Standardized Biomarker and Biomarker Binding Protein Identification Process
Biomarker Identification
Focus on analyzing the ribosomal DNA, particularly looking for highly conserved regions that are unique to the species of interest. This conserved region can be leveraged as a potential biomarker applicable to a broad range of species.
Motif Identification
To identify transcription factor binding motifs, follow these steps:
    Data Preparation:
      Start by obtaining a MEME file that includes a list of transcription factors and their associated binding motifs. This data can be sourced from a reputable database such as JASPAR. Additionally, prepare a FASTA file containing the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences from the species you are studying.
    FIMO Analysis:
      Utilize the FIMO tool from the MEME Suite for motif analysis. Run the FIMO command either in Shell or through the MEME Suite interface. This tool will help identify proteins with the best binding affinities and their corresponding motifs within your DNA sequences.
    Results Compilation:
      After running FIMO, compile the list of proteins along with their binding affinities and associated motifs.
    Sequence Analysis:
      Analyze the sequences identified by FIMO for biological relevance and functional implications. This step is crucial for understanding how these motifs may influence gene regulation and other biological processes.
    Selection of Optimal Motif:
      Choose the best motif based on the lowest p-value. This value indicates the probability of a random sequence of the same length binding to the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the transcription factor, thus ensuring the reliability of your findings.
This guideline provides a structured approach for identifying biomarkers and transcription factor binding motifs in rDNA. By following these steps, researchers can enhance their understanding of species-specific genetic elements and contribute to the broader field of genetic research.
Protocol for Transforming Nuclear Protein into Surface Protein for external Binding
Traditionally, phage display systems use peptides or antibodies as surface proteins. Our team has introduced a novel approach by using a transcription factor, which is a nuclear protein, as a surface protein. This transcription factor naturally binds to specific DNA sequences, and by repurposing this nuclear protein for surface display, we are encouraging other iGEM teams to explore proteins with unique biological roles for surface applications.
Transcription factors are known for their high specificity in binding DNA sequences. By using a transcription factor to target a DNA biomarker, we demonstrate how phage display systems can achieve greater precision. This approach can inspire other teams to develop more accurate methods for detecting genetic elements and diseases.
Our innovative use of transcription factors, especially nuclear proteins, expands this system to include protein-DNA interactions. This opens up new avenues for molecular recognition and broadens the application of phage display technology.
Phage display is commonly used in diagnostics and therapeutics, but our method of using a nuclear transcription factor as a surface protein shows that it can also be adapted for genetic regulation or other DNA-based applications. This could inspire other teams to explore gene therapy or synthetic biology applications that involve gene control.
By integrating molecular biology and phage display with the novel use of a nuclear transcription factor as a surface protein, our project sets an example for interdisciplinary approaches. It encourages other teams to combine different biological systems to develop new and innovative synthetic solutions.
Our project plays a crucial role in raising awareness about red rot disease by providing an innovative and accessible diagnostic tool for farmers. By making red rot screening more convenient and user-friendly, we empower farmers to take charge of their crops and consider early detection. This proactive approach not only aids in timely intervention but also encourages conversations about red rot within farming communities, helping to break down the stigma associated with crop diseases. By offering an effective and easy-to-use diagnostic kit for early diagnosis, our project actively contributes to raising awareness about red rot disease, fostering a better understanding of its impact, and ultimately promoting a proactive approach to managing this significant agricultural concern, thereby reducing monetary losses for farmers.
Charles E. Grant, Timothy L. Bailey and William Stafford Noble, "FIMO: Scanning for occurrences of a given motif", Bioinformatics 27(7):1017-1018, 2011.