
    April 22th, 2024: Selection of Target Genes

    Spodoptera litura is an important crop pest, which has evolved a high degree of resistance to all insecticides targeted at it. After 24 h injection of 500 ng/μL dsRNA, the expression levels of SlCHS1 and SlCHS2 were significantly inhibited in S. litura (Yu et al.,2020). Among them, SlCHS1 has a high expression level in the outer epidermis and is exclusively expressed in the epidermis underlying the cuticular exoskeleton and related ectodermal cells such as tracheal cells, while SlCHS2 is highly expressed in the midgut, which protects the intestinal epithelium from mechanical disruption and invasion by various pathogens.

    These results suggest that SlCHS1 might play an important role during S. litura larval molting, while SlCHS2 has no significant effect on S. litura molting. Therefore, we have chosen SlCHS1 for further study.


    April 23th, 2024: Selection of Backbones

    Five backbones were selected in the literature (Bally et al., 2020): At-miR159(At, Arabidopsis thaliana), Dm-ba (Dm, Drosophila melanogaster), Dv-miR279 (Dv, Diabrotica virgifera), Dv-miR1 and Tc-ba (Tc, Tribolium castaneum). The literature shows that even if the inhibitory effect of Artificial microRNA (amiRNA) delivered in the Arabidopsis pre-miR backbone is lower than that of amiRNA delivered in the insect pre-miR backbones, the effect of the insect backbones is better than that of the plant backbones. The results of the five backbones compared with the wild type are as follows:


    By comparing the rate of death and pupation failuregreatest inhibition Tc-ba > Dv-miR279 > Dv-miR1 > Dm-ba > At-miR159, so we finally chose the Tc-ba backbone.

    April 24th, 2024: Prediction of Effective Fragments of CHS1 from Spodoptera litura

    The relative location and number of effective amiRNA candidates at CHS1 were predicted by indicated bioinformatics tools (DNAMAN, siDirect and Wizard). We selected hotspots predicted by all three tools as effective fragments of CHS1 from Spodoptera litura. Two amiRNA candidates (CHS1-1, CHS1-2) are in the hotspot.

    Spodoptera litura CHS1



    April 25th, 2024: The Construction of Tc-ba-miR-CHS1

    We found the base sequence of Tc-ba-miR-ACE2(Yu et al.2020).

    Tc-ba: Tribolium castaneum bantam H. armigera ACE2 target


    By replacing ACE2 with CHS1 in Tc-ba-miR-ACE2, Tc-ba-miR-CHS1 was constructed.

    Tc-ba scaffold S. litura CHS1 target 1


    April 26th, 2024: Primers were Designed and Synthesized by Wuhan Gencreate Company in China

    Tc-ba-miR-CHS1-1 synF1


    Tc-ba-miR-CHS1-1 synF2


    Tc-ba-miR-CHS1-1 synF3






    May 2th, 2024: Get the Interest Fragment

    Received primers synthesized by the company.

    1.     Reaction system:

    Tc-ba-miR-CHS1-1 synF12 μl
    Tc-ba-miR-CHS1-1 synF32 μl

               Golden Star T6 Super PCR Mix (Beijing Tsingke Biotechnology Co.,
               Ltd., China)
    46 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    Place in a PCR amplifier (Adjust the time according to the instructions).

    1.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis

    • Prepare with 1 % agarose gelatin.
    • Weigh 0.5 g of agarose into a Conical flask and add 50 ml of Tris-acetate EDTA(TAE).
    • Heat in the microwave until transparent.
    • Select the comb according to the fragment length and insert a comb at the top of the mold to form the sample well.
    • After the gel is polymerized, the comb can be removed.
    • Place gel in the electrophoresis chamber. Gels should be completely submerged in buffer to allow ion flow and prevent gel drying.

    2.     Electrophoresis

    • Remove the three PCR tubes from the PCR amplifier.
    • Load the marker (2k Plus2) into the first well using a micropipette and allow all the samples in the three PCR tubes to “fall” into each of the three the sample.
    • Fill the upper and lower chambers with running buffer and apply an electric potential on the gel at a constant voltage of 120 V.
    • Remove the gel from the gel tray and expose the gel to UV light. DNA bands show up as fluorescent bands.
    • 图片(3孔+2k Plus2  100往下)

    3.     Recycling of DNA from Agarose Gels

    • Excise a gel slice containing the DNA of interest.
    • Place the gel slice containing the DNA sample into an EP tube. Add 30μl of XP2 Binding Buffer (Omega Bio-Tek, USA).
    • Melt the gel slice at 70°C for 15 min. Make sure that the gel slice is melted.
    • Pour in the Spin column to collect Tube and centrifugal (12000 rpm 1 min).
    • Discard the buffer.
    • Add 700μl SPW Buffer (Omega Bio-Tek, USA) to elute 2 times. Centrifuge the solution (12000 rpm 2 min).
    • Replace the lower part with an EP tube.
    • Add 30μl Elution buffer and heat for 2 min at 60 °C. Centrifuge the solution (12000 rpm 1 min).
    • Nucleic acid quantification.
    • Get the fragment Primer23.

    May 3th, 2024: Get the Interest Fragment

    1.  Reaction system:

    Primer2+31 μl
    Tc-ba-miR-CHS1-1 synF12 μl
    Tc-ba-miR-CHS1-1 synF32 μl

               Golden Star T6 Super PCR Mix (Beijing Tsingke Biotechnology Co.,
               Ltd., China)
    45 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    Place in a PCR amplifier (Adjust the time according to the instructions).

    2.  Prepare with 1 % agarose gelatin.

    3.  Electrophoresis.

    4.  Take a picture of the gel.

    • 图片(3孔+2k Plus2  100-200)138

    5.  Recycling of DNA from Agarose Gels.

         Get the interest fragment Tc-ba-miR-CHS1.

    May 4th, 2024: Sequence of Digestion Sites Added

    1.  Reaction system:

    Tc-ba-miR-CHS11 μl
    XhoI-Tc-F12 μl
    XbaI-Tc-R12 μl

               Golden Star T6 Super PCR Mix (Beijing Tsingke Biotechnology Co.,
               Ltd., China)
    45 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    2.  Prepare with 1 % agarose gelatin.

    3.  Electrophoresis.

    4.  Take a picture of the gel.

    • 图片(3孔+2k Plus2  100-200)138以上

    5.  Recycling of DNA from Agarose Gels.

    Get the interest fragment containing digestion sites (XhoI XbaI).

    May 5th, 2024: Plasmid Transformation

    1.     Plasmid transformation.

    After receiving the plasmid pET-28a (+) dry powder, follow the instructions on the kit to transform the plasmid into E. coli DH5α.

    2.     Culture monoclonal colonies.

    • Add 900 μl of antibiotic-free LB liquid medium and incubate at 180 rpm
           shaking for 45 min.
    • Centrifuge at 6000 rpm for 5 min.
    • Inoculate onto
         Luria-Bertani (LB) medium containing Kanamycin. Incubate the culture overnight at 37°C.


    May 6th, 2024: Culture Monoclonal Colonies

    • Pick monoclonal colonies to inoculate 2 ml of LB medium containing Kan with a single colony of transformed bacteria.
    • Incubate the culture overnight at 37°C with vigorous shaking.

    May 7th, 2024: Plasmid Extraction

    1.     Lyse bacteria to release plasmid DNA.

    • Pour 1.5 ml of the culture into a microfuge tube. Centrifuge at 12000 rpm for 30 s at 4 °C.
    • Resuspend the bacterial pellet in 100 µl of ice-cold Alkaline lysis solution I by vigorous vortexing.

    2.     Isolate and purify plasmids.

    • Add 200 µl of Alkaline lysis solution II to each bacterial suspension.
    • Add 150 µl of ice-cold Alkaline lysis solution III.
    • Centrifuge the bacterial lysate at 12000rmp for 5 min at 4 °C in a microfuge. Transfer the supernatant to a fresh tube.
    • Add an equal volume of phenol: chloroform.
    • Adding ethanol into the supernatant. Mix the solution by vortexing.
    • Collect the precipitated nucleic acids by centrifugation at maximum speed for 5 min at 4 °C in a microfuge.

