
Education serves as a bridge and bond between iGEM teams and society, aiming to enhance the public’s understanding of modern biotechnology through the dissemination of synthetic biology knowledge, and to impart scientific and humanistic knowledge to a broader audience, including both adults and children.

Through an initial questionnaire survey, our team discovered a significant positive correlation between the public’s awareness of biopesticides and their educational level. Specifically, groups with higher levels of education demonstrated a generally higher understanding and acceptance of biopesticides. Conversely, less educated groups exhibited a relatively scant awareness of biopesticides, coupled with certain misconceptions and biases. This segment of the population might harbor doubts about the efficacy of biopesticides compared to chemical pesticides and even question their safety.

Therefore, in order to comprehensively elevate the public’s understanding of biopesticides, our team plans to implement a series of educational activities across different educational stages.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

The fundamental purpose of education is not merely to impart existing knowledge to students, but rather to ignite their curiosity, kindle their enthusiasm for learning, and stir a deep-seated desire for continuous intellectual pursuit. To this end, we meticulously design a variety of teaching strategies tailored for individuals across different age groups and educational backgrounds. By stimulating their intrinsic motivation to learn, we aim to enhance the public’s comprehension of biopesticides and to elevate their understanding of our project.

Ecological Education Curriculum

In the process of promoting the popularization of knowledge about biopesticides, our team visited Yaozhihe Primary School, located in Baokang County, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. Here, we collaborated closely with the school’s administration to organize a unique experience for the children that blended nature with art. Based on butterfly photographs taken locally in the preliminary stages, we meticulously planned and designed an ecological education curriculum aimed at stimulating the children’s interest in the natural world and biology through the use of intuitive visual materials.

Figure 1. Some of the PowerPoint slides we created.

In the class, the children exhibited a deep curiosity towards the vibrant colors and diverse species of butterflies. They fixated their gaze on the images of butterflies, occasionally letting out exclamations of wonder. During the question-and-answer session, the children actively participated, eagerly raising their own inquiries, filling the room with a passion for knowledge and flashes of wisdom. We patiently addressed each question, guiding the children to ponder the mysteries of the natural world.

Through this interaction, we not only imparted ecological knowledge but also ignited the children’s desire to explore the natural world and their reverence for the mysteries of life. Through such teaching activities, we aim to plant a seed of love for biology in the tender and pure hearts of the children. We believe that with the nourishment of knowledge and curiosity, this seed will take root and sprout, eventually growing into a towering tree filled with awe and love for the natural world. We look forward to these future little explorers, armed with a profound interest in biology, continuously exploring the unknown and discovering the wonders of life.

Figure 2. Children in the curriculum.
Activity and Game

For students of this age group, play is an indispensable part of the learning process.

Therefore, we ingeniously integrated theoretical knowledge with practical activities, guiding the children through an engaging origami butterfly-making session. During the activity, the children adeptly applied the butterfly knowledge they had learned in the classroom to their handicraft, which not only deepened their understanding of scientific concepts but also honed their manual dexterity and creativity. Additionally, we provided the children with butterfly-shaped building blocks, allowing them to gain a preliminary understanding of circuit construction in synthetic biology through the process of building with the blocks. Through such hands-on experiences, the children not only developed a keen interest in science but were also, to some extent, inspired to explore the vast field of biology.

Simultaneously, we designed a small game entitled "Antigen and Antibody Union," in which boys and girls respectively took on the roles of "antigens" and "antibodies." When a number was called out by the teacher, the corresponding number of "antigens" had to "unite" with the same number of "antibodies"—which entailed everyone hugging each other. This game not only provided the children with a basic understanding of the specificity of antigen-antibody interactions but also sparked their interest in biology in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, making the learning process more vivid and memorable. Through such interactive teaching methods, we effectively enhanced the children's motivation to learn, allowing them to learn through play and grow through learning.

Figure 3. The children are participating in the "Antigen-Antibody Combination" game along with the team members.

