
Basic Parts

Name Type Short Description Description Designers Length Description in the Registry
BBa_K5077000 Coding Resilin exon optimized The exon we used for the Repeatigo method. Luna Brandes, Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 45 bp The exon we used for the Repeatigo method. The resilin sequence is a single exon that has been optimised for utilisation in the Repeatigo method, given its particular requirements.
BBa_K5077001 Coding Resilin Oligo 1 Repeat One of the six Oligonucleotides needed for the Repeatigo method Luna Brandes, Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 45 bp The aim was to generate 64 repeats of the resilin sequence (BBa_K5077000). In order to achieve this, the Repeatigo method was developed. Six distinct Oligonucleotides are necessary for the Repeatigo method. This specific Oligonucleotide is one of them. Further details can be found in the description of part BBa_K5077019.
BBa_K5077002 Coding Resilin Oligo 2 Repeat One of the six Oligonucleotides needed for the Repeatigo method Luna Brandes, Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 45 bp The aim was to generate 64 repeats of the resilin sequence (BBa_K5077000). In order to achieve this, the Repeatigo method was developed. Six distinct Oligonucleotides are necessary for the Repeatigo method. This specific Oligonucleotide is one of them. Further details can be found in the description of part BBa_K5077019.
BBa_K5077003 Coding Resilin Oligo NdeI 1 end One of the six Oligonucleotides needed for the Repeatigo method Luna Brandes, Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 21 bp The aim was to generate 64 repeats of the resilin sequence (BBa_K5077000). In order to achieve this, the Repeatigo method was developed. Six distinct Oligonucleotides are necessary for the Repeatigo method. This specific Oligonucleotide is one of them. Further details can be found in the description of part BBa_K5077019.
BBa_K5077004 Coding Resilin Oligo NdeI 2 end One of the six Oligonucleotides needed for the Repeatigo method Luna Brandes, Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 43 bp The aim was to generate 64 repeats of the resilin sequence (BBa_K5077000). In order to achieve this, the Repeatigo method was developed. Six distinct Oligonucleotides are necessary for the Repeatigo method. This specific Oligonucleotide is one of them. Further details can be found in the description of part BBa_K5077019.
BBa_K5077005 Coding Resilin Oligo SacI 1 end One of the six Oligonucleotides needed for the Repeatigo method Luna Brandes, Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 23 bp The aim was to generate 64 repeats of the resilin sequence (BBa_K5077000). In order to achieve this, the Repeatigo method was developed. Six distinct Oligonucleotides are necessary for the Repeatigo method. This specific Oligonucleotide is one of them. Further details can be found in the description of part BBa_K5077019.
BBa_K5077006 Coding Resilin Oligo SacI 2 end One of the six Oligonucleotides needed for the Repeatigo method Luna Brandes, Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 46 bp The aim was to generate 64 repeats of the resilin sequence (BBa_K5077000). In order to achieve this, the Repeatigo method was developed. Six distinct Oligonucleotides are necessary for the Repeatigo method. This specific Oligonucleotide is one of them. Further details can be found in the description of part BBa_K5077019.
BBa_K5077007 Plasmid_Backbone pMK1 Plasmid with just one restriction site for each of the type II restriction enzymes BsaI, BsmBI and SacI AG Deuerling; University of Constance 3409 bp The plasmid was generated by a research group at the University of Constance. This plasmid was selected for the straightforward generation of multiple copies of the resilin gene (BBa_K5077000) via type II restriction enzymes. The plasmid has a single restriction site for each of the enzymes type II (BsaI, BsmBI, SacI).
BBa_K5077008 Coding Resilin Repeat 1 One of the four Resilin repeats we used for the appraoch with the type II restriction enzymes Hendrik Franke, Lisa Siemers, Boy Hansen 45 bp This is one of the four Resilin repeats that were used for the Restriction Enzyme Type II method. These enzymes (BsaI, BsmBI, SacI) were used to create 64 repeats of resilin within one vector, to express a whole protein made of a long resilin strand.
BBa_K5077009 Coding Resilin Repeat 2 One of the four Resilin repeats we used for the appraoch with the type II restriction enzymes Hendrik Franke, Lisa Siemers, Boy Hansen 45 bp This is one of the four Resilin repeats that were used for the Restriction Enzyme Type II method. These enzymes (BsaI, BsmBI, SacI) were used to create 64 repeats of resilin within one vector, to express a whole protein made of a long resilin strand.
BBa_K5077010 Coding Resilin Repeat 3 One of the four Resilin repeats we used for the appraoch with the type II restriction enzymes Hendrik Franke, Lisa Siemers, Boy Hansen 45 bp This is one of the four Resilin repeats that were used for the Restriction Enzyme Type II method. These enzymes (BsaI, BsmBI, SacI) were used to create 64 repeats of resilin within one vector, to express a whole protein made of a long resilin strand.
BBa_K5077011 Coding Resilin Repeat 4 One of the four Resilin repeats we used for the appraoch with the type II restriction enzymes Hendrik Franke, Lisa Siemers, Boy Hansen 45 bp This is one of the four Resilin repeats that were used for the Restriction Enzyme Type II method. These enzymes (BsaI, BsmBI, SacI) were used to create 64 repeats of resilin within one vector, to express a whole protein made of a long resilin strand.
BBa_K5077014 Coding hasA This is a hyaluronic acid synthase, which can be employed for the production of hyaluronic acid via E. coli. Lena Abeln 1251 bp This is a hyaluronic acid synthase, which can be employed for the production of hyaluronic acid via E. coli.
BBa_K5077015 Plasmid_ Backbone pUC with araC and AmpR This plasmid backbone can be used for multiple cloning approaches. It has a araC site, as well as a Ampicilin resistance. Lena Abeln 3999 bp The plasmid backbone is suitable for use in a number of different cloning approaches. The ampicillin resistance enables the differentiation between transformed and non-transformed cells, while the araC site facilitates the regulation of gene expression.
BBa_K5077017 Plasmid_Backbone pET-28c(+) A variant of the pET28a(+), which is a standard expression vector with a T7 promotor, two 6x His-tags with thrombin- and enterokinase restriction sites, and a kanamycin resistance. Katharina Veith 5324 bp The plasmid backbone of the pET-28c(+) vector is illustrated here. The pET-28c(+) vector is similar to the pET28a(+) vector which is a frequently used expression vector in E. coli. The plasmid backbone contains a T7 promoter that can be controlled with precision via IPTG. To facilitate the purification of the protein, the vector incorporates a His-tag and thrombin- and enterokinase restriction sites, which can be employed to remove the His-tag following the purification process. The kanamycin resistance enables the differentiation between transformed and non-transformed cells.
BBa_K5077018 Coding EGFP + Linker + Overhangs The EGFP gene was linked with a linker and overhangs to put that into the pUC-HasA vector via homologous recombination. Boy Hansen, Malcolm Summer Rose-Heine 762 bp This part was developed for the purpose of homologous recombination of pUC-HasA (BBa_K5077015, BBa_K5077014) and EGFP (BBa_J428076). The objective was to observe the production of hyaluronic acid synthase within the cells. Consequently, we attempted a process of homologous recombination, which necessitated the inclusion of the EGFP gene with overhangs. The linker was incorporated to facilitate the correct folding of HasA.

