
We have developed a comprehensive, open-source Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) hardware system designed to offer maximum flexibility and adaptability. This modular system is built around a core framework that uses biosensor-based fluorescence for biomarker detection, allowing for easy customization by simply swapping out the microfluidic chip to target different biomarkers. The hardware’s modular design integrates key components, such as optical sensing, fluidic management, and temperature control, all of which are standardized to ensure seamless interchangeability and versatility across a wide range of diagnostic applications.
This POCT system is not only practical for end-users but also aligns with the open-source values of the iGEM community, providing a sufficient foundation for future teams to build upon. The system is engineered for easy adaptation, with hardware modules that can be integrated into various testing scenarios without requiring significant design overhauls. Furthermore, while the hardware is highly versatile, standardized biosensor designs—detailed in our bioengineering team’s open-source documentation—offer clear guidelines for future developments, ensuring that teams can efficiently implement their own biomarkers into the existing framework. Our goal is to contribute the iGEM community by offering a flexible, scalable, and accessible hardware platform that facilitates continued innovation in diagnostic technology.
We will demostrate a 3D printed prototype and an EVT in Jambree, visit our booth at T-22 Group A and join our live stage talk within high school plaza (specific slot TBD, stay in tuned)!

Development Stage
Goal setting and Breakdown
Engineering and POC
Engineering Architecture
1. Microfluid Module
2. Optical Module
3.Temp Control Module
4. Outershell Module
5. Software and UI Module
6.Electronic Circuit Module
Complete Product
Open Source for iGEM
Documents for Reproduction
Team members' attributions
External attributions


Role of hardware in our project

In the project, hardware forms the physical foundation for biomarker reactions using a microfluidic chip with pre-loaded reagent kits containing biosensors. The POCT (Point of Care Testing) device provides the necessary reaction environment (e.g. temperature control), reads and analyzes the biosensor-generated results. Hardware development encompasses concept design, system architecture, and the validation of six engineering modules, ensuring seamless integration with bioengineering components and delivering reliable, efficient diagnostic outcomes.

Haredware's role in our project's bluprint (enclosed by red box)



Product Definition of Key Performance Specifications

Our hardware taskforce collaborates closely with the bioengineering taskforce to ensure the product meets the key performance specifications identified through our Human Practices. The hardware taskforce is responsible for designing and developing the technical components, while integrating biological solutions provided by the bioengineering team. Together, both teams focus on creating a product that not only meets technical and biological requirements but also addresses the needs and concerns of our stakeholders, which include healthcare professionals, end-users, regulatory bodies, and manufacturers. This stakeholder-driven approach ensures that our design is practical, safe, and aligned with real-world applications.

Incorporating Real-World Feedback into Design Decisions

Throughout the process of meeting each specification, our hardware taskforce engaged deeply with relevant experts to refine our design based on real-world insights. For instance, to reduce cost and size, we moved away from the traditional all-in-one POCT machines, which typically have a built-in screen and processor, and instead adopted a Bluetooth-connected smartphone model. This allowed us to utilize the smartphone’s processing power, while the Bluetooth module provided a much more cost-effective solution.

Another example is the decision regarding reagent kits. Initially, we considered reducing costs by implementing a cleaning system to reuse reagents. However, after discussions with experts, we learned that while large-scale production can lower costs, ensuring safety—particularly preventing cross-contamination—was a more critical concern. As a result, we decided to use disposable reagent kits to strike the right balance between cost and safety.

These examples illustrate how our design decisions were guided by continuous feedback from real-world experts, ensuring that we addressed practical concerns at every step of the project.

Development Stage

Understanding the Six Stages of Hardware Development

Through consultations with hardware experts, we learned that hardware development typically progresses through six stages: conceptualization, design, engineering verification test (EVT), design verification test (DVT), production verification test (PVT) and mass production (MP) [cite IHP 1].

