General Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Safety

Laboratory and Equipment

Our experiments were conducted in our iGEM lab located in Armed forces college of Medicine “AFCM”. Our laboratory is classified as BSL-2. Our lab was organized to provide safety with high practicality and effectiveness. Our lab safety features include:

  1. Flame retardant and waterproof workbench, which can withstand moderate heat, organic solvents, acids and alkalis, disinfectants and other chemicals.
  2. Water pipes are equipped with backflow preventers.
  3. Biological safety cabinets.
  4. Necessary safety precautions, such as safety goggles and protective gloves,...etc.
  5. Autoclave sterilizers and other sterilization equipment.
  6. Showers and eyewashes.
  7. Emergency equipment, such as fire-fighting equipment, first aid equipment.
  8. Emergency lighting installations.
  9. Entry and exit registration.

Waste Disposal

  1. Wastes like culture media in the laboratory were sterilized by autoclaving indoors before disposal.
  2. Garbage is sorted and collected, and handover records will be written.
  3. Non-toxicity and harmlessness of wastes were reconfirmed before disposal.
  4. Containers, infectious materials and wastes were well-labeled and stored in designated locations.
  5. Regular maintenance and repair were conducted. If any machinery scraps, it will undergo a thorough cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization process.
  6. Regular disposal of wastes.

(Figure 1) Waste Disposal

Laboratory Safety Principles

We prioritize strict adherence to safety principles throughout our experiments:

  1. The laboratory is equipped with emergency evacuation route maps, first aid kits, and fire-fighting equipments.
  2. (Figure 2) Fire system

  3. Experimental procedures in the lab must strictly follow established norms. Unauthorized operations are prohibited. All equipment requires regular maintenance and should be promptly turned off after use. Reagents must be replaced as needed.
  4. Proper waste disposal methods are crucial. Disinfectants should be used to neutralize any remaining bacteria before disposing of waste down the drain. For instance, used pipette tips should be disposed of in designated containers. Hazardous materials must be segregated and placed in specialized bins, while cellular lab waste should be sealed and handed over to professional disposal services.
  5. Segregation of areas and proper labeling of sample reagents are strictly enforced.
  6. Storage of experimental materials is meticulously managed. Chemicals, instruments, equipment, and experimental tools are stored according to specified guidelines, clearly labeled with details such as name, quantity, and expiration date. They are used responsibly and correctly, cleaned after use, and stored in compliance with regulations.
  7. (Figure 3a) Storage area 1

    (Figure 3b) Storage area 2

Personal Safety Protection

At the project's outset, all team members underwent extensive training in laboratory techniques to ensure proficient and standardized use of experimental instruments. This training covered essential experimental skills, personal protective measures, identification of common risks, and protocols for responding to incidents. Additionally, we mandate the presence of at least one instructor during experiments to provide guidance and maintain safety oversight throughout the entire duration of our work.

Personal Protection Training

Throughout the entire experiment duration, ensuring personal protection remained a top priority for our team. Each member actively engaged in learning and adhering to laboratory guidelines to reduce potential hazards.

Key aspects of our focus on personal protection are:

  1. Dressing: Every team member is required to wear standardized attire, including long-sleeved lab coats, long pants, gloves, masks, and securely tied hair. Jewelry is prohibited to prevent any interference with experimental processes.
  2. Cleanliness: Before entering and upon leaving the laboratory, thorough handwashing is mandatory to maintain hygiene. Proper sterilization of instruments and regular disinfection of workbenches are essential practices to prevent contamination.
  3. Equipment Usage: Prior to operating any machinery, team members must undergo comprehensive training. All equipment usage is documented, and strict adherence to operational protocols is enforced. Pre-experiment checks are performed to ensure equipment functionality and to prevent any operational failures. During experiments, continuous monitoring of equipment conditions is maintained to promptly identify any anomalies. After experiments, thorough cleaning and inspection of equipment is conducted to eliminate residual hazardous substances and bacteria.

By rigorously implementing these measures, we ensure not only the safety of team members but also the integrity and reliability of our experimental outcomes.

Experimental Skills Training

Before entering the laboratory, we were provided with comprehensive training on basic laboratory skills and safety precautions.

Day 1: Identification of safety signs and lab equipment

Recorder: Omar Fouad

Attendance: All team members

Firstly, we have learned that missing a single procedure, such as labeling the products, can ruin months and years of work. Either in clinical or biological labs, labels are crucial and can be variable according to your needs. Furthermore, they can be used for:

  • Organization: You can organize your products, materials, or equipment by names, colors, date of expiration, or even barcodes. Printed IDs or barcodes help you know where the item is, what steps it has undergone, and what steps are left.
  • Accuracy: The easier you can collect your data and work, the more accurate your results are.
  • Safety:Any mistake in labels can lead to a catastrophe. For example, mixing incompatible agents can result in unpredictable reactions or, clinically, replace patient results.

Similarly, the safety signs have the same importance. We have learned some signs related to our laboratory work, such as no food or drinks permitted, personal protective equipment related to our biosafety level, biohazard signs, and carcinogenic signs.

Moreover, we have learned how to use some of the laboratory devices, such as PCR, centrifuges,...etc

(Figure 4)

Day2: Precautions when handling hazardous materials

Recorder: Ahmed Mousa

Attendance: All team members

We have learned that hazardous chemicals are substances or mixtures that have the potential to cause adverse side effects, damage the surroundings, or cause injury. They can be presented in gas, liquid, or solid forms and cause explosions, corrosion, toxicity, etc. There are many worldwide organizations that people follow to know about hazardous chemicals, such as OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals in Australia, mostly work health and safety (WHS) duties, etc. Moreover, there are material safety data sheets associated with the products to state the risks associated with them and the safety measures required when dealing with them specifically. Some precautions are taken into consideration when dealing with hazardous substances.

  • Sealing chemical in a labeled safe containers
  • (Figure 5)

  • Wear eyeglasses if there is a risk for chemical splashing
  • (Figure 6)

  • Be in a well-ventilated space if using corrosive or flammable chemicals
  • (Figure 7) Well-ventilation

Day3: Safe by practice

Recorder:Ahmed Wael

Attendance:All team members

Finally, we started to learn how to use some equipment properly under the supervision of experts. In addition, how to irrigate the eyes or any body part if exposed to corrosive substances. As medical students, we also know how to use the first aid box and how to prevent further complications. In addition to these experimental skills, emphasis was placed on adhering to rigorous laboratory precautions. These precautions encompass meticulous recording of instrument usage, precise labeling of samples and reagents, strict adherence to standardized procedures for storing hazardous materials, and proper disposal methods for waste products.

Only individuals who have completed this safety training and demonstrated proficiency in essential laboratory skills are permitted to participate in our experiments. This ensures the acquisition of robust, accurate experimental data. Furthermore, by strictly enforcing these training standards, we enhance the safety and reliability of our experiments, minimizing potential risks to both the environment and personnel involved.


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  • Qiu M, Zhou XM, Liu L. Improved Strategies for CRISPR-Cas12-based Nucleic Acids Detection. J Anal Test. 2022;6(1):44-52. doi: 10.1007/s41664-022-00212-4. Epub 2022 Feb 28. PMID: 35251748; PMCID: PMC8883004.