TOP10 & BL21* Competent cell testing
Transformation of pMK1 to TOP10 & BL21 competent cells folllowing protocol 2.
Neg control: plate with 100µL just bacteria + water
Competence Test
Results of the competence test: Transformation of pMK1 into TOP10 was successful, but BL21 bacteria did not grow
Doing a gradient PCR for Quick Change mutagenesis
Repeating the Quick Change mutagenesis using a longer elongation time and a temperature gradient to find the perfect annealing temperature.
Primer |
Amount |
FW_pMK1_RE4_G->C |
0.5 µl |
RW_pMK1_RE4_G->C |
0.5 µl |
Template DNA: |
pMK1_RE4_1:3_4 |
2 ng |
Nuclease-Free Water |
add to 10 µl |
Thermocycling Conditions:
Temp |
Time |
Cyles |
annealing (gradient) |
50°C |
30 seconds |
30 |
elongation |
72°C |
120 seconds |
30 |
For annealing temperature:
lane |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
sample |
DNA Ladder |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
DNA Ladder |
annealing temp. |
- |
50 °C |
53 °C |
56 °C |
59 °C |
63 °C |
66 °C |
69 °C |
72 °C |
- |
Elongation time was 120 seconds
The lids popped of, so there was only one PCR to be seen in the gel (lane3).
Site directed mutagenesis of pMK1_RE4.
A new PCR with a gradient of different Annealing temperatures (see table above) and a longer elongation time. The Site directed mutagenesis was performed on the plasmid pMK1_RE4-1:3_4; Ladder: 1 kb Plus; Agarose gel (1 %).
The lids were not closed properly
we ordered new primers which should bind better
we also ordered primes to remove the second BsmBI-Binding sequence behind the poly-A tale
we would also try a new method to generate repeats called the rolling circle method where circular DNA containing only 4 repeats of resilin is generated. Than a phi29 polymerase will circulate around this circular DNA generating more repeats.
Trying a new approach Generating a resilin Fragment with four repeats for the rolling circle method.
Double digestion with BsmBI and BsaI was performed on pMK1_RE4 according to Protocol 3. (Restriction digestion (NEB)).
Heat inactivation of the resticiton enzyme by heating it to 80 °C for 20 min
Restriction digestion
Double digestion with BsmBI and BsaI was performed on pMK1_RE4 according to Protocol 3. (Restriction digestion (NEB))
an agarose gel was made follwing the 8. protocol (Agarose gel)
expected bonds: 1775 bp, 1382 bp, 252 bp and 180 bp (the fragment with the four resilin repeats)
Restriction digestion of pMK1_RE4. To obtain the RE4 Fragment, a double digestion of pMK1_RE4 with BsmBI and BsaI, 2% agarose gel.
1775 bp and the 1382 bp can be seen in the gel, but not the two small ones.
Checking the activity of XhoI restriction enzyme
Performing a restriction with XhoI with pMK1 during 1 h at 37 °C
pMK1_RE4 5:1_3 =212 ng/µL
so 2,5 µL are about 0,5 ng
Component |
25 µl Reaction |
0.5 µg |
10X rCutSmart Buffer |
2.5 µl (1X) |
XhoI |
0.25 µl (10 units)† |
Nuclease-free water |
to 25 µl = 21.75 |
Rolling circle method
Make PCR with new Primers and at the same time try to amplify the RE4 Fragment for the rolling circle method, before cutting it with BsmBI and BsaI.
The PCRs was performed using the 5.1 protocol (Q5 Mastermix from NEB).
The reactions containd the Primers and templates as shown in the Table below and the elontation time was 185 seconds
Reaction |
Template |
Primer |
BsaI |
pMK1_RE4_1:3_4 |
FW_Mut2_BsaI_pMK1_RE4 |
BsaI |
pMK1_RE4_1:3_4 |
RW_Mut2_BsaI_pMK1_RE4 |
BsmBI |
pMK1-RE4 DNA |
FW_Mut2_BsmBI_pMK1_RE4 |
BsmBI |
pMK1-RE4 DNA |
RW_Mut2_BsmBI_pMK1_RE4 |
RE4 Amplification |
pMK1-RE4 |
FW_pMK1_RE4_ColPCR |
RE4 Amplification |
pMK1-RE4 |
rev_pMK1_RE4_ColPCR |
The PCR tubes were put in a Thermocycler with a temperature gadient show in the Table below
PCR Amplification of pMK1. Ladder: 1 kb Plus; Agarose gel (1%).
Temperature [°C] |
Probe |
Probe |
Probe |
Probe |
65 |
Bsal (1a) |
63.4 |
Bsal (1b) |
60.9 |
Bsal (1c) |
57.1 |
Bsal (1d) |
PCR RE4 Amplification (4a) |
PCR RE4 Amplification (4c) |
52.6 |
BsmBI (2a) |
PCR RE4 Amplification (4b) |
PCR RE4 Amplification (4d) |
48.8 |
BsmBI (2b) |
46.4 |
BsmBI (2c) |
45 |
BsmBI (2d) |
Resilin production with the Reaptigo method
DNA - concentrations
Oligo 1 fw: concentration 1,3876 g/L
- for 4 µg we need 2,883 µL
Oligo 2 rev: concentration 1,3865 g/L
- for 4 µg we need 2,885 µL
Ndel fw - ratios
NdeI fw concentration: 0,6436 g/L
32:1 Ratio: 0.0584 µg
- we take 9.1 µL from the dilution (1:100, c=0.006436 g/L)
64:1 Ratio: 0.0292 µg
- 4.56 µL from the 1:100 dilution
124:1 Ratio: 0.0151 µg
- 2.36 µL from the 1:100 dilution
Ndel fw - ratios
NdeI rev concentration: 1,3308 g/L → dilution 1:100 c=0,01333 g/L
32:1 Ratio: 0.1219 µg
9,16 µL from the 1:100 dilution
64:1 Ratio: 0.0609 µg
4,75 µL from the 1:100 dilution
124:1 Ratio: 0.0315 µg
2,37 µL from the 1:100 dilution
Sac1 fw - ratios
Sac1 fw concentration: 0,72424 g/L 1 :100 dilution c=0,00724 g/L
32:1 Ratio: 0.0723 µg
- 9,98 µL from the 1:100 dilution
64:1 Ratio: 0.0361 µg
- 4,98 µL from the 1:100 dilution
124:1 Ratio: 0.0187 µg
- 2,58 µL from the 1:100 dilution
Sac1 rev- ratios
Sac1 rev concentration: 1,40187 g/L 1:100 dilution c=0,01402 g/L
32:1 Ratio: 0.1333 µg
9,51 µL from 1:100 dilution
64:1 Ratio: 0.0667 µg
4,76 µL from 1:100 dilution
124:1 Ratio: 0.0344 µg
2,46 µL from 1:100 dilution
1. Prepare Oligos:
Centrifuge dried DNA
Dilution of dried DNA oligos to 100µM with Dnase, Rnase free water and vortexed for 20 sec
After incuation at RT for 30 min centrifuge it for 1 min
2. Annealing:
Prepare annealing mixture with the desired ratio of the same Oligos
NdeI start fw + NdeI start rev
Oligo 1 fw + Oligo 2 rev
SacI end fw + SacI end rev
Heat the mixtures to 90 °C for 5 min
Gradually cool the mixture to room temperature over 12 min in the PCR block
Resilin production with the Reaptigo method II
Ligation of annealed Oligos:
- Start & Middle A-Oligos will be ligated first
- 31:1 Start 16,26 µL + Middle 5,76 µL
- 64:1 Start 9,13 µL + Middle 5,76 µL
- 128:1 Start 4,73 µL + Middle 5,76 µL
- Add 2 μl T4 Ligase puffer
- Fill up to 19µL with Rizvee water (Dnase rnase free)
- Add 1µL T4 ligase
- Pipette up & down & centrifuge shortly
- incubate at 16 °C overnight
Checking and repeating Repeatigo Resilin production
Ligation of annealed Oligos:
- Add end oligo (31:1 = 19,49 µL , 64:1 = 9,74 µL, 128:1 = 5,05 µL)
- Incubate at RT for 1h
- Heat inactivate at 65 °C for 10 min
- put on ice
Made a 1% agarose Gel to check the fragment lenghts of resilin see picture following protocol 8.
