Materials & Equipments

Plasmidic Vectors

Plasmid Relevant Characteristics
pJL1 basic part used to be derived
PSB1C3 high copy BioBrick assembly plasmid


Pairs Name 5' to 3' Primer Sequence Purpose
T7 promoter atcccgcgaaattaatacgactcactatagggagaccacaacggtttccctctagaaataattttgtttaacttt the in vitro sfGFP expression of cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS); use for the construction of three composite parts (BBa_K5133004, BBa_K5133006, BBa_K5133008)
Ribosome binding site (RBS) aagaaggagatatacat used for the construction of composite part BBa_K5133004
sfGFP atgagcaaaggtgaagaactgtttaccggcgttgtgccgattctggtggaactggatggcgatgtgaacggtcacaaattcagcgtgcgtggtgaaggtgaaggcgatgccacgattggcaaactgacgctgaaatttatctgcaccaccggcaaactgccggtgccgtggccgacgctggtgaccaccctgacctatggcgttcagtgttttagtcgctatccggatcacatgaaacgtcacgatttctttaaatctgcaatgccggaaggctatgtgcaggaacgtacgattagctttaaagatgatggcaaatataaaacgcgcgccgttgtgaaatttgaaggcgataccctggtgaaccgcattgaactgaaaggcacggattttaaagaagatggcaatatcctgggccataaactggaatacaactttaatagccataatgtttatattacggcggataaacagaaaaatggcatcaaagcgaattttaccgttcgccataacgttgaagatggcagtgtgcagctggcagatcattatcagcagaataccccgattggtgatggtccggtgctgctgccggataatcattatctgagcacgcagaccgttctgtctaaagatccgaacgaaaaaggcacgcgggaccacatggttctgcacgaatatgtgaatgcggcaggtattacgtggagccatccgcagttcgaaaaataa used for the construction of composite part BBa_K5133004 and demonstrate the feasibility of CFPS in our project.
T7 terminator gtcgaccggctgctaacaaagcccgaaaggaagctgagttggctgctgccaccgctgagcaataactagcataaccccttggggcctctaaacgggtcttgaggggttttttgctgaaagccaattctga used for the construction of BBa_K5133004, BBa_K5133006, BBa_K5133008
sfGFP generator atcccgcgaaattaatacgactcactatagggagaccacaacggtttccctctagaaataattttgtttaactttaagaaggagatatacat atgagcaaaggtgaagaactgtttaccggcgttgtgccgattctggtggaactggatggcgatgtgaacggtcacaaattcagcgtgcgtggtgaaggtgaaggcgatgccacgattggcaaactgacgctgaaatttatctgcaccaccggcaaactgccggtgccgtggccgacgctggtgaccaccctgacctatggcgttcagtgttttagtcgctatccggatcacatgaaacgtcacgatttctttaaatctgcaatgccggaaggctatgtgcaggaacgtacgattagctttaaagatgatggcaaatataaaacgcgcgccgttgtgaaatttgaaggcgataccctggtgaaccgcattgaactgaaaggcacggattttaaagaagatggcaatatcctgggccataaactggaatacaactttaatagccataatgtttatattacggcggataaacagaaaaatggcatcaaagcgaattttaccgttcgccataacgttgaagatggcagtgtgcagctggcagatcattatcagcagaataccccgattggtgatggtccggtgctgctgccggataatcattatctgagcacgcagaccgttctgtctaaagatccgaacgaaaaaggcacgcgggaccacatggttctgcacgaatatgtgaatgcggcaggtattacgtggagccatccgcagttcgaaaaataa sfGFP generator for CFPs (cell-free protein synthesis)
Microcin H47 atgcgagaaataacagaatcacagttaagatatatttccggggcgggaggtgcgccagcgacttcagctaatgctgcaggtgctgcagctattgttggagctctcgccggaatacctggtggtccacttggggttgtagttggagccgtatctgccggtttgacaacagcaattggctcgaccgtgggaagtggtagtgccagttcttctgctggtggcggtagccatcatcatcatcatcactaa used for the construction of composite part BBa_K5133006 to demonstrate the feasibility of in vitro antimicrobial peptide production by CFPS.
Microcin H47 generator atcccgcgaaattaatacgactcactatagggagaccacaacggtttccctctagaaataattttgtttaactttaagaaggagatatacat atgcgagaaataacagaatcacagttaagatatatttccggggcgggaggtgcgccagcgacttcagctaatgctgcaggtgctgcagctattgttggagctctcgccggaatacctggtggtccacttggggttgtagttggagccgtatctgccggtttgacaacagcaattggctcgaccgtgggaagtggtagtgccagttcttctgctggtggcggtagccatcatcatcatcatcactaa gtcgaccggctgctaacaaagcccgaaaggaagctgagttggctgctgccaccgctgagcaataactagcataaccccttggggcctctaaacgggtcttgaggggttttttgctgaaagccaattctga used as microcin H47 generator for CFPs (cell-free protein synthesis)
Microcin M atcccgcgaaattaatacgactcactatagggagaccacaacggtttccctctagaaataattttgtttaactttaagaaggagatatacat atgagaaaactatctgaaaatgaaataaaacaaatatctggaggtgacgggaatgacgggcaggcagaattaattgctattggttcacttgctggtacgtttattagcccgggatttggttctattgcaggggcttat
used for the construction of composite part BBa_K5133008 (Microcin M generator) to demonstrate the feasibility of in vitro antimicrobial peptide production by CFPS.
Microcin M generator atcccgcgaaattaatacgactcactatagggagaccacaacggtttccctctagaaataattttgtttaactttaagaaggagatatacat atgagaaaactatctgaaaatgaaataaaacaaatatctggaggtgacgggaatgacgggcaggcagaattaattgctattggttcacttgctggtacgtttattagcccgggatttggttctattgcaggggcttat ataggtgataaagtacattcatgggcaacgactgcgacggttagtccctccatgtctccctcaggtataggattatcatcccagtttggatccggcagaggtacatcaagtgcctcttcgtctgcggggagtggaagt catcatcatcatcatcactaagtcgaccggctgctaacaaagcccgaaaggaagctgagttggctgctgccaccgctgagcaataactagcataaccccttggggcctctaaacgggtcttgaggggttttttgctgaaagccaattctga used as microcin M generator for CFPs (cell-free protein synthesis)


