Verification of established LIRA system
In this stage, our goal was to verify the effectiveness of a LIRA system reported in the literature and explore the best conditions and experiment setting to test LIRA before developing our own LIRA system for cancer screening [1]. We chose H01 and H05, two LIRAs that have been reported with good performance to conduct our verification experiments [1]. We first transformed plasmids that carried LIRA or target RNA of LIRA (input RNA) into BL21-DE3, and then used IPTG to induce the transcription of LIRA and input RNA, and finally examined EGFP expression in the IPTG treated BL21-DE3 with Western Blot analysis and fluorescence cytometry.
Amplification and examination of plasmid DNA
Plasmids carrying H01 and H05 LIRA were synthesized according to the sequences provided in the literature [1] (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Maps of plasmid H01, H05, input01, input05.
Map H01: pET-15b-H01-linker-EGFP (With device PT7-LIRA_H01-linker-EGFP-T7TE).
Map input01: pCDFDuet-input01 (With device PT7-LIRA_input01-T7TE).
Map H05: pET-15b-H05-linker-EGFP (With device PT7-LIRA_H05-linker-EGFP-T7TE).
Map input05: pCDFDuet-input05 (With device PT7-LIRA_input05-T7TE).
These plasmids were transformed into DH5-α for amplification. Transformed clones were grown in LB medium. Plasmid DNA from these clones were extracted by maxiprep, and subjected to digestion with endonucleases. The digested plasmid DNA was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis, which demonstrated that the sizes of these plasmids were correct (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2. Restriction endonuclease digestion of H01 and H05 plasmids after transformation. 1 % agarose gel electrophoresis.
Lane1: Marker, 10000 DNA marker.
Lane2 3 4: H01 digested with EcoRI. H01 has a single EcoRI cutting site
indicated a 6359bp single band of H01 cut by EcoRI.
Lane5 6 7: H05 digested with EcoRI. H05 has a single EcoRI cutting site
indicated a 6359bp single band of H05 cut by EcoRI.
Figure 3. Restriction endonuclease digestion of input01 and input05 plasmids after transformation. 1 % agarose gel electrophoresis.
Lane1: Marker, 10000 DNA marker.
Lane2: input01 digested with XbaI. Input01 has a single XbaI cutting site
indicated a 3369bp single band of input01 cut by XbaI.
Lane3: input05 digested with XbaI. Input05 has a single XbaI cutting site
indicated a 3369bp single band of input05 cut by XbaI.
Transformation of LIRA and Input RNA plasmids into BL21-DE3
To generate clones that have both LIRA plasmids and their corresponding input plasmids, H01+input01 & H05+input05 plasmids were co-transformed into BL21-DE3, an engineered type of E.coli for protein expression. Plasmids from transformed BL21-DE3 were extracted by maxiprep, and digested by endonucleases. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the digested plasmids demonstrated that H01+input01 & H05+input05 plasmids were co-transformed successfully (Figure 4-5).
Figure 4. Double restriction endonuclease digestion of H01 and Input01 by EcoRI and XbaI. 1 % agarose gel electrophoresis.
Lane1: Marker, 10000 DNA marker.
Lane2: H01 digested with EcoRI. H01 has a single EcoRI cutting site
indicated a 6359bp single band of H01 cut by EcoRI.
Lane3: Input01 digested with XbaI. Input01 has a single XbaI cutting site
indicated a 3369bp single band of input01 cut by XbaI.
Lane4: Maxiprep of H01+ Input01 co-transformation plasmids in BL21-DE3 digested with both EcoRI and XbaI. H01 has a single EcoRI cutting site
indicated a 6359bp single band of H01 cut by EcoRI. Input01 has a single XbaI cutting site
indicated a 3369bp single band of input01 cut by XbaI.
Figure 5. Double restriction endonuclease digestion of H05 and input05 by EcoRI and XbaI. 1 % agarose gel electrophoresis.
Lane1: Marker, 10000 DNA marker.
Lane2: H05 digested with EcoRI. H05 has a single EcoRI cutting site
indicated a 6359bp single band of H05 cut by EcoRI.
Lane3: Input05 digested with XbaI. Input05 has a single XbaI cutting site
indicated a 3369bp single band of Input05 cut by XbaI.
Lane4: Maxiprep of H05+ Input05 co-transformation plasmids in BL21-DE3 digested with both EcoRI and XbaI. H05 has a single EcoRI cutting site
indicated a 6359bp single band of H05 cut by EcoRI. Input05 has a single XbaI cutting site
indicated a 3369bp single band of Input05 cut by XbaI.
