Sustainable Development Goals

Project Introduction

The fashion industry has become one of the leading sources of pollution, energy consumption, and carbon emissions worldwide. As individuals pursue fashion trends, they often unintentionally increase their carbon footprint, contributing to the ongoing environmental crisis. Denim production, in particular, is notorious for its excessive water usage, reliance on harmful chemicals, and substantial energy consumption.

Our team, New Jeans, is committed to addressing these challenges by developing an innovative enzyme-based solution. Utilizing Escherichia coli BL21, we have successfully produced laccase, catalase, cellulase, and lipase to replace traditional denim processing methods. This eco-friendly alternative significantly reduces water usage, eliminates hazardous chemicals, and improves the efficiency of stain removal, all while lowering the environmental impact of the production process.

Our solution aims to create a harmonious balance between fashion and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. By promoting more sustainable denim production practices, we seek to lead the textile industry toward a future where fashion no longer comes at the cost of our planet. Through our green technology, we hope to contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable world while continuing to innovate within the fashion industry.

Definition of Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development, as defined by the United Nations, refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In the context of the fashion industry, this means finding ways to balance economic growth and technological advancement while minimizing environmental degradation and ensuring social well-being.

Our project directly addresses the urgent need for sustainability in denim production, a segment of the fashion industry that is known for its excessive use of water, energy, and harmful chemicals. By developing an enzyme-based solution, we aim to significantly reduce the environmental impact of denim processing, aligning our efforts with three key Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation – The denim industry is one of the largest consumers of water, contributing to water pollution through the use of toxic chemicals and untreated wastewater. Our enzyme solution reduces the need for harmful chemicals and significantly lowers water usage, ensuring that cleaner water is returned to ecosystems. This aligns with Target 6.3, which focuses on improving water quality and reducing pollution.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – The fashion industry, particularly in urban manufacturing hubs, plays a significant role in pollution and waste generation. By promoting sustainable denim production methods, we contribute to creating more environmentally responsible cities. Our project supports Target 11.6, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of cities by minimizing waste and pollution associated with industrial production.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production – The heart of our project lies in this goal, as we work to reform the traditional denim production process to be more resource-efficient and less wasteful. Our enzyme technology minimizes resource use, reduces chemical waste, and encourages a circular fashion economy where materials can be reused and recycled. This supports multiple targets under SDG 12, including Target 12.2 (sustainable management of resources) and Target 12.5 (substantial reduction of waste generation).

By focusing on these specific SDGs, our project exemplifies how the fashion industry can move towards sustainability without sacrificing style or innovation. Through our efforts, we aim to raise awareness and inspire further advancements in responsible production and consumption within the fashion industry.

Denim Crafts

We have specially designed denim fabric promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the United Nations' SDGs beautifully embroidered onto the denim. Through this initiative, we aim for people wearing denim clothing or using denim products to gain a more direct understanding and exposure to the concept of sustainable development. Our goal is to distribute these custom-made denim products worldwide, further raising global public awareness and ensuring that people have access to information about sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature. Through this creative method of communication, we hope to encourage more people to join in the movement for sustainable development and contribute to protecting the Earth’s environment.

Our Efforts and Actions
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

We focus on Target 6.3: "By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping, and minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater, and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally."

Our project improves water quality by reducing reliance on harmful chemicals and water consumption in the denim processing industry, effectively reducing pollutant emissions. Our enzyme solution not only decreases the need for traditional chemical treatments but also enhances the sustainability of production through more environmentally friendly processes. By optimizing the production process, we can reduce the harmful components in wastewater, thereby protecting aquatic ecosystems and promoting a healthier water environment. This shift not only helps alleviate pressure on natural resources but also lays a solid foundation for surrounding communities and future sustainable development.

In our project, using microorganisms for processing could pose certain biosafety and environmental release risks. If these microorganisms are not properly managed or accidentally released, they could have unpredictable effects on natural ecosystems. To understand and assess these risks, we conducted expert interviews (details in Human Practice). After careful consideration and discussion, we ultimately decided to use enzyme preparations for treatment. This approach not only reduces potential safety hazards but also allows for better control of the entire process, ensuring that our solution is both effective and safe.

Beijing Waterworks Museum

During our visit to the Waterworks Museum, we became acutely aware that the fashion industry, particularly the production of jeans, is indeed a high-pollution and high-water-consuming industry. One of our team members, who previously worked in the jeans production field, shared that pumice stones are used in factories to bleach jeans. Although this traditional method can achieve the desired visual effect, it causes serious environmental pollution, especially water pollution.

