Lab Notebook

Week 1: Inspiration from other teams
- Eg. Tsinghua 2023, McGill 2023
- Combined other teams’ ideas with our previous ideas
- Protein level (antibody) → Genetic level (promoters and reporter genes)
- Tsinghua: AND gate system
- using multiple promoters to increase specificity
- Eg. PSA promoter + PSMA promoter, PSA promoter + AR promoter
- Tsinghua: PD-L1 nanobody
- With the aid of immune system kills cancer cells
- McGill: induced pyroptosis of cancer cells
- PLKLFC 2023: PSMA has a high correlation with PCa
- + AND gate is difficult to design
- Decided to use PSMA promoter only
- PSMA promoters should only be activated inside cells
- Does not cause harm to nearby cells

Week 2: Delivery of plasmid to prostate
- Aim: to make it as convenient and painless as possible
- Inject plasmids into the bloodstream by intravenous injection → how to make it travel to the prostate? 1
- Plasmids degrade in the blood 3
- Need “carriers” to transport them
- Idea: polymers (small molecules of plastics) to prevent degradation 5
- Potential polymer 1: Hyaluronic acid (found in the fluids in the eyes and joints) 8
- Binds to CD44 (overexpressed at tumour) and releases plasmid inside 9
- Problem: unspecific to PCa 10,11
- ✓ Use promoters inside the plasmid to confirm the location
- 👎🏻 Decrease in [plasmid] before reaching prostate
- Potential polymer 2: Chitosan - sugar from the outer skeleton of shellfish
- Potential polymer 3: PAMAM (Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers) - plastics
- Utilised in previous research regarding gene therapy for prostate cancer (Tai et al., 2020)
- Problem: cytotoxic to cells 17
- Solution: Attach polyethylene glycol (PEG) to reduce cytotoxicity (Guo, X., Wang, 2017) 20

Week 3: Guides of polymers - Aptamers
- How to target prostate with the polymer? - Aptamers1
- Sections of DNA/RNA/peptides that target specific molecules 3,4
- High specificity 5,6
- Produced in a batch → reduces production costs
- Reversible denaturation (unlike antibodies)
- Less immunogenic than antibodies
- Can be attached to nanoparticles/polymers
- Potential aptamer 1: EpDT3 16
- Binds to EpCAM (epithelial cell adhesion molecule, overexpressed in some tumour cells) 17
- 👍🏻EpCAM is highly expressed in metastasized PCa cells → detect later stages of cancer 19
- 👎🏻Still non-specific to PCa
- Dual aptamer design 23
- A10-3.2: PSMA +ve (but only 80% of PCa patients have PSMA)
- DUP-1: PSMA -ve
- Used in a lot of research previously
- We can add a constitutive promoter inside our plasmid to express the reporter genes.
- PD-L1 nanobody
- Normal cancer cells: have PD-L1 to “block” attacks from T-cells
- PD-L1 nanobody: binds to PD-L1 so that cancer cells have no way to block attacks
- Problem:
- requires immune cells to kill
- At later stages, immune system may be compromised
- Cannot kill cancer cells effectively
- Bax gene(2./2.1)
- BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator
- If Bax protein is transcribed, it promotes apoptosis (type of programmed cell death) in cancer cells
- Bax has been chosen

Week 1: Formulation of initial plan
- Construction of plasmids
- Purchase of A and B separately
- A plasmid containing our gene that is non-mammalian; and
- Another plasmid that is mammalian but lacks any promoter genes (pENTR1A)
- A and B will be digested, then ligated together using BamHI and HindIII enzymes
- Colony PCR → confirm size of plasmids are correct 1.e
- Testing of PSMA promoter
- Evaluate the activity of PSMA promoter in different cell lines
- GFP (commonly used and known to work) as reporter gene
- Plasmid A: pENTR1A-PSMA-GFP
- Transfected to cancer and non-cancerous cell lines
- Testing of Gluc reporter gene
- Measure luminescence given out by reaction w/ Gluc as substrate
- Plasmid B: pENTR1A-PSMA-Gluc
- Transfected to cancer and non-cancerous cell lines
- Testing of polymer delivery
- Make sure polymers can correctly transport plasmids to cancer cells
- Polymer plasmid conjugate X:
- PAMAM polymer
- A10-3.2 & DUP-1 aptamers
- Plasmid C: PB-Gluc
- Testing of killing function
- Confirm that Bax gene can kill cancer cells
- Polymer plasmid conjugate Y:
- PAMAM polymer
- A10-3.2 & DUP-1 aptamers
- Plasmid D: PB-Gluc-Bax

Week 2: Figuring out protocols used
- Plasmid construction
- Plasmids in powder form: transformed into DH5a
- Colonies are picked → plasmids extracted
- Restriction digestion: linearise genes (BamHI and HindIII)
- Gel electrophoresis: visualise the results of digestion
- Gel purification: obtain the digested plasmids
- Ligation: stick two genes together
- Colony PCR: confirm that ligated genes have the correct size
- Polymers
- PEG is attached to PAMAM to form PAMAM-PEG conjugate
- Aptamers are attached to PAMAM-PEG
- BODIPY are introduced to some of the PAMAM-PEG
- Microscopes are used to view BODIPY fluorescence
- Confirm that aptamers can bring plasmids to cells
- Plasmids C & D are introduced to other PAMAM-PEG
- Polymer-plasmid conjugates are mixed with cells
- MTT Assay are performed to quantify the death of cancer cells (required absorbance measurement)
- Luminescence of Gluc are detected

Week 3: Required equipment and apparatus
- Cell lines ∵ environment for prostate cancers are hard to simulate with chemicals (purchased)
- Plate readers: measure luminescence (Gluc), fluorescence (GFP), absorbance (MTT assay) (equipped but only absorbance can be measured)
- Live cells monitoring microscopes: monitor the situation of cell lines (equipped)
- PCR Thermal Cycler: perform colony PCR (equipped but is aged)

Week 4: Evaluation of initial plan
- ❓Construction of plasmids: colony PCR can be tried but cannot confirm that PCR machine will work
- Contingency plan: extract the ligated plasmids, digested using only 1 enzyme, then gel run to visualize the size
- ❓Testing GFP and Gluc light: required to borrow at other labs but possible
- ✔️Testing Bax killing function: feasible
- 🔜Polymers: the technical difficulty is too high

July-September Journal
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Game Development Notebook
- Defining gameplay style and features
- Programming the fundamental scripts
- Implementing some gameplay features
- Networking communications
- UI implementations
- Syncing player behavior between server side and client side
- Mobile support
- Game testing and balancing
- Bug fixing
- Server side http listeners
- Artwork implementation
- Code optimisation
- Adding additional features
Technical Issues
- Network module choices
- Initially using netcode —> only support IP socket
- Swap to mirror —> support Websocket
- Server setup
- Initially using Docker —> complicated system for users without IT knowledge and difficult to replicate
- Swap to using Node.js —> using only one file to handle http requests while only requiring to download Node.js module
- Syncing Server side and Client side
- Using network identities in the mirror module
- Reducing the use of rpc
- Using formula to record FPS and Ping
- Device identification
- WebGL doesn’t support device identification
- Using manual UI input for players to choose
- Browser support
- Using Unity WebGL