Examination of EGFP expression
To compare EGFP expression in BL21-DE3 clones with LIRA plasmid, H01 and input01 or H05 with input05, all BL21-DE3 clones were conducted IPTG-induction of EGFP protein by culturing the transformed BL21-DE3 in LB with IPTG 0.1mM for 4h.
The transcription of H01 and H05 LIRA is regulated by T7 promotor, which requires T7 RNA polymerase. The transcription of T7 RNA polymerase in BL21-DE3 is regulated by lacUV5 promoter. The plasmid carrying H01 and H05 LIRA (pCOLADuet-1) has a gene that encodes Lacl protein, which can suppress the lacUV5 promotor. As a result, transformation of H01 and H05 plasmid into BL21-DE3 would suppress any transcription that requires T7 RNA polymerase. IPTG can combine with LacI protein, and release the suppression of LacI protein on lacUV5 promoter, which activates the transcription of T7 RNA polymerase. Therefore, we could use IPTG to induce the transcription of T7 RNA polymerase in BL21-DE3 transformed with H01 and H05 plasmid, and the induced T7 RNA polymerase could activate the transcription of LIRA and the EGFP reporter gene downstream of LIRA. After IPTG induction, the H01 and H05 transformed BL21-DE3 clones were treated by ultrasonic disruption, and cell lysate was subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western Blot analysis.
Result of SDS-PAGE on H01 and H01+Input01 transformed BL21-DE3 clones demonstrated that a strong expression of a 27kDa protein in the IPTG-induced H01+input01 clones. Result of Western Blot demonstrated that the expression of EGFP protein in H01+input01 transformed BL21-DE3 clone is much higher than that of H01 transformed BL21-DE3 clone with or without IPTG induction, indicating that Input01 RNA successfully changed the structure of H01 and exposed the RBS and start codon in H01 for translation of downstream EGFP.
Figure 6. Examination of EGFP protein of H01 Gate RNA. 12 % agarose gel SDS-PAGE image of
indicated protein bands of 27kDa EGFP expressed by H01 Gate. Lane1: Marker. Lane2:H01 uninduced by IPTG. Lane3: H01 induced by 0.1mM IPTG. Lane4: H01+Input01 uninduced by IPTG. Lane5: H01+Input01 induced by 0.1mM IPTG.
Figure 7. Examination of EGFP protein of H01 Gate RNA. 10 % agarose gel Western Blot of EGFP. Lane1:H01 uninduced by IPTG. Lane2: H01 induced by 0.1mM IPTG Lane3: H01+Input01 uninduced by IPTG. Lane4: H01+Input01 induced by 0.1mM IPTG.
Similarly, result of SDS-PAGE on H05 and H05+Input05 transformed BL21-DE3 clones demonstrated that an increased expression of a 27kDa protein in the IPTG-induced H05+input05 clones. Result of Western Blot demonstrated that the expression of EGFP protein in H05+input05 transformed BL21-DE3 clone is slightly higher than that of H05 transformed BL21-DE3 clone with or without IPTG induction, indicating that Input05 RNA might slightly change the structure of H01 and exposed the RBS and start codon in H01 for translation of downstream EGFP.
Figure 8. Examination of EGFP protein of H05 Gate RNA.12 % agarose gel SDS-PAGE image of
indicated protein bands of 27kDa EGFP expressed by H05 Gate. Lane1: Marker. Lane2:H05 uninduced by IPTG. Lane3: H05 induced by 0.1mM IPTG Lane4: H05+Input05 uninduced by IPTG. Lane5: H05+Input05 induced by 0.1mM IPTG.
Figure 9. Examination of EGFP protein of H05 Gate RNA. 10 % agarose gel Western Blot of EGFP. Lane1:H05 uninduced by IPTG. Lane2: H05 induced by 0.1mM IPTG Lane3: H05+Input05 uninduced by IPTG. Lane4: H05+Input05 induced by 0.1mM IPTG.
Together, while the expression of EGFP protein in H01+input01 transformed BL21-DE3 clone was much higher than that of H01 transformed BL21-DE3 clone, the expression of EGFP protein in H05+input05 transformed BL21-DE3 clone was only slightly higher than that of H05 transformed BL21-DE3 clone. Such result demonstrated that the effectiveness of H01 LIRA that targets input01 RNA is much higher than that of H05 LIRA that targets input05 RNA.
