
Welcom to the Engineering Notebook

Our project focuses on developing a plant-associated strain of Bacillus subtilis to enhance nutrient uptake and provide pest resistance. We utilize a set of specific gene clusters: the spo0A operon for sporulation, the srfA operon for surfactin production, and the comA system for regulation of competence. Following a systematic research cycle—Conceptualize, Construct, Test, and Optimize—we continuously refine our approach. This process is particularly evident in our mutagenesis experiments, where we designed and introduced targeted mutations to achieve our desired phenotypes.



\[s \begin{cases} \frac{dS}{dt} = k_S S \left(1 - \frac{S}{S_c}\right) - d_S M \\ \ \\ \frac{dM}{dt} = S k_M \left(1 - \frac{r}{r_c}\right) - k_M a \\ \ \\ \frac{dA}{dt} = v_A S - d_A A \\ \ \\ \frac{dr}{dt} = k_r A \left(1 - \frac{r}{r_c}\right) \\ \ \\ \frac{da}{dt} = S k_a - k_M a \end{cases} \]

\[ \sin(\theta) = \frac{\text{对边}}{\text{斜边}} \]

\[ \text{Light intensity (lx)} = \frac{\text{ADC output}}{\text{Gain} \times \text{Responsivity}} \]

\[ \text{voltage} = \text{raw\_adc} \times \left( \frac{3.3}{\text{PH2\_ADC\_RESOLUTION}} \right) \]

\[ \text{pH\_value} = 7.0 + \frac{\text{set\_vol} - \text{rx\_data}}{\text{PH2\_PH\_CALCULATION\_COEF}} \]


  Csg Contruct

The urban park was designed with a focus on sustainability and biodiversity. It spans across 12 hectares and features a combination of native plants, rain gardens, and small wetlands. The park is divided into two main sections: one dedicated to recreational activities with paths for walking and biking, while the other supports local wildlife with bird habitats and insect hotels. A central pavilion was constructed from reclaimed wood and incorporates solar panels for energy efficiency. Despite our initial plans, we encountered challenges with soil erosion along the wetland areas. To mitigate this, we tried several different techniques, including the use of native grasses and the installation of permeable stone barriers. We also tested various water management systems to control runoff, ensuring that the wetland maintained a stable water level throughout the year. Even after implementing these measures, some sections of the park continued to show signs of erosion, requiring further redesign and soil stabilization efforts.

After encountering multiple setbacks in organizing a community art festival, including delays in securing permits and issues with vendor coordination, we decided to reevaluate our planning strategy. One of the primary challenges we faced was having too few volunteers to manage logistics, leading to inefficiencies in setup and communication. To improve this, we restructured our volunteer roles by assigning more specific tasks and increasing the recruitment drive to boost participation. Additionally, we shifted the event schedule to spread out activities and reduce congestion, ensuring smoother transitions between performances and workshops. These changes helped streamline the process and improved the overall flow of the festival.

We then successfully completed the assembly of the modular pieces for the sculpture, connecting the two main sections to the base structure. Afterward, we mounted the completed sculpture on the display platform in the exhibition hall. Stability tests were conducted to ensure the integrity of the structure and verify the proper alignment of the components (Figure 3).

Fragements Concentration(ng/ul)
R1 0.5
R2 0.5

Table 1. Concentration of R1 and R2 fragments.

We confirmed the completion of our software update after receiving positive feedback from user testing and reviewing the system logs for errors.

R2 production

We attempted to remove the outdated database entries from our system using a batch processing algorithm to improve the accuracy of our data analysis. Since the outdated entries often caused conflicts with the new data sets, it was challenging to distinguish between legacy data errors and genuine system issues. By eliminating the outdated entries, we aimed to ensure that our new analytics tool could deliver more reliable and precise insights, free from any interference caused by the older data.

Before integrating our custom algorithm into the main software, we need to remove the outdated processing functions from the codebase to improve the accuracy of our performance tests. This ensures that the results reflect the effectiveness of the new algorithm without interference from legacy methods.

We aimed to remove the outdated logging functions from our software system using batch refactoring [1].

R1 production

Our team embarked on a project to enhance the accuracy of our biofilm assays by removing native biofilm-producing genes from the E. coli genome through homologous recombination. This genetic modification aimed to eliminate the natural biofilm production, allowing us to clearly attribute any observed biofilm formation to our synthetic csg construct. By targeting the csg operon, which is responsible for biofilm production and secretion, we sought to create a more controlled environment for testing. This approach ensures that our results reflect the specific impact of our engineered construct rather than background noise from the organism's natural biofilm capabilities. The successful knockout of the csg operon will allow us to better quantify and analyze the biofilm production solely attributed to our designed system, providing more accurate and reliable data for our research.

silk strength
D1 0.5
D2 0.5
D3 0.5
D4 0.5
D5 0.5


Development board: APP-All MCU 2023

APP-All MCU 2023 is a flexible and multi-functional development platform specifically designed for embedded applications, such as smart home systems, industrial automation, and other systems that require direct interaction with hardware. The core feature of this platform is its support for multiple types of microcontrollers (MCUs) and its rich shared peripherals, making it adaptable for various development needs.


    • [1] Barnhart, M. M., & Chapman, M. R. (2006). Curli biogenesis and function. Annual Review of Microbiology, 60, 131–147. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.micro.60.080805.142106

      [2] Buchholz, H. H., Bolaños, L. M., Bell, A. G., Michelsen, M. L., Allen, M. J., & Temperton, B. (2022). A Novel and Ubiquitous Marine Methylophage Provides Insights into Viral-Host Coevolution and Possible Host-Range Expansion in Streamlined Marine Heterotrophic Bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88(7), e0025522. https://doi.org/10.1128/aem.00255-22