
This year, we contributed three basic plasmid vectors and four recombinant plasmid vectors, aiming to explore gene interactions and help plants synthesize more flavonoids with the help of different vectors.

Composite Parts

We successfully relied on Escherichia coli (DH5α) to construct four plasmid vectors for gene overexpression and in vitro realization of gene interactions.

Part Name Short Description Status Length(bp)
PAL-PCY PAL code sequenc, PCY-35S-His Induction of PAL overexpression 11698
TBH-PCY TBH code sequenc, PCY-35S-His Induction of TBH overexpression 10273
TBH-PJG TBH code sequenc, PJG4-5 Activation of the PAL promoter to induce gene expression 7178
PAL-PlacZi PAL cis-acting elements on promoters, PlacZi2u As a mediator of LAc reporter gene coloration 10357

Plasmid construction:

We integrated the CDS sequence of the cucumber PAL gene into our PCY-35S overexpression vector with His tag by homologous recombination, and the recombinant plasmid is shown below(Fig.1).

Fig.1:Recombinant plasmid


After we transformed PCY-35g integrating the CDS sequence of the PAL gene into E. coli DH5α, we picked single colonies for colony PCR. and chose the ones that were successfully transformed for amplification and plasmid extraction, and then transformed them into Agrobacterium to infest plants. The following figure shows the colony PCR results(Fig.2).

Fig.2:colony PCR results

To further confirm that the constructed plasmids were correct, we sent them for sequencing. Below are the sequencing results(Fig.3).

Fig.3: sequencing results

Plasmid construction:

we integrated the CDS sequence of cucumber TBH gene into our PCY-35g overexpression vector with His tag by homologous recombination, and the following figure shows the recombinant plasmid(Fig.4).

Fig.4:recombinant plasmid


After we transformed PCY-35g integrating the CDS sequence of TBH gene into E. coli DH5α, we picked single colonies for colony PCR. and chose the successful ones for amplification and plasmid extraction, and then transformed them into Agrobacterium to infest plants. The following figure shows the colony PCR results (yellow box part)(Fig.5).

Fig.5:colony PCR results (yellow box part)

To further confirm that the constructed plasmids were correct, we sent them for sequencing. Below are the sequencing results(Fig.6).

Fig.6:sequencing results

Plasmid construction: we integrated the CDS sequence of cucumber TBH gene into our PJG vector by homologous recombination, and the following figure shows the recombinant plasmid(Fig.7).

Fig.7:recombinant plasmid


After we transformed PJG integrating the CDS sequence of TBH gene into E. coli DH5α, we picked single colonies for colony PCR. and chose the ones that were successfully transformed for amplification and plasmid extraction, and then transformed them into yeast cells, which in turn were subjected to color development experiments. The following figure shows the colony PCR results (red box part)(Fig.8).

Fig.8:colony PCR results (red box part)

To further confirm that the constructed plasmids were correct, we sent them for sequencing. Here are the sequencing results(Fig.9).

Fig.9: sequencing results

Plasmid construction:

we integrated the cis-acting regulatory elements on the promoter of the cucumber PAL gene into our PlacZi vector by homologous recombination, and the recombinant plasmid is shown in the figure below (Fig.10).

Fig.10: recombinant plasmid

RESULTS: After we transformed PlacZi, which integrates a homeopathic-acting regulatory element on the promoter of the PAL gene, into E. coli DH5α, we picked a single colony for colony PCR. and chose the transformed ones that were successfully amplified and plasmid extracted, and then transformed them into yeast cells, which in turn were subjected to a color development experiment. The following figure shows the colony PCR results (Fig.11).

Fig.11:colony PCR results

To further confirm that the constructed plasmids were correct, we sent them for sequencing. Below are the sequencing results (Fig.12).

Fig.12:sequencing results

Basic Parts

In order to construct plasmids that can be transferred into plants for interactions and functional validation, we utilized three basic plasmid vectors.

Part Name Short Description Status Length(bp)
PCY-35S-His Artificially modified plasmids Induced gene overexpression 9544
PJG4-5 Artificially modified plasmids Activation of downstream gene promoters to induce reporter gene expression 6449
PlacZi2u Artificially modified plasmids Carrying the LAc reporter gene 8203


The vector contains kanamycin sulfate resistance gene (KanaR), which is used for selection of E. coli; the vector also provides multiple restriction enzyme sites for insertion of exogenous genes; it also contains replicon for E. coli, which ensures stable replication of the vector in E. coli; the core of the vector is the CaMV 35S constitutive promoter, which has various cis-acting elements, including -343 to -46bp upstream of the transcription start site, the transcriptional enhancement region, -343 to -208 and -208 to -90bp, the transcriptional activation region, and -208 to -90bp. The core part of this vector is the CaMV 35S constitutive promoter, which has various cis-acting elements, and the upstream of its transcriptional start site, -343~-46bp, is the transcriptional enhancement region, -343~-208 and -208~-90bp are the transcriptional activation region, -90~-46bp is the transcriptional activation region, and -90~-46bp is the transcriptional activation region. -90 to -46bp is a transcriptional enhancement region, -343 to -208 and -208 to -90bp are transcriptional activation regions, and -90 to -46bp is a region that further enhances the transcriptional activity. The action of this vector can help the gene to realize overexpression (Fig.13).

Fig.13:Overexpression vector mapping


This vector contains an ampicillin resistance gene (AmpR) for selection against E. coli; it also provides multiple restriction sites for insertion of exogenous genes; and it contains a replicon for E. coli, which ensures stable replication of the vector in E. coli; in addition to that, this vector contains tryptophan- and In addition, the vector also contains tryptophan and uracil on PlacZi for screening of second-deficiency plates. The characteristics of this vector ensure the smooth progress of the experiment (Fig.14).

Fig.14:PJG carrier mapping


This vector contains the ampicillin resistance gene (AmpR) for selection against E. coli; it also provides multiple restriction enzyme sites for insertion of exogenous genes; and it contains a replicon for E. coli, which ensures stable replication of the vector in E. coli; in addition to that, this vector contains uracil - and PJG In addition, the vector also contains uracil- and PJG-tryptophan for the screening of two-deficient plates. The characteristics of this vector ensure the smooth progress of the experiment (Fig.15).

Fig.15:PlacZi vector mapping