A biomarker is a molecular indicator used to identify the presence or progression of a disease, and its effectiveness depends on its ability to distinguish the target species from other closely related species. Proteins and nucleic acids are commonly employed as biomarkers in disease detection and species identification. After conducting an extensive literature review, we identified three promising biomarkers associated with Colletotrichum falcatum, the fungal pathogen responsible for Red Rot in Sugarcane:
    PKS1 Gene: The Polyketide synthase 1 (PKS1) gene plays a crucial role in melanin biosynthesis, which is linked to virulence in C. falcatum. PKS1 is involved in producing dihydroxy naphthalene (DHN) melanin, an essential factor in the pathogen's ability to infect sugarcane plants. Although conserved across different strains, PKS1 was found to be non-specific to C. falcatum, as it is present in other closely related Colletotrichum species, making it less reliable as a unique biomarker for Red Rot detection [1].
    EPL1 Protein: The Eliciting Plant-like Protein (EPL1) is a protein that triggers Sugarcane’s defence mechanisms upon C. falcatum infection. This protein elicits a response from the plant’s immune system as the pathogen starts its invasion process. Although EPL1 is unique to C. falcatum, it exhibits variations across different strains, which complicates its use as a consistent and reliable biomarker for all strains of the pathogen [2].
    ITS rDNA Gene: The Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is a highly conserved genetic region in C. falcatum that serves as a spacer between ribosomal RNA genes. While the ITS region is present in all species of Colletotrichum, its sequence in C. falcatum shows significant variation compared to closely related species, making it an ideal candidate for accurate species identification [3].
Among these biomarkers, the ITS rDNA gene stands out as the most promising for our diagnostic project, primarily due to its high conservation across different strains of C. falcatum and its ability to differentiate the pathogen from other species within the Colletotrichum genus. This specificity is critical for the precise detection of Red Rot in Sugarcane. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequences has further revealed distinct clustering of C. falcatum isolates into three primary regions: region I (Bangladesh), region II (India), and region III (China, Japan, USA, Mexico, and others). Notably, isolates from Bangladesh and India, while closely related, form separate clusters, indicating regional genetic differentiation within C. falcatum populations [3].
Additionally, a deeper examination of ITS rDNA sequences identified unique nucleotide substitutions at positions 132, 136, 138, 388, and 389 (T/G/C/TC) that are specific to Indian isolates of C. falcatum. These genetic markers further distinguish the Indian strains from isolates from other countries, highlighting the evolutionary dynamics and regional diversity of C. falcatum [3].
To validate the robustness of ITS rDNA as a biomarker, we performed a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) on the top 20 hits from an NCBI BLAST search, which included different strains of C. falcatum (e.g., KP205442.1, MN636354.1, PP663265.1). The analysis revealed a highly conserved 430 bp sequence across these strains, confirming its suitability as a universal marker for the detection of C. falcatum.
This conserved ITS rDNA sequence presents a reliable and efficient molecular target for early and accurate detection of C. falcatum, offering a potential breakthrough in the management of Red Rot disease in Sugarcane.
Sample Source and Collection
We are collecting samples from both soil and sugarcane stalks to ensure comprehensive detection of C. Falcatum. Soil samples are essential because the fungus often persists in the soil, serving as a primary source of infection, particularly through infected setts and plant debris. By analyzing soil samples, we can detect the presence of the pathogen before it infects the plant, enabling proactive disease management. Stalk samples are equally important as they allow us to identify the presence of the pathogen within the plant tissue itself, especially during the early stages of infection before visible symptoms appear. Collecting from both sources provides a broader, more accurate diagnostic approach, helping to reduce the spread of the disease.
Cell Lysis
We are choosing this chemical method for DNA extraction in our Point-of-Care (POC) red rot detection system due to its proven efficiency, simplicity, and ability to yield high-quality DNA from C. falcatum, the pathogen responsible for red rot in Sugarcane. The method employs a detergent-based lysis buffer, which efficiently disrupts the tough fungal cell walls, followed by organic solvent extraction (phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol) to purify the DNA. This approach provides a balance between cost-effectiveness and reliability, making it ideal for a rapid, field-ready diagnostic tool. By ensuring that the extracted DNA is free from contaminants, the method supports sensitive and accurate detection, crucial for early-stage pathogen identification. The overall protocol involves cell lysis with SDS, protein denaturation using phenol-chloroform, and subsequent purification, ensuring high-purity DNA suitable for amplification in our system. For a detailed breakdown of the protocols, please refer WetLabs Protocols [4].
Identifying DNA Binding Protein
Protein-DNA binding phenomenon, like zinc finger proteins, is highly valuable in point-of-care (POC) diagnostic kits like ours for precise DNA detection. Zinc fingers can be engineered to selectively bind to specific DNA sequences, enabling highly targeted and reliable recognition. Upon binding, these interactions generate detectable signals, such as fluorescence or calorimetric changes, which allow for rapid, on-site DNA detection without the need for complex laboratory equipment. This approach enhances both the sensitivity and practicality of POC kits, making them ideal for use in low-resource or field settings where quick and accurate diagnostics are essential.
