
When the idea becomes reality.



Repeatigo Method

pMK1 with four Resilin repeats
For the specific properties of our hydrogel, we needed to synthesize resilin consisting of 32–64 repeats to meet our requirements. A simple way to achieve this was by using the pMK1 vector, which was kindly provided by Elke Deuerling. By designing repeats flanked by two type IIS endonucleases, it is theoretically possible to generate as many repeats as needed for the intended application.

The design of our repeats (RE4) flanked by BsmBI and BsaI recognition sites was successfully completed. These restriction sites were additionally flanked by SacI and NdeI to facilitate ligation into the pMK1 vector. The pMK1 vector and the RE4 fragment, which was provided by IDT, were both digested with the appropriate restriction enzymes.

Subsequently, RE4 was successfully cloned into the pMK1 vector, resulting in the plasmid pMK1_RE4. The results were confirmed through restriction digestion (see Fig. 1) and sequencing.

Fig. 1: 1 % agarose gel after double digest of pMK1 and pMK1_R4 with SacI and BsaI. Lane 2 and 5 with digested pMK1 shows two bands at around 3000 bp and 600 bp. Lane 3-5 and 6-9 with digested pMK1_R4 show two bands each at around 3000 bp and 200 bp.

Additionally the insertion was confirmed by Sanger sequencing (see Fig. 2). The sequencing also showed that there where no mutionas in the RE4 sequence.

Fig. 2: Sequencing result of the RE4 region in the pMK1_RE4 Plasmid. On A is shown the first halve of the RE4 insertion and on B is shown the second half of the RE4 insertion.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid


Hyaluronic acid
In order to synthesise hyaluronic acid, it is only necessary to incorporate the hyaluronic acid synthase into an E. coli strain, as these organisms already contain the majority of the enzymes required for the hyaluronic acid synthesis. The synthesis of hyaluronic acid synthase is enabled by the pUC_HasA plasmid, which contains the sequence of the enzyme.

The expression of hyaluronic acid synthase was evaluated through SDS-PAGE analysis following an induction with arabinose (see Fig. 14). We could recognize more distinct bands in the samples after induction than in the samples before induction with a height of about 52 kDa, which is consistent with the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid synthase. This demonstrates the expression of hyaluronic acid synthase.

Fig. 14: SDS-PAGE for validation of HasA expression in TOP10. From left to right is the PageRuler, Clone 2 before and after induction and Clone 3 before and after induction. Bands were visible slightly above 50 kDa after induction. Legend: bef. = before; aft. = after; Ind = Induction