
Check out who made our project possible!

MIN Deanery, University of Hamburg

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the MIN Deanery at the University of Hamburg. They provided invaluable support for our project and without their contribution we would not have been able to both enter the competition and attend the Grand Jamboree in Paris this year. We are grateful for the unwavering support of the MIN faculty and the entire university, which has been instrumental in advancing our student research project. Without the backup of the university, there is no doubt that the development, realization and presentation of our project would not have been possible. We would like to extend our gratitude to Frank Schröder, the administrative director of the MIN Deanery, who offered a great deal for us and provided us with excellent cooperation.

Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)

We'd also like to send a big thank you to the German Electron Synchroton (DESY)/CSSB. They've been supporting iGEM Hamburg and the University of Hamburg for years now, and we're so grateful that they've continued to support our team this year too! We'd also like to thank all the wonderful working groups at CSSB for their help. We'd especially like to thank AG Kolbe for providing the laboratory and materials and all the group members for their help if we had any questions or concerns. And finally, we'd like to thank Prof. Dr. Kolbe and Dr. Rizvee Ahmad for their technical support in particular – we couldn't have done it without you!

Freundes- & Förderverein Chemie

We are pleased to announce that the Freundes- & Förderverien Chemie of the University of Hamburg has responded to our request for support with a generous donation. We are particularly pleased that an association of the University of Hamburg has recognized the value of our work and is investing in young scientists of their own university. We like to sincerely thank you for your trust in us as promising and committed scientists!


The clean-up and miniprep kits were kindly provided by Qiagen. With the assistance of these kits, the final steps in the cloning of resilin could be completed successfully. Without this support, the completion of our laboratory work would not have been feasible. We extend our sincerest gratitude for this invaluable assistance.

Prof. Elke Deuerling, Molecular Microbiology, University of Konstanz

We would particularly like to thank the research group of Prof. Dr. Elke Deuerling for providing us with the pMK1 plasmid beyond university boundaries.


We would like to thank the Hamburg-based company Biomol for their generous donation at the start of our project phase. Their support enabled us to carry out intensive planning right from the outset, which was fundamental to the success of our project.


We were also very happy about the free team license for labfolder. This digital lab book made lab work in the team much easier. We saved time in many experiments because fewer mistakes were made, and it was easier to make agreements between the team members. We would also like to thank you for your support.


We would also like to thank SnapGene for providing us licenses for their superb software for DNA and plasmid documentation, mapping and cloning. We were very happy to receive them, it helped us a lot with our drylab planning.


CaptainWorkwear equipped our entire team with high-quality lab coats. We were really pleased to receive the lab coats, as they are essential in the laboratory. We would like to thank them for their generous support.

New England Biolabs (NEB)

New England Biolabs provided us with a free iGEM sponsoring kit, which made it easier for us to get started in the lab. We are very grateful for this opportunity!


With the help of a GoFundMe account, we have managed to raise additional funds. This provided us with financial freedom to commence with our lab work and engage in educational events. Eventually this also helped us to fund our merchandise we will wear at the Grand Jamboree in Paris. We would like to thank all of our donors and especially our families for their support.

Matthias Regier, Kai Kiehn, Joel Senador, Kay Bärmann, Niklas Finnern, Michael Hagemann, Sylvia Kowalewski, Nele and Jonas Kühner, Angie Nugraha, Manfred Brosenbach, Björn Bach, Thomas Winkler, Susanne Kreiter, Louisa Bärmann, Christa Abeln, Nico von Rönne and Hartmut Stoltmann.