    3.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    4.     Store at -20°C for later use.

    May 8th ,2024: The Expression Vector pMJ5 Was Designed Based on pET28a (+)


    May 9th ,2024: Plasmid Digestion

    1.     Reaction system:

    XbaI1 μl
    XhoI1 μl
    pET-28a(3÷0.2)15 μl
    10X QuickCut Green Buffer5 μl
    ddH2O28 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    2.     37 ℃, 5h.

    3.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    4.     Electrophoresis.

    5.     Recycling of DNA from agarose gels.

    图片3孔+2k Plus2  4000-5000

    6.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    7.     Store at -20 °C for later use.

    May 10th ,2024: PCR product Digestion

    1.     Reaction system:

    XbaI1 μl
    XhoI1 μl

               Tc-ba-miR-CHS1 (containing digestion sites)
    30 μl
    10X QuickCut Green Buffer3 μl
    ddH2O15 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    2.     37 ℃, 5 h.

    3.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    4.     Electrophoresis.

    5.     Recycling of DNA from agarose gels.

           图片3孔+2k Plus2  100-200

    6.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    7.     Store at -20 °C for later use.

    May 11th ,2024:the Plasmid and Fragment are Ligated by the T4 DNA Ligase

    1.     Reaction system:

    processed vector1 μl
    processed Tc-ba-miR-CHS13 μl
    T4 DNA Ligase0.5 μl
    10 × T4 DNA ligase Buffer1 μl
    ddH2O4.5 μl
    Total volume10 μl

    2.     16 ℃, 3 h.

    3.     The constructed plasmid was transformed into DH5α by heat shock.

    • Add 5 μl of the constructed plasmid mixture and place on ice for 20 min.
    • Heat shock 42 ℃, 45 s.
    • Add 500 μl of LB medium to each of the tubes.
    • Shake at 211 rpm, 37 ℃ for 1 h.

    4.     Add 300 μl of the above transformation mix to a solid LB containing Kana (100 μg /ml) in a clean bench.

    5.     Overnight at 37 °C.

    May 12th ,2024: Check whether the Vector is Successfully Constructed

    1.     Colony PCR:

    10 µM Primer F2 µl
    10 µM Primer R2 µl
    金牌Mix (green)45 µl
    Bacterial liquid1 µl
    Total volume50 µl

    2.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    3.     Electrophoresis.

            图片(3孔+2k Plus2  100-200)(条带比138长)

    May 14th ,2024: Single Colony Expansion Culture

    1.     Pick the sequenced single colonies in the clean bench and add them to a bacterial bottle (contains 5 ml of liquid medium containing KanR).

    2.     Overnight on a shaker at 37 °C.

    May 15th ,2024: Plasmid Extraction

    1.     The bacterial fluid in the bacterial bottle appears cloudy.

    2.     Plasmid Extraction (Operate according to the instructions).

    3.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    4.     Take 10 μl for sequencing. (浓度在100以上的情况)

    5.     The company emailed back that the fragment sequenced yesterday was correct. Then the vector pMJ5 (Tc-ba-miR-CHS1) was constructed successfully.

    May 18th ,2024: The Expression Vector pMJ6 Was Designed Based on pFJ1

    1.     The pFJ1 is made by the senior sister and we replaced the target gene on this basis


    May 19th ,2024: Two Primers were Designed and Synthesized by Wuhan Gencreate Company in China



    May 20th, 2024: Get the Interest Fragment

     Received two primers (Primer1: XhoI-Tc-F2 Primer2: HindⅢ-Tc-R2)synthesized by the company.

    1.     Reaction system:

    Tc-ba-miR-CHS11 μl
    XhoI-Tc-F22 μl
    HindⅢ-Tc-R22 μl

               Golden Star T6 Super PCR Mix (Beijing Tsingke Biotechnology Co.,
               Ltd., China)
    45 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    2.     Prepare with 1 % agarose gelatin.

    3.     Electrophoresis.

    4.     Take a picture of the gel.

    • 图片(3孔+2k Plus2  )

    5.     Recycling of DNA from Agarose Gels.

            Get the interest fragment containing digestion sites (XhoI HindⅢ).

    May 21th ,2024: Plasmid Digestion

    1.     Reaction system:

    HindⅢ1 μl
    XhoI1 μl
    pJF1(3÷0.2)15 μl
    10X QuickCut Green Buffer5 μl
    ddH2O28 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    2.     37 ℃, 5h.

    3.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    4.     Electrophoresis.

    5.     Recycling of DNA from agarose gels.

    图片(3孔+2k Plus2  )

    6.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    7.     Store at -20 °C for later use.

    May 22th ,2024: the Plasmid and Fragment are Ligated by the T4 DNA Ligase

    1.     Reaction system:

    processed vector1 μl

               processed interest fragment
    2.5 μl
    T4 DNA Ligase0.5 μl
    10 × T4 DNA ligase Buffer1 μl
    ddH2O5 μl
    Total volume10 μl

    2.     16 ℃, 3 h.

    3.     The constructed plasmid was transformed into DH5α by heat shock.

    • Add 5 μl of the constructed plasmid mixture and place on ice for 20 min.
    • Heat shock 42 ℃, 45 s.
    • Add 500 μl of LB medium to each of the tubes.
    • Shake at 211 rpm, 37 ℃ for 1 h.

    4.     Add 300 μl of the above transformation mix to a solid LB containing Kana (100 μg /ml) in a clean bench.

    5.     Overnight at 37 °C.

    May 23th ,2024: Check whether the Vector is Successfully Constructed

    1.     Colony PCR:

    10 µM Primer F2 µl
    10 µM Primer R2 µl
    金牌Mix (green)45 µl
    Bacterial liquid1 µl
    Total volume50 µl

    2.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    3.     Electrophoresis.

            图片3孔+2k Plus2  )——失败无条带

    May 24th ,2024: the Plasmid and Fragment are Ligated by the T4 DNA Ligase

    1.     Reaction system:

    processed vector1 μl

               processed interest fragment
    2.5 μl
    T4 DNA Ligase0.5 μl
    10 × T4 DNA ligase Buffer1 μl
    ddH2O5 μl
    Total volume10 μl

    2.     16 ℃, 3 h.

    3.     The constructed plasmid was transformed into DH5α by heat shock.

    • Add 5 μl of the constructed plasmid mixture and place on ice for 20 min.
    • Heat shock 42 ℃, 45 s.
    • Add 500 μl of LB medium to each of the tubes.
    • Shake at 211 rpm, 37 ℃ for 1 h.
      4.     Add 300 μl of the above transformation mix to a solid LB containing Kana (100 μg /ml) in a clean bench.

    5.     Overnight at 37 °C.

    May 25th ,2024: Check whether the Vector is Successfully Constructed

    1.     Colony PCR:

    10 µM Primer F2 µl
    10 µM Primer R2 µl
    金牌Mix (green)45 µl
    Bacterial liquid1 µl
    Total volume50µl

    2.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    3.     Electrophoresis.

    图片(3孔+2k Plus2  )

    May 26th ,2024: Single Colony Expansion Culture

    1.     Pick the sequenced single colonies in the clean bench and add them to a bacterial bottle (contains 5 ml of liquid medium containing KanR).

    2.     Overnight on a shaker at 37 °C.

    May 27th ,2024: Plasmid Extraction

    1.     The bacterial fluid in the bacterial bottle appears cloudy.

    2.     Plasmid Extraction (Operate according to the instructions).

    3.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    4.     Take 10 μl for sequencing. (浓度在100以上的情况)

    5.     The company emailed back that the fragment sequenced yesterday was correct. Then the vector pMJ6 (MS2-Tc-ba-miR-CHS1) was constructed successfully.

