
We want our research programs to be sustainable, so we have carefully considered how to move the results of our research from the laboratory to the marketplace, bringing practical applications to society.

Business Plan

With people's pursuit of health, the demand for natural, nutritious and healthy food is increasing. Therefore, our goal is to successfully market cucumbers rich in high flavonoid substances and natural flavonoids to bring consumers new healthy choices.

By constructing the CsTBH-CsPAL co-epitaxial module, our CGE team has utilized the plant's own metabolic pathway to promote the production of flavonoids in the epidermal hair cells of cucumber, and we expect that the results of our research can satisfy the market demand for natural plant metabolism of flavonoids, and provide more natural flavonoids sources for the market. At the same time, we expect that the research results will meet the market demand for highly nutritious cucumbers and health foods.

Project Value:

Market analysis

Source: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/zh-CN/industry-reports/flavonoid-market

According to the Mordorintelligence Flavonoids Market Size and Share Analysis - Growth Trends and Forecasts (2024 - 2029) Industry Report.

The flavonoids market size is estimated to be USD 1.29 billion by 2024 and is projected to reach USD 1.65 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 5.11% during the forecast period (2024-2029). The fastest growing market is Asia Pacific and the largest market is North America.

Flavonoids are used in cosmetics due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and have a wide market demand, especially plant-based flavonoids are increasingly being used in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries due to their health benefits to the human body. Increasing consumer demand is driving the global flavonoids market.

Corporate Strategy
SWOT analysis

Product and R&D programs:

 #####Product type:

Fresh cucumber vegetables rich in high content of flavonoids and high-quality natural flavonoid substance purification.

 #####R&D program:

Business model:
1. Production and sales: establish modernized production bases, large-scale cucumber planting, and adopt extraction process to produce flavonoid substances, which will be marketed through direct sales to end customers and cooperation with distributors.
2. Cooperation and authorization: carry out cooperative research with relevant enterprises and scientific research institutions, authorize the use of technology patents, and jointly develop new products and applications.
Marketing strategy:
1. Brand building: Establish a high-quality and innovative brand image, emphasizing the natural origin of the products.
2. Market promotion: Participate in industry exhibitions, organize technical seminars, and use the Internet and social media to promote and increase product awareness.
3. Customer relationship management: Establish long-term and stable customer relationships, respond to customer needs in a timely manner and provide personalized solutions.
Risk assessment and response:
1. Technical risks

There may be problems such as the instability of the common table module and the effect not meeting expectations.

Countermeasures: Continuous technical research and development and optimization, establishment of backup programs, and cooperation with professional scientific research institutions.

2、Environmental risk

Climate change, pests and diseases may affect cucumber cultivation and flavonoid yield.

Countermeasures: Strengthen agricultural management, adopt pest and disease control measures, and establish emergency plans.

3、Market risk

Changes in market demand, intensified competition, etc. may affect the economic benefits of the project.

Countermeasures: pay close attention to market dynamics, constantly innovate products and improve product competitiveness.

4、Regulatory Risks

Genetic engineering products may face strict regulations.

Countermeasures: Actively communicate with regulatory authorities to ensure that the project meets regulatory requirements.

Future support for implementation:

 ###Application in the food field: The flavonoid-rich cucumber or the flavonoids extracted from cucumber are applied in the food field. Functional foods containing natural flavonoids can be developed, such as juices, beverages, and pastries with added cucumber extracts. These foods can fulfill the consumer demand for healthy food, providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, flavonoids can be used as natural food additives to improve the color, taste and nutritional value of food.

 ###Application in cosmetics: Due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, flavonoids can be used in cosmetics. Develop creams, lotions, serums and other skin care products containing cucumber extract or flavonoids.

 ###Application in pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals: Plant flavonoids have potential health benefits and can be applied to pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. Pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals containing flavonoids are developed for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. In addition, flavonoids can be used as nutritional supplements for improving the body's immunity and antioxidant capacity.

 ###Application in agriculture: The content of flavonoids in cucumber can be increased by gene regulation technology, thus increasing the economic value of cucumber. At the same time improve the cucumber's own defense mechanism.

Thinking about project security:
Product safety:

After the success of the project, it is necessary to assess the safety of products containing flavonoids to ensure that they comply with relevant standards and regulatory requirements. Especially in the field of food, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, the safety of the products is of paramount importance.

Environmental safety:

Gene modulation technology may have impacts on the environment, such as genetic drift and ecological balance disruption. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the environmental safety of the project to ensure that the implementation of the project will not cause adverse effects on the environment.

Social safety:

Genetic engineering products may cause public concern and resistance, affecting the social acceptance of the project. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity and popularization of the project, and improve the social public's knowledge and understanding of genetically engineered products.

Our Fundraising Initiatives

We are in the initial stage of the project, it is very important to actively expand the project's influence, and at the same time, we also need a certain amount of financial support to carry out promotional and educational activities, so our team has decided to raise a certain amount of funds through fundraising and sales for us after discussion. Fundraising not only brings together the public's love and support, but also allows more people to participate in our program. We design and produce bags, T-shirts, badges, Frisbees, refrigerator stickers and other cultural and creative peripheral souvenirs, which are sold through online social media channels, and we also give away poster cards designed by us to introduce our project, so as to enhance the connection between us and the public.

We earned a total of 460 RMB, part of which was spent on the production of the team's promotional materials and the production of publicity materials. The rest was donated to the “Provide Free Nutritious Breakfast for Children Left Behind in Mountainous Areas” public welfare program through ByteDance Public Welfare to continue to pass on this love.

Although our project is in the initial stage, we believe that with the continuous development of the project, we will have more ability and resources to give back to society, and practice entrepreneurial spirit with practical actions.