Repeatigo production of Resilin, with a 31:1, 61:1 and 128:1 ratio of start and middle oligos.
Ladder: 1 kb Plus; Agarose gel (1 %)
- The longest fragments on the 128:1 ratio sample
- The biggest fragment is about 300bp long
- For a 32 repat fragment one would expect about 1,5kb fragments
Second try Repeatigo resilin production
- We made two different concentration of the middle Oligos using the same volume
- One with 2 µg and a volume of 10 µL
- One with 4 µg and a volume of 2,883 µL
DNA - concentrations
Tube 1
Oligo 1 fw: concentration 1,3876 g/L
Oligo 2 rev: concentration 1,3865 g/L
NdeI fw concentration: 0,6436 g/L
- Tube 3 64:1 ratio: 0.0292 µg
- 4,56 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 4 128:1 ratio: 0.0151 µg
- 2,36 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 5 248:1 ratio: 0.0078 µg
- 1,18 µL from the 1:100 dilution
NdeI rev concentration: 1,3308 g/L → 1 zu 100 verdünnen also c = 0,01333 g/L
- Tube 3 64:1 ratio: 0.0609 µg
- 4,75 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 4 128:1 ratio: 0.0315 µg
- 2,37 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 5 256:1 ratio: 0.0158 µg
- 1,19 µL from the 1:100 dilution
Sac1 fw concentration: 0,72424 g/L 1:100 dilution c = 0,00724 g/L
- Tube 6 64:1 Ratio: 0.0361 µg
- 4,98 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 7 128:1 Ratio: 0.0187 µg
- 2,58 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 8 256:1 Ratio: 0.0935 µg
- 1,29 µL from the 1:100 dilution
Sac1 rev concentration: 1,40187 g/L 1:100 dilution c = 0,01402 g/L
- Tube 6 64:1 Ratio: 0.0667 µg
- 4,76 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 7 128:1 Ratio: 0.0344 µg
- 2,46 µL from the 1:100 dilution
- Tube 8 256:1 Ratio: 0.0172 µg
- 1,23 µL from the 1:100 dilution
Ligation of annealed Oligos
With 2 µg or 4 µg middle oligos:
- -> Start & middle A-Oligos will be ligated first
- 64:1 start 9,13 µL + middle 5,76 µL → 2,17 H2O
- 128:1 start 4,73 µL + middle 5,76 µL → 6,57 H2O (we only made one of the middle parts, so that we choose the 128:1 ratio since it workt out the best last time)
- 256:1 start 2,36 µL + middle 5,76 µL → 9 H2O
- Add 2 μl T4 Ligase buffer
- Fill up to 19 µL with ddH2O
- Add 1 µL T4 ligase
- Pipette up and down and centrifuge shortly
- Incubate at 16 °C overnight
- add end oligo
- 31:1 ends 19,49 µL
- 64:1 ends 9,74 µL
- 128:1 ends 5,05 µL
- Incubate at RT for 1 h
- Heat inactivate at 65 °C for 10 minutes
- Put on ice
Made a 1 % agarose Gel to check the fragment lenghts of resilin see picture following protocol 8.
Repitigo production of Resilin and fragment lengths, with 4 µg and 2 µg of middle oligos.
Ladder: 1 kb Plus; Agarose gel (1 %).
We have the longest fragments in the mixture with the 2 µL of middle oligos. Also the fragments are on average larger than from the first experiment.
Gel purification:
Small peaces from the gel of the desired length of the repeating fragements will be cut out of the gel and purified using the protocol 6.1.
Gradient PCR of purified gel to check the right annealing temperature for oligos
PCR done according to protocol 5 with a temperature range of 48-56 degrees Celsius during annealing.
Tube 1, 2, 3 and 4: DNA concentration of 0,8 ng/µl
Tube 5, 6, 7 and 8: DNA concentration of 1.3 ng/µl
Repitigo production of Resilin and fragment lengths, after a gradient PCR from tubes 1-8.
Ladder: 1 kb Plus; Agarose gel (1 %).
There are no bonds in the gel. This means that either a pipetting error or the endoligos were involved.
A reason could be that the end Oligos didn't bind because there was not addet additianly T4 Ligase or ATPs, which at this point could be degradet or inactive.
Next step: The next step is to repeat the oligo annealing and ligation step to obtain larger fragments and correctly ligate the end and start oligos.
Second try Repeatigo resilin production
- We use 4 µg of mid Oligos and up to 20 µL with water, so we have the same concentration as with the experiment that worked out well.
- Then we use two different times for the Oligos to anneals while cooling down in the PCR machine. Since changing the time changed the length of the Fragments from about 300 bp to about 1-2 kb Fragments,
- we will use the old concentration (2 µg in 10 µL → 4µg in 20 µL) and we will use a smaller concentration, as reducing the concentration also has made a big difference:
- sample 1: 4 µg of mid Oligos and up to 20 µL (previous concentration), shorter time = 38 min
- sample 2: 4 µg of mid Oligos and up to 20 µL, longer time = 68 min
- sample 3: 2 µg of mid Oligos and up to 20 µL, longer time = 68 min
sample 4: 2 µg of mid oligos and up to 20 µL, shorter time = 38 min
- additionally we will use 3 different ratios of middle oligo to start- and end-oligos:
- Middle-Start and End Oligos where pipetted into PCR tubes as shown in the "Resilin_Oligo_Pipettier_volumina"-Excel document.
- for the dimerization the Oligos where heated up to 90 °C and then slowly cooled down to 20 °C in a PCR machine as shown in the table below
Temperature (°C) |
90°C |
80°C |
75°C |
70°C |
65°C |
60°C |
50°C |
40°C |
30°C |
20°C |
Sample 1 and 4 |
5 min |
5 min |
3 min |
5 min |
3 min |
5 min |
3 min |
3 min |
3 min |
3 min |
Sample 2 and 3 |
8 min |
8 min |
5 min |
8 min |
5 min |
8 min |
5 min |
5 min |
5 min |
5 min |
- the start Oligos where then mixed in differnt ratios with the two different concentrations of Mid Oligos. See "Resilin_Oligo_Pipettier_volumina"-Excel document.
- 2 μl T4 Ligase puffer where addet
- 1 µL of T4 Ligase where addet.
- fill up to 20 µL with DNAse free water
- pipette up and down and centrifuge shortly
- the tubes where incubate at 16 °C overnight
→ this resulted in a total of 12 tubes
The next steps:
add end oligos and run a gel to investiagte the product
Ligation of end oligos
add the same as shown in the "Resilin_Oligo_Pipettier_volumina":
- incubate at RT for 2 h
- Heat inactivate at 65 °C for 10 minutes
- investigate product on a gel
The results can be seen in the gel image. We got some bands close to 3 kb. Also, using 2 µg of the middle olgios and using a longer cooling down time in the annealing step resulted in larger fragments on average.
Next steps:
In the next steps, 10 fragments from the gel will be isoalted in the range of 1.5 to 3 kb and the oligos extracted from the gel.
Gel electrophoresis of annealed oligos in varying concentrations and ratios.
1 kb Plus DNA ladder, 1 % agarose gel.
Repetition of the oligo annealing
Concentration after gel extraction:
Sample |
Concentration [ng/µl] |
260/280 |
260/230 |
Start/Stop Oligo Ratio |
Tube 1, 1.5 kb |
8.7 |
1.7 |
0.47 |
1:64 |
Tube 2, 1.5 kb |
9.3 |
1.59 |
0.42 |
1:64 |
Tube 3, 1.5 kb |
9 |
1.56 |
0.43 |
1:128 |
Tube 4, 1.5 kb |
8.6 |
1.72 |
0.43 |
1:128 |
Tube 5, 1.5 kb |
7.8 |
1.71 |
0.37 |
1:256 |
Tube 6, 1.5 kb |
10.09 |
1.4 |
0.53 |
1:256 |
Tube 1, 2 kb |
9 |
1.43 |
0.43 |
1:64 |
Tube 2, 2 kb |
8 |
1.65 |
0.42 |
1:64 |
Tube 3, 2 kb |
7.6 |
1.58 |
0.49 |
1:128 |
Tube 4, 2 kb |
5.5 |
1.71 |
0.37 |
1:128 |
Tube 5, 2 kb |
12.7 |
1.38 |
0.56 |
1:256 |
Tube 6, 2 kb |
7 |
1.69 |
0.45 |
1:256 |
Tube 1, 3 kb |
6.8 |
1.66 |
0.47 |
1:64 |
Tube 2, 3 kb |
6 |
1.65 |
0.4 |
1:64 |
Tube 3, 3 kb |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1:128 |
Tube 4, 3 kb |
7.6 |
1.63 |
0.37 |
1:128 |
Tube 5, 3 kb |
7.1 |
1.51 |
0.44 |
1:256 |
Tube 6, 3 kb |
7 |
1.71 |
0.42 |
1:256 |
Agarose gel for the Resilin-Oligo-PCR
1 % agarose gel according to protocol 8.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
1kb Plus Ladder |
negativ control |
tube1 |
10ng of template for tube 1 |
tube5 |
10ng of template for tube 5 |
tube6 |
10ng of template for tube 6 |
1kb Plus ladder |
Agarose gel for the Resilin-Oligo-PCR.
