“Doing science in Brazil is very difficult”. We'll start the Human Practices section in a different way, with a speech given at a meeting by Paulo, Director of Policy and Regulation at SynBioBR (Brazilian Association of Synthetic Biology). He summed up the challenges facing the national scientific scene in a powerful way. Since Brazilian science has been the target of repeated budget cutbacks, as exemplified by the speech of the executive secretary, Sérgio Freitas de Almeida, during a hearing in the Economic Development, Industry, Trade and Services Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on June 2, 2022. On that occasion, a cut of approximately R$2.9 billion was reported for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI).

This reality is directly connected to our arduous journey to take part in the world's largest genetic engineering competition. Involvement in a global event implies high costs, which leads us to rely heavily on donations, raffles, and our educational institution. Thus, this dependence not only highlights how valuable these contributions are, but also shines a light on the lack of resources faced by a significant portion of the population.

Our aim is to operate in an environment of limitations and compressed expectations. We recognize that opportunities are essential to mitigate the difficulties that affect the country's scientific development. Thus, we want science to flourish equitably for all, since opportunities are becoming increasingly scarce.

Science is an area of knowledge that is evolving and has added value to the inclusion of different perspectives, methods and innovative ideas for its development. We believe it is extremely important to continually encourage and welcome more and more people with different points of view and experiences who can bring innovation and growth to this field. In this way, as well as publicizing the scientific environment and expanding the reach of academic science, we have brought diverse knowledge to the public, looking for ways to increase access, through the development of presentations, teaching materials, innovative apparatus, among other ideas thought up by our team members in conjunction with those active in society who have provided feedback and help to connect the project with our target audience coherently.


We began our journey into the world of inclusion with an invitation to take part in the Research Incentive Week (SIP) at the Lorena School of Engineering (EEL), a local event organized by the Chemical Engineering Academic Center, which aims to make knowledge about research at our faculty more accessible, in order to awaken students' interest in the academic environment. Through the provision of lectures, visits to laboratories, round tables, among other activities that promote the direction of students in this academic sphere.

Figure 1. Presentation at SIP


Source: author's work

The team chose to take part in the event as an opportunity to publicize our work to other students, in order to include different students in our team. To do this, in addition to a dynamic approach to “CBDynamics”, we introduced some concepts of synthetic biology, carried out an experiment on DNA extraction and explained how iGEM works and how to join, encouraging people to take part.

It's worth noting that SIP's target audience is new university first-year students, and introducing them to a team like iGEM is a way of broadening science to students who are just starting their scientific journey with us.

If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..

Faced with a great deal of active involvement from the participants, as a way of interacting on the subject of “Inclusion in Science”, we asked the students to answer a few questions on the subject, and the results of the survey are shown below.






By analyzing the results obtained from this questionnaire, we realized that there is a deficiency in establishing harmony in the scientific sphere, and we - as a team that values solving problems in the current conjuncture - identified how changing the special category would be essential to establishing our objectives for our project this year, in an attempt to reduce this problem. Some students reported having witnessed situations in which inclusion was not properly granted, even though there are inclusive initiatives on our campus. This point made us realize that it is important to publicize and support inclusive issues, making this discussion something present throughout our university space.


Last year, we had the privilege of participating in and organizing the “Women in Engineering” project, aimed at promoting the inclusion of women in the engineering field, where their voices are frequently marginalized and their presence diminished. Inspired by this theme and the pioneering research conducted by the Paris Bettencourt team on the inclusion of women in iGEM teams in 2013, our team — comprising 75% women and with 88% of leadership positions held by women — decided to reassess the findings from that time through a new data collection effort.

For this collaboration, our team contacted various iGEM teams around the world (SDU-Denmark, ASIJ-Tokyo, Thessaloniki, TUDelft, UMaryland, Rochester, Toulouse INSA-UPS, JU-Krakow, REC-CHENNAI, CCU Taiwan and Calgary), aiming to verify and analyze female participation in the competition today. The following data were requested:


Total number of team members: 10
Number of women on the team: 7
Number of women in leadership positions: 3 
Leadership positions: wiki, dry-lab and wet-lab.

Total number of team members: 24
Number of women on the team: 12
Number of women in leadership positions: 2 
Leadership positions: research engineering, entrepreneurship and human practices.
Total number of team members: 11 
Number of women on the team: 6
Number of women in leadership positions: 3
Leadership positions: social media coordinator, wiki leader, wet-lab leader.

Total number of team members: 7
Number of women on the team: 4
Number of women in leadership positions: 3 
Leadership positions: project manager and entrepreneur managers.

Total number of team members: 36
Number of women on the team: 22
Number of women in leadership positions: 9 

Total number of team members: 11
Number of women on the team: 8
Number of women in leadership positions: 8
Leadership positions: team leader, science manager, modeling manager, hardware manager, outreach and education manager, graphic designer and fundraising manager.
Toulouse INSA-UPS

Total number of team members: 8
Number of women on the team: 5
Number of women in leadership positions: 2 
Leadership positions: organization leader, communication leader.

Total number of team members: 10
Number of women on the team: 9
Number of women in leadership positions: 2 
Leadership positions: team leaders


Total number of team members: 23
Number of women on the team: 12
Number of women in leadership positions: 2 
Leadership positions: instructor and advisor. 
CCU Taiwan

Total number of team members: 22
Number of women on the team: 12
Number of women in leadership position: 3 
Leadership positions: human practices, wet-lab and dry-lab. 

Total number of team members: 12
Number of women on the team: 7
Number of women in leadership positions: 6 
Leadership positions: Design, Social Media & Marketing Lead, Wiki Lead, Dry Lab Lead, Organization & Funding Lead, Team Captain, Education and Collaboration Lead

With the information obtained, it is evident that the inclusion of women, both in leadership and as members of iGEM teams, occurs fully, demonstrating considerable diversity, especially when compared to 2013 in the research conducted by the Paris Bettencourt team (link to wiki), where women were still a minority among those surveyed. Furthermore, due to the varied leadership positions and fields of knowledge encompassing biology, computing, mathematics, engineering, among others, we can affirm that women occupy all types of roles within teams and bring different and transformative perspectives to their projects.