    May 29th ,2024: The Expression Vector pMJ7 Was Designed Based on pFJ4

    1.     The pFJ4 is made by the senior sister and we replaced the target gene on this basis


    May 30th ,2024: Two Primers were Designed and Synthesized by Wuhan Gencreate Company in China



    May 31th, 2024: Get the Interest Fragment
         Received two primers (Primer1: XhoI-Tc-F3 Primer2: Hind-Tc-R3) synthesized by the company.

    1.     Reaction system:

    Tc-ba-miR-CHS11 μl
    XhoI-Tc-F32 μl
    HindⅢ-Tc-R32 μl

               Golden Star T6 Super PCR Mix (Beijing Tsingke Biotechnology Co.,
               Ltd., China)
    45 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    2.     Prepare with 1 % agarose gelatin.

    3.     Electrophoresis.

    4.     Take a picture of the gel.

    • 图片3孔+2k Plus2

    5.     Recycling of DNA from Agarose Gels.

       Get the interest fragment containing digestion sites (XhoI Hind).

    June 1th ,2024: Plasmid Digestion

    1.     Reaction system:

    HindⅢ1 μl
    XhoI1 μl
    pJF4(3÷0.2)15 μl
    10X QuickCut Green Buffer5 μl
    ddH2O28 μl
    Total volume50 μl

    2.     37 ℃, 5h.

    3.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    4.     Electrophoresis.

    5.     Recycling of DNA from agarose gels.

    图片3孔+2k Plus2  

    6.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    7.     Store at -20 °C for later use.

    June 2th ,2024:the Plasmid and Fragment are Ligated by the T4 DNA Ligase

    1.     Reaction system:

    processed vector1 μl

               processed interest fragment
    2.5 μl
    T4 DNA Ligase0.5 μl
    10 × T4 DNA ligase Buffer1 μl
    ddH2O5 μl
    Total volume10 μl

    2.     16 ℃, 3 h.

    3.     The constructed plasmid was transformed into DH5α by heat shock.

    • Add 5 μl of the constructed plasmid mixture and place on ice for 20 min.
    • Heat shock 42 ℃, 45 s.
    • Add 500 μl of LB medium to each of the tubes.
    • Shake at 211 rpm, 37 ℃ for 1 h.

    4.     Add 300 μl of the above transformation mix to a solid LB containing Kana (100 μg /ml) in a clean bench.

    5.     Overnight at 37 °C.

    June 3th ,2024: Check whether the Vector is Successfully Constructed

    1.     Colony PCR:

    10 µM Primer F2 µl
    10 µM Primer R2 µl
    金牌Mix (green)45 µl
    Bacterial liquid1 µl
    Total volume51 µl

    2.     Agarose gel preparation for electrophoresis.

    3.     Electrophoresis.

    图片3孔+2k Plus2  

    June 4th ,2024: Single Colony Expansion Culture

    1.     Pick the sequenced single colonies in the clean bench and add them to a bacterial bottle (contains 5 ml of liquid medium containing KanR).

    2.     Overnight on a shaker at 37 °C.

    June 5th ,2024: Plasmid Extraction

    1.     The bacterial fluid in the bacterial bottle appears cloudy.

    2.     Plasmid Extraction (Operate according to the instructions).

    3.     Measure nucleic acid concentration.

    4.     Take 10 μl for sequencing. (浓度在100以上的情况)

    5.     The company emailed back that the fragment sequenced yesterday was correct. Then the vector pMJ7 (GFP-Tc-ba-miR-CHS1) was constructed successfully.

    June 7th ,2024: E. coli B2 (BL21ΔRNC) were prepared as competent



    June 7th ,2024:

    从37℃培养过夜的新鲜LB平板中挑取BL21单菌落, 接种到3 m L LB液体培养基中, 37℃、200 r/min振荡培养过夜

    June 9th ,2024:

    取1 m L过夜培养菌液接种入100 m L液体LB培养基中, 37℃、200 r/min振荡培养至D600 nm=0.3~0.5 (约3 h)

    将培养液转移到灭菌的50 m L离心管中, 置冰上10 min

    4℃、6 000 r/min离心5 min, 弃上清

    重悬菌体细胞,冰上放置10 min, 分装后-70℃保存备用。

    June 10th ,2024: 将4种质粒常温转化进B2(BL21ΔRNC)菌株+涂板

    1.     Four plasmids (pMJ5 pFJ4 pMJ6 pMJ7) were transformed into competent cells of B2 (BL21ΔRNC) at room temperature.


    June 11th ,2024: 挑单菌落跑胶验证+扩大培养(摇菌测OD致0.6-0.8之间)


    June 11th ,2024: 接入1L的LB中,实验组和对照组OD摇到0.6-0.8,加IPTG的培养基(1mM/L)过夜培养

    June 12th ,2024: 做生测 检测是否表达RNA和蛋白质

    June 15th ,2024:养虫子

    July 25th ,2024:基因枪

    May 24th,2024:




    No. 1 Agricultural Pest and Agricultural Carbon Reduction


         I. Agricultural pest control problems and agricultural carbon reduction
         research content

         The investigation of agricultural pest problems is a complex and
         meticulous work, involving various contents and methods to fully
         understand and effectively respond to the pest situation in different
         regions and seasons. The HUBU-China team went to Shayang, Jingmen, Hubei
         Province, Huanggang, Huangmei, and Qianjiang to carry out research on
         agricultural pest problems and agricultural carbon reduction. The research
         content covered the following aspects:

    1. The types and distribution of pests

         The types of agricultural pests are diverse, and their levels of harm to
         different crops vary. The first step of the research is to identify and
         record the common pest species and their distribution in each region. This
         includes studying the biological properties of insect pests, such as their
         life cycle, host plants, and mode of transmission. Through an
         understanding of the species and distribution of insect pests,
         agricultural producers can choose targeted control measures to minimize

    2. Seasonal variation

         pest activity has obvious seasonal changes and different seasons. It is
         necessary to observe and analyze the activity rules of insect pests in
         different seasons, reproduction, and the degree of influence on crops. For
         example, spring may be the peak season for some pests, while summer may be
         a high season for some pests harming crops. Understanding seasonal changes
         can help develop effective timing and strategies to timely respond to pest
         threats and protect the growth and development of crops.

    3. Damage assessment

         The damage to crops caused by insect pests may bring serious economic
         losses and affect production efficiency. An important aspect of the
         research was to assess the potential impact of insect pests on crop growth
         and yield. This requires quantification of losses and costs, analysis of
         the severity of different pest hazards, and their impact on the
         agricultural economy. Through damage assessment, agricultural producers
         can develop corresponding risk management plans to reduce the negative
         impact of insect pests.

    4. Research on prevention and control strategies

         effective pest control strategies are the key to agricultural production.
         The research content includes the research and verification of the effect
         and applicability of various prevention and control methods, including
         biological control, chemical control, physical control, and other methods.
         It is crucial to choose appropriate control methods for different pest
         types and crop varieties. Moreover, the effectiveness and
         cost-effectiveness ratio of these control methods in practical
         applications are evaluated to determine the optimal combination of control

    5. Environmental impact assessment

         Agricultural production should not only consider the economic benefits but
         also pay attention to environmental protection. Different pest control
         methods have different environmental impacts, including effects on soil
         quality, water conservation, and the safety of non-target species. The
         research needs to comprehensively consider the environmental influence
         factors, select prevention and control measures with less impact on the
         environment, and promote sustainable development and ecological balance in

         The survey of agricultural pest research covers many aspects, including
         pest species and distribution, seasonal changes, damage assessment,
         control strategy research, and environmental impact assessment. Through
         in-depth and systematic research and analysis, agricultural producers can
         better understand and deal with pest problems, improve the yield and
         quality of crops, reduce the negative impact on the environment, and
         promote the development of agriculture in a more sustainable and
         environmentally friendly direction.