1 kb Plus DNA ladder, 1 % agarose gel.
- the Fragments where exprected at 3 kb.
- as one can see only the primers can bee seen in the gel
- the negativ control cannot be seen, use more than 10 ng
Trouble shooting:
- use more than 10 ng of template next time
- One reason that the PCR did not work could be, that
the T4 ligase has not properly ligated start and end oligos to mid fragments, also it could be that the mid Oligos did not ligate properly
Next steps:
- add end and start oligos in ratio 64:1 to the Oligo-Fragments isolated from the PCR-gel and add T4 ligase with ATP buffer.
- test T4 ligase by:
- resticiton digestion of a Plasmid
- religation of the fragment using T4 ligase.
- heat to 95 °C
- test ligation on a gel
Re-Ligation of Start & End Oligos to middle oligos extracted from gel over 2 days
gel extracted oligo samples were used
2 and 6 from 1,5 kb
1 and 5 from 2 kb
4 and 5 from 3 kb
From each tube we transferred 9 µL. The first 2 µL of SacI_ rev 1:100 and 2 µL SacI_fw 1:100 were added and ligated for 1.5 hour at 37 °C. 1 µL T4 Ligase and 2 µL buffer (total volume 20 µL) were added. Then 2µL of NdeI_fw 1:100 and 2µL NdeI_rev 1:100 Oligos were added to the ligation mix. The total ligation lasted for 48 h (total volume now 20 µL).
PCR with the ligation from 05.09.
All 6 tubes and a positive control prepared.
Mastermix according to protocol 5.1 with 8.75 μl FW_RE_Oligo_amp-Primer and RV_RE_Oligo_amp-Primer each and a total volume of 105 μl. In each PCR tube, 15 μl and 10 μl Template were pipetted.
A positive control was made as follows:
- Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix: 12,5 μl
- FW_EGFP_SLiCE_PCR: 1,25 μl
- RV_EGFP_SLiCE_PCR: 1,25 μl
- EGFP-Linker: 10 μl
The annealing temperature was 56 °C and the elongation time was 3 min for 30 cycles.
we numbered the PCR tubes from 1-6 and a +
Number |
Description |
1 |
1,5 kb Religation from 05.09 for 48h |
2 |
1,5 kb Religation from 05.09 for 48h |
3 |
2 kb Religation from 05.09 for 48h |
4 |
2 kb Religation from 05.09 for 48h |
5 |
3 kb Religation from 05.09 for 48h |
6 |
3 kb Religation from 05.09 for 48h |
+ |
Positive control with EGFP+Linker and the respective primers |
The PCR was checked on a 1 % agarose gel (protocol 8).
Gel electrophoresis of PCR religation of oligos. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder, 1 % agarose gel.
DNA-Annealing for Repeatigo
1. Calculate Oligos:
- Oligo 1: ca 70 µg DNA --> 50 μl
- Oligo 2: ca 70 µg DNA --> 50 μl
- Ansatz An-Oligos: 100 μl mit 140 µg DNA von Oligo 1+2
- NdeI fw: ca 40 µg DNA --> V=m/c = 0.00004 g/ 0.6436 g/ L = 62.1 μl
- NdeI rev: ca 40 µg DNA --> V=m/c = 0.00004 g/ 1.3308 g/ L = 30.06 μl
- Ansatz An-NdeI: 60 μl fw + 30 μl rev = 90 μl mit ca 80 µg DNA von NdeI fw+rev
- SacI fw: a 40 µg DNA --> V=m/c = 0.00004 g/ 0.72424 g/ L = 55.23 μl
- Sac I rev: a 40 µg DNA --> V=m/c = 0.00004 g/ 1.40187 g/ L = 28.53 μl
- Ansatz An-SacI: 55 μl fw + 29 μl rev = 84 μl mit ca 80 µg DNA aus SacI fw+rev
2. Annealing:
- Prepare annealing mixture with the desired ratio of the same Oligos (Volume, conc, mass above)
- An-Oligos: Oligo 1 fw + Oligo 2 rev
- An-NdeI: NdeI start fw + NdeI start rev
- An-SacI: SacI ende fw + SacI ende rev
- Heat the mixtures to 90°C for 5 minutes.
- Gradually cool the mixture to room temperature over 12 minutes in the PCR block
3. Concentrations:
An-Oligos: 139 µg/ 100 μl = 1.39 µg/ μl
An-NdeI: 80 µg/92.16 μl = 0.868µg/ μl
An-SacI: 80 µg/83.76 μl = 0.955µg/ μl
4. Calculate:
- 3 Ansätze:
- Lig-1: 64:1 --> 6 µg An-Oligos + 0.09 µg Enden jeweils
- Lig-2: 32:1 --> 4 µg An-Oligos + 0.12 µg Enden jeweils
- Lig-3: 10:1 --> 4 µg An-Oligos + 0.4 µg Enden jeweils
- Lig-4: 2:1 --> 4 µg An-Oligos + 2 µg Enden jeweils
5. Dilute:
- An-NdeI 1:10 --> 0.0868 µg/ μl
- An-SacI 1:10 --> 0.0955 µg/ μl
- Ligation 1: Oligos + NdeI jeweils 20 μl Ansätze
- Lig-1: 4.32 μl von An-Oligos + 1.03 μl von An-NdeI 1:10 + 11.65 μl nuclease-free water 2 μl Ligase buffer + 1 μl Ligase
- Lig-2: 2.88 µL von An-Oligos + 1.38 µL von An-NdeI 1:10 + 12.74 µL nuclease-free water + 2 µL Ligase buffer + 1 µL Ligase
- Lig-3: 2.88 µL von An-Oligos + 4.61 µL von An-NdeI 1:10 + 9.51 µL nuclease-free water + 2 µL Ligase buffer + 1 µL Ligase
- Lig-4: 2.88 µL von An-Oligos + 2.30 µL von An-NdeI + 11.82 µL nuclease-free water + 2 µL Ligase buffer + 1 µL Ligase
Pipette together + mix gently, Centrifuge shortly, incubate at 25 °C for 2 h
- Ligation 2: add An-SacI jeweils zu den 20 µL Erstansätzen
- Lig-1: add 0.94 µL von An-SacI 1:10
- Lig-2: add 1.26 µL von An-SacI 1:10
- Lig-3: add 4.2 µL von An-SacI 1:10
- Lig-4: add 2.1 µL von An-SacI
Pipette together + mix gently, incubate at RT over night (18.5 h)
- Heat inactivate at 65 °C for 10 min
- put on ice
Gel and Gel Clean-up
Ligation 1 to 4 were loaded into a 1% gel with the NEB 1kb plus ladder.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Ladder 10 μl |
Ligation 1 (24 μl) |
Ligation 2 (24 μl) |
Ligation 3 (24 μl) |
Ligation 4 (24 μl) |
Ladder 10 μl |
Bands were cut out of the gel and cleaned up according to protocol 6.2.
Amplification of the Oligo Fragments
PCR for amplification of the Oligo fragments that have been cleaned the day before and a checkup with a 1 % agarose gel.
A mastermix (10x) was created (protocol 5.2):
In each PCR Tube 48 μl mastermix and 2 μl Template from each cleanuped tubes were pipetted. For the negative control, 2 μl water were used.
PCR was done with 60 °C annealing temperature and 3 min elongation.
The PCR was checked with a 1 % agarose gel. 20 μl PCR-product were mixed with 4 μl loading dye.