At the close of the event, we noted a profound interest in biology, especially synthetic biology, among the children. They flocked around us, vying to ask a multitude of questions like "Why do butterfly wings come in different colors?" and "Is it possible to use synthetic biology to protect our grandparents’ vegetable garden from insects?" The hunger for knowledge in their eyes was deeply satisfying. This summer, we had the privilege of bringing these progressive interdisciplinary scientific concepts to the children in rural areas, granting them exposure to fields of science they typically would not encounter. We are thrilled to have planted the seeds of scientific curiosity in their impressionable minds, hopeful that some may grow to be pivotal figures in propelling China’s biological science forward. Moreover, we are honored to play a part in their development and to contribute our efforts towards disseminating scientific literacy and bridging the educational divide.

iGEM Winter Vacation Preliminary Course

During the winter vacation, we meticulously organized a preliminary course and welcomed 100 students from various disciplines to engage in it. The objective of this course was to facilitate a deep understanding and mastery of synthetic biology among the students through a variety of methods, including the reading of relevant literature, group discussions, and presentations.

At the inception of the course, we provided all participants with a comprehensive introduction to the background, entry requirements, and scoring criteria of the iGEM competition, thus offering them a preliminary understanding of the contest. Addressing the insufficient knowledge base of some students in the field of synthetic biology, we meticulously selected and provided an extensive array of professional literature for them to choose from according to their individual interests. Through this exercise, they not only expanded their knowledge repertoire but also enhanced their capabilities in independent learning and research.

As the course concluded, we arranged for the students to form groups and encouraged each group to present their findings to the class. The groups delved into in-depth analysis and discussions on key issues highlighted in the literature, which not only honed their teamwork skills but also provided them with a more comprehensive and profound insight into the application prospects and development trends of synthetic biology.

Figure 4. A student was presenting her literature review.

Following the conclusion of the winter vacation pilot course, the students collectively expressed that through this phase of study, they had gained a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the fundamental theoretical framework of synthetic biology. Not only has this significantly enhanced their professional competence, but it has also accumulated valuable experience for their future in-depth academic exploration and practical operations, resulting in abundant insights and rewards.

Entering the Laboratory

During the iGEMer Central China Regional Exchange Conference, our team extended invitations to teams such as NUDT-China, BNUZH-China, and WHU-China, joining us in a visit to the National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement at Huazhong Agricultural University. This enriching and profound tour and study activity provided us with invaluable insights.

Associate Professor Zhang Delin from Huazhong Agricultural University gave us a detailed introduction to the laboratory’s development history, research directions, and the scientific achievements it has accomplished. Subsequently, he guided us through the Protein Science Research Platform, explaining the related instruments and research methods in the context of biochemistry and other specialized courses.

Figure 5. Associate Professor Zhang Delin introducing the National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement.

During the tour, we witnessed firsthand how the laboratory employs cutting-edge molecular biology techniques, including protein engineering, structural biology, and bioinformatics, to delve into the key proteins closely related to crop yield and quality. The application of these technologies enables researchers to precisely manipulate protein structures, enhance their functions, and even develop novel proteins, thereby significantly improving the economic value and environmental adaptability of crops.

Following the conclusion of the visit, we gathered at the report hall of the Student Activity Center at Huazhong Agricultural University for an enthusiastic and free-flowing discussion session. During the session, participants actively explored the broad applications of synthetic biology in protein binding research, discussing how synthetic biology methods can be used to design and construct new proteins or to modify existing ones to better serve the purposes of crop genetic improvement.

This visit and study not only deepened our understanding of the integration of protein science with crop genetic improvement but also provided new perspectives and ideas for the improvement of our projects.

Laboratory Open Day

In order to deepen the freshmen’s understanding of the cutting-edge field of synthetic biology and expand the scope of our project this year, we organized an Open Day event at the laboratory, aimed at allowing freshmen to experience the charm of scientific research firsthand. As soon as the event notice was released, it received a warm response, attracting nearly 200 students to sign up enthusiastically.

On the day of the Open Day, our team, with a rigorous professional spirit and boundless enthusiasm, provided the freshmen with a comprehensive introduction to the background, research objectives, and current progress of the project. We helped the freshmen gradually establish a profound understanding of synthetic biology by explaining the design of basic biological circuits, starting from the basics and moving towards more complex concepts.

Figure 6. An iGEMer was presenting this year’s project to the freshmen.

