International Bowel Defense iGEM(SHSID-China) understands that lab safety plays an important role in our project. We have received instructions before the experiment and have signed the lab safety rule before using the lab. We also have instructors to guide us through a tour of the lab. Throughout the experiment, we strictly followed the safety rules, and no safety incidents has occurred.
General Lab Safety Measures
Personal Safety and Equipment
Lab coats, leather shoes and rubber gloves are asked to worn in the lab, and long hair need to be tied up. All substances in the lab are prohibited to take out. It is prohibited to bring non experimental materials such as food and beverages into the laboratory. Training is required before operating large instruments and toxic reagents. Alcohol is present to use as disinfectant and hand wash. Shower and eyewash used for emergency are also present and are being checked regularly. Other equipment used for different emergency conditions are also prepared.
Experiment Safety
Air conditioner in this lab undergoes an internal cycle so that the air will not flow outside the lab. All equipment used for storage is cleaned, disinfected, and labelled to avoid unexpected mixture. Chemical storage cabinet and clean bench is present to avoid volatilization of poisonous substances and unexpected microorganism infections. Experimental wastes are classified and are disposed properly. Teachers in the biosafety committee also joined the lab work to ensure our safety.
Project-Specific Safety
Strains used in the experiments
We used E.coli BL21(DE3)、E.coli DH5α in the experiments, which are defined as the Risk 1 Group. Although with low potential risks, we still strictly followed the instruction of the supervisors to avoid potential infection.
T-cells originated from mice are bought from the cell bank, also defined as Risk 2 group. The cell experiment was carried out with the assistance of the instructor, and the experimental waste was given to the laboratory for unified sterilization.
Since our experiment mainly deals with microorganisms, autoclaving facilities are specifically included during our experiments to effectively deal with items that possibly contact with microorganisms.