The 10 pockets were loaded as followed:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Lig1 3 kb |
Lig1 2 kb |
Lig1 1,5 kb |
Lig1 1 kb |
ladder 1kb |
Lig2 3 kb |
Lig2 2 kb |
Lig2 1,5 kb |
Lig4 1 kb |
negative control |
Unfortunately the PCR didn´t work.
Annealing approach for Resilin via Reapetigo Method
We used the following Oligo reactions:
- Middle Oligo fw + rev 30 µg
- Middle Oligo fw + rev 15 µg
- Middle Oligo fw + rev 0,3 µg
- Middle Oligo fw + rev & NdeI fw+ rev 30 µg
- Middle Oligo fw + rev & NdeI fw + rev 15 µg
- Middle Oligo fw + rev & NedI fw + rev 0,3 µg
- NdeI fw + rev 1:10. 10X solution
- SacI fw + rev 1:10. 10X solution
Sample 1-6 were prepared with 40 μl volume:
Sample 1(30 μg):
- Standard Ligation Buffer, 10x conc.: 4 μl
- T4 DNA Ligase: 0.8 μl*
- Oligo_1_repeat_fw (1:10): 10.8 μl
- Oligo_2_repeat_fw (1:10): 10.8 μl
- Nuclease-free water: 13.6 μl
Sample 2 (15 μg):
- Standard Ligation Buffer, 10x conc.: 4 μl
- T4 DNA Ligase: 0.8 μl*
- Oligo_1_repeat_fw (1:10): 5.4 μl
- Oligo_2_repeat_fw (1:10): 5.4 μl
- Nuclease-free water: 23.79 μl
Sample 3 (0.3 μg):
- Standard Ligation Buffer, 10x conc.: 4 μl
- T4 DNA Ligase: 0.8 μl*
- Oligo_1_repeat_fw (1:1000): 10.8 μl
- Oligo_2_repeat_fw (1:1000): 10.8 μl
- Nuclease-free water: 13.6 μl
Sample 4 (30 μg):
- Standard Ligation Buffer, 10x conc.: 4 μl
- T4 DNA Ligase: 0.8 μl*
- Oligo_1_repeat_fw (1:10): 10.8 μl
- Oligo_2_repeat_fw (1:10): 10.8 μl
- NdeI_fw (1:10): 1.7 μl
- NdeI_rev (1:10): 1.67 μl
- Nuclease-free water: 10.23 μl
Sample 5 (15 μg):
- Standard Ligation Buffer, 10x conc.: 4 μl
- T4 DNA Ligase: 0.8 μl*
- Oligo_1_repeat_fw (1:10): 5.4 μl
- Oligo_2_repeat_fw (1:10): 5.4 μl
- NdeI_fw (1:10): 0.85 μl
- NdeI_rev (1:10): 0.84 μl
- Nuclease-free water: 22.1 μl
Sample 6 (0.3 μg):
- Standard Ligation Buffer, 10x conc.: 4 μl
- T4 DNA Ligase: 0.8 μl*
- Oligo_1_repeat_fw (1:1000): 10.8 μl
- Oligo_2_repeat_fw (1:1000): 10.8 μl
- NdeI_fw (1:1000): 1.7 μl
- NdeI_rev (1:1000):1.67 μl
- Nuclease-free water: 10.23 μl
- added after the 55 min annealing time
The samples were put into the thermocycler and heated up to 95 °C. Over 55 min they were cooled down to 20 °C to anneal correctly. After that, the T4 DNA Ligase was added to the samples and incubated overnight at 16 °C.
Adding the end and start oligos to the Ligation from 25.09.2024
The start and end oligos were diluted by the factor 100 to create a 1:1000 dilution.
Tube 9: NdeI fw + rev 1:1000
Tube 10: SacI fw + rev 1:1000
The Start and End Oligos were added to the tubes 1-6 as followed:
tube number |
Start Oligo (NdeI fw + rev) |
End Oligo (SacI fw + rev) |
1 |
3.37 μl (1:10 dilution (tube 7)) |
4.1 μl (1:10 dilution (tube 8)) |
2 |
1.69 μl (1:10 dilution (tube 7)) |
2.05 μl (1:10 dilution (tube 8)) |
3 |
3.37 μl (1:1000 dilution (tube 9)) |
4.1 μl (1:1000 dilution (tube 10)) |
4 |
- |
4.1 μl (1:10 dilution (tube 8)) |
5 |
- |
2.05 μl (1:10 dilution (tube 8)) |
6 |
- |
4.1 μl (1:1000 dilution (tube 10)) |
Then 0.8 μl of Ligase was added again in Tube 1-6 and the tubes were put back into the thermoycycler at 16 degrees for about 5 hours.
GEL of the Oligos + PCR of the good Oligo bands
Making a 1% Agarose Gels with a total Volume of 75 μl (2 µL of Midori Green pro Gel)
Loading the samples: 20 μl of each sample + 4 μl Loading dye
Ladder: 7 μl
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Ladder |
Sample 1 |
Sample 2 |
Sample 3 |
Ladder |
Sample 4 |
Sample 5 |
Sample 6 |
Ladder |
Run the Gel at 120 V
Oligo Fragments of different length. Different concentrations of mid Oligos (see above the lanes) resulted in different length distributions of resilin fragments. Three different Fragmentlength were isolated from the gel (see red boxes); 1% agarose gel; DNA Ladder: 1 kb Plus.
Clean up of the three resilin Gel pieces according to protocol 6.2
with the additional ethanol wash step before the elution. The evaporation period of Ethanol is 15-20 min
Weight of the gel pieces and amount of QB buffer.
Resilin 2 3 kb |
320 mg |
960 μl |
Resilin 2 1 kb |
347 mg |
1041 μl |
Resilin 5 1 kb |
162 mg |
486 μl |
Nanodrop measurement:
Resilin 2 3 kb |
Dilution to 1 ng/µL |
4.55 µL DNA + 15.45 µL water |
4.4 ng/µL |
2.26 |
0.24 |
Resilin 2 1 kb |
Dilution to 1 ng/µL |
11.1 µL DNA + 18.9 µL water |
18.2 ng/µL |
1.98 |
0.47 |
Resilin 5 1 kb |
Dilution to 1 ng/µL |
1.7 µL DNA + 18.3 µL water |
11.8 ng/µL |
1.81 |
0.58 |
PCR of the purified Resilin Oligos
PCR according to protocol 5.2 with the thermofischer Phusion. Each Resilin sample should get 3 reactions with different amounts of template. (2 ng, 1 ng, 0.5 ng). Therefore 3 x 150 μl were created with 7.5 μl of the Oligo_Amp_fw and Oligo_Amp_rev primers, 3 μl dNTPs, 15 μl Phusion Buffer and 1.5 μl Phusion Polymerase. For each amount of template a different water amount was added:
Mastermix 2 (2 ng): 113.5 μl water
Mastermix 1 (1 ng): 114.5 μl water
Mastermix 0.5 (0.5 ng): 115 μl water
PCR Tube 1
- 48 μl Mastermix 2
- 2 μl 2, 3 kb
PCR Tube 2
- 48 μl Mastermix 2
- 2 μl 2, 1 kb
PCR Tube 3
- 48 μl Mastermix 2
- 2 μl 5, 1 kb
PCR Tube 4
- 49 μl Mastermix 1
- 1 μl 2, 3 kb
PCR Tube 5
- 49 μl Mastermix 1
- 1 μl 2, 1 kb
PCR Tube 6
- 49 μl Mastermix 1
- 1 μl 5, 1 kb
PCR Tube 7
- 5 μl Mastermix 0.5
- 5 μl 2, 3 kb
PCR Tube 8
- 5 μl Mastermix 0.5
- 5 μl 2, 1 kb
PCR Tube 9
- 5 μl Mastermix 0.5
- 5 μl 5, 1 kb
PCR with 60 °C annealing temperature and 20 s elongation time for 30 cycles.
Transformation of pET28-c in TOP10
Transformation following protocol 2.
Gel of the PCR from 26.09.2024
Make a 1 % 75 mL Agarose gel (according to protocol 8)
Let 20 µL of the Samples 1-9 evaporate in a 1.5 mL Eppi for 10 min
Add 4 μl Loading Dye and let it evaporate for 3 min
Load the samples on the Gel:
1 Lane Ladder
2-10 Lane: Samples 1-9
Gelelectrophoresis of PCR of purified Resilin Oligos. 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder, 1 % agarose gel.