    II. The significance of Activity

    1. Effective pest control

         agricultural insect pests are one of the most important causes of large
         crop losses. Through research, agricultural producers can gain a deep
         understanding of the types, distribution, and activities of insect pests
         in different regions and seasons. This information is helpful to develop
         targeted control strategies, select the most appropriate control methods
         and timing, so as to effectively control insect pests, reduce crop losses
         and production costs, and provide data support for the HUBU-China team
         through research.

    2. Improve the quality of agricultural products.

         Timely and effective control of insect pests can not only reduce the yield
         loss of crops but also protect the quality of agricultural products. The
         quality of insect-damaged crops tends to decline, and it may even affect
         food safety and market competitiveness. Through research, agricultural
         producers can take preventive measures during the high incidence of insect
         pests to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products and
         enhance market competitiveness.

    3. Environmental protection and sustainable development

         Traditional pest control methods often use chemical pesticides that may
         have negative effects on the environment, such as soil pollution, water
         pollution, and non-target biological toxicity. Through research, more
         environmentally friendly prevention and control methods, such as
         biological control, physical control, and ecological control, can be
         studied and promoted. The selection of prevention and control measures
         with less impact on the environment is helpful to promote the sustainable
         development of agriculture and maintain ecological balance.

    4. China

         Agricultural pest research in China helps agricultural producers better
         predict and deal with pest problems so as to improve the yield and
         production efficiency of crops. To understand the seasonal changes and
         harm degree of insect pests, we can adjust the planting structure and
         management strategy in time, maximize the optimization of the agricultural
         production process, reduce production risks, and improve economic

    5. Promote sustainable agricultural development.

         Comprehensive utilization of research results and the promotion of
         scientific and reasonable pest control methods are not only conducive to
         improving the quality of agricultural products and market competitiveness,
         but they can also promote the development of agriculture in a more
         sustainable and environmentally friendly direction. By reducing the use of
         pesticides and protecting the ecological environment, agriculture can
         achieve long-term sustainable development and lay a good foundation for
         the future development of agriculture.



         No. 2 iGEM biology teachers majored in synthetic biology education


    1. Background of the internship activities

         With the rapid development of science and technology, synthetic biology,
         as an emerging interdisciplinary subject, is gradually entering the
         classroom of higher education. This synthetic biology education internship
         for iGEM biological normal professional team members aims to let students
         combine theoretical knowledge with practical application, improve their
         teaching practice ability, and lay a solid foundation for their future
         biological education work.

    2. Internship activities content

         This internship activity lasts for half a year, mainly including the
         following aspects:

         a. Theoretical learning: systematically learn the basic principles,
         methods, and applications of synthetic biology, including gene editing,
         biochemistry and metabolic engineering, synthetic biology design, and
         other core contents.

         b. Experimental operation: Under the guidance of Professor Zhang Hamou,
         conduct synthetic biology experiments, such as constructing gene
         expression systems, optimizing metabolic pathways, etc., to cultivate
         students' experimental skills and data analysis abilities.

         c. Teaching practice: Participate in the preparation, teaching, and
         tutoring of synthetic biology courses, interact with students, and improve
         the teaching level and educational wisdom.

         d. Scientific research cooperation: to carry out scientific research
         projects together with tutors and team members, participate in
         experimental design, data analysis, and paper writing, and cultivate
         students' scientific research literacy and teamwork ability.



    3.The meaning of the internship activities.

         a.Combination of theory and practice: Through the internship activities,
         the members can apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned to
         practice, deepen their understanding of synthetic biology, and improve
         their ability to solve practical problems.

         b.Improve teaching practice ability: Through participating in teaching
         practice, members can understand students' learning needs and interests,
         master teaching methods and skills, and lay a solid foundation for future
         teaching work.

         c.Cultivate scientific research literacy and teamwork ability: through
         participating in scientific research projects and teamwork, exercising
         scientific research thinking and teamwork ability, and cultivating a
         rigorous scientific research attitude and innovative spirit.




    4.Harvest and influence of internship activities

         After half a year of internship activities, the members have achieved
         remarkable harvest and growth:

         a.Knowledge and skills improvement: During the internship process, the
         members not only mastered the basic theories and experimental skills of
         synthetic biology but also learned how to use this knowledge to solve
         practical problems. At the same time, they also constantly improve their
         teaching ability and level in the classroom.

         b.Update of educational concepts: Through the interaction and
         communication with primary and middle school students and teaching
         practice, members gradually realize the importance and value of education,
         update their educational concepts and methods, begin to pay attention to
         students 'learning needs and interests, and pay attention to cultivating
         students' innovative ability and practical ability.

         c.Improvement of scientific research literacy and teamwork ability: In the
         process of participating in scientific research projects and teamwork,
         members have exercised their scientific research thinking and teamwork
         ability and learned how to effectively communicate and cooperate with team
         members to solve problems together. These experiences and abilities are of
         great significance for their future scientific research work and career

         d.Clear career planning: Through the internship activities, the members
         are more clear about their own career planning and development direction.
         They began to think about how to apply their knowledge and skills to their
         future work and contribute to the realization of their personal and social


         In conclusion, the synthetic biology education internship for biology
         teachers provides a valuable learning and practice opportunity for the
         participating iGEM team members. Through the internship activities, the
         students have not only improved their knowledge, skills, and education
         ability but also cultivated their scientific research literacy and
         teamwork ability, which has laid a solid foundation for their future
         education work and career development.

    NO.3 Communicate with the iGEM team of Wuhan University.


    1.Background of the internship activities

         Wuhan University iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine
         Competition) team has a deep team background and competition background.
         This internship and exchange activity can be carried out in the aspects of
         field investigation and communication to improve team members' scientific
         research literacy and teamwork ability, promote the development of the
         field of synthetic biology, and lay a solid foundation for the future
         development of the biological industry.

    2.Internship activities content

         The activity lasts for 3 days, mainly including the following aspects:

         a.Discussion of scientific research projects: On-campus exchange meetings:
         team members organize exchange meetings, exchange and learn with iGEM
         teams from different universities, and share experience and technology.


         b.Academic exchange activities: expert lecture: team arrangement, leading
         team teachers to explain the project, sharing and guiding the latest
         research results of the iGEM project, and helping team members understand
         the cutting-edge trends of the industry: wide academic vision.

         c.Visit to universities: By visiting the School of Life Sciences of Wuhan
         University, the team members can have an in-depth understanding of the
         latest research trends and technological progress in the field of
         synthetic biology and provide new ideas and methods for their own
         scientific research work.

         d.Social practice activities: popular science lectures, and team members
         hold popular science lectures to popularize the knowledge and application
         of synthetic biology to the public and improve the public's understanding
         of synthetic biology.

         e.Project web page and publicity video production: Team members will be
         responsible for producing the project web page and publicity videos to
         show the results and highlights of the communication process.

    3.The meaning of the internship activities.

         a.Improvement of scientific research literacy: Through direct
         participation in laboratory scientific research projects, interns can have
         a deep understanding of the whole process of scientific research work,
         including project design, experiment execution, data analysis, and other
         key steps, so as to improve their scientific research literacy and
         practical ability.

         b.Enhance teamwork ability: During the internship, communication and
         cooperation between team members are not limited to the laboratory but
         also include communication and learning with iGEM teams in other
         universities, which helps interns expand their interpersonal network and
         improve their cross-school cooperation ability across schools and fields.

         c.Cultivate social responsibility: Through participating in social
         practice activities such as popular science lectures and community
         service, interns can apply the knowledge they have learned to practice,
         popularize the knowledge and application of synthetic biology to the
         public, and improve the public's understanding of synthetic biology.


         d.Promote personal growth: The internship provides a platform for interns
         to show themselves, allowing them to exercise their abilities and skills
         in practice and find their advantages and weaknesses. Through continuous
         learning and growth, interns can gradually define their career direction
         and development goals and make good plans for their future academic and
         career development.