Following this, we led the freshmen on a tour of our laboratory, introducing the experimental equipment and the self-study area. During the tour, we patiently answered every question they raised and shared our experiences and insights from our scientific journey, hoping to plant the seeds of scientific exploration in their minds.

Figure 7. An iGEMer demonstrates the usage of laboratory equipment to the freshmen.

As the event concluded, we designed a satisfaction survey questionnaire with the objective of gathering feedback and suggestions from the participants. This was done in order to gain a better understanding of their experiences and perceptions, which would enable us to make improvements in our future activities. In total, we collected 97 valid questionnaires, and based on this data, we conducted an in-depth analysis.

The survey results indicate that the overall satisfaction score for this event was an average of 9.5 out of 10, which fully demonstrates the high level of approval received from the participants. In particular, participants expressed high levels of satisfaction with regards to the professional depth, overall impression, and the content of the presentations. However, satisfaction was relatively lower in terms of content difficulty and waiting times, which points out specific areas where improvements are needed.

In order to more precisely quantify the expectations, value orientations, and actual gains of the participants, we employed the Maximum Difference Scaling model for analysis.

Figure 8. The results of Actual Harvest (left). Expected Returns (middle). Value (right).

By comparing the data before and after the event, we observed that participants’ understanding of iGEM significantly deepened post-activity, while they also acquired substantial knowledge and enjoyment. However, the effect of this event on enhancing the participants’ self-confidence was not pronounced. In terms of anticipated benefits, the participants most looked forward to an improvement in their comprehension of the iGEM competition, and the actual survey results indicated that their gains in this area aligned closely with their expectations. In terms of value orientations, participants generally placed a high importance on the ease of understanding and professionalism of the information, which corresponded well with their actual experiences and gains during the event. Overall, the event largely met the participants’ expectations and value needs. Moving forward, we will continue to refine the content of our activities based on this feedback, with the aim of comprehensively enhancing the participant experience while further bolstering their self-confidence and sense of involvement.

At the same time, through the self-evaluations of the participants, we found that everyone had gained certain insights and improvements in various aspects, experiencing personal growth as a result of the activity.

Figure 9. The self-evaluations of the participants.

Beyond the quantitative survey, we also conducted random qualitative interviews with several students to gain more in-depth and detailed feedback. The following are our findings from these interviews:

Some studentsnoted that before the activity commenced, they were not particularly familiar with the specific content and objectives of the event. They suggested that in the pre-event promotion phase of future activities, we should provide clearer and more detailed explanations.

There were varying opinions among students regarding the professionalism and depth of the event. Some felt that while the event was professional and rich in content, the volume of information was overwhelming, making it difficult to fully digest and understand in a short period. Others believed that maintaining a certain level of professionalism and depth is necessary for student-oriented educational activities. After discussion, we concluded that by appropriately reducing the amount of information, we can improve the accessibility of the content while maintaining professionalism and depth.

Figure 10. An iGEMer was conducting random qualitative interviews with students.

Students universally agreed that we should implement more reasonable planning and limitations on the number of participants, scale, duration, and venue to enhance the overall experience and ensure a more orderly and efficient event.

During the laboratory tour, students suggested that in addition to introducing basic experimental equipment, we could also integrate it more with our projects and experimental progress to highlight the uniqueness and advantages of our laboratory.

Figure 11. An iGEMer was conducting random qualitative interviews with students.

In the planning phase of the event, we should clearly define the purpose—whether it is for science popularization, promotional activities, or academic lectures. Depending on the purpose, we may need to make trade-offs in value choices. For example, in this event, we ensured professionalism to help everyone better understand the iGEM community.

Through these exchanges, we deeply recognize that each participant has different expectations and preferences. Therefore, we need to maintain two-way communication with participants continuously to meet the needs of as many people as possible while achieving our established goals. Such interaction not only helps us improve the event but is also an important way to enhance participant satisfaction and sense of involvement. Additionally, through this event, the freshmen gained a more profound understanding of the complexity and broad application prospects of synthetic biology, laying a foundation for their future academic exploration and scientific research careers. We are delighted to have created a platform for interactive learning and idea exchange for the newcomers. We also look forward to inspiring more young scholars' interest in scientific research and contributing to the development of the synthetic biology field through our efforts.