Goal setting and Breakdown

Modular Breakdown of Engineering of POCT Development

After outlining the six stages of hardware development, we decided to streamline the process by dividing the device into five distinct modules, each designed separately before being integrated into the final product. To achieve this, we identified five key modules that required focused design and development:

  1. Microfluidic Chip:
  2. The design of the microfluidic chip was critical to the device’s functionality. This module involved selecting appropriate materials and ensuring the chip's practical usability, with extensive research into fluid mechanics to meet the specific project requirements.

  3. Optical Sensing and Signal Processing:
  4. This module played a crucial role in detecting, collecting, and transferring optical signals (generated by the reaction between biomarkers and reagents, which produce fluorescent proteins) to the central processor. We emphasized accurate signal detection and efficient data processing to ensure the overall performance and reliability of the device.

  5. Temperature Monitoring and Control:
  6. This module focused on maintaining the optimal temperature for bacterial growth, specifically at 37 degrees Celsius. The design of a precise temperature control system, including a temperature sensor for real-time monitoring, was vital to the accurate operation of the device.

  7. Electronic Circuit Module:
  8. This module includes the MCU, ADC, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), and the corresponding firmware. The firmware, which runs on the MCU, enables the POCT device to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth for controlling and reading data from the ADC, as well as managing temperature through the Peltier element.

  9. Outer Shell:
  10. The outer shell was designed to be durable and compatible with internal components. This module focused on creating a protective casing that integrates seamlessly with the device's core mechanisms, ensuring both usability and durability.

  11. Software User Interface and Data Utilization:
  12. The software module was designed with a focus on user-friendliness, targeting everyday individuals rather than medical professionals. The goal was to create an intuitive interface that allowed users to easily interpret their health data, helping them take proactive steps in maintaining their well-being. This approach prioritized accessibility, ensuring that the device could be used by a broad audience to promote regular health checks and raise health awareness.

Goal Setting for Proof of Concept

Our primary goal was to reach different verification stages for each critical module of our point-of-care testing (POCT) device. Specifically, we aimed to achieve the Engineering Verification Test (EVT) for the optical module, while mircorfluid chip, software & user interface and outer shell, were developed to the Design Verification Test (DVT) stage. These four modules together formed the design and engineering proof of concept (POC) for our device. For the remaining modules, our focus was on validating the theoretical soundness.

Engineering and POC

After breaking down the individual modules and setting clear hardware goals, we moved forward to the detailed design and POC development for both the overall system and each individual module, all based on the initially defined key performance specifications. Starting from the architecture, working through the separated modules, and finally integrating them into a complete product, we went through numerous iterations, incorporating valuable Human Practices (HP) feedback from various experts throughout the process. Through extensive testing, we achieved varying levels of POC validation across the different modules. The final product is designed for our end users, ensuring their demands to be satisfied. Additionally, we have open-sourced the entire development process and design to the iGEM community, with the hope that future iGEM teams working on diagnostic devices can utilize our modular system and continue innovating based on our foundation.

Engineering Architecture

Hardware Final Architecture

The illustration below shows the final version of our complete hardware architecture design, which includes all the previously mentioned modules (excluding software).

Before arriving at this final architecture, we went through multiple iterations to ensure seamless integration among the different modules. For details on the iterative process, please refer to the design evolution and iteration for each module outlined below.

1. Microfluid Module

Initial design (Design #1): Rectangular Microfluidic Chip with Channeling Design 1

Initial design of Microfluid chip

The initial design included a chamber for blood sample input, which directed the sample to three chambers containing three different plasmid-containing bacterial solutions. The path is depicted in the diagram above (Design 1). Upon reviewing various sources, it was determined that to evenly divide the blood sample into three equal portions, the length of the microchannels, pressure differences, and microchannel cross-sectional areas needed to be consistent. Consequently, the microchannel path was redesigned (as shown in Design 2) based on the mechanics of equal blood allocation.

