Adapted from Zymo Research "Mix and Go E. coli Transformation Kit & Buffer Set" for generation of chemically
competent E. coli
Mix and Go E. coli Transformation Kit & Buffer Set
Day 1
Prepare an overnight culture of the respective E. coli stem in 0.5 mL LB-medium.
Day 2
Inoculate 50 mL SOB medium in a 500 mL culture flask with the 0.5 mL overnight culture.
Incubate at 20-33 °C and 150-250 rpm until an OD of 0.4-0.6 is reached.
Zymo Wash and Competent Buffers are provided as 2X solutions. Dilute each to 1X by adding an equal amount of
Dilution Buffer.
1X buffers can be stored for up to 2 days at 4 °C.
Keep buffers on ice!
Further Preparation:
Get Ice and liquid nitrogen.
Keep empty 50 mL falcons on ice and prepare centrifuge to be at 4 °C.
Bring equipment under the clean bench.
Prepare 10 tubes for each 50 mL culture and store at -20 °C.
Work on ice all times!
After reaching an OD of 0.4-0.6, transfer the cell suspension into 50 mL Falcons and incubate it on ice for 10
Pellet the cells by centrifuging at 300-3700 rpm (1600-2500 x g) for 10 min at 4 °C.
Remove supernatant and resuspend cells gently in 5 mL 1X Wash Buffer.
Adapt the volume if the measured OD was below 0.4 e.g. with an OD of 0.2, use 1 mL or with OD of 0.3 use 2 mL
Re-pellet cells as in step 2.
Completely remove supernatant and gently resuspend cells in 5 mL 1X Competent Buffer. If volume was adapted in
step 3 adapt the volume here as well.
Aliquot 50-100 µL of the cell suspension into sterile 1.5 mL tubes.
Shock freeze cells in liquid nitrogen and store them at -80 °C until further usage.
We used the NEBcloner to find the specific protocol for the desired restriction enzymes:!/redigest
Set up reaction as follows:
Component |
Volume for 50 µL |
Volume for 20 µL |
1 µg |
0.5 µg |
10 XNEBuffer* |
5 µL (1X) |
2 µl (1X) |
restriction enzyme |
0.5 |
0.25 |
Nuclease-free Water |
up to 50 µL |
up to 20 µl |
* for all enzymes except BsmBI_V2 the rCutSmart-buffer was used. for BsmBI_V2 the r3.1-buffer was used
All enzymes except BsmBI_V2 were Incubate at 37 °C for 1h
BsmBI_V2 was Incubate at 55 °C for 1h
4.1 T4 Ligase NEB
The T4 Ligase from
NEB was used:
Set up the following reaction in a microcentrifuge tube. Work on ice! We used a molar ratio of 1:1 up to 1:7 of
vector to insert.
For the molar ratio calculation we used the NEBioCalculator
Component |
Volume for 20 µL |
Vector DNA |
0.020 pmol |
Insert DNA |
0.06 pmol |
T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (10X) |
2 μl |
T4 DNA Ligase |
1 μl |
Nuclease-free water |
up to 20 μl |
Gently mix the reaction by pipetting up and down and microfuge shortly.
For cohesive (sticky) ends, incubate at 16 °C overnight or room temperature (RT) for 10 minutes.
For blunt ends or single base overhangs, incubate at 16 °C overnight or at RT for 2 hours.
To inactivate the ligase, incubate at 65 °C for 10 minutes.
For further usage in a transformation, put the tube on ice and transform 1-5 μl of the reaction into 50 μl
competent cells (see “2. Transformation”). Alternatively, DNA can be stored at -20 °C until further usage.
4.2 T4 DNA Ligase Jena Bioscience
The protocol was adapted from the T4 DNA Ligase-protocol from
set up reaction as follows
Component |
20 µl Assay |
Standard Ligation Buffer, 10x conc. |
2 µl |
Vector/Insert DNA |
1 µg |
T4 DNA Ligase |
0.4 µl |
PCR-grade Water |
Add up to 20 µl |
Incubate for 30 min at 16°C.