In the scientific environment, much research is carried out, both to optimize processes and to find solutions to everyday problems. In this context, we are faced with the following question: how could people who have motor difficulties be inserted in the laboratory environment, and achieve their independence in this environment? In view of the laboratories and apparatus we use on a daily basis, as researchers, we seek ways to improve the accessibility of these tools to facilitate their management. To this end, the difficulties commonly faced were discussed, especially by those who have complications in fine motor coordination, or vision problems, for example. In this way, we hope to provide alternatives to conventional laboratory devices, which allow a more sensitive and effective inclusion in the scientific world.

During the planning of this project, we visited some laboratories of our faculty, to find out how the issue of laboratory inclusion was being treated. One of the professors who showed the most interest and shared his suggestions and experiences on the subject was Professor Eduardo Rezende Triboni, PhD, advisor of the Inclusion and Belonging project entitled "Evaluation of Infrastructure for the Physically Disabled at the School of Engineering of Lorena – EEL/USP", which aims to evaluate the adaptation of laboratory structures for the locomotion and adaptability of students with disabilities. During our meetings, the professor commented that the original motivation for the development of this initiative was that, during the period of scientific initiation of a student who needed the help of a wheelchair, her independence in the environment was very limited, due to the construction of the place that was not designed to allow easy mobility. As in the case of people with physical disabilities, laboratories do not have materials and devices available to enable the independence of the visually impaired and individuals with muscle weakness or medical conditions such as Parkinson's. Soon, we realized that the problem we wanted to address was also present on our campus and our initiative would have a positive impact locally as well.

For the elaboration of the pieces, we had the support of Karine dos Santos Pimentel, an occupational therapist at CERII (Specialized Center for Rehabilitation) in Nova Venécia-ES, but who has already worked in various devices, private clinics, Pestalozzi, APAE and home care. And a graduate student at EEL-USP, Salvador Sánchez Muñoz, to find the best solutions to the issue faced, and we also received important feedback on the apparatuses developed, approving or rectifying such proposals.

As with the feedback we received, we asked some questions to the occupational therapist:

  1. We would like to know your opinion and general perspective on our project: do you believe that it can effectively add to people's lives?

    As an occupational therapist who works so that people can perform their activities in the best possible way, with maximum autonomy and independence, I of course believe that a project, like this, which aims to adapt an environment and equipment is extremely relevant. Before, we built spaces and objects and we didn't think about limitations (whether from birth, acquired or aging itself), that's why it's so essential today to have projects like this that show that the limitation is much more in the environment than in people.

  2. Our project was designed to serve mainly people with reduced physical mobility and low vision. In your opinion, are there other "secondary" audiences that could also benefit from the project, even if they were not our initial focus?

    When an environment is adapted, everyone benefits, including people who today apparently may not have a limitation - after all, who is not subject to losing balance during an activity, to have more tired vision after a few days on top of a screen typing a work. Sometimes we only realize that we can all face limitations, whether temporary or not, when we go through them or when we have the opportunity to be in an adapted environment and we realize that even without limitations, the adaptations that apparently were not for us made our work easier.

  3. An example that comes to mind is the glass stick adapter, which increases the diameter and helps people with reduced physical mobility. However, it can also benefit neurodivergent people, such as those with sensory sensitivity to the texture of glass. Do you see other applications or audiences that could be impacted by this type of solution?

    If you put an adapter that isn't transparent on a glass stick, I think people with low vision will automatically benefit and everyone who needs better grip on the grip – I would feel benefited because I would be more confident in handling it.

  4. Are there any other suggestions or adjustments you would recommend to make our pieces better serve a broader or specific audience?

    I believe that improvements will emerge as the devices are made and used. Adaptations can always be more specific, since each individual is unique, but specific cases require a specific evaluation.

In this project, the real inclusion that should be made in science was discussed, and ways to provide a practical and functional environment for all scientists were developed, thinking about the various limitations that some may have. In this way, it was expected to find adaptations to the existing laboratory devices, in order to achieve this inclusion at low costs. At the Lorena School of Engineering, the possibility of building such adaptations was embraced and encouraged with the availability of the 3D printer of the Department of Biotechnology, and autoclavable materials, excellent for the manufacture of the parts of the project, in this case, PLA was used.

We used two applications that work together to turn our ideas into reality. For the development of laboratory pieces, we used the “Fusion” application, which allows us to model every detail of out apparatus. Additionally, to add texture that ensures stability, we used the “Formlabs” site.

  1. Developed parts Beaker Stabilizers

    Beaker holder with adjustment option to accommodate different sizes of devices. This adapter aims to provide greater stability for the use of beakers, preventing their unwanted movement.

    The beaker stabilizer is designed to function intuitively. You simply place the beaker in the designated area, and it will remain stable. If the beaker has a different size, you can use the adjustment rings to adapt it to the desired size, ensuring a secure fit and preventing unwanted movement.

  2. Figure 2. Developed stabilizing base 3D Model


  3. Glass Stick Adapter
    Figure 3. Developed rings 3D Model


    Adapter, meant to be worn at the top of the glass stick, which is commonly used in laboratories for mixing substances. This adapter was developed for 3D printing, in order to increase the diameter of the part where the person holds the stick, allowing a better grip. Additionally, assisting individuals with muscle weakness or motor difficulties.

  4. UV
    Figure 4. Developed glass stick adaptor 3D Model


    UV indicator plate by means of a Velcro. If turned on, it will have a different texture than when it is turned off. This adapter is designed to help people with low vision identify whether ultraviolet light is on or not. Our model has an embossed section, meant to attach the velcro on manually. If someone turns the UV light on, they should indicate it, placing the velcro on that area. After turning it off, the user should take the velcro away from the indicated area, attaching it on the area of the plate that is recessed.

