
We carried out our project with the assistance of several professors and doctor in ShanghaiTech University. Our approach guaranteed that both our scientific and project design were informed by the latest research and closely aligned with realistic needs:

  • Professor's advice on the multiple usage of such technology in several fields of treatment.
  • Professor's advice in ensuring safety and legality of the technology.
  • Professor's advice in the future prospect of the technology.
  • Public's feedback on promoting the technology's awareness

In this section, we will guide you through our interviews with the professors and doctor. While analyzing the surveys collected from the public allowing feedback to encourage our promotion and education on the technology.

The designed questionnaires post.

Understanding Human Practice

At the beginning, we were uncertain about what Human Practices truly involved. We understood it as engaging with end-users, healthcare professionals, and researchers, but we weren't entirely sure how to approach this. Fortunately, we found our paths in Human Practice to develop our own understandings and visions towards our research and interviews.

The BIA Framework

When our team first started to structure our questions towards the interview. Uncertainty of how to ask and what we aim to get from their answers has been a major issue towards our development of Human Practice. However, we looked towards different frameworks that could help us improve the information that we aim to achieve. Our team was inspired by the abductive reasoning framework, which emphasizes generating hypotheses based on the best available evidence to explain observations. It provides the logical process of finding the most likely explanation from a set of observations. This approach encouraged us to think more creatively and critically, allowing us to explore possibilities beyond the obvious. By adopting abductive reasoning, we developed our own framework, the BIA framework, for thinking and analyzing interviews, enabling us to extract deeper insights and uncover patterns that might otherwise be overlooked. This method guided us in forming more informed conclusions, shaping the way we approached our research and interactions with our development of the microneedle patch.

The BIA Framework.


In the abductive reasoning framework, the initial step is observation—starting by recognizing what you know and identifying gaps in information. Similarly, in the "Background" stage of BIA, we gather all existing knowledge related to the interview subject or topic. This involves reviewing previous research, contextual information, and relevant case studies to establish a foundation for understanding. By using this method to observe the background information, we identify what is known and what is still missing. The abductive influence here allows us to recognize the context and limitations early, preparing us to generate well-informed questions to interview which occurs on our second process of the framework.


In the second step of abductive reasoning, possible explanations are generated to explain the observed facts. This aligns with the "Interview" stage in BIA, where we engage with our target to gather new information based on their present knowledge. The abductive framework guided us to approach interviews not to confirm preconceived ideas but to explore potential explanations for observed phenomena. Thus, while carrying out our interviews, we gather diverse perspectives and data points, each of which could lead to different interpretations. This step helps us widen our view and construct multiple possible explanations for the patterns or insights we observe through the next process of the framework, analysis.


Abductive reasoning's stages of inference, testing, and refinement come into play during the "Analysis" phase of BIA. In this final stage, we evaluate the information collected during interviews, using prior knowledge and common sense to assess the likelihood of various explanations. Like in abductive reasoning, we consider which explanations best fit the data and are most reasonable given our background research. The analysis positions at a level where we create such potential objectives that we make, as we continuously refine our conclusions by integrating new evidence, adjusting our hypotheses if the data contradicts our initial interpretations. This process ensures that our conclusions are grounded in logical inference but remain flexible to accept other's opinion.


The background of our process in constructing the interview and designing the survey was rooted in our goal of understanding the potential impact of our technology, the microneedle patch, which targets agricultural applications. This innovative patch aims to be used for treatments on plants which enhances the efficiency and minimizing environmental impact. Before creating the survey and interview questions, we conducted thorough research on existing agricultural practices and technologies, identifying key gaps and challenges in the field. We gathered information through readings of paper and the online information which include articles on agricultures and fields of microneedle patch.

For the interview section. We had the opportunity to interview two esteemed professors and a Ph.D. candidate from ShanghaiTech University was an invaluable experience for our team. Their expert insights and detailed explanations of microneedle patch technology, particularly its applications in agriculture, significantly enhanced our understanding of the subject. The professors' comprehensive analysis and constructive feedback helped validate our research direction and provided new perspectives. This interview not only enriched our knowledge but also guided us in refining our research objectives, thereby laying a stronger foundation for our project's future development.

For the survey section. We distributed two different survey forms: one targeting the general public and the other focusing on industry professionals. The survey results revealed significant insights into antibiotic awareness and the potential benefits of microneedle patch technology. The responses highlighted a widespread concern about antibiotic resistance and environmental impact among the public, while industry professionals emphasized the innovative applications and advantages of microneedle patches in precise drug delivery. This valuable data greatly aided our research and development, guiding our approach to address these critical issues effectively.