Design #2: Rectangular Microfluidid Chip with Channeling Design 2

Compared to the initial design, design #2 involves an altered version of channeling. The ideal design would be that all three channels are equal in length and cross-sectional area, so that it maximizes the chance for the blood sample to get allotted equally into the three chambers. During the design of the channels and chip shapes, a potential issue arose: the possibility that the blood sample might flow through the microchannels too quickly, leading to leakage from the chambers. After multiple rounds of consultation with successful bio-hardware POCT companies (see attributions section for more details) and further research, it was decided to modify the chamber by incorporating a specific biological seal (e-PTFE).

Design #3: Rectangular Microfluidid Chip with Channeling Design 2 + Chamber Modification

The modified Chamber includes a top to allow gas flow. The e-PTFE could go right underneath the top (below the gas hole), so that the air could escape as the blood gets pushed into the chamber. When the solution (blood + bacteria-containing liquid) makes contact with the e-PTFE, it blocks off all the liquid. The drawback of this design is that it might be challenging and costly to produce this during the manufacturing process. At this point, our group had already expanded our understanding of temperature control and optics technology.

Taking into account the placement of the Peltier, LED light, and sensors, an alternative arrangement for the chambers and channels was proposed: a triangular configuration with equidistant channels originating from the main input chamber. This design maximizes the spacing between the three individual chambers, enabling the placement of devices and sensors at each chamber to collect data independently from one another.

Design #4: Triangular Microfluidid Chip with Channeling Design 2 + Chamber Modification

This new shape design allows the actual hardware parts to interact with the microfluidic chip in a way that should be ideal. The branched out, separated chambers allow each individual one of them to have an LED light source underneath, two peltiers attached to the sides, and one sensor above. This makes sure there will be minimal data crossing between the chambers (as previous designs did not take into account the spacing of the chambers) by maximizing the space in between the chambers. Satisfying other aforementioned functions, including temperature control and optical sensing, coupled with independent data-sensing (indivdual to single chambers), makes us think the triangular shaped design, in fact, could be the most optimal to fabricate the chips based off of what we desire. However, one potential drawback could be the channeling of the chip - the blood might rush into the chambers too rapidly. Based on this consideration, an alternative design featuring prolonged channeling was proposed (shown in design #5).

Final Design (Design #5): Triangular Microfluidid Chip with Channeling Design 3 + Chamber Modification

This will be our final microfluidic chip design, as it encapsulates all the essential features for our chip to collect and transport blood drops. The location for each chamber was decided based on various hardware (outer shell) features, taking into account the placement of wavelength sensors, peltier, etc. The main change from design #4 to #5 is channeling. In this final version, there the channels are increased in length, so that the blood drops will not get transported to the chambers too rapidly with a high pressure (increasing the amount of time to transport the blood). The length of the channels are calculated and designed to be equidistant so that blood drops can reach the chambers roughly at the same time.

Finally, we fabricated the chip both in 3D printing and using the desired material, successfully completed the verification of the device's microfluidic module, achieving Proof of Concept (POC) at the DVT stage.

Material and Blood-Protective Coatings

During the development process, additional research was conducted to gather information and features for the microfluidic chip, including optimal material selection, ensuring equal volumes of blood distribution, and exploring existing technologies that could assist with blood transportation. PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) was selected as the material for the microfluidic chip due to its suitability for fluorescence light emission detection, which is essential for sensor functionality.

Further investigation explored potential features to enhance the chip’s utility and functionality. One potential addition was a blood-protective coating mechanism. After reviewing various sources, Heparin was identified as a suitable addition to the channels. As an anticoagulant, Heparin reduces the risk of blood clotting within the channels by inhibiting platelet aggregation and binding to antithrombin, a protein that inactivates thrombin and factor Xa. Therefore, Heparin could be added as a coating to improve the hemocompatibility of the microfluidic chip and reduce the likelihood of clotting.

Blood Drop Sample Transportation: Syringe System

In order to transport the blood drop sample to the respective plasmid-containing chambers, we will use a syringe to manually pump the sample. Users can choose between two methods: 1) drop the blood into the syringe and push it into the center chamber (with the syringe connected to the center chamber) and then to the corner chambers, or 2) drop the blood directly into the center chamber and use the syringe to pump it through the channels into the corner chambers. To avoid contamination, the syringe cannot be used more than once, as disposal is necessary.