Fluorescence Measurement
To quantify the LIRA-mediated EGFP expression, the fluorescence of protein lysate from all BL21-DE3 clones were measured by Multi-mode Microplate Reader. To compare the effectiveness of H01 and H05 quantitatively, we used the On/Off ratio. The On/Off ratio of LIRA is defined as ON-state reporter gene expression, which is LIRA-mediated downstream gene expression in the presence of the corresponding input RNA, divided by the OFF-state reporter gene expression, which is LIRA-mediated downstream gene expression in the absence of the corresponding input RNA.
The On/Off ratio of H01 is 28.554, while the On/Off ratio of H05 is 1.345. Comparing the fluorescence measurement results of H01 and H05, the On/Off ratio of H01 is much greater than H05, indicating that H01 is a much more effective LIRA. Therefore, we decided to develop our own LIRA based on the structure of H01.
Figure 10. Fluorescence comparison of BL21-DE3 with H01 plasmid or H01+input01 plasmids by Multi-mode Microplate Reader with OD Ex: 488 Em: 525. *** indicates p < 0.001.
Figure 11. Fluorescence comparison of BL21-DE3 with H05 plasmid or H05+input05 plasmids by Multi-mode Microplate Reader with OD Ex: 488 Em: 525. ** indicates p < 0.01.
Figure 12. On/Off comparison of H01 and H05 under IPTG induction.
Identify target miRNA for cancer screening in CVD patients
Using a variety of bioinformatic analysis, our model group identified miR-142-3p and miR-210-3p as ideal biomarkers for cancer screening in post-myocardial infarction patients. We did Wound healing and Transwell assays to confirm that these two miRNAs could promote the migration and invasion of cancer cells. For detailed information of this part of work, please see our Model section.
Test of single-arm LIRA
Test of single-arm LIRA that targets miR-142-3p
Our model group designed single-arm LIRAs that target miR-142-3p. Recognition region is an essential part of LIRA, which is a reverse complementary sequence of the target RNA of LIRA, and the stem-loop ratio of LIRA refers the number of nucleotides of recognition region that are in the stem structure of LIRA to the number of nucleotides of recognition region that are in the loop structure of LIRA (Please see our Model section for detailed information). Since we believed that stem-loop ratio was crucial for the effectiveness of LIRA, we chose 3 LIRAs with different stem-loop ratios for evaluation. We cloned these LIRAs into pCOLADuet-1, and named these constructs H142_3/20, H142_8/15 and H142_11/12 respectively. In addition, we cloned the sequence of miR-142-3p into plasmid pCDFDuet-1 and pET-15b for the expression of miR-142-3p, and named these constructs input142.
Table 1. Plasmid for H142.
Number Plasmid description Device
1 pCOLADuet-H142_3/20-linker-EGFP PT7-LIRA_H142_3/20-linker-EGFP-T7TE
2 pCOLADuet-H142_8/15-linker-EGFP PT7-LIRA_H142_8/15-linker-EGFP-T7TE
3 pCOLADuet-H142_11/12-linker-EGFP PT7-LIRA_H142_11/12-linker-EGFP-T7TE
4 pCDFDuet-input142 PT7-LIRA_input142-T7TE
5 pET-15b-input142 PT7-LIRA_input142-T7TE
All plasmids listed in Table 1 were transformed into BL21-DE3 (Figure 13) and plasmids from successfully transformed clones were verified by digestion with restriction endonuclease and agarose gel electrophoresis (Please see our Engineering section for detailed information).
Figure 13. Plate for H142 related transformation.
Transformed BL21-DE3 clones was treated with 0.1mM IPTG for 4h and then disrupted by ultrasonic-sound. Cell lysate was collected by centrifuging and diluted to 1.8 μg/μL. The EGFP fluorescence from the diluted cell lysate was measured at a medium-high PMT gain. The results showed that the clones transformed with H142_11/12 and input142 have highest expression of EGFP than other clones.
Figure 14. Fluorescence comparison of BL21-DE3 with H142 related plasmids by Multi-mode Microplate Reader with OD Ex:488 Em:525. *** indicates p < 0.001.
Furthermore, we calculated the On/Off ratios of LIRA with different stem-loop ratio, i.e., H142_3/20, H142_8/15 and H142_11/12, and found that H142_11/12 has the biggest On/Off ratio, indicating that 11/12 might be the best stem-loop ratio for LIRA that targets miR-142-3p.
Figure 15. On/Off fluorescence of H142 in stem-loop ratio of 3/20, 8/15 and 11/12.