To identify prospective protein binding sites within the conserved sequence, we utilized the FIMO tool (Find Individual Motif Occurrences), part of the MEME suite. FIMO scans a given sequence for motifs that are known binding sites for proteins, allowing us to identify candidate motifs where proteins may bind.
    (1) Input Data:
      We put the ITS rDNA conserved sequence of C. falcatum into the FIMO Tool.
      The motif database file (.meme) chosen for this search included many transcription factors and DNA-binding proteins, including proteins from fungi and related eukaryotic organisms.
    (2) Search Parameters:
      We set the FIMO tool to search both strands of the DNA sequence.
      The p-value threshold was set at 1E-4 to ensure high-confidence matches for protein binding motifs.
      We enabled the option for genomic coordinate parsing, which allows us to identify the exact location of each motif match within our sequence.
    (3) Analysis and Output:
      FIMO returned a list of prospective motifs and corresponding proteins, ranked by their match p-values. Lower p-values represent stronger evidence of motif occurrence.
Vector for Protein Display
For the display of this DNA binding domain, we have selected the M13KE bacteriophage vector, which will play a crucial role in the development of a Point-of-Care (POC) diagnostic kit.
The M13 bacteriophage, specifically the M13KE variant, is a widely used filamentous bacteriophage in phage display technology. Phage display is a powerful technique that allows the presentation of peptides or protein domains on the surface of the phage, facilitating the study of protein-protein, protein-DNA, or protein-ligand interactions.
We chose the M13KE vector for displaying the ZAP1 DNA binding domain (DBD) for several key reasons:
    (1) Efficient Surface Display:
      M13KE has a coat protein (pIII) that allows the fusion of ZAP1 DNA binding domain. This display mechanism ensures that the binding domain is readily accessible for interactions with the DNA of interest, in this case, the conserved ITS rDNA sequence of C. falcatum.
    (2) Robust Phage Amplification:
      M13KE phage can be amplified easily in E. coli(E. coli DH5alpha), allowing the production of large quantities of the phage particles displaying the ZAP1 DBD. This makes the system scalable and practical for application in a diagnostic kit.
    (3) Phage Stability:
      The filamentous structure of M13 bacteriophage provides stability under different environmental conditions, making it a suitable candidate for use in field-based diagnostics. M13 can remain stable and functional even in non-sterile conditions, which is ideal for POC applications.
    (4) High Specificity of Displayed Proteins:
      The M13 phage display system provides high specificity, as only the DNA binding domain of ZAP1 will be presented. This allows for targeted binding to the ITS rDNA sequence of C. falcatum, minimizing the chances of non-specific binding or false positives in the detection system.
    (5) Phage Display Libraries:
      The M13KE system allows for the creation of large phage display libraries, which means we could potentially test different variants of ZAP1 or other DNA-binding proteins to improve sensitivity and specificity in future iterations of the diagnostic kit.
Our goal is to develop a rapid, sensitive, and cost-effective POC diagnostic kit for C. falcatum. By using the M13KE phage to display the ZAP1 DBD, the kit will be able to detect the presence of the pathogen’s conserved ITS rDNA sequence with high specificity. The integration of this system into a portable detection platform, such as an iSPR (smartphone based imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance) sensor, can make this kit field-ready. Alternatively ITC can be performed to detect the protein binding with DNA.
    (1) Scindiya, M., Malathi, P., Kaverinathan, K. et al. RNA-mediated silencing of PKS1 gene in Colletotrichum Falcatum causing red rot in Sugarcane. Eur J Plant Pathol 153, 371–384 (2019). doi:
    (2) Ashwin NMR, Barnabas L, Ramesh Sundar A, et al. Comparative secretome analysis of Colletotrichum Falcatum identifies a cerato-platanin protein (EPL1) as a potential pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) inducing systemic resistance in Sugarcane. J Proteomics. 2017;169:2-20. doi:
    (3) Hossain, M. I., Ahmad, K., Vadamalai, G., Siddiqui, Y., Saad, N., Ahmed, O. H., Hata, E. M., Adzmi, F., Rashed, O., Rahman, M. Z., & Kutawa, A. B. (2021). Phylogenetic Analysis and Genetic Diversity of Colletotrichum Falcatum Isolates Causing Sugarcane Red Rot Disease in Bangladesh. In Biology (Vol. 10, Issue 9, p. 862). MDPI AG.
    (4) Fungal Genomics: Methods and Protocols: Manfred G. Grabherr, Evan Mauceli, Li-Jun Ma (auth.), Jin-Rong Xu, Burton H. Bluhm (eds.)