
iGEM is an innovative and collaborative community that provides us with valuable opportunities for in-depth learning, exchange and practice in the field of synthetic biology. Let's connect and collaborate among our different teams and different research directions, and work towards the consistent goal of solving the common problems faced by human beings.

During the exchange and collaboration activities, we share each other's experience and knowledge, explore synthetic biology together, and contribute to the advancement of the field. Through collaboration, we integrate our respective strengths to realize innovative breakthroughs that drive our research forward.

Learning Exchange Meeting with CAU-CHINA team

In order to fully learn and draw more valuable experience, we participated in the sharing session “Featured Regulation in Synthetic Biology” organized by CAU-CHINA, in which the basic knowledge of using logic gates to regulate gene pathways was highlighted. By skillfully using different types of logic gates such as and gate, or gate, and non-gate, precise control of gene expression can be realized. This is a concept of knowledge that we had not been exposed to before, and allowed us to understand the importance of logic gates in the regulation of gene pathways.

In our experiments, CsTBH was able to activate the expression of PAL, which in turn controlled the synthesis of flavonoids, and this interaction constitutes a relatively simple logical relationship. This interaction constitutes a relatively simple logical relationship, however, compared with the complex mechanism of logic gates. Through this study and exchange, we have strengthened our determination to continue exploring in the field of synthetic biology, and to strengthen our study in order to further study and apply the more complex logical relationship and regulatory mechanism, so as to realize more accurate and efficient biosynthesis.

###iGEM High School Team Sharing Networking Session

This iGEM research project exchange meeting was participated by several iGEM teams, including 8 teams including us (CGE), Squirrel - CHN, Squirrel - Shenzhen, Hangzhou - SDG, Squirrel - CHN - I, JIASHU - SHANGHA, iGEM Pompell, and Poplus - Shanghai and 8 other teams. The main objective of the conference is to provide a platform for the teams to exchange and share their knowledge, to promote knowledge sharing, to inspire innovation, and to find opportunities for cooperation and collaboration, in order to jointly solve the challenges faced by the field of synthetic biology and to promote the development of the discipline.

During the meeting, the teams presented and shared their research projects, experimental progress and innovative achievements, and also discussed the problems and difficulties they encountered and sought solutions together.

The teams learned from each other, drew on each other's experience, expanded their ideas, and provided new perspectives and methods for their own research.

A friendly relationship has also been established between our teams, and we share the same anticipation and confidence in the challenges ahead, and are meeting up to see you in Paris for the global race.


 ###Health Theme Challenge: “Live Healthy, Have a Great Day”

Based on previous team meetings, we have developed a strong collaboration with Squirrel - CHN, where our two teams share a common focus on people's health.

The dietary structure and living environment of modern people have, to a certain extent, triggered an imbalance in body nutrition and metabolic disorders. Nutrition and obesity have become two health topics of great concern in today's society.

Our two teams started the research action from the perspectives of flavonoids natural nutrients and healthy weight loss probiotics respectively. We coincide with each other in the in-depth discussion of health problems and exploration of solutions, and closely integrate the two projects to form an all-round health solution. We hope to promote the popularization of the concept of holistic health, and help more people to have healthy eating habits, work and rest routines through the intake of natural nutrients and probiotics, and ultimately achieve the goal of a healthy life.

  Enhances metabolism and fat loss: Probiotics secrete GLP-1 to suppress appetite and accelerate fat metabolism. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of flavonoids reduce obesity-related inflammation and optimize the fat loss effect of probiotics.

  Muscle protection and antioxidant: Bimagrumab in probiotics prevents muscle atrophy, and flavonoids antioxidant to protect muscle from damage.

  Immunomodulation & Anti-Inflammatory: Probiotics regulate gut flora and reduce inflammation, and flavonoids further enhance anti-inflammatory effects to improve overall health.

  Blood Sugar Regulation: Probiotics enhance insulin sensitivity and flavonoids regulate blood sugar to prevent obesity-induced diabetes.

  Cardiovascular Health: Probiotics reduce fat, and flavonoids protect the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of obesity-related diseases.

In order to promote the popularization of the concept of holistic health and help more people achieve the goal of healthy living, we further cooperated to carry out the “Healthy Life, Wonderful Day” themed challenge activity. The campaign invites people to share their healthy lifestyles by uploading pictures and punching cards to record healthy moments such as delicious and nutritious meals, moments of exercise, going to bed early and waking up early, etc. Each punch card is a step towards a healthier life. Each punch card is a step towards health and a commitment to oneself.

Through this campaign, we are actively promoting our research program so that more people will understand and be able to benefit from the holistic health solution of natural nutrients and probiotic-assisted conditioning in the future, enhancing the impact of our program. It also motivates people to pay attention to their healthy lifestyles and inspires more people to join the health bandwagon.

“CSI Crime Detection” Synthetic Biology Popularization Event with the Pompell team

In order to give more students who are interested in synthetic biology the opportunity to have a hands-on experience, as well as to actively promote and expand the impact of our research program, our team and Pompell's team co-organized the “CSI Crime Detection” Synthetic Biology Experience. We hope that through this event, people can learn about biological techniques and experience the application of life sciences in their lives.

During the program, participants will be able to gain insights into and experience techniques related to synthetic biology.

  First, we emphasized the laboratory safety norms to ensure that the participants conduct experiments in a safe environment. Then, by simulating the case scene, we let participants draw role cards to increase the fun and participation of the activity.

  Then, in the experimental session, we explained in detail the use of pipette guns, the principle and operation of PCR, and the principle and process of nucleic acid electrophoresis, so as to experience the charm of biotechnology and lock the “murderer” through practical operation.

 At the end of , we had a project sharing session to introduce our research content to the participating students and collect their suggestions.

This event attracted 10 high school students to participate, we set up a community after the event, and will also continue to share our research progress, participation, and synthetic biology knowledge content in the group, so that we can learn and improve together.

Special thanks to: Shanghai ATLATL Innovation and R&D Center for providing us with an experimental platform.