We constructed three interviews and carried out two surveys. We see surveys as a way to interpret the result via our assumptions and questions that we asked. This encourages our understanding of promoting such technologies into the public vision.

Prologue: We need to ask you a few questions. First, we are developing a microneedle patch combined with synthetic biology to improve the efficiency and precision of antibacterial treatments in agriculture. We aim to create a targeted system that delivers the right drug at the right time to the correct location, thereby enhancing efficiency and efficacy. Additionally, we are delivering antimicrobial peptides, which are basic polymer substances with antimicrobial activity induced from insects. These can replace antibiotics in agriculture because we believe the overuse of antibiotics leads to pest resistance and environmental pollution, hence the design of this microneedle patch.

Question: The first question is, what specific applications do you think synthetic biology has in modern agricultural production?

Answer: Synthetic biology certainly has many applications. However, I am more familiar with its applications in areas other than agriculture. So, why are you focusing on agriculture instead of life health?

Question: Firstly, our competition project needs to be combined with synthetic biology, and as you mentioned, applying it to life health is more inclined towards tangible items.

Answer: Actually, it is not necessarily tangible. For instance, this technology can be used for treating diseases or applied to the human body.

Question: Mainly because we cannot conduct this experiment on humans.

Answer: Of course, I understand. The key points now are that synthetic biology, antimicrobial peptides, and microneedle patches are all very advanced technologies. In the future, whether it's for plants, animals, or human-related applications, the reason for creating patches or microneedles is to enhance delivery efficiency and minimize waste. Secondly, it avoids pollution. This technology allows for precise delivery. Though your focus is on a niche area, antimicrobial peptides are degradable and natural, with excellent effects. For further applications, for example, delivery can be for treatment, and it can also be used for detection. By placing microneedles in specific locations, you can use biosensing to detect plant diseases. In modern agriculture, detection is crucial. For instance, if I have hectares of plants, by deploying a certain number of microneedle patches, I can detect and monitor which plants are getting sick in real-time, providing effective prevention and control. If there is a large-scale outbreak later, it can be detected early.

Question: Okay, the next question is, what impact does synthetic biology have on our daily lives?

Answer: Synthetic biology's most important aspect is modifying organisms to perform tasks they were not naturally intended for, to serve our purposes. This is synthetic biology. It has numerous application scenarios, enabling biological production of items previously manufactured industrially. Biological production has many facets, such as compatibility and efficiency. For example, some biologically produced substances may be better than those synthetically produced. Although it was previously deemed difficult, now with genetic modification technologies, efficiency has improved. Antimicrobial peptides, for instance, have proven to be as effective as antibiotics. The adaptability and biological compatibility are advantageous. With advancements in molecular biology and genetic modification, many things can be engineered. Additionally, your antimicrobial peptides are naturally derived from other species. We can harness another species for production. Furthermore, rationally designed proteins, not found in nature, can be created using synthetic biology. This design flexibility is significant.

Question: Do you think our patch technology will become mainstream compared to traditional methods in the future?

Answer: It is very likely, depending on agricultural development. Traditional agriculture relies heavily on weather, and full-time farmers are scarce today. Without advanced technology, agricultural yield and efficiency will significantly decrease. Advanced technology like this needs thorough consideration to determine its effectiveness, antibacterial properties, labor requirements, and many other details. Overall, it is crucial to assess whether it is worth investing substantial resources into this technology.

Question: How much can synthetic biology help if we are to study this microneedle patch technology?

Answer: Synthetic biology and microneedle patches are different things. Their connection is not significant, but it is not nonexistent. The primary consideration is the materials required for microneedle patches.

Question: While people might be familiar with the applications of microneedle patches in daily life, what challenges do you think we might face in the development and application of synthetic biology in microneedle patch technology, and how should we prepare?

Answer: The biggest challenges are what I mentioned earlier. First, applying it to agriculture could be expensive, so the design is crucial. Second, how to integrate it with real-world scenarios, such as which plants to target. Different plants have different growth patterns. The technology needs a suitable scenario. For instance, in agriculture, which type of agriculture, fruits or staple crops? The application of this technology in agriculture must align with specific scenarios. Precise design is critical, and many things are possible with current genetic manipulation techniques. Have you identified your target clearly?