It was this museum visit that sparked my reflections on our project, prompting me to delve deeper into the challenges the textile industry faces regarding water pollution. It made me realize the urgent need to find more eco-friendly alternatives and contribute to the sustainable development of the textile industry. This experience became the driving force behind our team’s pursuit of environmental protection and sustainability goals.

Calculating Water Consumption for Jeans Production

We calculated the water consumption for producing jeans and found that making a single pair of jeans consumes between 4.35 to 5.5 liters of water. This data was shocking, and the process also generates other pollutants. This high water consumption and the accompanying pollution issues further solidified our determination to develop more sustainable solutions, with the hope that our efforts can help protect water resources and reduce negative environmental impacts.

Environmental Guidelines

We created an environmental guide on enzyme-based detergents and published it on our media platform. Traditional detergents often contain phosphorus, which wastewater treatment plants struggle to remove. When phosphorus-laden wastewater is discharged into rivers, lakes, and oceans, it can cause eutrophication, leading to harmful algal blooms and damaging aquatic ecosystems.

Our guide raises awareness about the environmental impact of phosphorus-containing detergents and promotes enzyme-based alternatives. To further spread this message, we organized a poster campaign advocating for reduced use of phosphorus detergents. Through social media, many people have shared feedback, confirming that they are now avoiding phosphorus-based detergents and switching to enzyme-based solutions.

By encouraging this shift, we aim to reduce water pollution, preserve resources, and contribute to a healthier environment. Collective action toward sustainable consumption can protect our planet for future generations.

Water Cleanliness Action

In addition to promoting our project and raising public awareness, we are also committed to keeping water resources clean, contributing directly to SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. As part of our efforts, we organized a water cleanliness campaign, where our team actively cleaned up plastic bottles and other pollutants along riverbanks. These pollutants not only harm aquatic ecosystems but also degrade water quality, impacting the health of surrounding communities.

By engaging in these actions, we aim to reduce water pollution and inspire others to take part in protecting water resources. Our initiative supports SDG Target 6.3, which focuses on improving water quality by reducing pollution. Through these efforts, we contribute to ecological balance and encourage sustainable practices within the community.

Classroom Presentations

We organized project presentations and classroom sessions focused on water conservation and sustainable consumption, engaging our classmates in practical actions to protect water resources. We emphasized how the fashion industry, especially through excessive clothing production and the use of traditional detergents, contributes to water pollution.

In our talks, we encouraged classmates to buy fewer new clothes, repair old ones, and use enzyme-based detergents that reduce water pollution. We also shared how our enzyme solution in denim production minimizes harmful chemicals and preserves water quality. These simple changes can have a significant impact on reducing water usage and pollution.

One key concern raised was the affordability of our solution, particularly in developing countries. We assured the class that we are working to reduce costs and improve efficiency, aiming to make this sustainable technology accessible worldwide, promoting broader adoption.


Our project supports SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities by addressing the environmental challenges posed by the fashion industry, particularly in urban manufacturing areas. Traditional denim production consumes large amounts of water and relies on harmful chemicals, contributing to pollution and straining city infrastructure.

By introducing an enzyme-based solution, we reduce water usage and eliminate harmful chemicals, thus supporting Target 11.6, which focuses on reducing the environmental impact of cities. Our solution lessens pollution in urban areas and contributes to cleaner water systems.

In addition, through community outreach and awareness campaigns, we promote sustainable consumption habits, encouraging the reduction of waste and the use of eco-friendly products. These efforts help build more resilient, environmentally responsible cities, aligning with the goals of SDG 11.

Jeans Manufacturer

We engaged in discussions with a jeans manufacturer to address the environmental challenges in the supply chain and explore how our enzyme-based solution could support the greening of both upstream and downstream processes. The manufacturer recognized the importance of reducing the environmental impact in urban manufacturing settings, where denim production significantly contributes to water pollution and resource consumption.

Through our dialogue, we emphasized the role of our enzyme solution in reducing harmful chemicals and water usage, aligning with SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, particularly Target 11.6—which focuses on minimizing the environmental impact of urban areas. The manufacturer confirmed that our solution has the potential to transform the denim production process, promoting a cleaner and more efficient system that supports urban sustainability.