- Cut bands of samples 2, 5,7 out of the gel they are good
- Cut band from sample 1 (Is ok)
- Clean the gel pieces according to protocol 6.2 with the extra ethanol wash step before the elution.
Measurement with Nanodrop:
Sample |
ng / μl |
260/280 |
260/230 |
Sample 1 |
2.5 |
2.43 |
0.12 |
Sample 2 |
10.5 |
1.76 |
0.21 |
Sample 5 |
1.7 |
2.47 |
0.07 |
Sample 7 |
1.7 |
2.27 |
0.10 |
Repeat the Gel with the rest of the PCR-product
repeating the same steps as before
1. Ladder 2. Sample 2 3. Sample 5 3. Sample 7
120 mV
Cut a band from every sample since they were all good.
Overnight culture of transformed TOP10 with pET28-c
Four colonies from the transformation of pET28-c in TOP10 performed on the 27.09.24 were picked and placed in four tubes with 5 mL of LB-medium.
- Additionally, 5 µL of ampicillin (50 mg/mL stock solution) were added
- Finally, the cell suspensions were incubated overnight at 37 °C and 150 rpm on a shaker
Gel clean-up of the gel bands from the 27.09.24
Clean the gel cut out according to protocol 6.2 with the additional ethanol wash step before the elution.
Nanodrop measurements:
Sample |
ng / μl |
260/280 |
260/230 |
Sample 2 |
1.1 |
1.88 |
0.08 |
Sample 5 |
1.2 |
1.79 |
0.05 |
Sample 7 |
1.6 |
1.35 |
0.05 |
Do a PCR to amplify the cleaned repeats again from today (2,5,7) and yesterday (1,2,5,7) because we need higher concentrations for the cloning into the plasmid
PCR according to protocol 5.2 with the thermofischer Phusion (50 μl)
25 μl sample + 5 μl loading dye for the Agarose gel
1 |
Ladder |
2 |
Sample 1 from gel clean up (27.09.24) |
3 |
Sample 2 from gel clean up (27.09.24) |
4 |
Sample 5 from gel clean up (27.09.24) |
5 |
Sample 7 from gel clean up (27.09.24) |
6 |
Ladder |
7 |
Sample 2 from gel clean up (28.09.24) |
8 |
Sample 5 from gel clean up (28.09.24) |
9 |
Sample 7 from gel clean up (28.09.24) |
Cutting bands
The gel pieces were cleaned according to protocol 6.2 with the additional ethanol wash step before the elution.
Restriction ligation of pET28-c and resilin
Isolation of peT28-c from TOP10 following the Miniprep protocol from Qiagen.
Clone |
1.1 |
1.2 |
2.1 |
2.2 |
Con. (ng/µL) |
28.8 |
24.9 |
21.8 |
28.4 |
The purified resilin samples from the 27.09.24 were pooled (From now on listed as resilin 1) and purified following the Qiagen gel clean up protocol stating at step 5. Before that, the equal amount of sample volume of buffer QB was added. The same steps were repeated with the purified resilin samples from the 28.09.24 (From now on listed as resilin 2).
Sample |
Resilin 1 |
Resilin 2 |
Con. (ng/µL) |
51 |
46,7 |
First, the restriction of pET28-c and resilin was carried out with SacI and NdlI for 1 h at 37 °C. Next the samples were heat inactivated for 20 min at 65 °C.
pET28-c |
Clone 1.1 |
Clone 1.2 |
Clone 2.2 |
Clone 2.1 |
Negative control |
1 ng template (µL) |
35 |
40 |
35 |
45 |
- |
Buffer (µL) |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
- |
SacI (µL) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
- |
- |
NdeI (µL) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
- |
- |
ddH2O (µL) |
8 |
3 |
8 |
- |
- |
The samples had a total volume of 50 µL
Resilin 1 |
Resilin 2 |
Resilin 3* |
Negative control |
Template (µL) |
19 (962 ng) |
19 (887,3 ng) |
10 (109 ng) |
7 (76,3 ng) |
Buffer (µL) |
5 |
5 |
1,8 |
1,2 |
SacI (µL) |
1 |
1 |
0,1 |
- |
NdeI (µL) |
1 |
1 |
0,1 |
- |
ddH2O (µL) |
24 |
24 |
- |
40 |
- Sample 3 is sample 2 from the 27.09.2024
- The restricted pET28-c plasmid and the resilin sequence were ligated for 1h at RT using the following 50 µL reactions.
Ligation 1 |
Ligation 2 |
Ligation 3 |
Ligation 4Negative control |
Ligase buffer (µL) |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
T4 Ligase (µL) |
0,4 |
0,4 |
0,4 |
0 |
pET28 (µL) |
20 (400 ng) |
20 (400 ng) |
20 (400 ng) |
20 (400 ng) |
Resilin (µL) |
20 (384 ng) |
20 (384 ng) |
10 (90,8 ng) |
20 (N/A) |
ddH2O (µL) |
5,6 |
5,6 |
15,6 |
5,6 |
As a control the ligation 1 of was restricted with Sac1.
Ligation 1 |
Template (µL) |
5 |
Buffer (µL) |
1 |
SacI (µL) |
0,5 |
ddH2O (µL) |
3,5 |
A 1% agarose gel of 75 mL with 4 µL Midori green was made to verify the restriction ligation of pEt28-c and resilin. 10 µL of each recombination sample were mixed with 2 µL loading dye.
pET28-c_Resilin PCR. pET28-c not digested (negative control) and digested *pET28-c 1-3 triplicates as well as digested *pET28-c_resilin. Additionally, the resilin sequence, as well as the undigested pET28-c_resilin 1-3 are shown.
Ladder: 1 kb Plus; Agarose gel: 1 %.
Transformation of the recombination samples into DH5α and TOP10 using LB-Kan plates following the transformation protocol 2.
DH5α |
TOP10 |
1 |
10 µL |
38 µL |
2 |
10 µL |
38 µL |
3 |
10 µL |
38 µL |
1 |
10 µL |
38 µL |
3 |
10 µL |
38 µL |
Due to too high concentrations of the pET28-c_resilin plasmid no bacteria grew on the plates.
Repetition of the ligation and transformation of pET28-C_resilin in DH5α
The remaining restriction reactions 1 and 2 from the 29.09.2024 were pooled and ligated for 1 h at RT and then heat inactivated for 10 min at 65 °C
Ligation |
Ligase buffer (µL) |
5 |
T4 Ligase (µL) |
0,8 |
pET28 (µL) |
20 |
Resilin (µL) |
20 |
ddH2O (µL) |
4.2 |
Purification of the ligation reactions
The purified ligation samples from the 29.09.24 were pooled as well as the ligation samples from today and purified following the Qiagen gel clean up protocol stating at step 5. Before that, the equal amount of sample volume of buffer QB was added.
Resilin Ligation Pool |
Concentration (ng/µL) |
Resilin ligation pool 29.9 |
27,7 ng/µL |
Resilin ligation pool 30.09 |
87,2 ng/µL |
Both ligation pools from the 29.09 and 30.09 were sent for a whole plasmid sequencing
Transformation of pET28-c-resilin
- Additionally, a transformation of the two purified pET28-c_resilin plasmid pools was made into DH5α following an optimized version of the transformation protocol 2 using LB-Kan plates.
- Incubate 30 min on ice.
- Incubate for 45 seconds at 42 °C.
- Put on ice for 5 min.
- Add 200 µl prewarmed (37°C) SOC medium to the cells.
- Incubate the cells for 90 min at 37 °C and 500 rpm.
- Plate all on LB-Agar plates with ampicillin.
- Incubate on prewarmed plates at 37 °C overnight.
Ligation reaction |
ddH2O |
DH5α |
Negative control |
/ |
2 µL |
33 µL |
Resilin ligation pool 29.9 |
1 µL |
/ |
33 µL |
Resilin ligation pool 30.09 |
0,2 µL |
/ |
33 µL |
Colony PCR of pET28-c-resilin in TOP10
A colony PCR was performed from the four colonies that grew on the plates.
