


    Safety attributions

    1. Training and Regulations:

           - All team members have completed comprehensive laboratory safety
         training, including a dedicated course on safety practices and regulations
         provided by our university. This training covers:

             - Laboratory hazards and identification

             - Biological, chemical, fire, and electrical safety and

             - Personal protective equipment

       - Hazardous waste management

             - Incident reporting and record keeping

           - Our university and college have established strict safety
         regulations that we follow (see links below):

             - [University Laboratory Safety Regulations]

             - [College of Chemistry and Materials Science Safety
         Regulations] (https://chemmat.hubu.edu.cn/info/1090/1414.htm)

           - We have attached photos showing the training sessions and the
         implementation of safety protocols.

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    "The images above depict our training in strict safety regulations and the implementation of safety protocols, conducted by Professors Shengchun Li and Zhifan Yang, Senior Technician Sheng Yang, and Professor Haimou Zhang."

    2. Data Biosecurity:

           - Our instructors and senior students have conducted special
         sessions to discuss data security, including:

             - Information security and network security policies (see
         link below):

               - [Information Security Policy]

           - We have attached photos showing the training sessions and the
         implementation of safety protocols.

    3. Plant Handling and Disposal:

           - We have implemented strict protocols for handling and disposing
         of transgenic plants. All plant materials are rendered biologically
         inactive through autoclaving before final disposal. (Photos attached.)

    4. Isolation Protocols for Spodoptera litura:

           - To prevent S. litura  escape into the environment:

             - We have a dedicated insect-rearing room equipped with
         secure, enclosed containers to house the insects.

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    "We have a dedicated Insect Rearing Chamber equipped with secure, enclosed containers to house the insects and prevent any escape. Attached are photos of our isolation facilities, rearing methods, and experimental setups."

         - During experimental procedures, we use specialized cages or containers
         to prevent any escape.

             - All waste materials, including dead insects, are disposed
         of according to our established decontamination procedures.

             - We have attached photos showing the isolation facilities,
         rearing methods, and experimental setups.

    5. Waste Management:

           - We have detailed waste management procedures that comply with
         university regulations (see link below):

             - [University Waste Management Regulations]

           - We have included photos showing the waste management process,
         including the proper disposal of plant materials, insects, and other
         laboratory waste.

    Process for Autoclaving Genetically Modified (GM) Plant

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      - Plants Collection: Carefully collect the GM plant materials, ensuring that all parts including leaves, stems, and roots are included.

      - Autoclave bag: Put the plant materials into an autoclave bag.

      - Sealing: Securely seal the autoclave bag to prevent any leakage or exposure to the environment during the sterilization process.

    . Autoclave Preparation:

      - Equipment Setup: Ensure that the autoclave is in good working condition and properly calibrated. An autoclave is a device used for sterilization using saturated steam under pressure.

      - Loading: Load the sealed containers into the autoclave chamber. Avoid overloading the autoclave to ensure proper steam circulation and even temperature distribution.

    Sterilization Process:

      - Temperature and Pressure Settings: Set the autoclave to reach an internal temperature of 121 degrees Celsius (249.8 degrees Fahrenheit) with a corresponding pressure of approximately 15 pounds per square inch (psi).

      - Cycle Duration: The sterilization cycle typically lasts for a minimum of 20 minutes. However, the duration may vary based on the volume and type of plant materials being sterilized.

      - Monitoring: Continuously monitor the temperature and pressure throughout the sterilization process to ensure that the conditions are maintained within the specified range.

    Cooling Down:

      - Venting: After the sterilization cycle is complete, allow the autoclave to cool down naturally. Do not manually vent the autoclave as this could result in uneven cooling and potentially compromise the sterility.

      - Unloading: Once the autoclave has cooled down to a safe temperature, carefully unload the containers from the autoclave.

    . Post-Sterilization Handling:

      - Disposal: Treat the sterilized plant material as biohazardous waste and dispose of it according to local regulations and guidelines. This might involve incineration or deep burial.

      - Documentation: Record the details of the sterilization process, including the date, time, temperature, pressure, and duration. This documentation is important for regulatory compliance and traceability.

    By following these steps, we can effectively sterilize the genetically modified plants at 121 degrees Celsius to ensure that they are completely killed and will not inadvertently enter the environment. This process is crucial for maintaining biosafety and preventing unintended ecological impacts.

    6. Roles and Responsibilities:

           - Each team member has specific roles and responsibilities, which
         are outlined in our project wiki under the "Attribution" section (Link to
         Attribution section: [Wiki Attribution Section]

           - We have ensured that all team members, especially those directly
         involved in experimental work, have received comprehensive training
         tailored to their specific tasks.

    7. Final Version of the Safety Form:

           - We are currently working on the final version of the safety form,
         which will be more complete and address all the issues raised during the

           - We will ensure that all required check-in forms have been
         submitted according to the whitelist.

           - Our answers will clearly distinguish between potential future
         work and the experiments conducted during the iGEM competition.