2. Optical Module

Result: A Proof of Concept, Accomplishment of EVT stage

Feasibility Verification

We successfully built an optical device consisting of three light sources and three filters, capable of simultaneously detecting the intensity of three fluorescent proteins and establishing a mathematical relationship between the intensity and the corresponding biomarker concentrations. (The fluorescent protein concentration gradient tested was provided by our wet-lab, corresponding to the biomarker concentration in their wet experiments, after reacting with the biosensor. Please refer to the Engineering page.

Thus, through experiments, we demonstrated the relationship between biomarker concentration and the fluorescence intensity formed after reacting with the biosensor, which can be measured using our optical device.

Feasibility Verification: fluorescence intensity gradient corresponding to the concentration gradient of biomarkers in wet-lab experiments

Non-Crosstalk Verification

Our system simultaneously detects three types of fluorescent proteins. When selecting these fluorescent proteins, we specifically considered their wavelength separation to prevent crosstalk issues. In the wet lab experiments, we conducted crosstalk tests by using the excitation light for one fluorescent protein to illuminate another. For detailed information, please refer to the engineering page. The results demonstrated that the fluorescent proteins of our three biosensors do not exhibit crosstalk interference.

Additionally, this conclusion was further verified by optical expert Engineer Xiang from Jingfei Technology Co., Ltd. He confirmed that the wavelengths of the three fluorescent proteins have significant intervals, up to 10 nm, ensuring that crosstalk will not affect the independence of the data when measuring all three samples simultaneously.

Those tests, data analysis and expert verification successfully completes the entire engineering verification of our device's optical module (accomplishment of POC on EVT stage).

Initial Design Phase:

In the early design stage, our optical system focused on detecting the fluorescence intensity of proteins using a combination of light sources, a microfluidic chip, and sensors. Through experiments, we confirmed that fluorescent proteins require specific wavelengths of excitation light to emit fluorescence. Therefore, our device integrated three different wavelength light sources, each passing through a filter to excite three distinct fluorescent proteins. Once the proteins are excited, the emitted fluorescence is detected by PD sensors, which convert the optical signals into electrical signals through amplification circuits and an ADC chip. Finally, the data is processed in the microcontroller, where a mathematical model is built to relate the biomarker concentration to the fluorescence intensity.

1st Round of Testing:

In the first round of testing, we conducted experiments at Jingfei Technology Co.,Ltd and confirmed that different concentrations of fluorescent proteins produced distinct fluorescence intensities, initially proving the relationship between biomarker concentration and fluorescence intensity. However, due to the lack of filters, the results showed significant fluctuations.

2nd Round of Testing:

In the second round, the light source layout was adjusted to a triangular configuration, integrating the design with the microfluidic chip. This layout, along with the use of optical fibers and a spectrometer, further improved detection accuracy and clarity. Ultimately, the second round validated the feasibility of our optical system and completed the engineering verification.

Due to the extensive content involved in the design and testing, including procedural documents and test images, the detailed notes and data were placed in the "Document for Reproduction" section for everyone to review.

3.Temp Control Module

As previously mentioned, our goal for the temperature control module was to validate the theoretical soundness of the design. Throughout the design process, we refined critical components like the temperature control system and addressed issues such as light blockage. Throughout the design process, we refined key components such as the temperature control system and addressed issues like light blockage. These design enhancements ensured that the system could theoretically meet the required specifications for temperature stability and integration, forming a solid foundation for future development.

Initial design (Design #1): Temperature Control Concept with Peltier Placement Issues

To ensure the reaction proceeds correctly, we require the temperature to be maintained at a steady 37°C with an accuracy of ±0.1°C. The initial concept of using a Peltier element for temperature control came from an engineer at Digifluidic. Building on this, we enhanced the temperature control system by incorporating a thermistor, which automatically samples ambient temperature and activates the control circuit when it exceeds the set threshold. Additionally, we integrated a solid-state relay to regulate the power supplied to the Peltier, and implemented a PID control system to manage the solid-state relay operation. Initially, we positioned the Peltier beneath the microfluidic chip for temperature regulation, but this design was later discarded as the Peltier obstructed the path of the lower light source.

