- Take 20 µl of each sample and add 5 µl of SDS-PAGE protein loading buffer (Boyetime P0015), vortex to mix, and incubate at 98°C in a water bath for 10 minutes to prepare loading samples.
- Centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 1 minute.
- Prepare 1X MOPS-SDS running buffer by diluting 50 ml of 20X MOPS-SDS running buffer in 950 ml of ddH2O.
- Set up YoungPAGE™ (Genscript: M00928) pre-cast gels in a Biorad Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Vertical Electrophoresis Cell according to the manufacturer's instructions, and add the 1X MOPS-SDS running buffer.
- Load 10 µl of the prepared samples into the gel wells, and add Broad Multi Color Pre-Stained Protein Standard (Genscript: M00624) as the protein molecular weight marker into any empty wells.
- Run the electrophoresis at 200 mV for 20 minutes, adjusting the electrophoresis time based on the actual results.
- After electrophoresis, remove the SDS gel and proceed with staining and destaining according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- After destaining, place the gel in a ChemiDoc Imaging System (Biorad: 12003153) for gel imaging and upload the images.
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