         To sum up, the iGEM exchange and internship activities at Wuhan University
         can not only help improve the interns' scientific research literacy and
         teamwork ability but also cultivate their sense of social responsibility
         and international vision and promote their personal growth and
         development. These experiences have important positive implications for
         the future academic and professional development of the interns.

    4.Harvest and influence of internship activities

    a.Significant improvement of academic knowledge and skills:

         (1)Deeply master the principles of synthetic biology: By participating in
         laboratory scientific research projects, interns can deeply understand the
         principles and application of synthetic biology and accumulate rich
         experimental skills. Improvement of scientific research ability: Under the
         guidance of experts, interns can master scientific research methods and
         improve scientific research literacy, including experimental design, data
         analysis, paper writing, and other aspects.

         (2)Integration of interdisciplinary knowledge: Since iGEM projects usually
         require interdisciplinary cooperation, interns have the opportunity to
         integrate knowledge in different fields, such as biology, mathematics, and
         computer science, to form a more comprehensive knowledge system.

    b.Enhanced teamwork and communication skills:

         (1)Teamwork: The iGEM project requires close cooperation between team
         members, and interns learn how to work together and solve problems
         together in the project, which improves the teamwork ability.

         (2)Improve communication skills: Communication with team members, mentors,
         and other university teams has taught interns how to effectively
         communicate with others, solve conflicts, and improve their communication

         c.Expansion of international vision and improvement of cross-cultural
         communication ability:

         (1)Understanding the international frontier trends: Through communication
         with iGEM teams in other countries and regions, interns can understand the
         latest trends and research results of international synthetic biology.

         (2)Enhancement of cross-cultural communication ability: In the process of
         communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds, interns
         have learned to respect and understand different cultures and have
         improved their cross-cultural communication ability....




    NO.4 Exchange meeting of Nanjing Agricultural University


         Hubu-China and Captain Chen Chuming went to Nanjing Agricultural
         University to carry out cooperation and exchange activities with WHU-iGEM,
         HuBuLoong-CHN, NAU-CHINA2024, and NJTech-China-A teams at 19:00–23:00 on
         April 19, 2024. At that time, the teams should share and show their own
         research direction and achievements and promote academic exchanges,
         resource sharing, and the possibility of future cooperation....


    NO.5 The Open Congress on Synthetic Biology


    1.Activity background

         Synthetic biology, an interdisciplinary field integrating biology,
         physics, chemistry, art, engineering, information, and other disciplines,
         is gradually showing its infinite potential and charm. In order to let
         more students understand the mystery of synthetic biology, stimulate
         innovation spirit, and foster interdisciplinary cooperation, we are
         specially planning the synthetic biology open conference, which aims to
         provide students with a show of talent, communication ideas,a platform to
         grow together, let you in the exploration of synthetic biology, shine out,
         and belong to your stars!...

    2.activity content

         HUBU-China, together with other iGEM teams from Hubei University, held a
         synthetic biology open conference at Wuchang from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
         on April 27, 2024. The conference aims to promote academic exchanges and
         cooperation in the field of synthetic biology, strengthen the connection
         between teams of scholars at home and abroad, and jointly explore the
         challenges and opportunities of synthetic biology. The content of the
         meeting includes an opening speech, a special guest presentation, a
         project presentation by multiple teams, questioning and guidance, a round
         table, and photos of the closing ceremony.


    1.The significance of Activity:

         a.Academic exchange: The conference provides a high-level communication
         platform for experts and scholars in the field of synthetic biology and
         promotes the collision and integration of academic ideas.

         b.Team presentation: Several domestic and foreign teams demonstrated the
         latest research results and technical applications of synthetic biology
         through the project presentation, which enhanced the cooperation and
         competition between teams.

         c.Talent training: The conference provides students with opportunities to
         contact cutting-edge science and understand industry trends, which helps
         to cultivate students' innovative thinking and practical ability.

         d.Expanding influence: Through holding this conference, Hubei University
         has enhanced its popularity and influence in the field of synthetic
         biology and injected new vitality into the university's discipline
         construction and talent training.

    NO.6 South China Exchange Conference


    1.activity content:

         From May 18 to May 19, HUBU-China went to Shenzhen University to
         participate in the 7th iGEM South China Exchange Conference. This activity
         has been held for seven consecutive sessions since 2017 and is all
         organized and planned by the undergraduates themselves. The exchange
         meeting took "villagarnival" as the theme. In order to adapt to the change
         in competition rules, the conference divided the team into four villages:
         "treatment,"  "testing,"  "agriculture", a" and anufacturing,"
         fo forming a good atmosphere for cooperation and discussion within the
         settlement. The conference communication part is divided into
         communication and project show two plates. The team shares the RNAi
         technology moth project progress, including project origin, experimental
         progress, social practice, and from Zhongshan University, Beijing Normal
         University, Zhuhai Campus, South China University of Technology, and other
         universities teams for communication, deep understanding of other
         university team research topics such as SUSTech-Shenzhen based on six
         secretion systems of drug delivery systems, SYSU-Software prokaryotic
         injection system search and prediction platform, and SUSTech-OCE algae
         co-culture to purify the air.

    2.The significance of the activity

         The South China Exchange Conference aims to gather teams from South China,
         build a bridge for interactive display, cooperation, and mutual reference
         between teams, provide a good platform for mutual understanding, in-depth
         communication, and mutual learning, and form a good atmosphere for the
         co-exploration of synthetic biology. In this exchange meeting, the team
         not only shared their achievements, increased the visibility and influence
         of the project, but also absorbed valuable experience in communication
         with other teams, gained new vision and inspiration, learned from each
         other's strengths, and benefited a lot....



    NO.7 Laboratory is open on day


    1.activity content

         This activity is "immersive science popularization, breaking barriers, and
         attracting students and other industries to understand life science." The
         activity was held on May 18, 2024. Four IGEM teams from Hubei University,
         including HUBU-China, introduced their scientific research content and
         results to the guests on behalf of their laboratories and led the
         laboratories to interact with the guests so that they could do experiments
         by themselves and feel the fun of biological experiments. The activity was
         jointly organized by the HUBU-WUCHANG-CHINA team, the HUBU-CHINA team, the
         WUHAN-HUBU-CHINA team, and the HuBuLoong-CHN team. It was co-sponsored by
         the Chinese Society of Cell Biology, the Hubei Cell Biology Society, the
         Hubei Popular Science Education Base, the School of Life Science of Hubei
         University, the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of
         Chemistry and Biology Engineering Technology of Hubei University, the
         State Key Laboratory of Biocatalyalysis and Enzyme Engineering, the School
         of Life Science and School of Art, and the Youth Volunteer Action Guidance
         Center of the School of Life Science. More than 600 people participated in
         the whole event, both online and offline.

         On May 18th afternoon, laboratory Open Day by popular science lectures,
         Hubei University School of Life Science three iGEM competition team and
         Tianjin University iGEM team, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) iGEM
         team on behalf of their respective laboratories introduced the polyploid
         rice breeding, microbial chassis synthesis, and application research
         content and team of iGEM project. Then, three iGEM teams from the School
         of Life Science of Hubei University led visitors to the laboratory of the
         School of Life Science of Hubei University and carefully introduced the
         laboratory instruments, use methods, and matters needing attention. In the
         teaching laboratory, the science operator demonstrated to the students how
         to use an ordinary optical microscope to observe microorganisms and plant
         permanent slides, make butterfly specimens, observe the cytoplasmic
         circulation of brown algae chloroplast with a phase-contrast microscope
         and fluorescence microscope, and observe the movement of paramecium with a
         dark field microscope.

         Before the start of the activity, the Hubei University HUBU-WUCHANG-CHINA
         team also organized the laboratory safety training and biological art
         knowledge training on May 8 and 10 to ensure that all the students attach
         great importance to the biological laboratory safety specification and
         that all biological art creative contest contestants popularize biological
         art basic knowledge and creative theme requirements.

