We are eligible for multiple iGEM awardsOur iGEM team is eligible for several awards at different levels based on the work we have completed. For the Bronze Award, we fulfilled all competition deliverables, including completing the wiki, uploading project promotion videos, submitting the judging form, and documenting attributions, project descriptions, and our contributions. Our Silver Award eligibility stems from demonstrating engineering success through completing six detailed engineering cycles and our contributions to education and outreach efforts via human practices. Finally, for the Gold Award, we are eligible for Best New Basic Part for the PnisA promoter, Best New Composite Part for the PnisA-nisRK expression cassette, and Best Software for our Prokaryotic Motif-Based Promoter Strength Analysis Program (PPAP). Our project focuses on preventing menstruation-related toxic shock syndrome, showcasing engineering innovation, human outreach, and well-characterized synthetic biology components.. Details are listed below.
• Wiki-completed
• Project Promotion
• Video-uploaded
• Presentation Video-will upload
• Judging Form-submitted
• Judging Session-secured
Our team members’ contributions and the external help we received are documented in “Project Attributions”. For details, please see our Attributions page .
Our project focuses on preventing menstruation-related toxic shock syndrome through synthetic biology. Look into our Project Description page for more details.
In this project, we designed and documented multiple new Biobricks parts, created a new Prokaryotic Promoter Strength Prediction Tool, completed and documented 6 engineering cycles, and documented all our progress in a public lab notebook. For detailed information, please see our Contribution page.
As shown on our Engineering page , we have completed 6 engineering cycles and recorded in detail what we learned each time.
On our Human Practice page you will read about our efforts put into education and outreach. As an iGEM team we not only focus on our own research, but also value promoting synthetic biology and the iGEM competition, raising awareness of the public, and our impact in the world. For more information, please see our Human Practice (Education) page .
As you can see on the page of part BBa_K5076100 , we have screened 14 Lactococcus lactis promoters and have proven nisA promoter to be the most stably expressed strong promoter of all. Promoter activity of PnisA was verified by substantial experimental data, which demonstrated the effectiveness of this new basic part.
The PnisA-nisRK expression cassette expresses an amplifier system to nisA promoter, which can enhance expression level of PnisA-guided genes. Detailed experimental data showing the functionality and effectiveness of this part is documented at BBa_K5076555.
We created the Prokaryotic (Motif-Base) Promoter (Strength Comparison) Analysis Program, or PPAP, which predicts promoter strength in a given organism based on the -35 motif and -10 motif of the promoter. For more information, please see our Software page.