By driving the green transformation of the supply chain, our project not only reduces the industrial strain on city infrastructure but also fosters more sustainable communities. This collaboration strengthens our aim to build an eco-friendly production model that contributes to cleaner, healthier urban environments.

Posting of Used Clothing Recycling Posters

We organized a poster campaign to promote used clothing recycling, encouraging community participation to reduce waste and support sustainable urban living. By recycling old clothes, we aim to extend the lifespan of garments, reduce resource consumption, and lessen the environmental impact of textile waste in cities.

Recycled clothing can be repurposed into eco-friendly fiber materials or donated to charity, aligning with SDG 11, particularly Target 11.6, which focuses on reducing the environmental footprint of urban areas through improved waste management. This initiative helps foster a circular economy within cities, promoting sustainable consumption patterns and contributing to cleaner, more resilient urban communities.

Through this campaign, we hope to raise environmental awareness, inspiring more people to engage in recycling efforts and support the development of sustainable cities and communities.

Clothing Donations

As part of our commitment to sustainable practices, our team personally took the initiative to donate collected clothing to recycling organizations. By doing so, we ensure that these garments are either repurposed as valuable resources for those in need or recycled into new products, directly reducing textile waste and promoting more sustainable consumption patterns.

Through this hands-on effort, we not only extended the lifecycle of the clothing but also demonstrated how individual actions can contribute to urban sustainability. This initiative supports SDG 11, specifically Target 11.6, by reducing the environmental impact of cities through improved waste management and recycling. By leading through example, we hope to inspire others to take similar actions, reinforcing the idea that sustainable cities and communities begin with each of us taking responsibility for reducing waste.

Smart Used Clothing Recycling Bins

We designed smart used clothing recycling bins to offer the public an efficient and convenient way to recycle old clothes. These bins are equipped with intelligent sorting systems that automatically manage deposited items, improving recycling accuracy and reducing waste caused by manual errors. Additionally, the bins provide real-time feedback through information prompts, encouraging users to stay engaged with the recycling process.

This innovative approach aligns with SDG 11, particularly Target 11.6, by contributing to better waste management in urban areas and promoting sustainable consumption patterns. Our smart bins make it easier for communities to adopt eco-friendly practices, reducing textile waste and fostering a circular economy within cities.

Looking ahead, we plan to introduce even more advanced recycling systems to further enhance efficiency and user experience. These future designs will integrate smarter technology, aiming to increase participation in recycling efforts and support the creation of more sustainable cities and communities.

Development of Our Own Enzyme-Based Detergent Product

In order to accelerate our contribution to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, we have begun developing our own enzyme-based detergent product. This detergent has been specifically designed to reduce water pollution and chemical waste commonly associated with traditional laundry products. After extensive research and testing, we successfully created a formula that is not only highly effective in cleaning but also eco-friendly, aligning with our goal of promoting more sustainable consumption and reducing the environmental impact of urban areas.

Although our product has proven successful in trials, we are currently addressing biosafety considerations before bringing it to market. Once we ensure the safety and compliance of the product, we plan to launch it as soon as possible. Our enzyme-based detergent will play a key role in reducing the environmental footprint of cities by minimizing the use of harmful chemicals in household cleaning, supporting Target 11.6.

By making this product widely available, we aim to further empower communities to adopt sustainable living practices and contribute to the broader goal of building more resilient and sustainable cities.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 12 is the core goal of our project. Through our innovative enzyme-based solution, we have optimized denim production processes, reducing resource waste and environmental pollution from traditional methods, driving the textile industry towards a more environmentally friendly and efficient future.

We aim to advance a series of sub-targets under this goal:

1.Target 12.2: By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.

Our enzyme solution replaces traditional chemicals, reducing the excessive consumption of water and other natural resources during denim processing, thereby improving resource efficiency.

2.Target 12.5: By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.

Enzyme technology significantly reduces chemical waste and water pollution in denim processing, lowering waste generation and reducing long-term negative environmental impacts.

3.Target 12.8: By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.

To promote this target, we organized a series of outreach activities, including poster campaigns, distribution of souvenirs, denim craft workshops, and presentations to help people understand and adopt sustainable lifestyles.

4.Target 12.a: Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production.

