School Visit
Team iGEM IIT Roorkee conducted the workshop for the students where our team members described various topics that we worked on including SynBio, Application of SynBio, Machine learning and its Application, iGEM, our problem statement and proposed solution. Each member of our team explained in thorough details the aforementioned topics which really captured the attention of the students gathered there.We also discussed our iGEM problem statement and the solution for the same as students were made aware of the problem of Red Rot in Sugarcane. Our workshop showed them not just the past projects in SynBio; but it also induced a way of free-thinking and exploring in them.
All India iGEM Meet(AIIM)
Participating in the All India iGEM Conference gives us the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share our passion for synthetic biology. It allows us to showcase our project, exchange ideas, and learn from other iGEM teams. Through these interactions, we aim to foster collaboration, expand our knowledge, and inspire others to explore the potential of synthetic biology in solving real-world challenges.
Our team also participated in the All India iGEM Meet (AIIM), a prestigious conference that gathers teams from across India to present their iGEM ideas for the current edition. This year’s event took place in a hybrid format at IISc Bengaluru, allowing for both in-person and online participation.
During the conference, we had the opportunity to present our project titled "Sugar Care" to a distinguished panel of five experts in the field of synthetic biology. The session was highly informative, offering valuable insights and constructive feedback that will aid in the further development of our project. Notably, the judges advised us to consult additional stakeholders due to the significant impact our project could have on the community. They emphasized the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives to ensure a comprehensive approach.
Following their advice, we actively engaged with relevant stakeholders, gathering their opinions and insights, which have since informed our ongoing work. The conference fostered a collaborative environment, encouraging the exchange of innovative ideas and facilitating networking among participants. Events like AIIM highlight the vibrant spirit of the iGEM community in India and underscore the potential for impactful solutions within synthetic biology.
Media Outreach
Harnessing the power of social media to raise awareness about synthetic biology involved tapping into the broad reach and interactive nature of platforms like Instagram. Our team focused on creating content that was not only educational but also visually engaging, given that platforms like Instagram thrive on aesthetics. By using a combination of graphics, short-form videos, and creative captions, our posts simplified complex topics, making synthetic biology more approachable for a general audience.
In addition to raising awareness about synthetic biology, our team also used social media to promote research. Sharing updates on our own project, explaining the research process, and highlighting the importance of scientific inquiry, encouraging others to get involved in research themselves.
Workshop Initiative: "Chai, Career and Charcha”
As undergraduate students dedicated to promoting research, we organized an offline workshop for campus students titled "Chai, Career, and Charcha." This event aimed to create an engaging platform where we could share our enthusiasm for synthetic biology and discuss the implications of our project focused on the detection of red rot disease.
During the workshop, we also introduced research careers, highlighting the various pathways available for students interested in pursuing science. We discussed the skills and experiences that are beneficial in a research environment, emphasizing the importance of curiosity, critical thinking, and collaboration.
Through this workshop, we aimed not only to promote our project but also to inspire fellow students to consider careers in research and to raise awareness about the critical role of synthetic biology in addressing real-world challenges, such as plant diseases like red rot. The combination of casual conversation over chai and informative discussions created an inviting atmosphere that fostered curiosity and enthusiasm for science.