A Glimpse into the Human Practices Workflow

We had the unique opportunity to record interviews with several key stakeholders who have engaged with us. We are pleased to share these video interviews on our wiki.

Fritz Meier - Farmer and Owner of Gebrüder Meier Gemüsekulturen AG (Farming)

Vivienne Oggier - Offices for Vegetable Cultivation and Beekeeping in St. Gallen

Dr. Mosisa Wakjira - Agrometeorology Expert

Dr. Angela Bearth - Consumer Behavior Expert

Dr. Anna Deplazes Zemp - Bioethics and Environmental Ethics

Claudia Vaderna - Schweizer Allianz Gentechfrei (Swiss Alliance for a GMO-free agriculture)

Rahel Emmenegger-Manser - Schweizer Getreideproduzentenverband (Swiss Grain Producers Association)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our interviewees for their patience, flexibility and openness throughout the entire process – from setup to recording and editing of the videos.

All conversations were very enlightening and provided valuable insights on integrating our project into the bigger picture.