
From late February to March 2024, we, a diverse group of students from various backgrounds, came together to form LCG-Global. Working as a team, we adopted a taskforce approach, where each of us contributed to multiple parts of the project. This gave everyone the opportunity to apply our unique skills while also stepping out of their comfort zones. Together, we’ve learned, grown, and built something greater than we could have imagined alone.

Along the way, we’ve gained not just technical knowledge, but also a deeper understanding of collaboration, innovation and problem-solving. Our PIs and instructors were there every step of the way, guiding us through the complex world of wet lab work, hardware design, and Human Practices. With their constant support and the valuable advice of external advisors, we were able to keep our project aligned with both high technical standards and practical, real-world impact.

As we reflect on the time and dedication we’ve put into this project, we’re filled with pride. We’ve given our best, and together, we hope to see all our efforts pay off in the competition. Beyond the results, we are incredibly excited and grateful to be part of iGEM, which provides such a unique platform for synthetic biology. This experience has allowed us to engage with cutting-edge science and work toward real-world solutions. We look forward to showcasing our work and learning from the global community, knowing the lessons and relationships we’ve built will last long after the competition.