  5. Stabilizer Tray
    Figure 5. UV indicator board 3D Model


    Tray with non-slip exterior to avoid unnecessary movement on the countertop. This support serves as a more stable support to store laboratory devices.

    After receiving valuable feedback from Ruana Sertão (expressed in QRevolution) and Karine dos Santos Pimentel, , we realized that our laboratory apparatus are not only intended for individuals with motor difficulties and muscle weakness, but also for those with low vision. This new perspective led us to understand that our creations have the potential to promote independence in the laboratory environment for countless people, ensuring that everyone can perform their activities with greater autonomy, confidence, and safety.

    In short, in order to build a world open to the most diverse possibilities, it is necessary to start by enabling all people to have equal opportunities to make a difference. In this long journey, small transformations must be made, such as the adaptation of laboratory equipment, so that science is more inclusive. With the success of this project, we hope that other iGEM teams will be inspired by the idea of including more people in science, understanding the importance of this and contributing their own perspectives.

    Figure 6. Stabilizer Tray 3D Model



In light of the demographic census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2010), 6% of the Brazilian population has some type of visual impairment. Of this total, 506 thousand have total vision loss (0.3% of the population) and 6 million, great difficulty in seeing (3.2%). It is on this premise that we structured the QRevolution project to serve this significant portion of the population in the laboratory context.

The project was primarily based on the identification of problems, and studies on the subject. Thus, we decided to develop a series of QR codes to be pasted on containers of toxic and usual chemical compounds in the laboratory environment. When scanned, the user could access an adapted text document, containing important information about the product, in addition to offering an audio description, ensuring that everyone can understand the important information established.

To understand if we were headed for the right path, and to improve our initiative, we contacted people who would benefit from our idea, the visually impaired. Our first conversation was with Ruana Sertão, a Food Technologist that participated in many innovation and entrepreneurship projects, who told us about her experience in the laboratory environment, since she worked in the development of new products, and her difficulties. She said how our work would benefit many lives, including hers, since in her routine she used several chemical compounds, and countless times she had the need to ask her colleagues for help to read the labels. Our second was with Kaune Moreno, a marketing student at the Santo André Foundation, who guided us about the fonts used in the writing of the texts and their respective sizes, in addition to mentioning her preferences in relation to the colors used and formatting, such as bold.

Figure 7. First meeting

Screenshot of an online meeting

Source: authors

Ruana Sertão kindly recorded a video with positive feedback on our projects of adapted apparatus for laboratories and QR Codes that we want to share with the world. You can check the video at our social media accounts!

Following this line of meetings, we contacted Gabriela Brito Alves, a student of administration and logistics, who guided us on the description of the symbols attached to the labels. For it, it is very important to include such descriptions, because, in future situations in which the image appears in an unadapted context, the familiarity acquired in our project can be very beneficial. In addition, she reported that she considers it truly tiring to read a text in yellow, suggesting only the title with that color.

Regarding the acceptance and success of the initiative, Gabriela believes that people will be more receptive to the idea of QR codes compared to other options, such as laboratory device adapters since there is a period of acceptance for those who had normal vision and became people with low vision, and often prefer more discreet solutions.

Figure 8.Third meeting

Screenshot of an online meeting

Source: authors

With all the established ideas, we developed descriptions of common and hazardous chemical compounds in a laboratory environment. Additionally, we provided their respective QR codes for printing. And we made them available at our social media plataforms (@igem_usp.eel)

Figure 9. QR Codes attached to chemical components

QR Codes attached to chemical components

Source: Authors


We created the educational booklet initiative as a way of making synthetic biology more accessible and attractive. In the vast field of synthetic biology, there are many complicated concepts and processes that can put people off trying to learn about this science. To prevent this stigma from continuing to spread, we have developed textbooks with more childlike and intuitive themes, so that younger people can be entertained and understand the basics more clearly.

“Lelê, Durinha e seus amiguinhos”, our booklet, explains the existence of beneficial and harmful microorganisms, telling the story of Lele and Durinha (two yeasts) and their “little friends” and “no friends” (bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause diseases). This book was a great success with the children in the ImagineNation project, to the point that during the drawing and sculpture dynamics, many were inspired and drew the characters from the booklet, as well as asking questions and interacting, showing curiosity and interest in the issues raised.

If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..

In addition, with the success of our first book, we created the “BioSin Alphabet”, a set of writings that contains important synthetic biology and scientific concepts with the respective letters of the alphabet. At the end of this collection of teachings, there is the practical part, with suggestions for accessible experiments, to make knowledge of this promising science more dynamic. It is worth noting that this book was written in our native language, Portuguese, and after translation many words lost their correspondence with the letter expressed.

If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..

Despite being aimed at a more advanced age group, it also brought satisfactory results and a lot of excitement from younger readers. The youngsters were very enthusiastic about taking part in the book award dynamics during the Science Fair in which we took part. The proposed practice involved an aquarium with orbs used to explain the Lacquase project—the development of methods to remove hormones from water (https://2018.igem.org/Team:USP-EEL-Brazil) - in which the objective was to find the only transparent orb present among the other colored ones. Around 1,200 students attended the event , exceeding expectations for the distribution of the physical books. Students who were unable to take the physical version home were able to access it online via a QR code made available at our stand.
Additionally, with the success of the dynamics, the teachers responsible were interested in the material presented and requested the PDF for dissemination in their respective institutions, for even greater propagation of synthetic biology in schools.

Although we are very happy with the proportion our writings have taken on, we want to go even further. When participating in the “Mammoths in Science” (Mamutes na Ciência) podcast, we provided a link in the episode description to our books, so that this material can reach as many people as possible. Besides, we promoted this initiative on our Instagram, making it available for free in our bio.