China, as a developing country, has seen us engage in various actions such as clothing donations and charity sales. We also designed intelligent recycling bins for used clothing, aiming to promote more sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Garment Carbon Footprint Calculator

Number of Short-Sleeve T-Shirts:
Number of Shorts:
Number of Jackets:
Number of Jeans:
Number of Sweaters:
Number of Down Jackets:

Total Carbon Emissions: 0 kg CO₂e

Every piece of clothing produced is accompanied by carbon dioxide emissions. To address this, we have specially designed a carbon footprint calculator for consumers. With this calculator, consumers can easily calculate the amount of CO2 emissions released during the production process of each garment. This not only helps people understand the environmental impact of the fashion industry but also raises awareness of carbon emissions. Through this initiative, we aim to encourage more people to pay attention to the environmental impact of clothing consumption and make more responsible purchasing decisions by choosing low-carbon, sustainable options. We hope that this effort will drive both individuals and society as a whole toward more environmentally friendly lifestyles, reducing the burden on the environment and collectively tackling the challenges of climate change. We have made the code for our carbon footprint calculator available for other teams to share and utilize.

Souvenirs Made from Old Jeans

We crafted creative denim souvenirs from recycled old jeans to showcase how discarded materials can be repurposed into valuable new items. This process highlights the importance of resource recycling and responsible production practices. By giving old jeans a new life, we aim to reduce environmental impact and promote more sustainable consumption behaviors.

These unique souvenirs serve as a reminder that everyone can take simple actions to contribute to a circular economy and reduce waste, aligning with SDG 12. Through this initiative, we hope to inspire others to make eco-conscious choices and support a more sustainable future.

Charity Sale Booth

In addition to giving away our denim souvenir keychains, we organized a charity sale booth, selling these creative products to the public. All proceeds were donated to environmental organizations to support their conservation efforts. This charity sale not only raised awareness about recycling and reusing jeans, but also emphasized the importance of responsible consumption and production, aligning with SDG 12.

Through this initiative, we highlighted how simple actions, like repurposing old materials, can contribute to sustainable development. We also used this platform to promote the iGEM competition, showcasing how innovative solutions like ours can make a real impact on global environmental challenges. Our goal is to inspire more people to engage in sustainability efforts and work together for a greener future.

Denim Patches

We designed a variety of denim patches to encourage people to repair rather than discard damaged clothing, helping to extend the lifespan of garments. These patches combine fashion with environmental consciousness, promoting a shift away from the “discard when worn out” mentality. By repairing clothes, individuals can reduce resource waste and actively contribute to environmental protection.

Through our initiative and promotion efforts, many people have embraced our patches, reducing denim waste and supporting sustainable consumption patterns. This small but impactful change helps raise awareness about responsible production and contributes to the preservation of Earth’s resources, aligning with SDG 12.

Incorporating Stakeholder Feedback to Advance Sustainable Solutions Aligned with SDGs 6, 11, and 12

Throughout our project, we have actively incorporated feedback from various stakeholders to align our work with multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Here are a few key examples:

1. Beijing Waterworks Museum: During a visit, we learned about the high water consumption and pollution in the fashion industry, particularly in denim production. This feedback highlighted the urgent need to develop more water-efficient methods. We integrated this understanding into our project, focusing on reducing water usage and pollution through enzyme-based solutions, aligning with SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation .

2. Jeans Manufacturer: Feedback from a jeans manufacturer emphasized the importance of reducing environmental impact in denim production. They acknowledged the potential of our enzyme solution to minimize water pollution and chemical use, which supports SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities by reducing the ecological footprint of urban manufacturing processes .

3. Professor Qi Bin: Professor Qi’s suggestion to improve the enzyme efficiency by adding catalase was critical in enhancing the performance of our solution. This improvement supports both SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production and SDG 6, as it optimizes resource use and further reduces the environmental burden in denim processing .

4. Suzhou Womei Biotech Co., Ltd.: Mr. Zhu Yibo raised concerns about the biosafety of using live bacteria in production. In response, we revised our project by eliminating the bacterial surface display method, ensuring the safety of our enzyme solution. This feedback was crucial in meeting SDG 12 standards for safe, responsible production methods .

5. Consumer Interviews: Many consumers expressed concerns about using live bacteria in the production of jeans. Based on this feedback, we shifted our focus solely to enzyme-based treatments, which enhanced consumer acceptance and further supported SDG 12 by promoting safer, more sustainable production .

By incorporating these valuable insights, we ensured our project not only meets technical and environmental goals but also addresses the concerns of both experts and consumers, aligning closely with SDG 6, SDG 11, and SDG 12.