1. KOD One™ PCR Master Mix (enzyme)

KOD One™ PCR Master Mix is a PCR master mix based on genetically modified KOD DNA polymerase (UKOD).

Advantages: It can increase the rate of PCR and provides greater efficiency than traditional PCR enzymes. Its efficiency is higher.

2. dNTPs (Deoxyribonucleotide metabolites)

dNTPs are substrates for DNA synthesis. It has been suggested that their availability affects cell cycle progression in pathological situations such as development and tumour growth.

3. PCR Grade Water

PCR-grade Water is intended for use in molecular biology applications including PCR and RT-PCR. The ultra-pure and sterile filtered water is manufactured free of detectable inhibitors, contaminants or enzymatic activity. PCR Grade is specially purified, double-distilled, deionized, and autoclaved.

4. 10X cut buffer

The reaction buffer is a 10-fold concentrate that contains Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and protein stabilizers. Used for polyacrylamide and agarose gel electrophoresis. This product is optimized for use in DNA applications.

5. Taq DNA Polymerase

PCR is based on using the ability of DNA polymerase to synthesize new strands of DNA complementary to the offered template strand. Taq polymerase can work at high temperatures with high efficiency and amplification capacity, which other bodily enzymes cannot.

6. Magnesium Chloride

Acting as a cofactor, it enhances the enzymatic activity of DNA polymerase, thereby boosting DNA amplification.

7. Invitrogen Random Primers (F/R)

A standard PCR uses two primers, often called the “forward” and “reverse” primers. Are oriented on opposite strands of the DNA. During a PCR run, the primers will bind to the DNA, bookending the sequence you wish to amplify.

8. Agarose

Nucleic acid fragments are separated by their length while moving through an agarose matrix. By adding a dye or an intercalating agent like ethidium bromide (EtBr), these fragments can be visualized under ultraviolet light.

9. Flashcut™ Dpnl

A series of restriction endonucleases that have undergone genetic engineering recombination and can accurately cut DNA within 5-15 minutes. Suitable for fast digestion of plasmid DNA, PCR products, genomic DNA, etc. Has a common enzyme digestion buffer that greatly simplified the enzyme digestion reaction system.

10. Trans5α Chemically Competent Cell

Specifically designed for the chemical transformation of DNA. It permits a transformation efficiency of over 108 cfu/μg DNA.

Features: High transformation efficiency: >108 cfu/μg (pUC19 DNA). Reduced recombination of cloned DNA. Blue/white selection.


1. Applied Biosystems PCR Thermal Cycler 9700

A technology used to amplify DNA sequences effectively. It is based on the principle of enzymatic replication of nucleic acids.

2. Centrifuge

A series of restriction endonucleases that have undergone genetic engineering recombination and can accurately cut DNA within 5~15 minutes. It can separate liquids and sediments.

3. Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ 2000/2000c Spectrophotometers

Used to measure the DNA concentration. Its mechanism is to measure the absorbance at 260nm in a spectrophotometer using a quartz cuvette. (uncertainty ±0.1~1.0)

Allows direct pipetting off samples onto the optical measurement surface. When the measurement is complete, simply wipe the surface with a lint-free lab wipe. The NanoDrop 2000c integrates a sample retention system with cuvette functionality.

4. Gel Electrophoresis machine

A technique used to separate DNA fragments according to their size and mass. DNA samples are loaded into walls (indentations) at one end of a gel, and an electric current is applied to pull them through the gel. DNA fragments are negatively charged, so they move towards the positive electrode because of the attraction.

5. Gel Imager

It used in molecular biology labs for imaging and documentation of protein suspended within polyacrylamide or agarose gels and nucleic acid. The porous gel is used in this technique acting as a molecular sieve that separates bigger molecules from the smaller ones. As smaller molecules move faster through the gel, larger molecules are left behind.

6. Biological safety cabinets

It is used to protect specimens (DNA fragments) and reagents mentioned above. It also maintains the environment and prevents the experiment samples from infectious hazards.

7. Pipette Guns

Allow us to rapidly draw and disperse liquids at accurate and extremely small volumes.

8. TIANprep Rapid Mini Plasmid Kit

The lysis buffer allows the adsorption of DNA onto the silica membrane in the presence of high salt.

9. Other equipment

  • Refrigerator
  • Microwave oven
  • 37 degrees Celsius constant temperature incubator
  • LB-agar plates
  • Heating block
  • Electronic balance
  • Micro test tubes



  • Addgene
  • Conrad, T. et al. Maximizing transcription of nucleic acids with efficient T7 promoters. Communications Biology 3, 439 (2020). doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-01167-x
  • Ba, F. et al. Expanding the toolbox of probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 for synthetic biology. Biotechnology Journal 19, 2300327 (2024). doi: 10.1002/biot.202300327
  • Hausjell, J. et al. The effects of lactose induction on a plasmid-free E. coli T7 expression system. Bioengineering 7, 8 (2020). doi: 10.3390/bioengineering7010008