Colonies 1-4 |
Positive control |
Negative control |
Taq 2x Master Mix |
25 µL |
25 µL |
25 µL |
Oligo_1repeat_fw_primer |
1 µL |
1 µL |
1 µL |
Oligo_2repeat_fw_primer |
1 µL |
1 µL |
1 µL |
Template |
Colony 1, 2, 3 or 4 |
pET-28-c_resilin 1 µL (1:10) |
/ |
ddH2O |
23 µL |
22 µL |
23 µL |
pET28-c_Resilin colony PCR. Four reactions were made with different clones from a transformation of TOP10 with the pET28-c-Resilin. As a positive control the untransformed pET28-c-Resilin was used and as a negative control water was used as a template.
Ladder: 1 kb Plus; Agarose gel: 1%.
The production of pET28-c_resilin plasmid and it’s transformation into TOP10 was a success, since a band at about a height of 1,3 kbp, representing resilin, can be detected in colony PCR the clones 1-4.
Overnight culture of transformed TOP10 with pET28-c_resilin
Four colonies from the transformation of pET28-c_resilin in TOP10 performed on the 29.09.24 that were also picked for the colony PCR were placed in four tubes with 5 mL of LB-medium.
- Additionally, 5 µL of ampicillin (50 mg/mL stock solution) were added to generate.
- Finally, the cell suspensions were incubated overnight at 37 °C and 150 rpm on a shaker
Overnight cultures for Sequencing and long term storage
- Discard overnight culture of DH5a with pET28(c)+_resilin from tuesday
- Make 4 new overnight cultures from each clones picked on 01.10.24 and 03.10.24
- 5 mL LB-medium and Kanamycin
Sequencing and long term storage of DH5a with pET28(c)+_resilin
- Send clones 1 and 2 from the 01.10.24 overnight culture and clones 3 and 4 from the 03.10.24 overnight culture to sequencing with e.coli
- Made glycerol stocks with the overnight cultures for storage with 500 µL of the overnight culture and 500µL of 50% glycerol
- • Overnight cultures were stored in the fridge at 4 °C after incubation
Miniprep pET28c(+)
- • Miniprep following protocol 7.1 with the overnight cultures from the 04.10.2024 from the clones 1-4.
Clone |
Con. (ng/µL) |
260/280 |
260/230 |
1.10 1 |
73.7 |
1.83 |
1.55 |
1.10 2 |
42.2 |
1.9 |
2.58 |
1.10 3 |
81.2 |
1.92 |
2.47 |
1.10 4 |
54.4 |
1.85 |
1.61 |
3.10 1 |
51.5 |
1.92 |
2.57 |
3.10 2 |
64 |
1.82 |
1.26 |
3.10 3 |
69 |
1.84 |
1.30 |
3.10 4 |
44.7 |
1.8 |
1.28 |
Restriction of pET28c(+)_resilin
Made a Restriction reaction with a total volume of 0.5 µg.
- 1µL XhoI
- 1µL NdhI
- 5µL 10× rcutsmart buffer
- 0.5 µg template
- add to 50 µL ddH2O
Each of the 8 plasmids from above were cutted with the reaction from above. Additionally, there was a reaction with just pET28c(+) as a template.
They were incubated for 1h at 37 °C.
Afterwards they were checked with a 1% agarose gel. For this 20 µl restriction reaction was mixed with 5 µl loading dye and loaded onto the gel, as well as 8 µl of the ladder.
1 |
Ladder |
2 |
pET28(c)+ digested |
3 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 3.10 1 digested |
4 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 3.10 2 digested |
5 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 3.10 3 digested |
6 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 3.10 4 digested |
7 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 1.10 1 digested |
8 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 1.10 2 digested |
9 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 1.10 3 digested |
10 |
pET28(c)+_resilin 1.10 4 digested |
11 |
pET28(c) undigested |
Unfortunately no resilin insertion was observed in the plasmid from the DH5α bacteria.
Competent cells JM109
The E. coli strain JM109 was made competent following the protocol 1. 50 mL LB-Medium with 2 mL overnight culture of JM109 was put into a 500 mL culture flask and put into an incubator at 37 °C. The OD600 was measured and as the OD600 = 0,570 was reached the whole media was transferred into a 50 mL falcon.
Afterwards 100 µl of cell culture was put into 1,5 mL tubes and freezed at -80 °C.
Transformation of pET28c(+)_resilin into JM109
Transforming pET28c(+)_resilin into JM109 bacteria following protocol 2.
The bacteria were plated on LB-agar plates spiked with kanamycin.
As a negative control JM109 bacteria were transformed with only pET28c(+).
As a second negative control JM109 were plated out without being transformed.
We transformed the JM109 bacteria cells with:
- 5 µl pET28c(+)_resilin2 (1)
- 5 µl pET28c(+)_resilin2 (1)
- 5 µL of pET28(c)+_resilin1, 2, 3
- 5 µl pET28c(+)
Making overnight cultures from the transformed bacteria from the 17.10.24
Add one clone in 5 mL LB-Media with 10 µL Kanamycin (Stock: 50 mg/mL).
Incubate them on a shaker at 37 °C and 180 rpm overnight.
- 2 overnight cultures with pET28(c)+
- 3 overnight cultures with pET28(c)+_resilin from ligation 2
- 3 overnight cultures with pET28(c)+_resilin from ligation pool1+2+3
IPTG induction of resilin expression
6 asseys from transformation (see 17.10.2024) with:
- 50 μl kanamycin
- 1000 μl from
- "pET28(c)+_resilin1, 2, 3" → three assays
- "pET28(c)+_resilin2" → two assays
- "pET28(c)+" without resilin → one assay (negative control)
- 49 ml LB media each
- incubated at 37 ° C and RPM 200 until OD 0.5 was reached
Induction of 6 asseys with IPTG:
- added 30 μl IPTG to each assay to induce resilin expression
- sample of each taken immediately afterwards and frozen at -20 ° C → "Ex0" (negative control)
- incubated rest of IPTG assays over night at 37 ° C and RPM 200 for expression of resilin
SDS-PAGE for resilin detection
21 hours after the IPTG induction the cells were harvested. 20 mL of each culture was transferred into two 50 mL falcon tubes and centrifuged for 15 min at 3400g. The cell pellet of one half of the culture was resuspended with 3 mL lysis buffer and the other half was resuspended in LB-Medium.
- pET28(c)+
- pET28(c)+_resilin ligation 1+2+3 1
- pET28(c)+_resilin ligation 1+2+3 2
- pET28(c)+_resilin ligation 1+2+3 3
- pET28(c)+_resilin ligation 2.1
- pET28(c)+_resilin ligation 2.2
Then two different lysis approaches were performed. First we did Heat Lysis with each of the 6 expression cultures in Lysis buffer and LB-Medium. This totals 12 eppis, each with 1 mL culture. They were heated for 10 min at 90 °C and then centrifuged for 25 min at 16.000g.
1 mL of each of the 6 expression cultures were used for sonification lysis. They were sonified for 10 s with a 30 s break for a total of 5 repeats. After that they were centrifuged for 25 min at 16.000g.
50 µl of the supernatant of the heated and sonified samples were mixed with 50 µl reducing sample buffer.
The samples without lysis were also mixed with 50 µl reducing sample buffer.
Three 10% SDS-Gels were prepared following the protocol 9. On Gel 1 the samples before and after the induction were put onto. Gel 2 contained the heat lysis samples and Gel 3 the sonified samples of all six expression cultures.
The gels were stained over night with Coomassie.
Testing competent cells with pMK1
Transformation of pMK1 into TOP10 and BL21* competent cells following protocol 2 Transformation.
After adding the pre-warmed SOC medium the cells were incubated for 60 min on the shaker at 37 °C and 300 rpm
100 µL of the bacteria suspension were plated on the LB-Agar-Amp. Plates
As a negative control the competent cells were incubated in 100 µl water and plated on the LB-Agar-Amp
Transformation of DH5α with pUC_HasA
Wet the dry pUC_HasA plasmid DNA
Transformation of pUC_HasA into DH5α following protocol 2 Transformation.
After adding just 200 µL pre-warmed SOC medium the cells were incubated for 60 min on the shaker at 37 °C and 300 rpm
250 µL were plated on LB-Agar-Amp. Plates
Overnight culture of transformed DH5α with pUC_HasA for expression of hyaluronic acid synthase
Two colonies (pUC_HasA_1 and pUC_HasA_2) from the transformation of pUC_HasA in DH5α from 03.07.24 were picked and transferred in two tubes with 3 mL of LB-medium.
