifting, traveling to new places

Helped with: Everything I felt like I could contribute a smart thought :D (mainly experimental design and storytelling)


Studying: M.Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: octopus
Hobbies: photography, sketching, indoor gardening

Helped with: Experimental design, troubleshooting, advices for competition-related tasks and assignments based on own experiences.


Studying: M.Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: dachshund
Hobbies: playing the violin, hiking, drinking (coffee) .. and other stuff

Helped with: Helped with experimental design and tried to help the team avoid planning mistakes the 2023 team made last year.


Studying: M.Sc. Molecular Life Sciences
Favorite animal: honey badger
Hobbies: handball, drinking a beer in a bar or outside, video games

Helped with: Whereever the team needed guidance and assistance. Mainly passing on iGEM experience and helping to avoid mistakes the 2023 team made as well as giving advice on how to do competition-related tasks.


Prof. Dr. Michael Kolbe

Michael is our PI and helped us with the initial conceptualization of our project. He let us work in his laboratory at the Centre for Structural Systems Biology and was always open for questions.

We would also like to thank everybody else who was an important part in our project and helped us out.