Our aim is to ensure that quality material is accessible, and we hope that synthetic biology, with its immense transformative power, can warm new hearts and inspire genuine minds.


In the scientific world, we not only have the presence of scientists but also the whole of society, from children to the elderly. “Doing science” is indispensable in our world, and understanding how its nuances are linked to our lives transforms perspectives and presents different points of view on scientific knowledge and its importance in the world.

In view of the impact that early contact with science has on society, our team formed a partnership with another student organization from the Lorena School of Engineering, the Happy Child Project (PCF), which brings together students from the university and children from the local community on one of the university's campuses to carry out recreational and emotionally engaging activities, with the goal of awakening the protagonism of this part of the population, providing new points of view that give new meaning to their space in the world. This partnership gave us the opportunity to get in touch with children to teach them a little about science in a simple and playful way.

Activities developed:

Illustrative book

For the day of the meeting, the illustrated book “Lele and Durinha”, which explains about the microorganisms, was constructed. After reading this story, the children learned that there are various “tiny animals” that inhabit the environment, highlighting the importance of washing their hands and brushing their teeth.


Figure 10.Reading our booklet (Author’s work)


Figure 11. Questions Time (Author’s work)

Dynamics with paint

To teach them how to do this properly, an activity with non-toxic paint was carried out. In it the participants, with painted hands - that represented all the microorganisms present - had to remove all the pigment, to show that they were clean, and understand how to wash their hands properly.


Figure 12. Activity on viruses and bacteria. (Author’s work)


Figure 13. How to wash your hands properly (Author’s work)

Observation of yeast action

At the end of this activity, to exemplify the work carried out by yeast (the microorganism used in our main CBDynamics work), a handmade “dough” was made from biological yeast as follows: with the help of the team members, the children mixed wheat flour, salt, powdered juice for coloring, water and a little oil, developing their motor skills and also ensuring their safety, since the end product is non-toxic. With the final result of the “dough”, the children were able to observe how this non-malicious fungus can work, showing its fermentation as the mixture grew.

kids playing with yeast

Figure 14. Experiments with yeast. (Author’s work)

Drawing and sculpture session

For the final activity, a drawing and sculpture session was proposed, so that the children could feel free to explore their creativity. As well as sculpting with the playdough, they were asked to draw pictures of what they imagined microorganisms would look like, using stamped paint on their hands.


Figure 15.Sculpture with modeling clay. (Author’s work)


Figure 16. Drawing Time! (Author’s work)


Figure 17.Results of some of the drawings. (Author’s work)

The contact with this audience of 4 to 8 year olds was a source of immense joy for the team. Being able to provide the children with activities that add to their understanding of the world, their intellect, their motor skills and also their emotional state has warmed the hearts of the members, as well as contributing to building citizens who can now interact more cordially with children. We learned from the children as much as they learned from us. By coming into contact with such a young section of society, we realized how far science can go and how important it is in everyone's lives, especially children who were born and raised in the midst of a pandemic and already had prior knowledge of basic health care, and now were able to deepen their skills and worldview after the activities carried out with us.



Figure 18. Marie Curie presentation. (Author’s work)

Faced with the main issue of the democratization of science, in order to benefit from this scenario it is essential to apply tools that help in the process of disseminating scientific knowledge to a disadvantaged section of society that has little contact with it. Therefore, we believe that increasing iGEM's reach and showing the size of its impact on the world to a peripheral youth age group would be an extremely important way to help increase their interest in this subject.

Based on this perspective, we established a partnership with “Marie Curie Vestibulares”, a local student organization that, like us, believes that it is possible to make a difference in everyone's life through education and inclusion. Our proposal was based on the idea that it is important not only to solve the problem of the lack of inclusion, but also to debate the issue, understanding the different perspectives and impressions that students have on this issue.

Approach to the topic and dynamics

We held a dynamic lesson to approach the topic and, at the beginning, we asked the students to scan a QR Code presented on the slides and enter words that they thought were associated with the issue presented on the board. The goal was to introduce and discuss the current problem in a natural way.

The results are presented below:

What is science?

main words are knowledge and experiment

Figure 19. Result of the proposed question.(Author’s work)

What is Inclusivity?

main word is equality

Figure 20.Result of the proposed question.(Author’s work)

What’s the importance of inclusion in science?

main words are knowledge and for research

Figure 21. Result of the proposed question.(Author’s work)

"Who is a scientist?”

After this initial activity, we tackled the subject more intensively and carried out another activity, in which the goal was to challenge the students to find out which recognized scientist has faced some process of exclusion during their life,discussing the problem in question and the situation experienced by them.

If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..


Figure 22. Student engagement (Author’s work)

Presentation of the “CBDynamics” project

We also presented the “CBDynamics” project and iGEM, with the goal of getting students interested in going to university and taking part in projects like this competition. During this activity, we can highlight the action of a student who was very interested in what we were presenting and asked some questions, showing great curiosity, since he knew nothing about the subject, and willingness and enthusiasm to be part of the team. This situation progressively increased our team's desire to bring a little more knowledge to people who don't have access to it.


Finally, we proposed an essay with the theme “Obstacles in Inclusivity in Science”. The goal was to get the students to exercise critical thinking and reflect further on this issue.

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just a picture of us, you're not missing much

Figure 23. Presentation of the writing proposal (Author’s work)

Afterwards, we selected some highlights:

“‘Inclusivity happens when you learn from differences and not the similarities’ is a quote from the brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire, that expresses the importance of social inclusion in all fields of humanity. However, the difficulties surrounding inclusivity in science become ever more tangible. With that, it is of main importance the need to bring light to the problems created by this reality, like the unequal access to education and prejudice. ´´

“Moreover, in a society deeply rooted in prejudice, diverse minorities are striving for the professional recognition they rightfully earn.”

