
During the exhibition, the artist displayed her collection of vibrant, abstract paintings, each carefully crafted to evoke a unique emotional response from the viewers.

Functional Assay

Pollution waste assay

We conducted a study to compare the performance of two different machine learning algorithms, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine. We visualized the accuracy of the models through confusion matrices and precision-recall curves.


  1. Begin by selecting your travel destination and researching the most scenic routes to explore.
  2. Make sure to book accommodations in advance to avoid any last-minute stress during your trip.
  3. Pack light, but ensure you have all the essentials: a good camera, a comfortable pair of shoes, and a weather-appropriate wardrobe.
    1. Consider bringing a reusable water bottle and snacks to stay hydrated and energized while sightseeing.
  4. Arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight to go through security and check your luggage smoothly.
  5. Once you reach your destination, familiarize yourself with the local transportation options to make getting around more efficient.
    1. Public transportation can save you money, and walking tours often provide the best chance to explore the culture closely.
    2. Consider renting a bicycle to enjoy the city at a slower pace while staying active.
  6. Start each day with a plan, but remain flexible to explore hidden gems and local recommendations you might stumble upon.
  7. Visit museums, historical landmarks, and other popular attractions, but don’t forget to relax and enjoy a coffee at a local café.
    1. These moments of relaxation allow you to soak in the ambiance and reflect on your travel experience.
  8. Always keep a map and a charged phone with you in case you get lost or need to contact someone.
  9. Return to your hotel early in the evening to recharge for the next day’s adventure.
  10. For longer trips, make sure to have some days dedicated solely to rest and recovery.
  11. On your last day, take time to revisit your favorite spots and buy souvenirs for loved ones back home.
  12. Ensure you have all necessary travel documents ready for your departure and confirm your return flight details ahead of time.
  13. Finally, reflect on your experiences and start planning your next adventure with a fresh perspective.


The initial three sections of the software were used for baseline tests to ensure the system operated smoothly, while preliminary experiments were conducted using simplified input data in the next few sections. The final four sections were used for the official tests, from which we gathered our results. The code output a series of clear, formatted reports, and the functionality was confirmed by observing consistent behavior when probing the system, confirming that it handled data as expected without errors.

From the final average processing times calculated from the performance metrics collected by the benchmarking tool, we can clearly see distinct differences in efficiency between the standard algorithm and the optimized algorithm. The optimized version demonstrated faster processing speeds after both small and large data sets, proving the success of our improvements in reducing computational complexity.

We extended our analysis to examine the impact of memory usage on the performance of the application, in case the new algorithm places excessive strain on system resources and slows down execution. After running multiple tests in a controlled environment, we collected data on memory consumption and used a fixed set of inputs to measure performance across various hardware configurations.


Another issue in the results we observed was the inconsistency of response times in the optimized algorithm under low network bandwidth conditions. After running for 12 hours, the algorithm should have maintained stable performance. The discrepancy here is likely due to human error, such as incorrect configuration settings or interference from background processes, which could have contributed to the slower response times during testing.


To demonstrate an increase in processing efficiency at higher data volumes.

  1. Initialize the training process for the machine learning model (using dataset A and optimizer B).
  2. Train multiple instances of the model (using different hyperparameters) in 21 separate runs.
    1. Collect performance metrics at 7 different checkpoints.
    2. Evaluate model accuracy using validation data.
    3. Repeat each training run 3 times to ensure consistency.
  3. Adjust the learning rate by a factor of 0.01.
  4. Use 100 data points per batch for each training cycle. For reliable results, typically use 4-8 batches per cycle.
  5. Run training for 37 epochs.
  6. Collect data from 6 training runs every 2 epochs for a total of 14 epochs.
  7. Evaluate model performance using precision, recall, and F1-score.
    1. To quantify accuracy, precision, and model reliability.

Future Assay

Memory usage

Our goal is to demonstrate the performance of our machine learning algorithm, showing that it struggles with smaller datasets but excels with larger volumes of data. To achieve this, we will evaluate the algorithm's accuracy and efficiency across various data sizes. This analysis not only helps us measure the effectiveness of our optimization techniques but also identifies the point at which performance begins to degrade, providing valuable insights for future algorithm enhancements.

Addressing Potential issues

To anticipate potential issues that may arise, we have identified possible problems and devised specific strategies to address them.

  1. Model accuracy is lower than expected.
    This indicates that our machine learning model may not be generalizing well or could be underfitting. To address this, we will:
    1. Increase model complexity: Our model might be too simple, so we will consider adding more layers or using a more complex architecture.
    2. Adjust hyperparameters: We will tune hyperparameters such as learning rate and batch size to improve model performance.
    3. Enhance data preprocessing: Improve the quality of data preprocessing, including feature selection and normalization, to better capture relevant patterns in the data.
  2. Model performance deteriorates with larger datasets
    This could suggest that our model is overfitting or struggling with scalability.
    1. Regularization techniques: Implement regularization methods such as dropout or L2 regularization to reduce overfitting.
    2. Increase dataset diversity: Ensure the training dataset is diverse and representative of the problem domain to improve model robustness.
    3. Optimize data handling: Improve data handling techniques to ensure the model efficiently processes larger datasets without performance degradation.