In our commitment to ensuring safety and ethical standards in research, we prioritize the selection of suitable organisms for experimentation, strictly adhering to guidelines. Furthermore, we uphold the non-release policy to prevent any unintended dissemination of modified organisms into the environment. Our experiments are conducted in designated laboratories equipped to handle the specific biosafety requirements, ensuring that all safety protocols are meticulously followed. Additionally, we place great emphasis on the personal protective measures for all personnel involved in the research, providing appropriate training and equipment to mitigate risks and maintain a secure working environment. Through these practices, we aim to foster a culture of safety and responsibility in our scientific endeavors.
To ensure the safety and containment of our experiment, we took several key precautions when introducing our target gene into the Bamboo mosaic virus, S strain (BaMV-S). BaMV's primary risk is accidental release, but it mainly infects bamboo, with low infectivity toward other plants.
We have put in place several risk management measures, including working in a contained environment and implementing strict decontamination protocols.
Additionally, we specifically removed the gene segment responsible for mobility, meaning that the plasmid is designed to remain localized and only infect the specific area of the leaf where the Agrobacterium was injected. This prevents the spread of the genetically modified material beyond the targeted site.
Besides, all plant materials and waste generated during the experiment were properly sterilized and disposed of in accordance with biohazard regulations to prevent environmental contamination.
We ensured that our experiment was conducted safely and responsibly, minimizing any risk to the environment and public health.
To ensure laboratory safety, all students are mandated to participate in safety training and complete various risk assessment modules before embarking on the projects. This includes modules for chemical safety, biological safety and data protection.
Our experiment involves both plant and animal testing, and we are guided by two instructors who oversee each area. They provide us with training on laboratory procedures, review our experimental designs, and ensure that we adhere to all laboratory safety protocols throughout the process.
We conduct our project following the provided guidance and under controlled and safe conditions. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety goggles, lab coats and gloves are equipped during operations.
For more information regarding our team's dedication to safety, check out our submitted Safety Form.
Biological waste is sterilized in an autoclave at 121°C and then discarded according to the rules.
Dispose of infected plants and contaminated materials in designated biohazard containers to prevent accidental exposure.
All plant infections and media preparations will be conducted in a Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) laboratory, ensuring that the risk of accidental release of our GMO remains minimal.
Implement decontamination procedures for all surfaces and tools that come into contact with infected materials before disposal.