1.Team Safety Training
Prior to starting our experiments, our team had a safety training session where everyone learned all the safety protocols around the lab. This includes the basic safety symbols, personal protective equipment, safety rules, how to properly operate specific equipment and carry out procedures. We also had online training sessions as well as the in-person ones, where we learned the proper procedures of our experiments, including the correct way to culture bacteria, ran gel electrophoresis, and the usage of the following:Centrifuge, Pipettes, Gel Electrophoresis Equipment,Thermal Cycler, Water Bath,Gel-Imaging System, Shaking Incubator
2.Safety Supervisors
Our safety supervisors are the instructors and teachers. At least one teacher is present at all times during our experiments in the lab. They make sure that everybody always has proper personal protective equipment on in the lab. That includes lab coats, gloves, and goggles. They also make sure that nobody’s slacking off on the safety protocols such as strictly keeping food and drinks out of the lab, or the proper disposal of waste. With the help and supervision of our instructors, we also created a lab cleanup schedule for everyone to follow, so our working environment can be kept safe and clean.
3.Safety Facilities
Safety facilities are installed around the lab to minimize the chances of accidents, and to insure immediate and proper response to potential accidents.An eyewash and shower station in installed right next to our lab(A). First-Aid Kits are installed around every corridor. This one is situated about 10 meters from our lab door(B). Multiple waste liquid containers, home scrap bins, and medical waste bins are placed in every room(C).The garbage produced in the laboratory will be sterilized at high temperature and handed over to the laboratory for unified treatment.The garbage produced in the laboratory will be sterilized at high temperature and handed over to the laboratory for unified treatment.

4.Project security
In our project, no infectious strains were used. We used Escherichia coli DH5 and Pichia pastoris GS115. The E. coli DH5α on the iGEM white list, Pichia pastoris GS115 We submitted the checking form and passed the approval.
If a large number of factories are used in the future, we will set up biosafety switches to further avoid the risk of leakage and will not adversely affect society, environment and culture.