Ryan Felipe Rangel in “A Future for All”

“It is noteworthy the absence of government measures to combat the lack of inclusion in science. In this sense, the lack of investment in basic and higher education, scientific research, coupled with the lack of public information, contribute to the worsening of the problem in the country.”

Marcos Felipe in “Science is for All”

By carrying out this activity, we were able to not only understand students' perspectives on such a complex issue but also create a space where their voices are heard and valued. This project is essential, as young people are the main protagonists of future changes.


Our team has dedicated itself to promoting the inclusion of diverse identities in scientific research, with a special focus on the intersection between science and the community. One of our most significant initiatives in this regard was the organization of a visit to the “Vila Vicentina da Sagrada Família” , a senior center in partnership with the “Idoso Amigo” social organization of the Lorena School of Engineering. Through this experience, we developed recreational activities that sought to eliminate barriers and allow residents to actively participate in scientific concepts in an accessible and fun way.


Figure 24. Photo in one of the rest homes. (Author's work)
  1. Assembling molecules with colored pieces

    The first activity we carried out involved assembling molecules using colored pieces. This approach allowed the residents of the rest home, many of whom had never had direct contact with chemistry or biology, to understand the basic principles of molecular formation. The colored pieces helped to visualize the different parts of the molecules, facilitating understanding and generating interest in the subject. Below are the captions for the game developed.

    If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..

    The active participation of our team members in the dialog with the residents was fundamental to the success of the activities and the promotion of scientific inclusion. One striking example is that of Mário, a 94-year-old man who, when talking about molecules, remembered his time working in a factory that produced aluminum sulfate for water treatment. This personal and historical connection not only enriched Mário's experience, but also illustrated how science is present in various areas of everyday life. Through these interactions, our team was able to contextualize scientific concepts in an accessible and relevant way, in line with the project's aim of eliminating barriers and allowing everyone to participate and feel represented by the scientific community. The following photos show the start of the activities, with the presentation of the project and the instructions for the games that were played.


    Figure 25. Proposed activity for the elderly.(Author's work)
  2. Memory game with a synthetic biology theme

    The second activity was a memory game with illustrated cards, each representing an element or concept from synthetic biology. This activity not only stimulated participants' memory and cognition but also introduced them to advanced science topics in a playful and engaging way. The game was a great success, arousing curiosity and enthusiasm among the residents


    Figure 26. Memory game. (Author's work)
  3. If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..

  4. Synthetic biology-themed bingo

    The third activity developed was a synthetic biology themed bingo. This activity provided a fun and interactive way for residents to learn about different scientific concepts while playing. To make it easier for elderly people with reduced movement to take part, we used a tool developed by a member of our team, which consisted of a piece of equipment adapted to allow them to handle the bingo pieces more easily. This device, designed by us, was crucial in ensuring that everyone could fully participate in the activity, eliminating physical barriers and promoting the inclusion of all residents. In addition, the equipment helped to improve the participants' motor coordination and control, allowing them to carry out writing and painting activities with more precision and comfort.


    Figure 27.Synthetic biology-themed bingo. (Author's work)

    Our approach focused on inclusion and accessibility. By adapting complex scientific concepts into recreational and visual activities, we were able to make science more accessible to a population that is often overlooked in this context. The colored tiles and memory game were chosen specifically because they are intuitive and easy-to-handle tools, which is crucial for seniors with different levels of mobility and cognition.
    The activities were designed to promote interaction and active participation by the residents. We noticed that many participants who were initially reticent became more engaged as the activities progressed. This reinforced the idea that science can be inclusive and that everyone has the potential to contribute and benefit from it, regardless of their age or previous training.
    Through this experience, we learned that inclusion in science is not just about diversity of identity but also involves adapting communication and teaching methods to the needs of the audience. It was gratifying to see the joy and interest aroused in people, which reaffirmed the importance of taking science outside traditional laboratories and classrooms, reaching communities that are often neglected.

    If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..


Today, we live in a world where science is advancing extremely fast. Unfortunately, though, this is not everyone's reality. Our partnership with the Mother Mazzarello Oratory represents much more than an educational project; it is an effort to bring synthetic biology closer to a community that, until now, has had little or no contact with this vast knowledge.


Figure 28.Group photo at the beginning of the event. (Author's work)

Mother Mazzarello Oratory's mission is to promote the inclusion and integral development of children, young people and adults in vulnerable situations, offering recreational and educational activities that value the individual and awaken dreams and potential. The oratory's motivation, just like ours, is to promote a welcoming and transformative space, where love and care enable those served to overcome challenges, believe in themselves and seek a better future, with inclusion, respect, solidarity and education being its fundamental principles.

  1. Building animal and plant cells

    For the younger children, we set out to explore their creativity and sense of play through practical activities on the theme of building animal and plant cells, using creative materials such as clay, paints, and beads on cardboard. At this stage, we taught about what cells are, how they are made up, the functions of their organelles, and the differences between them, while the children made up their own cells and organelles with the materials provided.

  2. After all, why “make a cell” only on paper?

    We then proposed the production of anti-stress “balls” with some colored balls, the orbs. Each color of ball represented a specific cell organelle, which would be added to the inside of the cell membrane, represented by the bladder. In this way, the children were visually stimulated and were able to explore their discoveries about the dogmas of synthetic biology.