Composite Parts

Name Type Short Description Description Designers Length Description in the Registry
BBa_K5077012 Coding RE4 All four Resilin repeats (Resilin repeat 1-4) together Hendrik Franke, Lisa Siemers, Boy Hansen 180 bp This composite part illustrates the four resilin repeats that were employed in the restriction enzyme type II method. The objective was to generate 64 repeats of resilin, and these four repeats were to serve as the basis for numerous restriction ligation reactions with BsaI, BsmBI, and SacI enzymes to reach the desired amount.
BBa_K5077013 Plasmid pMK1_RE4 The pMK1 plasmid with four Resilin repeats inside. This was part of the approach via type II restriction enzymes Hendrik Franke, Lisa Siemers, Boy Hansen 3589 bp This whole plasmid was used to generate a total of 64 repeats of the Resilin repeats. Four repeats are already there and the aim was to reach the 64 repeats via restriction ligation with restriction enzymes type II (BsaI, BsmBI, SacI).
BBa_K5077016 Plasmid pUC_hasA_EGFP The plasmid may be employed for the expression of a hyaluronic acid synthase fusion protein with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in E. coli cells. Boy Hansen, Malcolm Summer Rose-Heine, Lena Abeln 5981 bp The plasmid may be employed for the expression of a hyaluronic acid synthase fusion protein with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in E. coli cells.
BBa_K5077019 Plasmid pET28c(+) with 64 resilin repeats The pET28c(+) plasmid with 64 repeats of the optimized Resilin exon as an insert. The insert was created using the Repeatigo method. Greta Stoltmann, Boy Hansen 8204 bp siehe unten

Nomination Best Composite Part

We would like to submit a nomination for our plasmid pET28c(+) with 64 resilin repeats (BBa_K5077019)(see Fig. 1). The plasmid can be used to express 64 repeats of resilin exons, resulting in the formation of large resilin threads. These threads can be used to create a hydrogel via crosslinking with hyaluronic acid. The plasmid was originally derived from Katharina Veith, while the insert was generated using the Repeatigo method.

Fig 1: Plasmid map for our composite part BBa_K5077019. pET28c(+) plasmid backbone which we derived from Katharina Veith and 64 repeats of the optimized Resilin exon.

This plasmid represents a pivotal component of our project. The concept of using a hydrogel as a wound dressing for burn wounds is contingent upon the ability to create Resilin threads of sufficient length to crosslink them with chemically modified hyaluronic acid.

The plasmid itself represents a significant accomplishment. To achieve this level of repetition, a variety of techniques were employed, as a straightforward PCR approach was insufficient. The most promising approach was the Repeatigo method. To create this method, six different oligos were designed and allowed to anneal. Following this, a ligase was used to bind all of the oligos together. The oligos were designed to introduce NdeI and SacI restriction sites at the end and at the front of the whole sequence. The insert was then cloned with these two enzymes into the pET28c(+) vector and transformed into our E. coli cells. (read more about Repeatigo here)

For a more detailed examination of the results and accomplishments associated with this vector, we invite you to visit our results page. Should you require further technical data regarding the plasmid and its creation, we would invite you to consult the relevant page, accessible via the following link: Results