5.1 Q5 Polymerase from NEB
Adapted protocol from the NEB Q5®
High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix
Work on ice for mixing the components.
Preheat the thermocycler to 98 °C.
Mix the following components in PCR tubes.
Component |
Volume for a 50 µl Reaction |
Final Concentration |
Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix |
25 µl |
1X |
10 µM Forward Primer |
2.5 µl |
0.5 µM |
10 µM Reverse Primer |
2.5 µl |
0.5 µM |
Template DNA |
variable |
1-10 ng |
Nuclease-Free Water |
to 50 µl |
Gently mix the components by pipetting up and down.
If necessary, collect all liquid at the bottom of the tubes by shortly centrifuging them.
Transfer the PCR tubes to the thermocycler and begin thermocycling.
Thermocycling Conditions for a Routine PCR:
Step |
Temperature |
Time |
Initial denaturation |
98 °C |
3 min |
Denaturation |
98 °C |
30 sec |
Annealing* |
TM-5 |
Experiment dependendent |
Elongation |
Experiment dependendent |
30 seconds/kb |
Final Extension |
72 °C |
3 min |
Hold |
4-10°C |
∞ |
* We either used SnapGene or the "Takara Primer design"-tool to calculate the annealing temperature.
5.2 Phusion from Thermo Fisher or Promega
Phusion PCR protocol adapted from Thermo Fisher and Promega original Protocol:
Thermo Fisher:
In a sterile, nuclease-free microcentrifuge tube, combine the following Components for a 50µL mix:
Component |
Volume |
Primer 10 µM |
2,5 µL |
Primer 10 µM |
2,5 µL |
Template |
1-10 ng, e.g. 1 µL from a 5 ng/µL concentrated Template solution |
dNTPs(200 µM) |
1 µL |
10X Phusion Buffer |
5 µL |
Phusion Polymerase |
0.5 µL |
H2O |
Add to 50 µL |
Thermocycler Program:
Steps |
Temperature |
Time |
Initial denaturation |
98 °C |
3 minutes |
denaturation |
98 °C |
30 seconds |
Annealing* |
TM-5 |
Experiment dependendent |
Extension |
72 °C |
Thermo Fisher: 15-30 seconds/kb Promega: 2 minutes/kb |
Final extention |
72 °C |
3 min |
Hold |
6 °C |
∞ |
* We either used Snapgene or the “Takara Primer design”-tool to calculate the annealing temperature.
5.3 DreamTaq Mastermix from Thermo Fisher
DreamTaq PCR protocol adapted from Thermo Fisher Link
In a sterile, nuclease-free microcentrifuge tube, combine the following Components for a 50 µL mix:
Components |
Volume |
Forward Primer (1 µM) |
2.5 |
Reverse Primer (1 µM) |
2.5 |
Template DNA |
10 pg–1 μg |
DreamTaq DNA Polymerase/DreamTaq PCR Master Mix (2X)
25 μL |
H2O |
Ad 50 μL |
Thermocycler Program:
Steps |
Temperature |
Time |
Initial denaturation |
98 °C |
3 minutes |
denaturation |
98 °C |
30 seconds |
Annealing* |
TM-5 |
30 seconds |
Extension |
72 °C |
1 min for products up to 2 kb. Longer extensions: 1 min/kb |
Final extention |
72 °C |
3- 10 min |
Hold |
4 °C |
∞ |
1 cycle for the Initial denaturation.
30 cycles for the steps up to the final extension.
For colony PCR: Pick colony with pipette tip and resuspend in PCR sample.
6.1 Promega gel and PCR clean up
Original “Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System” Protocol
A. Dissolving the Gel Slice
Following electrophoresis, excise DNA band from gel and place gel slice in a 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.
Add 10μl of Membrane Binding Solution per 10 mg of gel slice. Vortex and incubate at 65 °C until gel slice is
completely dissolved.
B. Processing PCR Amplifications
Add an equal volume of Membrane Binding Solution to the PCR amplification.
Binding of DNA
Insert SV Minicolumn into Collection Tube.
Transfer dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product to the Minicolumn assembly. Incubate at room temperature
for 1 minute.
Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute. Discard flowthrough and reinsert Minicolumn into Collection Tube.
Add 700 μl of Membrane Wash Solution (ethanol added). Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute. Discard flowthrough
reinsert Minicolumn into Collection Tube.
Repeat Step 4 with 500 μl of Membrane Wash Solution. Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 5 minutes.
Empty the Collection Tube and recentrifuge the column assembly at top speed for 2 minute with the
microcentrifuge lid open (or off) to allow evaporation of any residual ethanol.
Carefully transfer Minicolumn to a new 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube.
Add 50 µl of Nuclease-Free Water to the Minicolumn. Incubate at room temperature for 1 minute.
Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute.
Discard Minicolumn and store DNA at 4 °C or -20 °C.
Adapted “Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System” Protocol
A. Dissolving the Gel Slice
Following electrophoresis, excise DNA band from gel and place gel slice in a 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.
Add 10μl of Membrane Binding Solution per 10 mg of gel slice. Vortex and incubate at 50-65 °C until gel slice is
completely dissolved.
Processing PCR Amplifications
Add an equal volume of Membrane Binding Solution to the PCR amplification.
Binding of DNA
Insert SV Minicolumn into Collection Tube.
Transfer dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product to the Minicolumn assembly. Incubate at room temperature
for 1 minute.
Centrifuge at 9,000 × g for 1 minute. Discard flowthrough and reinsert Minicolumn into Collection Tube.
Add 700 μl of Membrane Wash Solution (ethanol added). Centrifuge at 9,000 × g for 1 minute. Discard flowthrough
reinsert Minicolumn into Collection Tube.
Repeat Step 4 with 500 μl of Membrane Wash Solution. Centrifuge at 9,000 × g for 5 minutes.
Empty the Collection Tube and recentrifuge the column assembly at top speed for 2 minute with the
microcentrifuge lid open (or off) to allow evaporation of any residual ethanol.
Carefully transfer Minicolumn to a new 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube.
Add 20-30μl of Nuclease-Free 65 °C Water to the Minicolumn. Incubate at room temperature for 5-10 minutes.
Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute.
Discard Minicolumn and store DNA at 4 °C or -20 °C.
6.2 Quiagen gel clean up
Original "MinElute® Gel Extraction Kit" protocol
Notes before starting
This protocol is for cleanup of up to 5 pg DNA fragments (70 bp to 4 kb).
The yellow color of Buffer QG indicates a pH of <7.5. Adsorption of DNA to the membrane is efficient only at
pH <7.5.
Add ethanol (96-100%) to Buffer PE concentrate before use (see bottle label for volume).
Isopropanol {100%} and a heating block or water bath at 50 °C are required.
All centrifugation steps are carried out at 17,900 x g (13,000 rpm) in a conventional tabletop microcentrifuge
at room temperature (15-25 °C).
Symbols: @ centrifuge processing; & vacuum processing.
Excise the DNA fragment from the agarose gel with a clean, sharp scalpel.
Weigh the gel slice in a colorless tube. Add 3 volumes of Buffer QG to 1 volume of gel (100 mg gel ~ 100 pl).
The maximum amount of gel slice per spin column is 400 mg. For >2% agarose gels, add 6 volumes Buffer QG.
Incubate at 50 °C for 10 min (or until the gel slice has completely dissolved). Vortex the tube every 2-3 min
during incubation to help dissolve the gel.
After the gel slice has dissolved completely, check that the color of the mixture is yellow (similar to Buffer
QG without dissolved agarose). If the color of the mixture is orange or violet, add 10 pl 3 M sodium acetate, pH
5.0, and mix. The color of the mixture will turn to yellow.
Add 1 gel volume of isopropanol to the sample and mix by inverting.
Place a MinElute spin column in a provided 2 ml collection tube or & into a vacuum manifold. For information
about set up, see the MinElute Handbook.
Apply sample to the MinElute column and centrifuge for 1 min or & apply vacuum until the entire sample has
passed through the column. Discard flow-through and place the MinElute column back into the same collection
tube. For sample volumes of more than 800 pl, simply load and spin again.
