

During our progress in the project, safety is our inevitable companion along the project milestones. Following iGEM Responsibility guidelines, it is an important objective to prevent harm to ourselves, colleagues, and the environment. It was crucial to predict and prevent potential accidents during our lab experiments. So, we anticipated as many risks as we could and provided a solution for them. Moreover, it is of utmost importance to adhere to lab safety standards and follow the regulations and laws during our experiments in the lab. We have put in consideration not only the lab safety but also our design safety in the form of synthetic specific receptor and mRNA-based switch. This, in return, saves the consumer from any unwanted side effects caused by our SONG-H.

(Figure 1) Safety Goals

Self-check Entry

Questions Answers
1-Did we consider lab safety in the wet lab phase? Yes, we have followed general lab safety measures , trained on lab equipment, made drills, and anticipated possible hazards through studying our lab protocols.
2-Did our design come up with consumer safety? Yes, through integration of a condition transcription activation receptor and a protein-specific mRNA switch.
3- Were any steps taken towards patient confidentiality ? Yes, through informed consent, institutional ethics board approval, and data breaching avoidance.
4- Did the project contribute to iGEM safety and responsibility? Yes, we have implemented a new approach to control the mRNA translation which can be adapted in all synthetic biology projects.
5- Did we ensure and guarantee our clinical trial steps and patency? Yes, this was done cautiously through all our project timeline through verified organizations approvals and follow up.