Design #2: Improved Peltier Placement along with Microfluidic Chip Redesign for Balanced Heat Distribution

To solve the issue of light blockage, we redesigned the placement of the Peltier, positioning it on the side. Simultaneously, the microfluidic component was modified to a triangular shape, which allows the air pressure to be distributed more evenly across the three reaction chambers. This new design also ensures a more balanced heat distribution from the Peltier to each reaction zone.

4. Outershell Module

As previously mentioned, the goal of our outer-shell design is to successfully pass the Design Verification Test (DVT), which serves as our Proof of Concept (POC).

From the initial to the final design, our objective was to enhance the functionality, accessibility, and space efficiency of the outer shell to meet the requirements of the DVT. Each iteration was aimed at solving practical challenges, such as reducing wasted space, improving accessibility to the microfluidic chip, and integrating key components like sensors and Bluetooth connectivity. By incorporating feedback from real-world applications and addressing issues like light blockage and device cleanliness, we progressively refined the design. The final iteration not only retains the core elements of earlier versions but also adds essential features for portability and usability, ensuring a successful DVT and laying the foundation for future development.

Initial design (Design #1): Functional but Inefficient and Hard to Maintain

The initial outer-shell design consists of a simple rectangular with a slanted edge as shown below. In terms of the hardware functionality, this initial design should theoretically be able to work, as it has space for most components needed to create the hardware. From a materialistic point of view, there is a lot of extra space wasted, as it is not being used to its maximum utility. In addition, the design flaw is that the microfluidic chip is hard to access: since there is only a thin opening on the device, if there is some liquid or impurities spilled in the container, it would be hard to clean and sterilize for successive runs.

Design #2: Improved Accessibility with Flipping Mechanism and Optimized Sensor Placement

The second design of the outer-shell consists of a semicircular shaped base with a flipping mechanism as shown below. After some research on specific functional components such as light wavelength sensors, we found that 3 sensors are necessary to get inputs on the 3 respective fluorescnet lights emitted from the modified E. coli bacteria planted in the chip's chambers. The sensors are attached onto the lid/cap of the device. The lid of the device is attached to the base using hinges, which creates the flipping mechanism, allowing the users to flip open the lid and clean the device's interior. In addition, the chip is rested on top of a rack to minimize the distance between the E. coli-containing chambers, which help to maximize the chance of fluorescent light detection.

Final Design (Design #3): Enhanced Portability, Accessibility, and Functional Integration

The final design optimizes space to better comply with portability while retaining and refining the key elements of the previous iterations (design #2 and initial design). This version introduces additional features such as Bluetooth buttons and a syringe hole. Notable improvements in Design #3 include a precise fit between the orange tab (Figure A) and the curved opening (Figure B). The tab in Figure A helps with easy lid opening, while the curved opening in Figure B allows users to conveniently remove the microfluidic chip after use (also helps with installing the chip before use). Furthermore, the inclusion of a syringe hole is crucial, as it enables the creation of a pressure difference necessary for transporting blood drops from the input chamber to the 3 chambers containing modified E. coli. The Bluetooth device is now positioned on top of the lid, with a cap (featuring a Bluetooth button) covering it, as shown below.

Final outer-shell design

POC (Design Verification Test):

Based on the final design, we proceeded with 3D modeling and conducted the Design Verification Test (DVT). During this process, we made several adjustments to the model, such as addressing mold flow issues and other design flaws. After refining the design, we moved forward with 3D printing the final model, completing the DVT successfully. This served as our proof of concept (POC), validating the functionality and effectiveness of the design for further development.