         After the online biological art knowledge training and the laboratory Open
         Day series of activities, the students participating in the activity began
         to create the biological art creative works for half a month. Based on
         their harvest in the activities and their understanding of life science
         and biological art, they chose the theme track of infectious diseases,
         bioremediation, software and artificial intelligence, medical and climate
         crises,  explained their reflections on the current situation and
         problems of human life in the form of paper and models, and put forward
         improvement plans. Finally, after six judges from the School of Life
         Science and the School of Art gave professional scores from the two
         dimensions of science and art, the top 10 works with the average score of
         the double dimensions were selected for the biological art exhibition area
         of the Children's Day Bioart Exhibition and Science Popularization Garden

    2.The significance of Activity

         a.Immersive science popularization will break down barriers and attract
         people and other industry personnel to have an in-depth understanding of
         life science.

         b.Take advantage of the opportunity of iGEM (International Genetic
         Engineering Machine Competition) and the trend of foreign biological art
         innovation, guide the audience to think about changing the world with life
         science through the cross-border exploration form of biological art
         concept design, and accept the results of popular science more
         innovatively and internationally.

    NO.8 Biological art exhibition


         HUBU-CHINA team of School of Life Sciences, Hubei University,
         WUHAN-HUBU-CHINA and HuBuLoong-CHN team, co-sponsored by Chinese Society
         of Cell Biology, Hubei Cell Biology Society, Hubei Popular Science
         Education Base, School of Life Science of Hubei University, National
         Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Chemistry and Biology
         Engineering Technology of Hubei University, co-organized by the State Key
         Laboratory of Biocatalyalysis and Enzyme Engineering, School of Life
         Science, School of Arts, and Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the
         School of Life Science, More than 600 people participated in the whole
         event online and offline.

         Based on their harvest in the activities and their understanding of life
         science and biological art, the team selected the theme track such as
         infectious diseases, bioremediation, software and artificial intelligence,
         medical and climate crises, interpreted their reflection on the current
         situation and problems of human life in the form of paper and model, and
         put forward improvement plans. Finally, after six judges from the School
         of Life Science and the School of Art gave professional scores from the
         two dimensions of science and art, the top 10 works with the average score
         of the double dimensions were selected for the biological art exhibition
         area of the Children's Day Bioart Exhibition and Science Popularization
         Garden Party....


         The Children's Day biological art exhibition and popular science garden
         party were held on the morning of June 1st, consisting of two exhibition
         areas: the biological art exhibition area and the popular science tour
         park. The biological art exhibition area mainly displays the outstanding
         biological art creative works after solicitation and selection. Through
         these works, the characteristics of the emerging frontier
         interdisciplinary cultural field at home and abroad are explained to
         students and parents so that they can have a preliminary understanding of
         this relatively unfamiliar field.

         At the exhibition site, volunteers and staff attracted children to visit
         the booth through game interaction and answered their questions about the
         theme of the works....

         In popular science tour park, from Hubei University College of Life
         Science, four iGEM teams and the Challenge Cup "Enzyme Unbind" team
         visited the children and parents of agriculture, medical, environmental
         protection industry innovation projects, popular science nutrition,
         hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, cancer, agricultural diseases and
         insect pests, plastic pollution, and other problems related to the
         people's livelihood. In addition, the science tour park also sets up a
         variety of games, such as base complementary matching ring, teaching and
         fun, so that children can not only get the joy of victory in the game but
         also subtly understand the mystery of genes.

    NO.9 Online communication with the iGEM team of Xiamen University


    1.Background of the internship activities

         The iGEM exchange internship has a deep background in the International
         Genetic Engineering Machine Design Competition (iGEM), a top competition
         in the field of synthetic biology. Since 2011, Xiamen University has
         actively participated in the iGEM competition and won many awards,
         demonstrating its outstanding strength in the field of synthetic biology.
         In order to further enhance the students' scientific research ability,
         team cooperation spirit, and international vision, Xiamen University
         Organization iGEM communication internship activities enable students to
         deeply participate in laboratory research, academic exchanges, and
         enterprise visit activities, as well as domestic and foreign experts and
         enterprise exchanges and cooperation, to expand the academic vision and
         lay a solid foundation for academic and professional development in the
         future. This activity can help students understand the competition
         mechanism of iGEM, and the communication with other schools can help
         students learn from the strengths of others.

    2.Internship activities content

         The activity lasts for one day, mainly including the following aspects:

         a.Discussion of scientific research projects: On-campus exchange meetings:
         team members organize exchange meetings, exchange and learn with iGEM
         teams from different universities, and share experience and technology.

         b.Academic exchange activities: expert lecture: team arrangement, leading
         team teachers to explain the project, sharing and guiding the latest
         research results of the iGEM project, and helping team members understand
         the cutting-edge trends of the industry: wide academic vision.

         c.Project web page and publicity video production: The team members will
         be responsible for producing the project web page and publicity videos to
         show the results and highlights of the communication process.

         d.Students' free discussion: Students will ask questions about the topic
         according to their own interests, and the students from the relevant
         research group will answer questions.

    3.The meaning of the internship activities.

         a.Improvement of scientific research literacy: Through indirect
         participation in the discussion of laboratory scientific research
         projects, students can deeply understand the whole process of scientific
         research work, including project design, experiment execution, data
         analysis, and other key steps, so as to improve their scientific research
         literacy and practical ability.

         b.Promoting personal growth: The internship provides a platform for
         students to show themselves, allowing them to exercise their abilities and
         skills in practice and find their advantages and weaknesses. Through
         continuous learning and growth, interns can gradually define their career
         direction and development goals and make good plans for their future
         academic and career development.

         c.By participating in popular science activities, enterprise visits, and
         other activities, students will understand the application prospects and
         social impact of synthetic biology and realize the importance of
         scientific research for social progress and development. This cultivation
         of social responsibility will motivate students to focus more on social
         issues and human well-being in their future academics and careers.

    d.Harvest and influence of internship activities.

         * Expansion of international vision and improvement of cross-cultural
         communication ability:

         (1)Understanding the international frontier trends: Through communication
         with iGEM teams in other countries and regions, interns can understand the
         latest trends and research results of international synthetic biology.

         (2)Enhanced cross-cultural communication ability: In the process of
         communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds, interns
         learned to respect and understand different cultures, improved their
         cross-cultural communication ability, and let students better understand
         the iGEM project process of other schools.

    * Personal Growth and Development:

         (1)Clear career direction: By participating in iGEM projects, interns can
         have a deeper understanding of their interests and advantages and clarify
         their future career direction and development goals.

         (2)Enhance self-confidence: The achievements and progress made in the
         project can enhance the interns' confidence and sense of achievement and
         lay a solid foundation for their future academic and professional


    NO.10 Planting Exposition


         This planting exposition, which holds "the core of cultivation,
         agricultural innovation first" as the theme, achieved a comprehensive
         upgrade. For the first time, from the crop seed industry to animal
         husbandry, aquatic products and other seed industry fields, Form a large
         seed industry pattern in Wuhan city, On June 3rd, 2024 Wuhan Seed Industry
         Expo opened in the northern park of Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
         for the first time for young college students science and technology
         innovation set up a booth, The iGEM College Student innovation project of
         the School of Life Science of Hubei University, Hubei University, the
         graduate training platform of Hubei Wuhu Rice Science and Technology
         Courtyard and the preparatory Hubei University-Jingmen Fragrance and Time
         Science and Technology Academy appeared on the stage, Rice world rice,
         Suizhou fragrant rice, mainly functional skin care products of plant
         extract essential oil, as well as plant germplasm resources specimens just
         collected from Lushan mountain and other original exhibits all appeared,
         Has become one of the highlights of this Wuhan Seed Expo, It has been
         praised and watched by the guests and all walks of life. HUBU-China
         students took their iGEM project to the conference.

