Meet our team!

Yecheng Zhao
Student leader
(Try me.)
Hello, fellow iGEMers! This year has been nothing short of extraordinary as our team embarks on an amazing journey in the realm of synthetic biology. We are filled with excitement, generating innovative ideas, and working hard to bring them to life. Our steadfast commitment is to help create a better world. We aim to connect imagination with execution, spreading our dreams to every corner of the globe!
Anya Zhu
Vice leader
Hello, fellow iGEMers!With great curiosity in microbiology and synthetic biology, I joined WHU-iGEM this year and truly have a great time. Advantage and exploration are always the symphony of my dream life. In the lab, I realized the sweat enjoyment of partaking in the midst of my friends. Away from the lab, I would let music dramas sharpen my wits and regular workout build my health.
Yuting Chen
Vice leader
(Isaac, start!)
Hello, fellow iGEMers!Hello, everyone! My name is Yuting Chen. It's glad that I spend another year as iGEMer. During the this period, I'm grateful to meet diverse people and hone my skills. In the future, I will cherish all this times spent in 2004 and learn from the mistakes made in this year. Hoping that we have a brilliant performance in Jamboree!
Chenyue Zhang
Wet Lab/HP
Dear iGEMers, could I have your attention please? I'll introduce to you the world's cutest species——FROGS! Their bouncy skin, watery eyes... ...Oh,sorry I wandered off. Thanks for your support to our project, Intestide... ...
Siqing lv
Wet Lab/HP
golden darkness days
Hello, fellow iGEMers! The time of the year has passed in a hurry, witnessing our sadness and joy, and I have learned so much...... I'm becoming more and more passionate about synthetic biology in this pathway. At last, May WHU-iGEM go to glory!
Ziyan Peng
Wet Lab/HP
(Nocturnal animal.)
Agarose gel electrophoresis shows no bands? The membrane always shifts during Western Blot transfer? No protein in the supernatant? All-day experiments are too exhausting, or late-night work is too tiring? Don't worry! Hotline PENG is at your service 24/7 (For real)!
Yizhong Wang
Wet Lab/HP
Dats tuff.
Hi there, pleasure to meet you all.
Yiheng Liao
Wet Lab/HP
Dance under the brilliance of the first-magnitude stars!
Hey iGEMers! It's hard to believe we've spent an entire year together, diving into the world of synthetic biology! This year has been filled with unforgettable moments—late-night meetings, endless experiment tweaks, and even a few "friendly debates" over our designs. Every drop of sweat we've shed is like a precious gem, lighting our path as we push forward. I truly believe the future is in our hands, and with our passion and hard work, we'll use synthetic biology to make the world a better place!
Kailing Cai
Wet Lab/HP
(How could this happen?!)
I'm thrilled to be part of the iGEM team, where I explore the exciting field of synthetic biology and bring our innovative ideas to life through experiments. This journey has honed my research and experimental skills and instilled in me a determination that embraces challenges. I've also made great friends who share my passion for science. This experience has been inspiring and motivates me to continue contributing to a better world through synthetic biology. Let's make a difference together!
Yinghui Hang
Helloooooo iGEMers! The whole year was an amazing experience for me, the first time to step in the field of synthetic biology, to join an academic competition team, to join in a project and plan a lot of events, etc. We brainstormed ideas and turned them into reality with our passion, and I am so proud of our bussin works! (even though the progress was quite tiring but it brought fun for us too XD). Thanks a million to my teammates, we built this project with blood, sweat and tears (LOL). Let’s take our dreams to the stage of the world! 
Zihan Ma
(Buzy but happy~)
Hello, fellow iGEMers! As a member of the Human Practices team in WHU-China iGEM, I have deepened my understanding of synthetic biology and learned how to effectively communicate its benefits to diverse communities. This experience has also helped me enhance my social and organizational skills. More importantly, I feel so honored to collaborate with my team to tackle societal challenges together! Love you all~
Weng He
Innovate to heal, design to enhance.
Hello, esteemed colleagues in the field of synthetic biology! This year marks a significant milestone for our team as we delve into the fascinating realm of synthetic biology. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to transforming creative concepts into tangible solutions. Our mission is to engineer biological systems that address global challenges and enhance the quality of life. Together, we aspire to revolutionize the world through the power of synthetic biology.
Zhenyu Zhang
(Try me.)
Hello, fellow iGEMers! This year has been nothing short of extraordinary as our team embarks on an amazing journey in the realm of synthetic biology. We are filled with excitement, generating innovative ideas, and working hard to bring them to life. Our steadfast commitment is to help create a better world. We aim to connect imagination with execution, spreading our dreams to every corner of the globe!
Nanqiao Huang
(Try me.)
Hello, fellow iGEMers! This year has been nothing short of extraordinary as our team embarks on an amazing journey in the realm of synthetic biology. We are filled with excitement, generating innovative ideas, and working hard to bring them to life. Our steadfast commitment is to help create a better world. We aim to connect imagination with execution, spreading our dreams to every corner of the globe!
Xu Pan
(Try me.)
Hello, fellow iGEMers! This year has been nothing short of extraordinary as our team embarks on an amazing journey in the realm of synthetic biology. We are filled with excitement, generating innovative ideas, and working hard to bring them to life. Our steadfast commitment is to help create a better world. We aim to connect imagination with execution, spreading our dreams to every corner of the globe!
Xinyi Li
Art Designer
Fortune favors the bold.
Hi everyone~ It was an honor to participate in iGEM and work hard with all of you. I drew many pictures and learned a lot during this year. Also allowed me to experience the feeling of getting tired while drawing HaHa :P Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours.
Jiangyue Niu
Art Designer
(What a beautiful jasmine flower ~ 🎶 (Love Zayne version))
Hi, I'm an art designer at WHU-IGEM (just tamed hands version). Hiding behind the mask of social terror, I actually have many personalities. First, a trainee magician who works hard to learn magic ˶╹ꇴ╹˶ ; Second, an unknown artist with color blindness((((*。_。)_; Third, the college students who eat and wait for death_:(´□`」 ∠):_; Fourth, I forgot; Identity V, START!
Xiaoyu Xie
Wiki Coding
(Try me.)
Hello, fellow iGEMers! This year has been nothing short of extraordinary as our team embarks on an amazing journey in the realm of synthetic biology. We are filled with excitement, generating innovative ideas, and working hard to bring them to life. Our steadfast commitment is to help create a better world. We aim to connect imagination with execution, spreading our dreams to every corner of the globe!