3D Printed outershell and internal structure

5. Software and UI Module

User-Friendly Mobile Interface Design for Target Users

Our mobile phone based user interface design prioritizes simplicity and user-friendliness, making the device easy to operate for all users. We streamlined the layout and provided clear operational guidelines, allowing users to quickly familiarize themselves with the interface and find the functions they need. To accommodate various usage scenarios, the design adapts to different devices and offers specialized versions, such as a feature-rich interface for pharmacy personnel requiring in-depth operations. This ensures an intuitive and efficient experience for everyone, from patients to professionals.

Initial Design Featuring Four Core Functions

In the first version of the design, we used Modao (an online UE and UI design software) to fully implement the design concept of "simplicity and ease of use", and the interface was simple, intuitive and smooth to operate. Our design includes a Bluetooth connectivity module, a machine start-up module, a data reading module, and a health indicator analysis module, ensuring seamless operation and real-time data feedback. (see the prototype)

Software User Interface Design

Iteration: Learning from User Testing and Feedback

With the first interface design prototype, we conducted face-to-face user tests as part of our product test. Most young and middle-aged participants found the interface easy to understand and use, but we received feedback from elderly users suggesting modifications.

User Tests with young and mid-aged particiipants

Many older users reported that the font size was too small, making it difficult to read and negatively affecting their experience. In response, we made key improvements in the second version by enlarging the font size and optimizing the layout to ensure clearer text and icons, significantly enhancing the usability and reading experience for elderly users.

User test with elderly

Through continuous user feedback and iterative optimization, our user interface continues to improve its support for all types of user groups, making it truly easy to use and taking into account diverse needs.

6.Electronic Circuit Module

As previously mentioned, our goal for the electronic circuits module was to validate the theoretical soundness of the design. We focused on ensuring that the integration of the MCU, sensors and ADC, PID control, and Bluetooth module could efficiently manage data flow and execute control algorithms. By successfully linking the sensors, execution units, and communication channels, we aimed to confirm that the system can maintain stable operation and respond to real-time inputs and outputs, ensuring accurate performance in practical testing environments.

The following diagram depicts the electronic circuit module of our POCT (Point-of-Care Testing) hardware system.

Electronic Circuit Module with bluetooth communication

Here's an explanation of the key components and their interactions:

The Communication Flow:

  • Control Commands/Data Requests are sent from the mobile phone to the POCT hardware through the BLE channel.
  • Data from the sensors, processed by the MCU and ADC, is transmitted back to the mobile phone over the same BLE channel.

This architecture enables remote control and monitoring of the POCT system via a mobile phone, making it suitable for easy, portable testing applications.

Complete Product

The following images depict the complete product, comprising the assembled hardware and a mobile phone-based user interface, equipped with wireless Bluetooth connectivity for control and data transmission.

After several months of rigorous design and validation, we achieved the POC objectives for each individual module. Subsequently, we extended our development efforts to refine the core mechanisms and integrate the primary modules into a cohesive 3D-printed prototype. This prototype was designed to illustrate both the structural and functional aspects of our system, with the goal of presenting it at the Jamboree event for in-depth demonstration and analysis to the onsite audience.

Welcome to our team booth (T-22 Group A) and live stage at the iGEM Jamboree 2024, located at High School Plaza!

Open Source for iGEM


Open-Source Hardware Innovation: Contributing to iGEM’s Collaborative Progress

We are not only beneficiaries of iGEM's open-source spirit but also passionate advocates and practitioners of its "Get & Give (& Share)" philosophy. This principle deeply resonates with us, representing the collaborative and innovative essence of the iGEM community. We firmly believe that this philosophy should extend beyond biological parts to encompass hardware in synthetic biology as well.

Our project is built on this belief, as we seek to develop modular, interchangeable diagnostic instruments that can serve a wide range of applications. Recognizing the growing demand for multi-indicator detection, we aim to package core components—such as optical, fluidic, and temperature control systems—into standardized, open-source modules. By sharing these designs with future iGEM teams, we hope to make meaningful contributions to the community, easing the path for others and encouraging further innovation. It is our sincere desire to give back to this vibrant network that has inspired us, and to play our part in advancing the collective progress of iGEM.

