Patient's Safety

Data storage & security

After data collection, we stored the data with limited access (authorized personnel) where the survey data is stored using MySQL. The data is organized into tables to provide better information furthermore enhancing our apprehension of the magnitude of the problem within the society in addition to assessment of the knowledge and concerns of the people.

Concerning the security of data, it will be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access to the data, this ensures that even if someone gains unauthorized physical access to the storage device, they cannot read or understand the data without the decryption key in addition to preventing data theft in addition to that there will be firewall rules to restrict network access to the MySQL server. Last but not least, a limited number of people will gain access to the server.

(Figure 1) Data Encryption

Human practice safety and policy analysis

  1. Safety in human practice
  2. During our extensive human practice, we gathered information about burns. Once collected, the data was entered into our system and subjected to systematic analysis, which was then presented visually.

    To protect the privacy of participants, we adopted a strict anonymization approach. We ensured that all sensitive personal details, including names and individual constipation histories, remained undisclosed.

    Additionally, we have reached out to a wide range of patients who are at risk of burn residing in different regions with varying dietary habits. We employ a combination of online and offline methods to ensure a diverse dataset, thereby enhancing the reliability and accuracy of our analysis results.

  3. Policy analysis
    • Policy analysis of cell based therapy

    The AFCM-Egypt iGEM team recognizes the importance of considering the policy analysis of cell based therapy, so our goal is to examine different aspects of the regulatory frameworks, ethical considerations, market dynamics, and healthcare infrastructure implications related to the advancement, approval, and commercialization of these treatments.

    These frameworks play a part in the safety, effectiveness, and quality of cell-based medications. Government organizations like the FDA in the US have created clear routes to assess these treatments, which may include quicker approval processes for innovative therapies or regenerative medicines.

    Ethical considerations play a crucial role in the creation and use of cell-based medications. Crucial issues include patient consent, privacy protection, and fair access to treatments. Ethical guidelines are necessary to ensure informed consent at every stage of the process, from collecting and manipulating cells to their therapeutic utilization. Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure fair access to these cutting-edge treatments among different populations and healthcare systems in order to tackle issues of affordability and availability.

    Market forces pose major hurdles and possibilities for cell-based medications. The significant expenses related to research, development, and production along with uncertainties in reimbursement, affect both the ability to enter the market and the affordability of products. Protecting intellectual property rights is crucial for encouraging innovation and investment in this quickly changing industry. Dealing with these obstacles necessitates strategic measures that promote research and development while also ensuring that healthcare delivery systems are both affordable and sustainable.

    The healthcare system needs to adapt to meet the specific needs of cell-based treatments. This involves creating sophisticated manufacturing techniques and implementing strong supply chains to guarantee steady production and distribution of cell-based products. Incorporating these treatments into current healthcare systems requires training healthcare workers, setting up dedicated treatment facilities, and understanding reimbursement systems to maintain healthcare delivery.

    Policy suggestions focused on promoting cell-based drugs which involve promoting flexible regulatory strategies that can handle the intricate nature of these treatments while still upholding patient safety. Collaborations between the public and private sectors, financial support programs, and rewards like tax breaks or funding can boost research and development activities. It is essential for regulatory agencies, researchers, and industry stakeholders to work together internationally to align standards, exchange data, and speed up worldwide availability of these game-changing treatments. Providing patients with knowledge and backing advocacy are crucial to guarantee that the advantages, drawbacks, and moral issues of cell-based medications are fully acknowledged in policy creation and execution.


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