Additionally 3 µL of ampicillin (100 mg/mL stock solution) were added for a 1:1000 dilution.
Finally the cell suspensions were incubated over night at 37 °C, 150 rpm on a shaker
Miniprep of pUC_HasA for expression of hyaluronic acid synthase
A miniprep was carried out with the over night cultures from pUC_HasA_1 and pUC_HasA_2 from 04.07.24 following the protocol 7.1 Plasmid Mini-Prep - NEB.
Transformation of pUC_HasA in TOP10 for expression of hyaluronic acid synthase
Transformation of pUC_HasA_1 and pUC_HasA_2, purified with a miniprep on 04.07.24, into competent TOP10 bacteria following the protocol 2 Transformation..
A total of 100 µL of bacteria suspension with pUC_HasA were plated on the LB-Agar-Amp. Plates.
As a negative control water was added to the competent cells.
Overnight culture of transformed TOP10 with pUC_HasA for expression of hyaluronic acid synthase
Three colonies from the tranformation of pUC_HasA_2 in TOP10 performed on 17.07.24 were picked and placed in three tubes with 3 mL of LB-medium each.
Additionally 3 µL of ampicillin (100 mg/mL stock solution) were added to achieve a 1:1000 dilution.
Finally the cell suspensions were incubated over night at 37 °C, 150 rpm on a shaker.
Induction of hyaluronic acid synthase expression with arabinose
For the initiation of the hyaluronic acid synthase expression 50 mL LB-Medium with 50 µL of ampicilin (100 mg/mL stock solution) were added to the 2 mL of overnight cultures 2 and 3 from 17.07.2024.
The cell cultures were incubated at 37 °C, 130 rpm on the shaker until they reached an OD600 of 0.6.
As a control 1 mL of the cell culture from clone 2 and 3 were taken at an OD600 of 0,6 and stored at 4 °C until further analysis.
To start the synthetisation, 500 µL of arabinose (10 g/L stock solution; final concentration = 1 µg/mL) were added to the culture of clone 2 and 1000 µL of arabinose (final concentration = 2 µg/mL) were added to the culture of clone 3.
The cell cultures of clones 2 and 3 were then incubated for 20 h at 37 °C, 150 rpm on a shaker.
Analysis of the hyaluronic acid synthase expression with an SDS-PAGE
After 20 h expression of Hyaluronic acid through induction with arabinose the OD600 of the cultures from clones 2 and 3 were measured.
Culture (Arabinose conc.) |
OD600 (20 h after induction) |
Clone 2 (1 µg/mL) |
2,750 |
Clone 3 (2 µg/mL) |
N/A |
300 µL of Clone 2 and 3 were diluted with 700 µL LB medium to reach an OD600 of 1. Even tho clone 3 was not measurable undiluted, it had an OD600 of 1 after adding the LB medium.
To analyze the hyaluronic acid expression an SDS-Page with an 12% gel was performed following the protocol 9
To prepare the samples under reducing conditions for the SDS-PAGE 50 µL of clones 2 and 3, both pre and post induction, were mixed with 50 µL of reducing sample buffer and a total of 15 µL were then loaded onto the gel. As a ladder the PageRuler Unstained Protein Ladder (Thermo Scientific, Cat. no.: 26614) was used.
After the SDS-PAGE the gel was stained with Coomassie for 1 h and destained with ddH2O over night.
Expected bands: 52 kDa (HasA)
SDS-PAGE for validation of HasA expression in TOP10. From left to right is the PageRuler, Clone 2 before and after induction and Clone 3 before and after induction. Bands were visible slightly above 50 kDa after induction.
Legend: bef. = before; aft. = after; Ind = Induction
We were able to see bands at a height of about 52 kDa, which is consistent with the molecular weight of the hyaluronic synthase.
In the next steps, we choose to prove and observe the hyaluronic acid expression with an HasA-eGFP fusion protein.
Cloning of a HasA-eGFP fusion protein for the detection of HasA Expression
To insert the eGFP+Linker behind the HasA gene a SLiCE reaction will be used.
For the SLiCE the two fragments eGFP+Linker and pUC_HasA are linearized with a PCR reaction containing homologue overhangs.
The PCRs were performed following the protocol 5.1 PCR - Q5 Mastermix from NEB with following templates, primers and annealing temperatures:
Reaction |
Template |
Primer |
Annealing Temperature [°C] |
Elongation [s] |
HasA_SLiCE_1 |
pUC_HasA |
pUC_IDT_hasA_fw_SLICE & pUC_IDT_hasA_rev_SLICE |
57.1 |
185 |
HasA_SLiCE_2 |
pUC_HasA |
pUC_IDT_hasA_fw_SLICE & pUC_IDT_hasA_rev_SLICE |
60.9 |
185 |
eGFP_SLiCE_1 |
eGFP_Linker |
55 |
40 |
eGFP_SLiCE_2 |
eGFP_Linker |
56.4 |
40 |
eGFP_SLiCE_3 |
eGFP_Linker |
57.7 |
40 |
eGFP_SLiCE_4 |
eGFP_Linker |
59.1 |
40 |
To determine if the PCRs were successful, we ran agarose gels produced after protocol 8
Agarose gel.
expected bands:
5250 bp (HasA_SLiCE)
762 bp (eGFP_SLiCE)
1% agarose gel elektrophoresis following pUC_HasA and eGFP_Linker gradient PCR. A) shows the products of the HasA_SLiCE gradient PCR with clearly visible bands at 500 bp, 600 bp and 900 bp. B) shows the products of the eGFP_SLiCE gradient PCR with visible bands at 700-800 bp. As negative contol water was used as template for all PCRs; Ladder: 1 kb Plus.
Results: With bands being between 700-800 bp and the size of our desired product being 762 bp, eGFP_SLiCE PCR can be considered successful as suggested by band size
Problem: there were no bands at the expected 5250 bp. Retry with lower annealing temperature.
Colony PCR of the transformed SLiCE pUC_HasA_eGFP into Top10 bacteria
to test the colonies from the NEBuilder homolog recombination with pUC_HasA- and eGFP-SLiCE-Fragments a Colony PCR was performed. 18 colonies were tested. 9 colonies were picked from the plate with a 1:2 vector: insert ratio. The other 9 colonies were picked from the plate with a 1:4 vector: insert ratio.
The Colony PCR Mastermix was done with 100 μl DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2x), 10 μl of each primer Rev_ColPCR_HasA_eGFP and FW_ColPCR_HasA_eGFP and 80 μl nuclease-free water. The colonies were picked with a toothpick or a pipette tip and added into 10 μl PCR Mastermix. 12 colonies were tested. 6 colonies from the plates where the Top10 cells were transformed with the pUC_HasA-eGFP_SLiCE extract that was incubated for 1 hour and 6 from the plates where the extract was incubated overnight. A positive control was added consisting of 12.5 μl DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2x), 1.25 μl of each primer (pUC_IDT_hasA_fw_SLICE, Rev_ColPCR_HasA_eGFP), 0.5 μl pUC_HasA_eGFP as Template and 25 μl nuclease free water.
The PCR was done as follows:
Step |
Temperature, °C |
Time |
Number of cycles |
Initial denaturation |
95 |
3 min |
1 |
Denaturation |
95 |
30 s |
30 |
Annealing |
54 |
30 s |
30 |
Extension |
72 |
1:20 min |
30 |
Final Extension |
72 |
3 min |
1 |
Stop |
10 |
infinite |
1 |
The PCR was checked on a 1 % agarose gel (protocol 8).
Second try to Transform the Homolog recombination of the HasA and eGFP fragment using NEBuilder
Transformation was done according to protocol 2 with 2 μl SLiCE-product (1:2 vector:insert ratio and 1:4 vector:insert ratio) and positive control and 1 μl negative control.
