

> "Battle for anthocyanidins" is a turn-based card game designed by members of HZAU-China. The game takes the accumulation of anthocyanins by crops as a clue, combined with the specific problems encountered in agricultural production and life, so that players can experience agricultural production practices Immersively and educate in fun.

> Players are divided into two camps: defenders and invaders. The victory conditions of the game is related to the health value of the crop and the accumulation of anthocyanins, and the two sides can affect the crops or anthocyanins to varying degrees through various types of cards, so as to achieve their respective victory conditions.

> Cards are divided into specific cards and general cards, and specific cards such as "Nematode Disease" and "Bacillus Gemini" are related to HZAU-China's project this year, so that everyone has a deeper understanding of the significance of our project. general cards such as "Run away to fight another day" and "Take away the firewood under the cooking pot." refer to the famous Chinese military book "The Art of War", which can enrich the tactics of the game.


There are seven kinds of Invaders: Nematodes, Wild animals, Virus, Land salinization, Weed, High temperature, Direct light.



> Plant diseases caused by plant pathogens cause up to 40% loss of global crop yields each year, resulting in more than $220 billion in losses to the global economy, of which about half of plant diseases are related to viruses.

> Sending out plant viruses to parasitize plants will not cause any impact this round, but will deduct one health point from the plant at the end of each round starting from the next round.


Land salinization:

> Salt and alkali can cause soil compaction and poor soil structure, which reduces soil ventilation and water conductivity, causing plant physiological drought, and reducing plant survival rate and yield.

> If land salinization is placed on the field, as long as it exists on the field, the yield of anthocyanins will decrease a little each round.



> The impact of invasive weeds on local plant communities has become a serious ecological problem, harming local plants by rapid reproduction and occupying ecological niches.

> At the end of this round, deduct one health point from the plant. If this card still exists at the end of the next round, it will become invalid after deducting two health points.


High temperature:

> Anthocyanins are thermally unstable pigments that are easily decomposed and inactivated by heat. Many studies have shown that the thermal degradation of anthocyanins conforms to first-order reaction kinetics, and the dissociation rate of anthocyanins increases with increasing temperature or extending thermal degradation time.

> The total amount of anthocyanin accumulation is reduced to two-thirds of the original amount.
(If the total amount is 1-3, deduct 1 point, 4-6, deduct 2 points, and 7-9, deduct 3 points)


Direct light:

> Direct sunlight has a great impact on the retention rate of anthocyanins. The rate of photobleaching of anthocyanins increases with the increase of pH. One possible reason for this behavior may be that more hydroxyl radicals are formed during the light exposure process.

> The total amount of anthocyanin accumulation is reduced by one point. If there is a land salinization card on the field at this time, the total amount of anthocyanin accumulation is reduced by two points.


There are seven kinds of Defenders: Chemical pesticide, Bacillus Gemini, Biological control, Hand weeding, Apply fertilizer, Keep soil acidity, Low temperature, Extract.

general cards

general cards do not consume actions, but each general card can only be used once each round.


Speed is of the essence:

> When fighting, it is important to seize favorable opportunities. Once the weather, terrain, and people are in place, you must attack quickly, catch the enemy off guard, and completely destroy the enemy.

> Draw a card from the deck, and increase the number of actions in this round by one point.


Take away the firewood under the cooking pot:

> Take away the firewood under the cooking pot. Metaphor for solving a problem from the root. Also refers to sabotage in secret.

> Take a card from the opponent's hand and discard it.



> Like having your hands tied, you have no way out.

> The opponent's number of actions will be 0 at the beginning of the next round.


Run away to fight another day:

> When you encounter a strong enemy or are in trouble, avoiding is the best strategy.

> Make all cards on the field invalid.


Get twice the result with half the effort:

> Use half the effort but get twice the result.

> Double the effect of your specific card in this round, and it will become invalid after the round ends.

Final Duel Game Rules

Game Preparation

> All players are divided into two camps: the defender camp and the invader camp.

> In the final stage, the total number of gold coins in each camp is obtained by adding up the number of gold coins of all surviving members of the camp .

> Each camp sends a hero to use the total gold coins of their camp to buy cards from the merchant to form their own deck.

(1)Purchase designated cards: One card of each type can be purchased, of which BG cards are worth 4 gold coins, general cards are worth 4 gold coins, and other cards are worth 3 gold coins.
(2)Purchase blind box cards: specific card blind box is worth 2 gold coins, general card blind box is worth 3 gold coins.

Game Process

> At the beginning of the game,the crop's initial health is 6. The two heroes each draw 5 cards from the deck as their initial hand.

> Each round consists of three stages: drawing,action,and ending.

(1) Drawing Phase:At the beginning of their turn, each team draws a card from their respective decks and adds it to their hand.
(2) Action Phase:One action in its turn,and moves closer to the victory conditions through the cards in hand.
(3) Ending Phase:At the end of each round of the Black Rice Defense Camp , 1 unit of anthocyanin can be accumulated.

Victory Conditions

> Defender camp victory conditions : accumulate 10 anthocyanin cards and prevent Black Rice's health from dropping to 0 or below.

> Invader camp victory conditions : reduce the crop's health to 0 or below.


Inspiration and Design Intention

We wanted to show people our project in an entertaining and educational way, so we used the actual situation of agricultural production as a background, and drew inspiration from many card games on the market (e.g. Three Kingdoms), and designed the rules and graphics of the card game ourselves. Among them, two orthogonal variables as winning goals are our innovative ideas to bring you a more interesting gaming experience. The diverse card designs condensed the imagination of the team members and made a great contribution to enriching the game content.

Future Outlook

After each game, we actively collect feedback from players and constantly adjust and optimize the game rules. During the Central China Exchange Conference, we brought "Battle for anthocyanidins" to some of the participating teams for play, and received a lot of praise. Therefore, in the future, we will make the game a special activity for the team, as part of general or education, and we will also consider publishing it for sale. This card game has great development potential in terms of playability. In this version, due to factors such as card volume and game complexity, some game mechanics have not been included in the cards of this version and are marked as “not developed” in the rules.