Question: We still have some communication issues, so it might not be very clear yet. The professor also hopes we can adjust as we proceed. One last question, what do you think about the market demand and development prospects for this bio-patch technology in the next five to ten years?

Answer: I believe this technology has great development potential, especially for smart and intelligent systems. Many crops are now grown entirely in greenhouses or even factories, with sunlight controlled. This scenario likely involves non-natural settings for agricultural development, requiring many intelligent systems. It is no longer traditional agriculture that relies on weather. Instead, it requires fully controllable and predictable outputs. Achieving efficient intelligent monitoring and smart treatment of diseases is where microneedles have a promising future.

Question: Our first question is about the scope of synthetic biology in agriculture. What areas does it cover?

Answer: Synthetic biology is developing rapidly and intersects with various disciplines. In agriculture, which is crucial for us as an agricultural nation, synthetic biology aims to improve food and agricultural products using natural resources. This involves genetic modification and engineering to enhance crop traits and productivity. Traditional methods like hybrid rice developed by Yuan Longping relied on natural processes, but now synthetic biology can design, test, and construct biological systems for better results. Applications include making plants glow or respond to signals, producing high-value compounds like antibiotics, and more. Research includes genome editing and synthetic biology to improve plant traits, like higher yield and resistance to pests.

Question: What significant roles does synthetic biology play in modern agricultural production?

Answer: One major role is accelerating the process of plant improvement. Unlike relying on natural evolution, synthetic biology allows for targeted design and modification, speeding up the development of desired traits. For example, the synthesis of theanine in tea plants involves complex gene interactions, but understanding and modifying these can enhance the quality and quantity of valuable compounds. Genome sequencing and editing of crops like rice and wheat allow for precise improvements, making plants more resistant to diseases and pests, and increasing yield. Synthetic biology's ability to manipulate metabolic pathways can also improve the nutritional content of crops.

Question: How can synthetic biology improve the efficiency and effectiveness of microneedle patch technology in agriculture?

Answer: Microneedle technology is relatively new and could provide precise and localized treatment for plants. Traditional methods involve broad application of pesticides, but microneedles can target specific areas, reducing waste and environmental impact. Synthetic biology can enhance this by incorporating biological safety materials and tailored treatments into the microneedles, ensuring effective and safe delivery of active substances. This method promises targeted protection and treatment for crops, potentially leading to better outcomes and more sustainable agricultural practices.

Question: What innovative applications can synthetic biology and microneedle patch technology bring to agriculture?

Answer: The innovation lies in the ability to deliver precise treatments to plants using microneedles. These patches could contain various bioactive compounds, peptides, or even beneficial microorganisms designed through synthetic biology. The patches can be engineered to release substances in response to specific environmental triggers, ensuring timely and effective treatment. This approach can optimize plant health and productivity, reduce the use of broad-spectrum pesticides, and offer more sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.

Question: What is the future potential of synthetic biology in agriculture?

Answer: The future potential is vast, with synthetic biology likely playing a crucial role in improving crop yields, resistance to diseases, and adaptation to environmental changes. Advances in gene editing and synthetic biology will lead to more resilient and productive crops, essential for food security. Research institutions are already making significant progress in crops like cotton, rice, and wheat. The ability to produce high-value compounds in plants, such as medicines and nutraceuticals, further expands the scope of synthetic biology in agriculture. Overall, synthetic biology promises to revolutionize agricultural practices, making them more efficient and sustainable.

Question: How can synthetic biology support the development of microneedle patch technology in agriculture?

Answer: Synthetic biology can provide crucial support by designing microorganisms or cells that can be incorporated into microneedle patches. These can be engineered to respond to environmental signals, releasing active compounds when needed. The patches could carry a variety of substances, from small molecules to living cells, tailored to address specific agricultural challenges. Ensuring the biocompatibility and effectiveness of these components is key to maximizing the potential of microneedle technology in agriculture.

Question: What challenges might arise with the use of microneedle patches in agriculture?

Answer: One challenge is ensuring that the patches are biodegradable and safe for the environment. The patches need to be designed to break down naturally without leaving harmful residues. Another consideration is the public's acceptance of this technology. People might be hesitant to use products that involve genetic modification or new delivery methods. Ensuring the patches are perceived as safe and beneficial is crucial for widespread adoption. Additionally, the stability and effectiveness of the patches over time need to be addressed to ensure they provide consistent benefits.