Documents for Reproduction

  1. Notebook 1: Design and Sketches of Microfluid and Outershell

  2. 3D models
  3. We provide 3D models of all modules, as well as rendered exploded views and fully assembled diagrams of the product, for future teams to reference.

    Download ZIP

  4. Notebook 2: Design and Tests of Optical Module
  5. Optical We provide details on the biosensors and sample reaction space capacity within the microfluidic chip, as well as the readable fluorescence measurement data range, for future teams to reference.


Team members' attributions

The LCG-Global team comprises a diverse group of individuals, and within the hardware taskforce, we worked collaboratively, leveraging our unique skills to complete the hardware design and proof of concept (POC). Yuchen Cui (Emma), our hardware taskforce leader, took charge of overseeing the hardware taskforce and managing cross-functional coordination with other taskforces, in addition to leading the user interface design. Haochuan Xu (Nunu) was responsible for the design and validation of the optical system, while Toshi Nagai handled the microfluidic design and 3D modeling of the outer shell as well as the hardware interior parts. Zihang Li focused on the temperature control system and contributed to the electronic circuitry. Our Primary PI, Ms. Zhang, along with instructors Ginger Yang and Nan Jiang, mentored us throughout the entire exploration process, guiding and supporting our journey from start to finish.

As high school students, the task of engineering hardware and integrating it with bioengineering presented considerable challenges. However, our team demonstrated a strong spirit of inquiry, unity, and efficiency in tackling these tasks. While there are still areas for improvement in our work, this research-driven project has provided invaluable learning experiences, which we believe is the most meaningful aspect of our participation in iGEM.

External attributions

Throughout this process, we received invaluable support from external advisors of engineering, who provided crucial insights and technical expertise. Experts from ArcoBiosystem introduced us to the fundamentals of biomedical engineering, while engineers from TargetingOne disassembled their POCT device to show us its internal structure and engineering principles, discussing the design considerations needed to transition from professional machines to home-use devices. Additionally, engineers from Digifluidic demonstrated advanced microfluidic technologies and guided us in the design of our microfluidic chip. Engineers from Baidu (Xiaodu) also provided key insights into the stages of hardware development, which played a critical role in helping us set realistic goals for our project. Engineer Xiang Guofei from Jingfei Technology Co.,Ltd assisted in our optical testing by providing crucial components such as filters and a spectrometer, significantly improving light intensity detection and testing accuracy. His support was key in refining the optical setup and addressing measurement challenges.

Their guidance helped us navigate complex challenges, refine our design approach, and implement practical solutions, significantly contributing to the successful development and validation of our hardware system. This collaboration with experienced professionals allowed us to integrate industry-level practices into our project, further enhancing its quality and feasibility.

We extend our sincere gratitude to these external experts for their invaluable guidance and support, which was instrumental in shaping the success of our project.


  1. https://blog.darwin-microfluidics.com/the-most-used-microfabrication-materials-for-microfluidics/ (various biomaterials)
  2. Newman, Gwenyth, et al. "Challenge of Material Haemocompatibility for Microfluidic Blood-Contacting Applications." Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 11, 2023, pp. 1-11, doi:10.3389/fbioe.2023.1249753. (reaction between PDMS and blood & blood-protective coating)
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDYcyYYhqPg (video on various pressure systems and how they work to transport liquids/blood)
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3VYgLIbfSU (droplet splitting)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH-FCSxRvrU (how to make microfluidics)
  6. Yang, Y. (2024). The invention relates to a portable photoelectric chemical POCT intelligent detection device (Patent No. CN 221351302 U). State Intellectual Property Office.
  7. Li, J., Zhang, Y., & Zheng, Z. (2024). The invention relates to a microfluidic chip and an in vitro detection device (Patent No. CN 118179625 A). State Intellectual Property Office.
  8. Xia, C. (2024). POCT blood cell analyzer and kit (Patent No. CN 113495086 B). State Intellectual Property Office.