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Medal Criteria | TU-Eindhoven - iGEM 2024

Medal Criteria

Find all relevant links for the different medal criteria here!


Bronze Medal

Medal Criteria Description Link
Competition deliverables Complete the following Competition Deliverables: Wiki, Presentation Video, Judging Form, and Judging Session. Find our presentation video on the iGEM Video Universe.
Find our Judging Form here.
Project Attributions Describe what work your team members did and what other people did for your project using the standardized form. Find our attributions form here.
Project Description Describe how and why you chose your iGEM project. Find our project description here.
Contribution Make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams. Find our contributions page here.

Silver Medal

Medal Criteria Description Link
Engineering Success Demonstrate engineering success in a technical aspect of your project by going through at least one iteration of the engineering design cycle. Find our engineering page here.
Human Practices Explain how you have determined your work is responsible and good for the world. Find our human practices page here.

Gold Medal

Medal Criteria Description Link
Excellence in Synthetic Biology Impress the judges with your work towards three Special Prizes of your choice. You must demonstrate excellence in both General Biological Engineering and in at least one Specialization. General Biology:
Find our Model page here.

Find our Entrepreneurship page here.
Find our Integrated Human Practices page here.