We were able to successfully carry out the docking process using
Google's AlphaFold 3 server. The server allowed us to predict
multiple conformations of the protein, each of which was then
thoroughly analyzed. We utilized the structural insights provided
by AlphaFold to evaluate the stability and accuracy of each
conformation, allowing us to identify the most probable binding
interactions. This iterative analysis enabled us to refine our
understanding of the protein's structural behavior and its
potential functional implications in the context of the docking
Cycle 1
We obtained the 2-D and 3-D structures of the ZAP1 protein and its
ITS rDNA and docked them using Google's AlphaFold 3 server.
Through this process, we identified the most energetically
favorable clusters, on which we plan to conduct molecular dynamics
(MD) simulations.
We generated the input files for MD simulations of the ZAP1 (1ZW8)
protein and its ITS rDNA using the appropriate tools and methods.
During this process, we set up the MD conditions with the
generated grid box and a 0.15 M KCl solution. As a result, we
obtained the GROMACS input files in .mdp format, along with the
necessary topology files, which are essential for conducting the
molecular dynamics simulations.
We conducted the energy minimization run, followed by NVT and NPT
equilibration phases, and finally performed the molecular dynamics
run. Through this process, we obtained results that allowed us to
create an MD movie. Subsequently, we executed the commands for
analyses, including RMSD, RMSF, hydrogen bond, and radius of
gyration, to evaluate the dynamic behavior and stability of the
protein-DNA complex throughout the simulation.
The initial docking cycle provides insights into the potential
binding interactions between the ZAP1 protein and ITS rDNA. This
information guides the direction for subsequent docking cycles.
Cycle 2
After the previous cycle, we learned about the simulation time for
the proteins. We picked the best clusters for the proteins and ran
the GROMACS simulations on them.
We set the simulation time and generated the input files for MD
simulations of the 1ZW8 Protein, where we established the MD
conditions with a generated grid box and a solution of 0.15 M KCl
and 0.15 M MgCl2. Consequently, we obtained the GROMACS input
files in .mdp format, along with the topology files.
We set the simulation parameters and ran the energy minimization
run, NVT, NPT, and finally the molecular dynamics run. Through
this process, we obtained results that allowed us to create an MD
movie and ran commands for RMSD, RMSF, hydrogen bond, and radius
of gyration analysis.
As we can see from the images above, simulations for the docked
structures will be carried out after obtaining results from
AlphaFold. This step is crucial, as it allows us to observe the
dynamic behavior of the protein-DNA complexes over time, offering
insights that static structures cannot provide. By simulating the
docked conformations, we can analyze how the binding interactions
evolve, including conformational changes, stability, and
flexibility of the protein and DNA components. This dynamic
modeling will help us understand the operational mechanisms
underlying the molecular interactions, revealing key details about
binding affinity and specificity. Additionally, the simulations
can identify potential allosteric sites or conformational states
that may be relevant for regulatory functions. Overall,
integrating molecular dynamics simulations with docking results
will deepen our understanding of the biological processes at play,
guiding us in optimizing the interactions for applications such as
drug design or synthetic biology.