    Figure 29. Representing a cell. (Author's work)


    Figure 30. DIY: cells. (Author's work)

  3. Biobricks

    On the other hand, for the pre-teens, we made authorial biobricks so that they could understand biological circuits in a playful and simple way. This dynamic involved assembling a doll with themed “clothes”. Each participant received pieces representing different components of a basic genetic circuit, such as promoters (hats and caps), ribosome binding sites (blouses and t-shirts), coding sequences (pants, shorts and skirts) and terminators (shoes). The booklets prepared by our team to explain the components of the biological circuit and the biobrick templates are available below:

    Before starting, we explained that, in order to form a functional genetic circuit, the pieces should be fitted together according to their edges, symbolizing biological connections. The use of the doll and the “clothes” made it easier to visualize and understand the concepts, allowing the children to see how the genetic components combine and interact to create complete circuits. In this way, they were able to understand in a practical and playful way how DNA can be manipulated and organize


    Figure 31. Biobricks activity (Author's work)

    1. Experiment

      Furthermore, as a continuation of the activities conducted with pre-teens, we proposed a practical experiment demonstrating the action of the catalase enzyme in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. The individuals were divided into small groups and received materials to conduct the experiment. After a brief theoretical introduction about the function of catalase and its role in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, the children, with our assistance, followed the experiment's protocol , adding an enzymatic solution to different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and observing the formation of oxygen bubbles. This experiment allowed us to explain that catalase accelerates the decomposition of peroxide, with the amount of bubbles reflecting the enzymatic activity.


      Figure 32. Experiments.(Author's work)

      If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..

    2. Mafia Game

      For teenagers, we created a game-Mafia game. We divide all of them into different roles, such as scientists, assassins, police officers, doctors, detectives, an immune person, and normal people. The overall goal was to discover and eliminate the killers before they contaminated everyone or killed the scientists.

      Each group had specific functions: the killers created a virus and chose methods of contamination, the scientists sought a cure, the policeman and the detective had the skills to eliminate suspects, and the doctor could postpone deaths.


      Figure 33. Photo during the mafia game. .(Author's work)

      During the game, participants discussed, investigated, and voted to eliminate suspects, while trying to achieve their goals.


      Figure 34. Photo during the mafia game vote..(Author's work)

      If your browser does not support PDF viewing, you can download it here..

    3. Ethics quiz

      The second part of the dynamic consisted of a quiz on ethics, addressing dilemmas related to scientific and technological advances. The teenagers were introduced to different stories, such as the genetic editing of embryos and the cloning of animals, and answered questions about the ethical principles involved, such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. After the answers, there was a discussion about the ethical implications of the situations presented, promoting reflection on how these principles are relevant and applicable in real and hypothetical contexts. The activity ended with a summary of the ethical concepts and an opening for questions and comments.


      Figure 35. Presentation of some concepts in ethics

      At the end of all the activities carried out at the Mother Mazzarello Oratory, the profound impact that initiatives like this can have was evident. The children asked questions like: “When are you coming back?” and “Are you coming back more often?”, showing that scientific knowledge, when presented in an accessible and playful way, can arouse curiosity and passion. These reactions reaffirm that our objective is being fulfilled, after all, science should not be a privilege, but a right for everyone.


    Synthetic biology has many facets, including its versatility and great transformative power, which were our focus during this event. Our team took part in the 11th Science and Culture Week at Cotel (an Accelerate Certificate Program in the city of Lorena - SP), an event that brings together an audience from different cities, more than 1,500 people, mainly students, from different age groups, ranging from children to teenagers in the ninth year of primary school and the third year of secondary school. In this way, the week is dedicated to nurturing and inspiring young people, spreading science in an enchanting way and exploring complex concepts in an accessible way.

    At first, we showed the projects carried out by the USP-EEL-Brazil team in the iGEM competition over the years, by carrying out experiments that correlate with some concept in these projects. In this way, we were able to inspire individuals to take part in iGEM, encourage studies and research that seek to solve current problems and awaken the creative sense.


    Figure 36. Lacquase inspired experiment.(Author's work)


    Figure 37. Honorato inspired experiment.(Author's work)

    In 2016, our team developed the Ecoil project with the aim of exploring alternative sources of renewable fuels, identifying effective oils for biodiesel production in Escherichia coli. One of the project's ambitions was to implement a barrier that would prevent the bacteria from coming into direct contact with substances that are toxic to it, such as ethanol. On this basis, the “floating needle” experiment was carried out, in which a needle is magnetized and carefully placed under water with the aid of a piece of paper. The paper is expected to drop after a while and the needle serves as a homemade compass, floating while pointing to the Earth's north-south magnetic poles. This experiment relates to the project by using the concept of the natural barrier of water, originating from its surface tension, to make the needle float, a barrier analogous to the barrier developed during the project for the separation between biodiesel and bacteria.

    For Lacquase , developed in 2018 with the aim of developing methods to remove estrogens from water in order to reduce the amount of these toxic compounds in the sea, which affect marine fauna, we used an aquarium with water and added colored balls, which represented the chemical compounds present in medicines, and medicine boxes. In this way, it was explained that many chemical substances were present and medicine boxes. In this way, it was explained that many chemical substances present and

    In addition, the Honorato project, developed by the team between 2021 and 2022 , sought to develop synthetic inhibitors for snake venom, proposing an alternative approach to antivenom. The Honorato project inspired a color change experiment through the neutralization of an acid, representing the neutralization of snake venom, the central theme of this project. We chose to demonstrate the neutralization of vinegar using sodium bicarbonate. In this experiment, the acetic acid in vinegar reacts with sodium bicarbonate in an acid-base reaction, resulting in the formation of sodium acetate, water and carbon dioxide. To make the experiment even more didactic, we added phenolphthalein as an indicator. Initially colorless in an acidic environment, phenolphthalein changes to pink in a basic environment, showing the change in pH during the reaction. So that the children could replicate this experiment at home, we also brought purple cabbage, which acts as a natural indicator, just like phenolphthalein.

    Finally, for CBDynamics, we opted for an experiment on fermentation. This activity uses dry yeast, sugar and warm water for a simple, visual demonstration of the action of yeast. When yeast is mixed with water and sugar, the yeasts feed on the sugar, producing carbon dioxide (CO₂) and alcohol during the process. The gas manifests itself in the form of bubbles, and the mixture expands inside the container. Additionally, this experience connects the students to the CBDynamics project, which uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce cannabidiol (CBD). By observing how these microorganisms work, the students understand the applications in more advanced processes, such as the production of substances essential for health, making learning more fun and meaningful.