    2. The significance of the activity

         Through the latest scientific research achievements and technologies
         shared by the experts at the meeting and the discussion on the future
         development trend and possible challenges of the seed industry, the
         students have a deeper understanding of the development of the seed
         industry and also have a deeper understanding of the charm and infinite
         possibilities of seeds. Through the modern planting technology of various
         crops displayed on the field, the students felt the charm and hope of
         agricultural production and hoped that they could make their own
         contribution to the agricultural development and food security of China
         through their own abilities in the future.

    NO.11 Summer volunteer teaching


    1.activity background

         The background of volunteer teaching activities in summer vacation covers
         the current situation of unequal educational resources, the promotion of
         national education policies, the needs of university social practice
         education, and the specific practice of volunteer teaching activities.
         These background factors jointly promote the development of summer
         volunteer teaching activities, making them an important means of poverty
         alleviation through education and rural revitalization. At present, the
         importance of social practice education is very important. University
         education focuses on the combination of theory and practice, and social
         practice is an important way for college students to understand society
         and exercise their abilities. As a special form of social practice,
         volunteer teaching activities are of great significance for improving the
         social responsibility and practical ability of college students. In
         addition, this kind of activity is generally organized by students
         spontaneously. In some colleges and universities, students spontaneously
         organize and set up volunteer teaching teams to carry out volunteer
         teaching activities in rural areas during the summer vacation. These teams
         are usually composed of students in multiple majors, and they are able to
         provide students with richer course content and learning experiences.

    2.activity content

         a.Education support: subject knowledge guidance, according to the needs of
         local students, providing mathematics, Chinese, English, and other
         subjects to help students consolidate basic knowledge and improve their
         academic performance. Communication of educational concepts: to introduce
         advanced educational concepts and learning methods to students and to
         guide students to cultivate their interest in learning and independent
         learning ability.

         b.Mental health concerns: pay attention to students' mental health,
         provide necessary psychological counseling and support, and help students
         establish a positive attitude and the courage to face difficulties.

         c.Traditional culture lecture: experts, scholars, or volunteers are
         invited to explain the history, characteristics, and value of Chinese
         culture to students and enhance students' understanding and identification
         of traditional culture.

         d.Traditional handicraft experience: organize students to learn
         traditional handicrafts such as paper cutting, clay sculpture, and
         calligraphy, feel the charm of traditional culture, and cultivate cultural
         literacy and aesthetic ability.

         e.Science and technology enlightenment: Science and technology lecture:
         invite experts or volunteers in the field of science and technology to
         explain the development process of science and technology and the
         application of cutting-edge technology to students, so as to improve
         students' scientific and technological literacy and interest.

         Science and technology experiments: organize interesting science and
         technology experiments, such as making simple batteries, so that students
         can personally experience the charm of science and technology and
         cultivate innovative thinking and teamwork abilities.

         Science and technology competition: hold a science and technology
         creativity competition to encourage students to use their imagination,
         create their own science and technology works, and conduct competitions
         and displays.

    3.The meaning of activity

    A.Significance for participating students and volunteers:

         (1)Improvement of social responsibility: Through participating in
         volunteer teaching activities, students and volunteers can deeply
         experience the imbalance of educational resources, so as to enhance their
         sense of social responsibility and stimulate their desire to contribute to

         (2)Exercise of practical ability: The volunteer teaching activity provides
         a platform for students and volunteers to practice so that they can apply
         the knowledge and skills learned in school to practical teaching so as to
         exercise their teaching ability and organization and coordination

         (3)Personal growth and self-cognition: In the process of volunteer
         teaching, students and volunteers need to face various challenges and
         difficulties, which will encourage them to reflect and grow, have a
         clearer understanding of their own advantages and shortcomings, and
         prepare for their future study and work.

    B.Meaning to the educated children:

         (1)Supplement of educational resources: Volunteer teaching activities
         bring valuable educational resources to children in rural areas or remote
         areas and help them consolidate their basic knowledge, broaden their
         horizons, and stimulate their interest in learning.

         (2)Emotional care and psychological support: The volunteers not only teach
         knowledge but also pay attention to the children's emotional and
         psychological needs, give them care and support, help them build
         confidence, and face the challenges in life bravely.

         (3)Multi-cultural experience: The volunteer teaching activities provide an
         opportunity for students to contact diverse cultures, allowing them to
         understand and respect different cultural backgrounds and cultivate their
         cross-cultural communication abilities.

    C.Meaning to society

         (1)Promoting educational equity: Volunteer teaching activities will help
         narrow the gap between urban and rural education, promote educational
         equity, and enable more children to enjoy high-quality educational

         (2)Transfer of positive energy: The selfless dedication and love
         transmission of the volunteers have injected positive energy into society
         and stimulated people's enthusiasm to pay attention to education and
         vulnerable groups.

         (3)Promoting social progress: Through volunteer education activities, it
         can promote economic and cultural development in rural areas and promote
         social progress, harmony, and stability.

    4.Harvest and influence of internship activities.

         a.Improvement of teaching skills: In the process of volunteer teaching,
         participants need to prepare teaching plans, organize classes, interact
         with students, etc. These practical activities exercise their teaching
         skills and improve their ability to adapt to emergency situations in
         actual teaching. Through continuous attempts and reflection, participants
         can gradually find their own teaching methods and improve the teaching

         b.Deepening of social cognition: The volunteer teaching activities give
         participants the opportunity to go deep into rural or remote areas,
         understand the local educational status, cultural characteristics, and
         social issues, and broaden their horizons. Through communication with
         local students and families, participants were able to have a deeper
         understanding of social injustice and enhance their sense of social

         c.Influence on educated children: Volunteer teaching activities bring
         valuable educational resources to children in rural or remote areas,
         helping them consolidate their basic knowledge, broaden their horizons,
         and stimulate their interest in learning. The care and support of the
         volunteers can also bring emotional comfort and psychological support to
         the children, helping them to build confidence and face the challenges in
         life bravely.

         d.Impact on society: Volunteer teaching activities can help narrow the gap
         between urban and rural education, promote educational equity, and let
         more children enjoy high-quality educational resources. Through the
         volunteer teaching activities, the participants can transfer positive
         energy, stimulate the enthusiasm of society to pay attention to education
         and vulnerable groups, and promote social progress, harmony, and

    NO.12  a content review of CCIC

    [2024. 7.14]

    1.activity background

         China iGEMer exchange meeting since 2014, the Huazhong agricultural
         university iGEM team launched successively by Beijing University, Sun
         Yat-sen University, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Shanghai
         University of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
         Shenzhen of Advanced Technology Research Institute, China Pharmaceutical
         University, Fudan University, and Hainan University team, is the eleventh

         This year, CCiC will come to Suzhou with the theme "SynBio Nexus,"
          hosted by the University of Liverpool, undertaken by the School of
         Pharmacy and XJTLU-CHINA iGEM team, guided by the Synthetic Working Group
         of the Biology Branch of the Chinese Society of Biological Engineering,
         the Engineering Biology Young Fans Association of the Shenzhen Synthetic
         Biology Association, and the Executive Committee of CCiC.

    2.activity content

         HUBU-China, together with other university iGEM teams, will participate in
         the agricultural branch roadshow from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on July 24,
         2024. We had in-depth agricultural special discussions with HAZU-China,
         CAU-China, SMS-Shenzhen, and Hangzhou-BioX and exchanged experiences with
         each other. Participate in the roundtable discussion: Synthetic Biology
         Entrepreneurship—iGEMers at 13:00–14:00. The content of the meeting
         includes an opening speech, a special guest presentation, a project
         presentation by multiple teams, questioning and guidance, a round table,
         and photos of the closing ceremony.

    3.The significance of the activity

         That is aims to provide a platform for universities to better exchange
         experience and gather together young researchers, educators, and
         practitioners in the field of synthetic biology to discuss how synthetic
         biology, as the central node of interdisciplinary research, connects basic
         innovation, actual impact, and future application scenarios in order to
         solve global problems, drive emerging industries, and predict its profound
         impact on long-term social and economic development.