Add 500 pl Buffer QG to the MinElute column and centrifuge for 1 min or & apply vacuum. @ Discard flow-through
and place the MinElute column back into the same collection tube.
Add 750 pl Buffer PE to MinElute column and centrifuge for 1 min or & apply vacuum. - Discard flow-through and
place the MinElute column back into the same collection tube. Note: If the DNA will be used for saltsensitive
applications, such as direct sequencing and bluntended ligation, let the column stand 2-5 min after addition of
Buffer PE.
Centrifuge the column in a 2 ml collection tube (provided) for 1 min. Residual ethanol from Buffer PE will not
be completely removed unless the flow-through is discarded before this additional centrifugation.
Place each MinElute column into a clean 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube. To elute DNA, add 10 pl Buffer EB (10 mM
Tris-Cl, pH 8.5) or water to the center of the MinElute membrane. (Ensure that the elution buffer is dispensed
directly onto the membrane for complete elution of bound DNA) Let the column stand for 1 min, and then
centrifuge the column for 1 min.
If purified DNA is to be analyzed on a gel, add 1 volume of Loading Dye to 5 volumes of purified DNA, and mix by
pipetting up and down before loading the gel.
Adapted “MinElute® Gel Extraction Kit” protocol
Excise the DNA fragment from the agarose gel with a clean, sharp scalpel.
Weigh the gel slice in a colorless tube. Add 3 volumes of Buffer QG to 1 volume of gel (100 mg gel ~ 100 pl).
The maximum amount of gel slice per spin column is 400 mg. For >2% agarose gels, add 6 volumes Buffer QG.
Incubate at 50 °C for 10 min (or until the gel slice has completely dissolved). Vortex the tube every 2-3 min
during incubation to help dissolve the gel.
After the gel slice has dissolved completely, check that the color of the mixture is yellow (similar to Buffer
QG without dissolved agarose). If the color of the mixture is orange or violet, add 10 pl 3 M sodium acetate, pH
5.0, and mix. The color of the mixture will turn to yellow.
Add 1 gel volume of isopropanol to the sample and mix by inverting.
Place a MinElute spin column in a provided 2 ml collection tube or & into a vacuum manifold. For information
about set up, see the MinElute Handbook.
Apply sample to the MinElute column and centrifuge for 1 min or & apply vacuum until the entire sample has
passed through the column. Discard flow-through and place the MinElute column back into the same collection
tube. For sample volumes of more than 800 pl, simply load and spin again.
Add 500 pl Buffer QG to the MinElute column and centrifuge for 1 min or & apply vacuum. Discard flow-through and
place the MinElute column back into the same collection tube.
Add 750 pl Buffer PE to MinElute column and centrifuge for 1 min or & apply vacuum. - Discard flow-through and
place the MinElute column back into the same collection tube.
Add 750 µL 70% ethanol to MinElute column and centrifuge for 1 min. If the DNA will be used for saltsensitive
applications, such as direct sequencing and bluntended ligation, let the column stand 5-10 min after addition of
Buffer PE.
Centrifuge the column in a 2 ml collection tube (provided) for 1 min. Residual ethanol from Buffer PE will not
be completely removed unless the flow-through is discarded before this additional centrifugation.
Place each MinElute column into a clean 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube. To elute DNA, add 10 pl Buffer EB (10 mM
Tris-Cl, pH 8.5) or water to the center of the MinElute membrane. (Ensure that the elution buffer is dispensed
directly onto the membrane for complete elution of bound DNA) Let the column stand for 1 min, and then
centrifuge the column for 1 min.
If purified DNA is to be analyzed on a gel, add 1 volume of Loading Dye to 5 volumes of purified DNA, and mix by
pipetting up and down before loading the gel.
7.1 NEB
We used the original "Monarch® Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit" Protocol from the webside:
7.2 Roth
Adapted from the original "ROTI®Prep Plasmid MINI-XL" protocol:
Cell Harvest and Resuspension Harvest the bacterial cell culture (5-15 ml) by centrifugation for 10 mins at approx. 4.500 rpm (RT). Discard supernatant and remove remaining culture medium carefully. Resuspend pelleted bacterial cells completely in 550 μl Resuspension Buffer RB (incl. RNAse A). as the a original Resuspension Buffer has expired and was stored at RT and we didn't know how long it had been there, we took a different lysis buffer from the fridge.