Colony PCR after Transformation
The Colony PCR Mastermix was done with 50 μl DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2x), 5 μl of each primer Rev_ColPCR_HasA_eGFP and FW_ColPCR_HasA_eGFP and 40 μl nuclease-free water. The colonies were picked with a toothpick or a pipette tip and added into 10 μl PCR Mastermix. 12 colonies were tested. 6 colonies from the plates where the Top10 cells were transformed with the pUC_HasA-eGFP_SLiCE extract that was incubated for 1 hour and 6 from the plates where the extract was incubated overnight. A positive control was added consisting of 12.5 μl DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2x), 1.25 μl of each primer (pUC_IDT_hasA_fw_SLICE, Rev_ColPCR_HasA_eGFP), 0.5 μl pUC_HasA_eGFP as Template and 25 μl nuclease free water.
The PCR was done as follows:
Step |
Temperature, °C |
Time |
Number of cycles |
Initial denaturation |
95 |
3 min |
1 |
Denaturation |
95 |
30 s |
30 |
Annealing |
54 |
30 s |
30 |
Extension |
72 |
1:20 min |
30 |
Final Extension |
72 |
3 min |
1 |
Stop |
10 |
infinite |
1 |
From each plate 5 colonies were picked which resulted in 10 PCR tubes plus the positive control.
1: Colony of the 1:2 ratio plate
2: Colony of the 1:2 ratio plate
3: Colony of the 1:2 ratio plate
4: Colony of the 1:2 ratio plate
5: Colony of the 1:2 ratio plate
6: Colony of the 1:4 ratio plate
7: Colony of the 1:4 ratio plate
8: Colony of the 1:4 ratio plate
9: Colony of the 1:4 ratio plate
10: Colony of the 1:4 ratio plate
The PCR was performed with 60 °C annealing temperature and 2:20 elongation time for 30 cycles.
Colony PCR from the 08.09. results
Colony PCR from the 08.09. max. contrast results
Overnight culture
An overnight culture was prepared from the following samples: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. These showed bands at the right length and therefore should be checked via sequencing. The picked colonies were added to LB-Medium and put on the shaker at 37 °C overnight.
The overnight cultures grew well and were sent in for sequencing.
They came all back negative for the insert.
Isolate the pUC-HasA by performing a miniprep
For the isolation protocol 7.2 was followed.
Add overhangs at the puC-HasA for the homolog recombination
PCR according to protocol 5.1 with 30 cycles, annealing temperature 98 °C, and elongation for 3:20 min. Primers pUC_IDT_HasA_rev and pUC_IDT_HasA_fw were used.
Do a Dpn1 digestion to get rid of the template without overhangs and clean it up.
DpnI digest following protocol 3. 25 μl of PCR-product and 1 μl DpnI (NEB) were added to the reaction. Incubation for 2 hours at 37 °C, followed by a heat inactivation for 20 min at 80 °C. After that, a PCR purification was carried out according to protocol 6.1. The cleaned PCR product was analyzed on a 1 % agarose gel (protocol 8, figure 1.). There was no plasmid, so the HasA-PCR was repeated on the same day (figure2).
figure 1
figure 2
The pUC-HasA PCR from the 13.09.2024 was repeated.
pUC-HasA PCR according to protocol 5.2, with pUC_IDT_HasA_rev and pUC_IDT_HasA_fw for primers, 55 °C annealing temperature and 3:20 min elongation time. eGFP_SLiCE-PCR was also performed according to protocol 5.2 with GFP_fw_SLiCE and GFP_rev_SLiCE as primers. The elongation time was 1:20 min and the annealing temperature was 67 °C.
DpnI digest and control via agarose gel
DpnI digest according to protocol 3 with 40 µl template, incubation for 2 hours at 37 °C, and heat inactivation for 20 min at 80 °C. The digest was put onto a 1 % agarose gel (according to protocol 8).
1: Ladder 10 µl
2: HasA 2 (13.09.) undigested 9 µl
3: HasA 3.1 (18.09) 20 µl
4: HasA 3.2 (18.09) 20 µl
5: HasA 3.13(18.09) 20 µl
6: Ladder 10 µl
7: HasA 4.1 (18.09) 20 µl
8: HasA 4.2 (18.09) 20 µl
9: HasA 4.3 (18.09) 20 µl
10: Ladder 10 µl
After that a Gel purification was performed according to protocol 6.2, and the concentrations were measured.
Sample |
Conc. |
280/260 |
260/230 |
HasA CU1 |
16.5 |
1.73 |
0.12 |
HasA CU3 |
9.7 |
1.61 |
0.05 |
HasA CU4 |
11.2 |
1.53 |
0.13 |
HasA CU5 |
14 |
1.59 |
0.14 |
HasA CU6 |
18.2 |
1.66 |
0.15 |
HasA CU7 |
10.7 |
1.64 |
0.09 |
NEBuilder Recombination
A 1 % agarose gel (according to protocol 8) was loaded with the eGFP-SLiCE-PCR product from the 18.09.
1: Ladder 1 kb
2: eGFP 1
3: eGFP 2
figure 1
There were no bands (figure 1), so we started another eGFP-SLiCE-PCR according to protocol 5.2 but and used 69 ° degrees as a annealing temperature and 1:30 for elongation.
The we loaded yet another 1 % agarose gel (according to protocol 8) and filled the pockets with the new eGFP-PCR product just like above.
This time the PCR did work at least for eGFP 1 (figure 2).
figure 2
Amplification of the pUC_HasA_SLiCE Fragments (second try)
For the recombination of pUC_HasA, the fragment pUC_HasA will be amplified with primers containing the homolog regions in the overhang.
pUC_hasA-PCR (Protocol 5.2)
annealing temp 55°C
elongation: 3:20min
pUC_hasA from the overnight colony from 07.09.2024 diluted to 1ng/µl as template and we followed the protocol 5.2 with the following primers 10 µM pUC_HasA_fw_SLICE and 10 µM pUC_Has_rev_SLICE.
The PCR product was analysed on a 1% agarose gel (following protocol 8).
Afterwards, the Fragments were isolated from the Gel (protocol 6.2), adding a wash step with 750µL 70% ethanol right before the elution. Additionally, the ethanol was evaporated for 6min before the elution step. This extra step was only done with pUC_HasA1 and pMK1_1.
pUC_HasA1: 53.6ng/ µL; 260/280 1.77; 260/230 1.25
pUC_HasA2: 64.8ng/µL; 260/280 1.72; 260/230 0.13
pMK1_1: 16.4ng/µL; 260/280 1.47; 260/230 0.75
pMK1_2: 31ng/µL; 260/280 1.42; 260/230 0.15
As one can see, the extra step resulted in a way better 260/230 ratio. So we decided to keep that step for any other Gel Clean Ups.
GEL of eGFP from 27.09.24 + Isolation of good Bands
Making a 1% Agarose Gels with atotal Volume of 75 µL (2 µL of Midori Green pro Gel)
Loading the samples: 20 µL of each sample + 4 µL Loading dye
Ladder: 7 µL
1. Ladder
2. eGFP 1 from 20.09
3. eGFP 2 from 20.09
Run the Gels at 120 V
cut out the band at eGFP 1
Clean up of eGFP 1
According to protocol 6.2 with the additional ethanol wash step before the elution
Weight of the gel pieces and amount of QB buffer
| eGFP | 229,6mg | 688, 8 µL |
Nanodrop measurment:
19.9 ng/µL
260/280 1.87
260/230 0.21
(Dilution to 1 ng/µL 1 µL DNA + 19 µL water)
Homologue recombination of pUC_HasA and eGFP
Homologous recombination of puC_HasA and eGFP following the NEB-builder
Transformation of puC_HasA_eGFP into DH5α
Clean up of the pooled remaining recombination samples from the 29.09.2024 following the Qiagen gel clean up protocol stating at step 5. Before that, the equal amount of sample volume of buffer QB was added.
Konz: 42,3 ng/ µL
Additionally a transformation of the purified pUC_HasA_eGFP plasmid was made into DH5α following an optimized version of the transformation protocol 2 using LB-Amp plates.
- Incubate 30 min on ice.
- Incubate for 45 seconds at 42 °C.
- Put on ice for 5 min.
- Add 200 µl prewarmed (37°C) SOC medium to the cells.
- Incubate the cells for 90 min at 37 °C and 500 rpm
- Plate all on LB-Agar plates with ampicillin
- Incubate on prewarmed plates at 37 °C overnight.
Homologous recombination |
TOP10 |
Positive control |
1 µL |
33 µL |
Negative control |
10 µL (ddH2O) |
33 µL |
Pooled Recombination |
0,5 µL |
33 µL |