
The public can be encouraged to actively participate in scientific discussions through education and dissemination. After understanding the impact and application of synthetic biology, they can better participate in the social issue of utilizing cucumber epidermal hairs to efficiently synthesize flavonoids to help the public health, providing new perspectives and needs for our research, and promoting the positive interaction between our project research and the public. Based on this, we have actively launched online and offline educational and communication activities for different groups.

Online activities:

We first conducted research on the social media platforms that are most frequently used by the Chinese public. By analyzing the user characteristics and communication advantages of different platforms, we formulated a plan to promote science popularization and continuous content output to actively influence more people.

CGE Team Science Outreach Program
Platform Features Platform Characteristics User Characteristics Popularization Contents Publicity Program
Tik-Tok Short videos are predominantly fast-spreading and entertaining Users are of a wide range of ages and enjoy light-hearted, fun content Produce short, exciting short science videos and daily team vlog One video every two weeks
Little Red Book With a focus on video and graphic sharing, it focuses on lifestyle and consumer decisions There are more young users, focusing on areas such as beauty and health, with a preference for practical content Popularize the role of flavonoids, synthetic biology related knowledge. Produce team series of popularization video - 1 minute popularization, complete knowledge sharing, leading a healthy life Weekly science videos
We-Chat Public The content is varied and can be elaborated in depth at length Users span a wide age range, cover a variety of career fields, and have a demand for in-depth, specialized content Based on the feedback from the general public, science outreach is conducted, including project details, flavonoid-related knowledge, and the team's story during the research process Weekly article tweets
Bilibili Predominantly mid-length videos It's predominantly young people who like creative, unique content Team practice record mashups, team promotional video sharing once a month

We publicize the results of science and technology:

On the Little Red Book platform, we have achieved significant results with our science initiative. Two carefully crafted content series.

🍀Ten installments of the synthetic biology science series. Starting from the types and research value of epidermal hairs, users were made aware of the importance of this field of research. Then, the roles and effects of flavonoids are shared, which are closely related to everyone's healthy life. The introduction of the components and functions of laboratory petri dishes, the transformation of sensory cells, the use of pipette guns, the use of RNA concentration testers, and the use of centrifuges provide practical knowledge for users interested in scientific experiments.

🍀Ten issues of Long talk team members interview sharing. Bringing users closer. Through the personal narratives of the team members, we let everyone feel the passion and persistence of high school students in scientific research, and inspire more young people to bravely pursue their scientific dreams.

In the end, we gained 650 fans and 100,000+ views. This is not just an increase in numbers, but also a recognition and support for our popular science content.

Microsoft public platform on microsoft public platform, we carefully wrote and designed ten original tweets.

🍀iGEM competition introduction, let readers understand this international event full of challenges and opportunities, and inspire more people to pay attention to and be passionate about the field of synthetic biology.

🍀Synthetic biology science popularization, let everyone further understand the charm of synthetic biology.

🍀CGE team project introduction, so that everyone can have a deeper understanding of our research direction and goals.

🍀Flavonoids related science, elaborating the important role and efficacy of flavonoids, bringing scientific advice for healthy life.

🍀 Team research progress sharing, so that you can be the first time to learn about the latest news of our project, and witness every step of our growth on the road of scientific exploration.

Our WeChat public number has gained the attention of 335 fans, and we are constantly updating ......

The content of the Jieyin and B platforms is synchronized with the content of the Xiaohongshu account.

Offline activities

In the offline activities, we have adopted diverse strategies for different groups. We hope to widely popularize the knowledge of synthetic biology, increase public awareness and understanding of the use of cucumber epidermal hairs to efficiently synthesize flavonoid substances to help public health, and promote the joint participation and support of different groups.

Beijing Super Hopscotch Groundwork Promotion

Ground promotion is a direct and effective way to promote our project, which can help our project to be better known by the public. We chose a shopping mall with a large flow of people to face the public and carry out extensive project promotion activities. We made beautiful publicity posters and flyers, which briefly introduced the background, objectives and significance of the research project. At the same time, we prepared the team's cultural and creative gifts to give to the people who filled out the questionnaire.

It was very surprising that most people showed great appreciation and support for our action of doing scientific research as high school students, which also made us feel the positive impact of our action.

We distributed a total of 300 promotional posters and added 67 new users to follow our WeChat public platform. Ground promotion is only part of the program promotion, we will continue to promote it through social media to attract more people to participate and support.