    All the experiments were designed with the intention of using ingredients and equipment accessible to the public, such as food, cups and spoons, avoiding the use of sophisticated laboratory apparatus. In this way, we ensured that participants could reproduce the experiments independently at home, understanding the analogies and dynamics involved. Finally, we promoted our books on synthetic biology, both to the students and to the teachers and companions also present, with the aim of reaching as many people as possible, by sharing the digital version with those responsible and printing a poster containing a QR code that allowed access to this material.

    We therefore conclude that participation in the science fair was truly rewarding, and showed us that we are indeed aligned with our central objective, democratization and inclusion in science.


    Synthetic Biology Week, organized by the Synthetic Biology Club (CBSin) of the Lorena School of Engineering, is an event whose main objective is to disseminate this very present and promising science to the community. We are taking advantage of this opportunity to further disseminate the concepts behind our project and iGEM to a greater number of people, this time without restrictions, since it is an event designed to serve the widest possible audience. In this sense, linking interest, accessibility and the spread of knowledge, the event was made free of charge.

    To this end, the project was heavily publicized on our media networks. In addition, we prepared the entire design and visual identity with the help of the “Coblis” website, in the search for the best set of colors, methodically revised, for the inclusion of individuals with color blindness, since this condition is an obstacle to the interpretation of visual elements, such as graphics and images, which would be presented during the event. Below is the color palette for the visual identity and then the palette with the filters applied.

    lot's of colors with many different filters, not much to describe to be honest

    Figure 1. Visual identity color palette.(Coblis)

    During the week of synthetic biology, knowing the value of presenting and disseminating knowledge to people, we held a presentation about our project, in which we had the special participation of a former member, André Hermann, one of the founders of CBSin (link para CBSIN). In addition, we held visits to biochemistry and molecular biology laboratories, with the aim of bringing participants closer to the academic and scientific environment, and several online lectures given by qualified professionals, covering subjects such as gene editing and molecular oncology.

    yes. it is another online meeting screenshot.

    Figure 39. iGEM Presentation in Synthetic Biology Week.(Author's work)


    Recently, our team has been using social media to promote inclusion and diversity in science, correlating genetic engineering and the daily lives of diverse audiences. This initiative aims to create a space where people with different identities can feel represented and engaged. The dynamic carried out on our Instagram reflects our commitment to raising awareness in the community about relevant issues and important dates.

    02/04 - World Autism Awareness Day

    World Autism Awareness Day is a crucial opportunity to celebrate neurodiversity and promote the inclusion of people with autism in all aspects of society. The date serves to educate the population about the characteristics of autism, demystify misconceptions and highlight the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate therapeutic interventions.

    Our project explores the potential of synthetic biology to create innovative solutions for the treatment of ASD. By celebrating World Autism Awareness Day, we reaffirm our commitment to contributing to a future in which people with autism have access to more effective treatments and can reach their full potential.

    07/04 - World Health Day

    On World Health Day, we remember the impact that synthetic biology has on this field, by making it possible to artificially reproduce compounds from nature. We highlight projects developed by our team to improve quality of life and public health, namely the Honorato project, which developed inhibitors of the actions of hemorrhage and necrosis caused by jararaca venom, and CBDynamics, which was continued this year.

    08/04 - World Cancer Day

    World Cancer Day reminds us of the importance of investing in research aimed at finding new ways to treat this disease. Synthetic biology is emerging as a powerful tool for developing more effective and personalized therapies for different types of cancer.

    Our team understands the importance of this area of knowledge and emphasizes that the potential of synthetic biology to create more precise drugs and more efficient immuno-oncological therapies must be explored.

    08/04 - National Braille Day

    National Braille Day is a celebration of the autonomy and inclusion of people with visual impairments. Braille, a tactile writing system, is a fundamental tool for people with visual impairments to access information, study, work and communicate independently.

    Our inclusion project recognizes that accessibility is crucial for the advancement of science. Inspired by initiatives that have adapted laboratories to be accessible to visually impaired people, for example, we seek to ensure that our own spaces and processes are inclusive. Synthetic biology must be a tool that everyone can use, and accessibility is a priority at every stage of our work.

    08/04 - 13/04 - National Social Responsibility Week

    National Social Responsibility Week is an initiative that promotes social and sustainable actions in higher education institutions and the community. It was established in Law No. 13.559/2017 and is celebrated annually in the second week of April. In our posts, we try to highlight the three main areas of action during this week, which are the environment, management and technology.

    With regard to the environment, we recalled our 2018 project, Lacquase, which aimed to remove estrogens that contaminate water, thus avoiding contamination of the ecosystem. On the topic of education, we recall the informative work carried out by the team during the Honorato and CBDynamics projects, informing the community about first aid and the therapeutic effects of CBD, respectively. On the topic of management, we highlighted the responsible management of our team, disseminating information among members, whether about activities carried out or financial expenses, and strictly complying with a statute that guarantees ethical conduct among members. On the subject of technology, we partnered with the UNESP Brazil team to talk about their 2021 project, Lovelace's Note in Gene, which sought to store data in DNA in order to reduce the amount of electronic waste generated on the planet. Finally, to promote culture, we told the story of Honorato, the Brazilian folk legend that inspired the name of our 2021/2022 project, and mentioned our work in collaboration with local social organizations this year, with the main aim of promoting inclusion in the local community, using art, writing and popular games.

    24/04 - National Sign Language Day

    The National Day of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) celebrates the rich linguistic diversity of our country and the importance of ensuring the inclusion of all people. Libras is a sign language used by the Brazilian deaf community. Through Libras, deaf people communicate, express their ideas and build their identities.

