Abstract:In the initial conception of our project "Halo World", we planned to transform the extremophile Halomonas TD so that it could better utilise carbon dioxide electrochemical derivatives (CDE). In addition, we also planned to develop a thermosensitive bio-switch suitable for Halomonas TD and fully exploit the production potential of the modified Halomonas TD. Until today, we have successfully obtained Halomonas TD80, which can make fuller use of CDE, built a T-switch suitable for it, and produced three major products covering PHAs, amino derivatives and proteins. What's more, we have also developed a software for genome neutral site screening (which has been applied in our project) and a fermentation model that can realise real-time feeding.
Transformation of Halomonas TD
We have successfully integrated the formate assimilation pathway into TD80, resulting in a 66% increase in the growth of TD80. Additionally, we have demonstrated that the THF system can be successfully applied in electrochemical derivatives with acetate as the main carbon source, and the introduction of the THF system has increased the growth of TD80 by 15%. Currently, both acetate and formate in the electrochemical derivatives can be absorbed and utilized by Halomonas, with only minimal non-toxic and harmless bicarbonates remaining.
Thermalsensitive bio-switch for Halomonas TD

In order to obtain a series of T-switches with better performance and wider scope of application, we replaced the initiator of the regulator and reporter gene and made a mutation to the regulator CI867.By all of these, we successfully created a series of T-switches with various dynamic range. You could find then in our Part page.
Products from our Halo-factory
The growth curve indicated that cysNC is not an essential gene. Gas chromatography analysis revealed that the gene clusters on the 321 plasmid were lost after the removal of screening pressure, leading some TD80 cells to stop producing 4HB and resulting in a decrease in the 4HB molar ratio. However, the absence of antibiotics did lead to an increase in dry weight. Therefore, identifying a new essential gene may be a viable strategy to enhance the 4HB mol% of P34HB, which will be a focus of our future efforts.·Amino acid derivative: Tyrian purple
We learned that two key enzymes (Stth and TnaA) in the biosynthetic pathway of Tyrian purple can use tryptophan, which leads to the production of more by-products indigo. Therefore, we planned to verify the application of our T-switch through the production of Tyrian Purple.
·Protein: SOD/PhaP
We successfully integrated the SOD and phaP protein expression pathways into TD80. Currently, in a nitrogen-rich fermentation system, TD80 was able to produce higher amounts of SOD and phaP proteins induced by IPTG at a concentration of 20 mg/L using sodium acetate as a carbon source.