Addressing Long-term Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts

Throughout our project, we have carefully considered the long-term social, environmental, and economic impacts of our work, ensuring alignment with SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

1. Environmental Impact: Our enzyme-based solution directly addresses the environmental challenges posed by traditional denim production, particularly the excessive use of water and harmful chemicals. By reducing water consumption and eliminating hazardous substances, we are contributing to cleaner water systems and reducing pollution, which aligns with SDG 6. In the long term, this innovation has the potential to significantly lower the environmental footprint of the fashion industry, reducing both chemical waste and water use in urban areas, supporting SDG 11.

2. Social Impact: The adoption of sustainable practices in the fashion industry can positively impact communities by improving public health and the environment. By reducing water contamination and minimizing exposure to toxic chemicals, our project promotes healthier living environments, especially in regions where textile production contributes heavily to pollution. Additionally, our outreach activities, including recycling initiatives and consumer education on sustainable fashion, encourage more responsible consumption habits, fostering a culture of sustainability that benefits society as a whole, aligning with SDG 12.

3. Economic Impact: In the long run, our project promotes cost-saving measures for the textile industry by reducing the need for expensive water treatment and chemical disposal processes. By improving resource efficiency and reducing waste, our enzyme solution can lead to lower production costs and a more sustainable supply chain. Furthermore, the development of enzyme-based products opens up new market opportunities for sustainable goods, contributing to economic growth while supporting environmental and social well-being, addressing both SDG 12 and SDG 11.

In summary, our project addresses the long-term impacts by reducing environmental harm, fostering healthier communities, and promoting a more sustainable and economically viable fashion industry. By considering the broader social, environmental, and economic implications, we aim to create a lasting, positive impact aligned with our chosen SDGs.

Considering Interactions with Other SDGs

In developing our project, we carefully evaluated how our work not only aligns with SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), but also how it interacts with other Sustainable Development Goals, both positively and potentially negatively.

1. Positive Interactions:

• SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being: By reducing the use of harmful chemicals in denim production, our project contributes to healthier environments, decreasing water pollution and improving air quality. This has a direct impact on human health, especially in regions where textile waste and pollution affect local communities.

• SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: Our enzyme-based approach offers an opportunity for the fashion industry to adopt more sustainable and economically viable practices. By reducing the costs associated with chemical treatments and waste disposal, our project fosters innovation and supports economic growth in the textile sector, creating opportunities for more sustainable employment.

• SDG 13: Climate Action: By promoting resource efficiency and reducing waste, our project helps lower the overall environmental footprint of the fashion industry. Reducing water and energy consumption in production processes directly contributes to the fight against climate change by minimizing the industry’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Potential Negative Interactions:

• SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: While our project focuses on reducing environmental impacts, there are challenges related to the initial costs and technological infrastructure required to implement enzyme-based solutions at scale. For smaller manufacturers, the transition could pose financial and operational challenges, potentially limiting widespread adoption in the short term.

• SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy: Though our project reduces water and chemical use, the enzyme production process itself requires energy. If this energy comes from non-renewable sources, it could increase the carbon footprint of production, negatively affecting SDG 7. To mitigate this, we are exploring ways to integrate renewable energy sources into the production chain in future iterations of our project.

By carefully considering both the positive and potential negative interactions of our work with other SDGs, we have ensured a balanced and responsible approach. Our aim is to maximize the broader benefits of our project while addressing any challenges to ensure sustainable impact across multiple goals.


Our project offers practical solutions to reduce the environmental impact of denim production, focusing on water conservation, chemical reduction, and waste minimization. Through enzyme-based technologies and initiatives like clothing recycling, smart recycling bins, and denim patches, we’ve actively promoted sustainable consumption and responsible production, aligning with SDG 6, SDG 11, and SDG 12.

Our efforts have already led to tangible reductions in waste and increased community awareness about sustainable practices. Moving forward, we will continue to refine our enzyme solutions and expand our impact by promoting these sustainable alternatives to broader communities and industries.

Through these actions, we are contributing to a more sustainable future for the fashion industry and beyond.

References and website links:

1. [SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation](

2. [SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities](

3. [SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production](

4. [Fashion’s Environmental Impact](

5. [Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences, and Controls in Aquatic Ecosystems](

6. [Water Pollution from the Fashion Industry](

7. [Circular Fashion: A New Textiles Economy](

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