Cell Lysis and Neutralization. Add 550 μl of Lysis Buffer LS. Mix gently by inverting the tube 10 times (Do not vortex!). Incubate for 5 mins at room temperature. Add 750 μl of Neutralization Buffer NB and immediately mix by inverting the tube 10x. Centrifuge at 12.000-14.000 rpm (or full speed) for 10 mins/RT.
Column Loading. Place each Spin Column into a 2 ml collection tube. Apply 750 μl of the clearified supernatant from step 2 into the spin column. Be sure to omit as much of the white precipitant as possible. Centrifuge at 10.000 g (or 12.000 rpm) for 1 min/RT and discard the flow-through*. Apply the residual clearified supernatant from step 2 into the spin column. Be sure to omit as much of the white precipitant as possible. Centrifuge at 10.000 g (or 12.000 rpm) for 1 min/RT and discard the flow-through*
Column Washing. Add 650 μl of Washing Buffer PA to the Spin Column. Centrifuge at 10.000 g (or 12.000 rpm) for 1 min/RT and discard the flow-through*. Add 750 μl of Washing Solution PB to the Spin Column. Centrifuge at 10.000 g (or 12.000 rpm) for 1 min/RT and discard the flow-through*. Again centrifuge columns at 12.000-14.000 rpm (or full speed) for 2 mins/RT in order to remove residual ethanol.
Elution. Place the Spin Column into a clean 1.5 ml elution tube. Add 100 μl Elution Buffer XEB or sterile, distilled water to the centre of the membrane**. Incubate for 3 mins at room temperature. Centrifuge at 6.000 g (or 8.000 rpm) for 1 min/RT to elute DNA.
*If the solution has not completely passed through the spin column, centrifuge again at higher speed or prolong the centrifugation time.
** Elution with lower volumes of Elution Buffer increases the final concentration of DNA. In case DNA shall be eluted in 50 μl only, preheating of the elution buffer is obligatory. Using heated Elution Buffer (approx. 50 °C) will increase the DNA yield. Alternatively, DNA may be eluted in 2x 50 μl buffer. If so, use 50 μl preheated buffer for elution, centrifuge. Then repeat this elution process with another 50 μl and finally pool both fractions.
Make the SDS-Gel
Clean a big and a small glass plate with 70% ethanol.
leave them on the bench and wipe in one direction
Place the small glass plate on the big 1.5 mm glass plate (cleaned surfaces to each other).
Place the sandwich in the green clamps (small glass plate facing outwards).
Check for leakage with water (remove in the sink with paper tissues).
Acrylamide concentration depends on the molecular weight of the target protein.
Running gels. Volumes per 10 mL-gels.
7.5% |
10% |
15% |
Acrylamide (30% w/v) !!shake |
2.5 mL |
3.33 mL |
5 mL |
4x running buffer |
2.5 mL |
2.5 mL |
2.5 mL |
H2O |
4.89 mL |
4.06 mL |
2.39 mL |
APS (10% w/v) |
100 µL |
100 µL |
100 µL |
10 µL |
10 µL |
10 µL |
Stacking gel
10 mL (1 oder 2 Gele) |
20 mL |
30 mL |
Acrylamide (30% w/v) !!shake |
1.16 mL |
2.32 mL |
3.48 mL |
4x stacking buffer |
2.5 mL |
5 mL |
7.5 mL |
H2O |
6.23 mL |
12.46 mL |
18.69 mL |
APS (10% w/v) |
100 µL |
200 µL |
300 µL |
10 µL |
20 µL |
30 µL |
Label two 50 mL tubes (stacking and running gel).
Add Acrylamide, 4X running buffer, and H2O.
With the help of the comb, mark where the running buffer should be poured (5 mm below the end of the comb).
Take up the volume of TEMED with the pipette and set aside.
Pipette the volume of APS into the tube and quickly after that also TEMED.
Invert the tube 4 times and pour it between the glass plates until the mark is reached.