Question: To what extent can the combination of synthetic biology and microneedle patch technology impact agriculture globally?

Answer: The impact will depend on the advantages these technologies offer over traditional methods. If they prove significantly more effective and sustainable, their adoption could revolutionize agricultural practices worldwide. New technologies often face initial skepticism, but their benefits become apparent over time, leading to broader acceptance. If synthetic biology and microneedle patches demonstrate clear advantages in crop protection and yield improvement, they could become integral tools in modern agriculture.

Prologue: Today, we would like to introduce our project, which is a biological microneedle patch combined with synthetic biology for a sustainable targeted delivery system. We aim to deliver the right drug at the right time to the right place to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our drugs. We are transmitting antimicrobial peptides, extracted from insects, which can replace antibiotics in agriculture for health purposes. We hope to create a patch-like product to help our agriculture, and we have a few questions to ask.

Question: First question: What do you think are the potential applications and significance of microneedle patch technology in modern agriculture?

Answer: Modern agriculture? If applied in agriculture, it mainly focuses on two major aspects: one is the detection of plants before encountering diseases, and the other is the treatment and handling of plants after they encounter diseases. These are the two main applications.

Question: Okay. The next question is about the feasibility of using microneedle patches in agriculture and the challenges we might face.

Answer: As for feasibility, for the two main points mentioned earlier, detection focuses on checking plant DNA to judge diseases. Its advantage is that, compared to traditional methods, it is indeed time-consuming and labor-intensive, requiring a complete set of professional instruments and equipment to crush the leaves, extract the DNA, and then test it. Using microneedle patches, you can directly insert the patch into the leaf, remove it, rinse it, and test the liquid obtained from rinsing the patch, which saves a lot of effort. The current challenges include the difficulty of mass production. Agriculture is a large-scale industry, and microneedle patches are currently mainly formed in molds, meaning each patch is made one by one, which makes large-scale production difficult.

Question: What are the advantages and innovations of microneedle patch technology compared to traditional agriculture?

Answer: Detection and treatment are more effective and targeted. By designing the length of the microneedles, the depth of penetration into the plant's epidermis can be adjusted, leading to more effective treatment.

Question: What help can synthetic biology provide in the production of microneedle patches, and what aspects should be considered?

Answer: For example, leakage of experimental products could cause environmental pollution and harm human health.

Question: What potential do microneedle patches have in reducing the use of agricultural chemicals and environmental pollution?

Answer: They are useful. Large-scale spraying of chemicals is less efficient and uses more chemicals, causing more pollution. Microneedle patches are more targeted and use fewer chemicals.

Question: What challenges might microneedle patches face in future development?

Answer: Low production yield.

Question: How can synthetic biology and microneedle patches be better combined in agricultural applications to achieve better results?

Answer: By designing different structures of microneedles, such as varying lengths or different performance characteristics, like making some hollow or using dissolvable microneedles, the state of the needle can be controlled to adjust the efficiency of drug release or absorption, or detection.

The picture of team meeting.


In developing our microneedle patch technology for agriculture, we needed to perform several key questions about its potential impact and acceptance. Specifically, we aimed to understand how the agricultural community perceives this innovative technology and whether they would be willing to adopt it in their practices. To gather this information, we distributed a survey to the public using an online survey platform, seeking insights into their familiarity with and attitudes toward microneedle patches and similar technologies.

Our survey included questions about respondents' backgrounds, their level of knowledge about agricultural advancements, and their openness to integrating new technologies into their farming practices. The data that we have collected provided us with a clearer understanding of how our target audience views microneedle patches and identified areas where further education might be needed. The respondents that we have collected reflects with a diverse group, representing a range of ages and educational backgrounds, which ensured a well-rounded perspective on the technology's potential impact.


Professor Hu

The interview with Professor Hu suggested that the synthetic biology has multiple applications in modern agricultural production that can remarkably increase efficiency, reduce waste and pollution. While achieving the accurate transmission of data and detect and monitor plant disease for effective prevention and control. These applications highlight the transformative potential of synthetic biology in improving agricultural practices.

The influence of synthetic biology expands beyond agriculture in our mundane day to day lives, where it empowers living organisms to assist in numerous production processes, thereby working more efficiently and effectively. Such integration into daily life evokes the versatility of synthetic biology and its capability of being adaptable in different conditions. On the other hand, in agriculture being more resilient and productive farm products, thus supporting food security and sustainability.

