Harm of the nematode
Plant nematode is one of the important pathogens causing crop diseases in China. It is a serious threat
to China's wheat, corn, rice, sweet potato, potato, soybean, vegetables, peanuts, Chinese herbs and other
food and economic crops and the safety of production of important diseases.

For example, Soybean cyst nematode disease occurs in an area of
hm2 per year, which can cause soybean yield reduction of
, and the serious occurrence of plot yield reduction of more than
, or even no harvest. Losses caused by soybean cyst nematode disease amounted to more than
600 million yuan
With global climate change, cultivation system reform and the rapid development of large-scale,mechanised
and high-value agriculture, plant nematode diseases are in a serious trend of occurrence, and will rise
to be the second largest plant disease in China.