Add quickly a thin layer of isopropanol.
Let it polymerize for 15-30 min.
Pour off isopropanol and wash twice with ddHO (wipe with tissue paper).
Clean the comb from both sides with 70% ethanol.
Add Acrylamide, 4X stacking buffer, and H2O.
With the help of the comb, mark where the running buffer should be poured (5 mm below the end of the comb).
Take up the volume of TEMED with the pipette and set aside.
Pipette the volume of APS into the tube and quickly after that also TEMED.
Invert the tube 4 times and pour it till it overflows.
Insert the comb initially at a 45-degree angle.
Let it polymerize for 15-30 min.
Check if there is enough reservoir buffer (1800 mL ddHO and 200 mL 10x Resevoir buffer).
Load & run SDS-PAGE
Take the gels out of the fridge so they can warm up a bit if you prepared them the day before.
Prepare the running chamber.
Centrifuge the samples for 15 s (sort them in order).
Boil the REDUCING samples at 95 degrees for 5 minutes.
Unwrap the gels from plastic wrap & paper towels.
Clamp & position the gels in the electrophoresis tank (pay attention to the electrode color!).
the small glass plate should face the inner side
Label the gels with (NR/R) on the side of the tank with some tape.
Fill the running chamber with reservoir buffer by first filling the chamber between the gels and then overflowing and filling up to approx. 1 cm under the upper edge of the large glass plate.
Remove the comb by lifting it straight upwards.
Load the gels with the sample.
Close the lid, switch on the device, and plug in the cable (pay attention to colors!).
Set 200 V, press "run" & check if air bubbles are rising.
After 5 min, check whether the samples are migrating.
Allow running until the blue band has run out.
10.1 SLiCE
Adapted from the paper "Seamless Ligation Cloning Extract (SLiCE) Cloning Method"
doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-764-8_16
SLiCE Reaction protocol
Set up the SLiCE reaction in a 0.2 mL microcentrifuge tube and mix well by vortexing.
SLiCE reaction conditions
Components |
Standard cloning |
Vector DNA |
Purified, 50-200 ng |
Insert DNA |
Purified, 1:1-10:1** |
10× SLiCE buffer* |
1 μL |
PPY SLiCE extract* |
1 μL |
ddH2O |
to 10 μL |
Reaction conditions |
Incubation temperature |
37 °C |
Incubation time |
55 min |
* The SLiCE buffer and Extract was provided by the Kolbe Working Group
** Molar ratio of insert to vector
Incubate the SLiCE reaction mix at 37 °C for 15 min to 1 h using a PCR machine or water bath.
Transfrom 1 μL SLiCE reaction mix into 50-100 μL Competent Cells (see 2. Transformation).
Plate the transformed cells onto agar plates containing appropriate antibiotics.
10.2 NEB-builder
The “NEBuilder® Protocol Calculator” was used to adapt the protocol.
Protocol for homolog recombination
Shown here using the example of a homologous recombination of EGFP with the pUC_hasA vector (length and concentration may differ from the original).
Name |
Length (basepairs) |
Concentration (ng/µl) |
pUC_HasA |
5200 |
100 |
750 |
35 |
Set up the reaction on ice (see table).
Component |
Volume |
Amount |
pUC_HasA |
1.6 μl* |
0.050 pmoles* |
1.3 μl* |
0.100 pmoles* |
Deionized H2O |
7.1 μl |
- |
NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix |
10.0 μl |
- |
Total |
20.0 μl |
0.150 pmoles |
* to calcualte the vector and insert volumes the "NEBuilder® Protocol Calculator" was used. The molar ratio varied between 1:1 and 1:10
Incubate samples in a thermocycler at 50 °C for 15 minutes. Following incubation, store samples on ice or at -20 °C for subsequent transformation. Note: Extended incubation up to 60 minutes may help to improve assembly efficiency in some cases.
Transform NEB® 5-alpha, NEB Stable or NEB 10-beta Competent E. coli cells (provided in the cloning kit, bundle or purchased separately from NEB) with 2.0 μl (10%) of the chilled assembled product, following the transformation protocol.