Besides the fact that synthetic biology and microneedle patch technology aren't closely related, they intersect primarily in the sector of materials required for the patches. Synthetic biology may aid in developing innovative materials that augment the functionality and effectiveness of microneedle patches. Albeit the multiple functions and capability of such technologies, the usage of this technology in agriculture showcases several challenges, including the high cost of new technologies and the need to design patches that fit specific agricultural scenarios. To overcome these issues requires a thoughtful and balance between innovation and practical applicability, thus make sure that the technology is both effective and economical viable.

As the time continues, the demand for biological patch technology in agriculture is expected to grow significantly. The enhancement prospects are promising, with improvements of anticipated intelligence and efficient monitoring systems that offer fully controllable, constant and precise treatments for plant diseases. These intelligence systems can be a part of consideration of improving our effectiveness on disease management, thereby reduce the need for peptides in agricultural farming. The combination of synthetic biology in promoting these technologies will be crucial in achieving these goals. Thus, we expect that this may drive towards a more efficient and sustainable future.

Professor Li

Overall, the discussion with Professor Li guided us to a deeper understanding of role of synthetic biology in agriculture. It plays a vital role in modern agriculture production by improving the quality and quantity of agricultural products, developing superior organisms liked hybrid rice, and enabling organisms to perform new functions, such technologies utilize the creation of innovative products, significantly improving production efficiency. By engaging the synthetic biology, agriculture can accomplish accurate measurements, early prevention of plant infections, meanwhile targeting treatments, thereby improving the overall effectiveness of agricultural implementations.

As part of innovation in microneedle patch technologies, the integration of synthetic biology with microneedle patch expands a various innovative application in agriculture. By implanting different drugs may tailor a numerous of similar microneedle patches to specified targeting different problems. Additionally, the customized designs can be modified to enhance their usability and appeal, ensuring that they function in multiple situations and being suitable for widespread use. These advancements suggested by Professor Li highlights the unlimited potentials of microneedle patches to revolutionize plant treatment and disease prevention methods in agriculture industry.

In prospects of developing the microneedle patches, the possibility of being a mainstream can be promising especially combining with synesthetic biology. However, several challenges need to be utilized to reflect this potential fully. Main consideration contains the biodegradability of the materials used in the patches, the public acceptance of such technologies in food production, and ensuring the stability and durability of the patches. Developing reliable degradation technologies for sustained usage of microneedle patch production is also vital. Conquering these challenges will request efforts and continuous innovation.

Considering the efficiency and effectiveness of the microneedle patch technology in agriculture, providing precise measurement tools can also be a considerable direction of investigations. Enabling early disease detections, and allowing for targeted treatments, synthetic biology secures the patches delivering the optimal results. This precision reduces the reliance on broad-spectrum chemical applications, minimizing externalities of environment impacts and promoting sustained farming practices. The ability to adjust with various drugs and modifications of patch designs further underscores the versatility and potential of this technology in future promotion on improving agricultural productivity.

The future development of synthetic biology technology in agriculture is contingent on our ability to utilize technical and social challenges effectively. Society's public acceptance of new technologies, especially towards those that evolves food production, is critical for widespread adoption. Securing the materials used in microneedle patches are safe, environmentally friendly, and effective will be the key to acknowledge the wide acceptance. Furthermore, the advancement of stable and reliable degradation technologies will be fundamental for producing sustained microneedle patches. The level of improvements and success of these technologies will depend on our ongoing endeavors and the inherent advantages they offer to modern agriculture.

Doctor Zhang

By interviewing Doctor Zhang, he delivered his idea of how microneedle patch technology holds significant potentials in modern agriculture, in particularly the early detection and subsequent treatment of plant diseases. The primary usage contains the idea of detection of plants before they encounter diseases and infections. This technology may allow a substantial advancement over traditional methods as it help plants to avoid diseases and pests more efficiently. The aim of microneedle patches allows the treatment towards plant being precisely administered and enhancing the overall yield of plants

Meanwhile, we discussed the feasibility and challenges that we might face during the production of our microneedle patch. He suggested that the feasibility of microneedle patch technology in agriculture is strong, mainly due to that it provides a more convenient and efficient methods of testing compared to traditional detection techniques based on the idea of our patches being effective when facing an infection for a plant. The overall idea requires innovative approaches to manufacturing especially the distribution to ensure the technology can be deployed broadly and effectively.