    In our projects, we always use resources such as subtitles and audio description, aiming for full inclusion in our materials. For this date, one of our members recorded a video in Libras, wishing us a happy National Libras Day through this language. In our projects, we aim to make science more accessible and inclusive, adapting our materials and activities so that they are understandable to everyone.

    In addition to the dates mentioned above, we would like to highlight a few others that are relevant to the project and corroborate our inclusive purpose, from October onwards.

    01/10 - National Elderly Day

    On National Elderly Day, we celebrate the contribution of older people to science and highlight the importance of their inclusion. Science has no age, and increasingly, we need to ensure that the elderly have access and the opportunity to contribute to scientific advancement. Our work with the elderly shows that, with the right inclusion, everyone can participate and make a difference.

    The inclusion of older people in science is crucial in order to take advantage of the vast knowledge and experience they bring. It is also a way of combating ageism and promoting a truly inclusive science.

    10/10 - National Fundamental Rights Day for People with Mental Disorders

    On National Fundamental Rights Day for People with Mental Disorders, we discuss how CBD has been studied as a therapeutic option for different mental disorders. The right to access quality treatments is fundamental, and our mission is to make these options more accessible and effective, always based on solid and inclusive science.

    This date allows us to discuss the importance of science in developing accessible treatments for everyone, especially those facing mental health challenges. Our commitment is to ensure that these solutions are developed with inclusion and respect for human rights.

    03/12 - International Day of People with Disabilities

    On the International Day of People with Disabilities, we celebrate the great scientific minds who, despite barriers, made significant contributions to the advancement of science. The inclusion of people with disabilities in research is essential for diverse and complete science. We want to honor these scientists and inspire new generations to follow in their footsteps.

    This date is an opportunity to reflect on how much science stands to gain from the inclusion of people with disabilities. By ensuring that everyone has the chance to contribute, we are building a richer and more innovative science.

    10/12 - Social Inclusion Day

    On Social Inclusion Day, we look back at our inclusion projects throughout the year. Each of these initiatives reflects our commitment to making science more accessible and representative. We will continue working to eliminate barriers and ensure that everyone can participate and benefit from science.

    This date allows us to celebrate the advances we have made in inclusion, but also to recognize that there is still much to be done. We are committed to continuing this journey and making science a truly inclusive space.

    Our Instagram posts have been a powerful tool for promoting inclusion and diversity in science. Each date covered in stories and posts reinforces the importance of a scientific environment where everyone can feel represented and valued. By giving a voice to different communities, we are contributing to a fairer, more accessible and innovative science. We've learned a lot throughout this process, and we're more committed than ever to continuing to promote these important causes.


    Exploring the countless benefits associated with the media is truly enriching, especially given that the internet and social media provide a freely accessible communication space. In this context, participating in a podcast stood out as one of our initiatives to bring science to people who lack accessible, quality scientific communication.

    So we took part in our first podcast - Caminho Azul, an initiative created to promote activities to assist autistic individuals. In this episode, one of our team members, Gustavo Nascimento Araújo, during the '3rd Congress & 3rd International Meeting on Autism Spectrum Disorder: Filling the gaps “TOP DOWN” and “BOTTOM UP”' (link to congress page), represented our team by giving a charismatic and simple talk about our project, our work as a team and the use of cannabidiol for people on the autism spectrum.


    Figure 35. First podcast . (Youtube Channel: “Caminho Azul”)

    In addition, we recorded another episode for the Mamutes of Science extension project, an Instagram profile dedicated to discussing science in a diverse and simple way, “MamuCast”, whose central objective is to implement a science dissemination channel. During the conversation, student Marina Querino Andraus represented the team, primarily addressing a contextualization about synthetic biology, iGEM and our project.


    Figure 36. Second podcast. (“Mamucast”)

    They also discussed the prejudices and stigmas that are intertwined in our studies, especially in the context of cannabidiol. In addition, fundamental guidelines related to inclusion were addressed, emphasizing the measures needed to ensure that everyone has access to the opportunities and resources available in the scientific field. Finally, in the description of the episode, our books related to synthetic biology were made available to all listeners, as part of our proposal to democratize science.

    In this way, we seek to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be informed and enrich their knowledge with content that awakens critical and scientific thinking.


    Through all the activities developed, by creating new opportunities to eliminate barriers and allow more people to participate and feel represented in the scientific community, we believe we are paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable society. We were able to see the intelligence that children and adolescents carry, and how building thoughtful citizens from a young age is of essential importance for the formation of society and a better world. We analyzed that our work is vital to reduce the neglect that affects hundreds of young people due to the lack of infrastructure, methodology, adequate teaching materials, and support, and we want to contribute to reducing the marginalization and non-inclusion of these individuals in the scientific scenario. Furthermore, we were able to make science more accessible to a population frequently forgotten in this context, not only limiting the inclusion of this world to diversity of identity, but also adapting communication and pedagogical methods to the needs of the public.

    Finally, we have fostered an environment based on greater accessibility, created opportunities for those who constantly experience social injustices, and thus desire a more welcoming environment for these individuals. Through contact with this vast number of people, we understand that the problem lies in the lack of a timely opportunity, many hearts waiting for an eventuality.

    With iGEM, we want this shallow hope to become concrete, we want the silenced voices to be heard. We hope that this initiative will inspire and guide other teams to flourish projects that embrace diversity, allowing each identity and community to find its place. Thus, “doing science” is not only about explaining the world, but transforming it into a more welcoming and transformative environment.


    Herton Escobar.(2023). New cuts paint a grim picture for Brazilian science. USP Journal.https://jornal.usp.br/universidade/novos-cortes-desenham-quadro-sombrio-para-a-ciencia-brasileira/

    Ministry of Education. (n.d.). Visual impairment. Retrieved from http://portal.mec.gov.br/component/tags/tag/deficiencia-visual