Exploring the Wonderful World of Synthetic Organisms with Love Science STEAM Science and Creativity Center

As iGEMers, we believe that the transmission of knowledge is not one-way, but a kind of stimulation and guidance. Therefore, our team and Beijing Love Science STEAM Center jointly held a science education activity with the theme of “Exploring the Wonderful World of Synthetic Biology” to stimulate the interest and curiosity of primary school students in synthetic biology, help them understand the basic concepts and applications of this cutting-edge field, and let them take root in their young minds. Through interesting lectures and biological experiments, the program aims to stimulate the interest and curiosity of primary school students in synthetic biology, help them understand the basic concepts and applications of this cutting-edge field, and let synthetic biology take root in their little hearts.

Activity Contents:

🍀The opening animation video attracts students' interest in synthetic biology, and the question introduction stimulates students' curiosity and anticipation about biological mysteries and synthetic biology.

🍀Introduce the definition of synthetic biology with simple language and pictures, such as “building blocks” as a vivid metaphor; take the example of modifying cucumber genes, which is close to life to help children understand.

🍀Through group discussion, children will be inspired to imagine the application of synthetic biology in real life.

🍀Hands-on activities will deepen their understanding and creativity by drawing cellular genes; cucumber DNA crude extraction and other activities will enhance their practical ability and interest.

🍀Team members assist to ensure safety and professionalism.

Many children showed strong curiosity in this activity, and they actively asked questions about the principles and applications of genetic modification. It showed that they were not afraid of this relatively cutting-edge scientific concept, but were willing to understand and explore it. This also provided a good opportunity for us to carry out science education on synthetic biology and the application of genetically modified cucumbers, guiding them to correctly understand the pros and cons of genetic modification.

“Nutritional Code for Emotional Management and Mental Balance - Flavonoids” with Beijing

Based on the positive effects of flavonoids on neurotransmitters in the brain, we hope that our research program can provide a new way for the public to improve their mental health. Through the Beijing Loyalty Network's sharing session on topics related to dietary health and mental health, we introduced the mechanisms of flavonoids' effects on emotional and mental health, as well as their positive effects. Through a presentation, we explained in detail the sources and types of flavonoids, as well as how to promote emotional stability and mental health through daily dietary intake of flavonoids.

In the interactive session, participants experienced the unique taste and characteristics of flavonoid-rich foods, and also learned about the flavonoid content of different foods. They also learned about the flavonoid content of different foods, and felt the close connection between diet and mental health.

Participants respectively indicated that they had previously overlooked the positive effects of natural nutrients on the body and would pay more attention to the rational intake of flavonoid-rich foods in their daily lives. They look forward to the continuous improvement of our research program, which will bring more solutions for people's healthy life.

“The Health Value of Flavonoids, Natural Plant Metabolites” with Shanghai Minle Community

Community is a centralized place where we live, where people of different ages and backgrounds can communicate and share, learn and grow together. We hope we can positively influence people around us through our actions.

Let people realize the contribution of synthetic biology to sustainable development, and guide them to adopt healthy living and eating habits.

Activity contents:

🍀Posters on the theme of “Flavonoids and Healthy Living” were posted on the bulletin boards of Shanghai Minle Community and the community room. To promote residents to pay more attention to their own health and recognize the health treasures in their daily diet. This will increase the intake of flavonoid-rich foods such as cucumber, thereby improving overall health.

🍀Setting up a Synthetic Biology Open Booth in the community to demonstrate the real-life applications of synthetic biology solutions through concise text and pictures, allowing residents to see the positive impact of synthetic biotechnology on their lives. It also organized an interactive experience of synthetic biology-themed Frisbee painting for community children.

🍀Conducted a lecture on “Flavonoids and Healthy Life” for the middle-aged and elderly people in the community, through the popularization of the health value of flavonoids such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, so that they can obtain a new way to maintain their health. It will enable them to take preventive and health care measures in their daily life through diet and other means.

In the course of the activity, we also collected a lot of direct questions from the public about our project, such as “Does the cucumber taste the same after genetic modification?”“How to distinguish the modified cucumber from the normal cucumber”“What are the other important plant metabolites besides flavonoids? “What are the other important plant metabolites besides flavonoids”, and so on, which is what we need to think deeply and give clear and accurate responses in the research process. What is certain is that there is an expectation that synthetic biotechnology will positively change the world.

Educational readings:
Botanical Illustrations - Cucumber

In daily life, people may be familiar with cucumber, but they do not know much about its specific structure and nutrients. Through the illustrated book, it shows you clearly the structure, growth process and the role of flavonoids in cucumber, helping you to better understand the plant knowledge and focus on the nutritional value of cucumber. It is also a vivid and intuitive learning tool for students.

The Amazing Synthetic Biology Awareness Cards

The Awareness Cards will give children a preliminary understanding of the concepts and basic principles of synthetic biology and stimulate their curiosity about synthetic biology.