         Xinyi Li,Maosen Bai——Designing T-shirt and windbreaker as team uniforms.

    The Design of Team Uniform

         1.Predesign Phase: Every team member responded favorably to the design
         notice when it was published. We immediately established a team group to
         create the uniform, and we decided on a "T-shirt and windbreaker" look.
         Every participant has particular design tasks given to them.

         2.Initial Drafts: A poll was held to determine the final designs for the
         windbreaker and T-shirt based on the various patterns of the first


         3.Refinement and Finalization: After collecting ideas and opinions from
         team members, the designs were refined and modified accordingly.

         The final design has the team name and insignia on the front breast of the
         T-shirt, with an illustration of the wet and dry teams' daily tasks
         appearing on the reverse. The windbreaker has the names of the team and
         the university on the front, and the IGEM logo and a human body design
         inspired by DNA on the back. A straightforward black-and-white color
         scheme is used throughout the design to represent biological concepts and
         project features.

         4.Distribution and Customization: The designs, including pattern, fabric,
         and size, were sent to the manufacturer after gathering the team members'
         clothing sizes. Every team member received their personalized uniforms
         once the project was finished. Our team is shown in the group photo below
         sporting the jerseys....


    Yanxi Zhou——Designing team logo.

    Team Logo and Flag Design

    The following figures are the first drafts of the logo design:

         Based on voting and subsequent feedback, the final team emblem was decided

         The project's experimental subject, Spodoptera litura, is featured in the
         logo as a circular frame. The Spodoptera litura's image is created by
         combining the abbreviation HUBU with iGEM, and the team's spirit is shown
         by the black and gold color scheme.


         Yanxi Zhou,Xinyi Li——Making team flag for various team communication

         A project flag with a green backdrop, representing agriculture, was
         subsequently made. As seen below, the flag completes the project name,
         team name, university name, and team logo....


         Yanxi Zhou,Yingshui Xie,Xingsha Wu——Organizing the exhibition layout for
         Bio-Art display and scientific Popularization Carnival.

    Ⅰ. Project Introduction:

         In order to plan the event, the Hubei University School of Life Sciences'
         HUBU-CHINA team worked with the WUHAN-HUBU-CHINA and HuBuLoong-CHN teams.
         The exhibition and event, which was co-sponsored by the Chinese Society
         for Cell Biology, the Hubei Society for Cell Biology, the Hubei Science
         Popularization Education Base, the School of Life Sciences, Hubei
         University, the State Key Laboratory of Biocatalysis and Enzyme
         Engineering (Hubei University), the Youth League Committees of the School
         of Art and the School of Life Sciences, and the Youth Volunteer Action
         Guidance Center of the School of Life Sciences, drew in over 600
         participants both offline and online.

    Ⅱ. Exhibition Layout:

         The Children's Bio-Art display and scientific Popularization Carnival took
         place at the Art Plaza on June 1, 2024. It included a play area for
         scientific popularization and a bio-art display area. Interactive
         bio-science games were on display at each booth, urging guests—including
         families and students—to delve deeper into and become more interested in
         biological concepts and occurrences. The exhibition space also featured
         imaginative bio-art works that invited visitors to observe and take part
         in interactive activities.

    Ⅲ. Event Significance:

         Through the interaction between volunteers, staff, and visitors, the event
         not only promoted the cutting-edge technologies and fascinating facts of
         biology but also sparked public interest in this field, embodying the
         charm of "The 21st century is the century of biology." Furthermore, it
         encouraged participants to engage in hands-on activities, experiencing the
         remarkable synergy between biology and art.

         HUBU-China Booth:...

         Everyone actively participated in the booth activities:...


         Web page Design is in the drafting stage, please stay tuned for updates.

    Currently in the drafting stage, stay tuned for updates.




    May 2-May 4

    Determine the outline of the model that needs to be built

    May 6-June 6

    Python data analysis and machine learning

    June 8th - July 8th

    Blender software learning

    July 10-July 31

         Completed the model construction of the "Overview of the spatiotemporal
         distribution and migration of Spodoptera litura".


         All the work and codes could be found in our pipelines:
         Click here to check the work


    2024.1.27-1.28 [HUBU-China team]

         Literature learning notes display related to particles that resemble
         viruses: The experimental group starts carrying out tests, studying, and
         presenting the notes they have taken.

    2024.2.29 [HUBU-China team]

         The project's importance: After conducting research on carbon reduction
         agriculture enhancement in Shayang County and Huangmei County in Hubei
         Province, the HUBU-China team compiled and presented the harvest.

    2024.3.2 [Shi Jiawen]

         Group Scheduling: Arrange the HUBU-China team for the future, document it,
         and post it on social media.

    2024.3.3 [HUBU-China team]

         Share the little film, "The Story of Insects and amiRNA," on social

    2024.3.5 [Shi Jiawen]

         Greetings from Paris: The HUBU-China team is excited to see everyone in
         Paris after passing its on-campus defense!

    2024.3.6 [Xie Yingshui]

         The team welcomed new members and got to work brainstorming and making
         plans. We also collected records to share on social media.

    2024.3.7 [Sun Xinyi]

         Apart from getting ready for the competition: We used our teacher's data
         center, which is located at the China Agricultural Carbon Reduction and
         Carbon Trading Research Center, to facilitate studying while we were
         getting ready. For the competition, we also learned Wikipedia and

    2024.3.11 [Sun Xinyi]

         The squad and the college's Fu Dengyu had a pre-competition exchange.

    2024.3.24 [HUBU-China team]

         Study and Exchange: HUBU-China and HUBU-WUCHANG at Wuhan University in
         Partnership with WHU-iGEM China traveled to Wuhan University to meet with
         WHU-iGEM on an academic exchange. Following the meeting, the public
         relations team assembled documents and posted them on social media.

    2024.4.11 [HUBU-China team]

         For simplicity of use, we have migrated our PPT material presentation
         format to a web version.

    2024.4.20 [Xie Yingshui]

         National Joint Laboratory Open Day of the Chinese Society for Cell
         Biology: We've sent out a letter inviting everyone to take part in this
         event in full.

    2024.4.22 [Chen Chuming]

         Exchange meeting with Nanjing Agricultural University: Teams from
         NJTech-China-A and NAU-CHINA from Nanjing Agricultural University met with
         HUBU-China and HuBuLoong-CHA.

    2024.5.7 [Chun Yunhuan]

         Attend the Open Conference on Synthetic Biology: Following the conference,
         we are in charge of organizing, organizing, and posting the photographs
         and videos on social media.

    2024.5.9 [HUBU-China team]

    Attend the CCiC conference and meet in Suzhou.

    2024.5.17-5.18 [Chen Ken、Li Junzhu、Xie Yingshui、Yang Wanting]

         Taking part in Laboratory Open Day: Under the direction of Professor Li
         Shengchun, we visited Yiling Middle School and Shashi Middle School to
         conduct the typical science popularization preaching activities of the

    2024.7.14 [Sun Xinyi、Xie Yingshui]

         After attending the 11th Conference of the China iGEMer Community SynBio
         Nexus in Suzhou, the HUBU-China team assembled records and shared them on
         social media.

    April 22th, 2024: Selection of Target Genes

    Spodoptera litura is an important crop pest, which has evolved a high degree of resistance to all insecticides targeted at it. After 24 h injection of 500 ng/μL dsRNA, the expression levels of SlCHS1 and SlCHS2 were significantly inhibited in S. litura (Yu et al.,2020). Among them, SlCHS1 has a high expression level in the outer epidermis and is exclusively expressed in the epidermis underlying the cuticular exoskeleton and related ectodermal cells such as tracheal cells, while SlCHS2 is highly expressed in the midgut, which protects the intestinal epithelium from mechanical disruption and invasion by various pathogens.

    These results suggest that SlCHS1 might play an important role during S. litura larval molting, while SlCHS2 has no significant effect on S. litura molting. Therefore, we have chosen SlCHS1 for further study.