Synthetic biology played an imperative role in the development and application of microneedle patch technology. Though they are two separated topics, they share common prospects during the development. However, he also suggested that it is essential to consider the potential risks such as leakage of test samples, which could harm the surrounding environment or human health. Thus, the whole production of our project will be ensured in a qualified laboratory to ensure safety usage. Therefore, addressing these concerns through careful designs and implementation will be vital to success our technology.

The development of microneedle patches may also be considered to contribute towards testing and treatment in agriculture. This precision in application can reduce the risk of overuse of chemicals and ensures the interventions are only made when necessary. This promotes a sustainable farming practice. On the other hand, considerations on economic challenges are also crucial. Farmers may be resistant to adopting new technologies, and the high cost of production may hinder large-scale implementation. To address these issues, we aim to use more cost-effective materials and promote education platforms to increase the acceptance of farmers. Thus, allowing a more promising and promotion of its widespread use.

Taking the concept of achieving optimal results in agriculture applications, combining synthetic biology with microneedle patch technology is crucial. By testing out numerous of design, such as varying lengths or incorporating hollow or soluble features, can enhance the efficiency of drug or analyte release or absorption. By controlling the status of the needle, it is likely to adjust the performance to adapt in different circumstances of agricultural needs, thereby optimizing their effectiveness.


For the survey that aims for the response from the public. The survey illustrates the importance concerns regarding the current situation of antibiotics usage in agriculture. Respondents, comprising agricultural workers and biochemical technicians, identified the overuse of antibiotics that has led to environmental pollution as well as the development of antibiotic resistance. These primary issues showcase the urgent demand of alternative solutions to minimize these negative externalities interconnected with conventional antibiotic use, the well-known recognition of these dilemmas emphasizes the critical importance of growing a more sustained and effective antimicrobial strategies in agricultural practices.

Though there are numerous of issues being coped with current antibiotic practices, the awareness of substitutes treatments was relatively low among respondents. As some mentioned herbal medicines and plant extracts as potential alternatives, the general mis understood of knowledge about these choices demonstrates significant gap in information dissemination and education. The gap symbolizes an opportunity for extended research and promotion of environmental antimicrobial treatments, which could also provide a safer, secured and more sustainable solutions for agriculture.

Regarding the limited awareness of microneedle patch technology among numerous of respondents, with many of them being unfamiliar with such applications in agricultural fields. However, these who familiar with technology related with the production and transportation of such products showcases several potential advantages. These include drug delivery, reduced drug waste, improved treatment efficient and decreased environmental impact. These optimistic perceptions align with the informed respondents that gain acceptance and run a significant role in addressing the current problem with antibiotic use in agriculture.

The willingness of respondents has demonstrated an important idea of promoting our product and opening social media to help more and more people to understand and study the basic information of the whole development. Majority of respondents expressed a conditional willingness to adapt with wilk-based microneedle patches for precise drug delivery in agriculture. This may allow a better gain on understanding the technology.

Challenges can be seen as potential barriers towards the widespread adoption of microneedle patch technology in agriculture. The main concerns would be the cost, with respondent's high expectations and considerations of cost for the product being the high considerations of our project implementation. Furthermore, the maturity of technology was questioned as it is something that the public isn't very familiar with. Regulations were also seen as a huge obstacle that could show an impact on the application of our product. The challenges highlight the need for further investigation, improvements, and regulatory engagement to secure the microneedle patch technology in both affordable and reliable for agricultural use.

Several respondents contributed recommendations for the future development of antimicrobial treatments in agriculture. Making sure of the safety concerns will be preserved and reliable. Meanwhile, there is a call for the investigation and development of natural antimicrobial substances, which could further offer a safer and more sustained alternatives to traditional antibiotics. The general prospects of new technologies introduction, despite the challenges, suggests that there is support for innovation in this area. To use the support, efforts should focus on utilizing the identified barriers and effectively communicating the advantages of new technologies to stakeholders.

The survey emphasizes both critical issues interconnected with current antibiotic practices in agriculture and the capability of innovative solutions like microneedle patch technology. As there are limited awareness and excess to understand this new technology, the urgent need for promoting education on microneedle patch technologies seems crucial. To tackle the cost, technical maturity, and regulatory approval will be our essential in facilitating the transition to these new technologies and achieving our goal of sustainable agricultural practices.