Test of single-arm LIRA that targets miR-210-3p
Our model group also designed single-arm LIRAs that target miR-210-3p, we chose 3 LIRAs with different stem-loop ratios for evaluation. We cloned these LIRAs into pCOLADuet-1, and named these constructs H210_2/20, H210_7/15 and H210_10/12 respectively. In addition, we cloned the sequence of miR-210-3p into plasmid pCDFDuet-1 and pET-15b for the expression of miR-210-3p, and named these constructs input210.
Table 2. Plasmid for H210.
Number Plasmid description Device
1 pCOLADuet-H210_2/20-linker-EGFP PT7-LIRA_H210_2/20-linker-EGFP-T7TE
2 pCOLADuet-H210_7/15-linker-EGFP PT7-LIRA_H210_7/15-linker-EGFP-T7TE
3 pCOLADuet-H210_10/12-linker-EGFP PT7-LIRA_H210_10/12-linker-EGFP-T7TE
4 pCDFDuet-input210 PT7-LIRA_input210-T7TE
5 pET-15b-input210 PT7-LIRA_input210-T7TE
All plasmids listed in Table 2 were transformed into BL21-DE3 (Figure 16) and plasmids from successfully transformed clones were verified by digestion with restriction endonuclease and agarose gel electrophoresis (Please see our Engineering section for detailed information).
Figure 16. Plate for H210 related transformation.
Transformed BL21-DE3 clones was treated with 0.1mM IPTG for 4h and then was disrupted by ultrasonic-sound. Cell lysate was collected by centrifuging and diluted to 1.8 μg/μL. The EGFP fluorescence from the diluted cell lysate was measured at a medium-high PMT gain. The results showed that the clones transformed with H210_2/20 and input210 have highest expression of EGFP than other clones.
Figure 17. Fluorescence comparison of BL21-DE3 with H210 related plasmids by Multi-mode Microplate Reader with OD Ex:488 Em:525. *** indicates p < 0.001.
Furthermore, we calculated the On/Off ratios of LIRA with different stem-loop ratio, i.e., H210_2/20, H210_7/15 and H210_10/12, and found that H210_2/20 has the biggest On/Off ratio, indicating that 2/20 might be the best stem-loop ratio for LIRA that targets miR-210-3p.
Figure 18. On/Off fluorescence of H210 in stem-loop ratio of 2/20, 7/15 and 10/12.
Test of double-arm LIRA that target both
miR-142-3p and miR-210-3p
In this stage, our goal was to verify the effectiveness of our designed double-arm LIRA that target both miR-210-3p and miR-142-3p. The double-arm LIRA has two recognition regions for two different target RNA, and an ideal LIRA could be activated only in the presence of both these two target RNA. Our model group analyzed the sequence and structure of LIRA, and used multiple indicators to calculate the expectation score of LIRA to predict its effectiveness (Please see our Model section for detailed information). We chose 3 double-arm LIRA with different expectation scores to test their effectiveness on detecting miR-210-3p and miR-142-3p.
We cloned these LIRAs into pCOLADuet-1, and named these constructs double-arm LIRA 1, double-arm LIRA 2, and double-arm LIRA 5 respectively.
Table 3. Plasmid for double-arm LIRA.
Number Plasmid description Device
1 pCOLA-PT7-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP-T7TE PT7-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP-T7TE
2 pCOLA-PT7-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP-T7TE PT7-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP-T7TE
3 pCOLA-PT7-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP-T7TE PT7-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP-T7TE
4 pET-15b-input142 PT7-LIRA_input142-T7TE
5 pCDFDuet-input210 PT7-LIRA_input210-T7TE
All plasmids listed in Table 3 were transformed into BL21-DE3(Figure 19-21) and plasmids from successfully transformed clones were verified by digestion with restriction endonuclease and agarose gel electrophoresis (Please see our Engineering section for detailed information).
Figure 19. Plate for pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP related transformation (BL21-DE3). From left to right. Plate1: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP selected by Kan.
Plate2: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP+pET-15b-input142 selected by Kan and Amp.
Plate3: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP+pCDFDuet-input210 selected by Kan and STC.
Plate4: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate1-linker-EGFP+pET-15b-input142+pCDFDuet-input210 selected by Kan and Amp and STC.
Figure 20. Plate for pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP related transformation (BL21-DE3). From left to right. Plate1: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP selected by Kan.
Plate2: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP+pET-15b-input142 selected by Kan and Amp.
Plate3: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP+pCDFDuet-input210 selected by Kan and STC.
Plate4: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate2-linker-EGFP+pET-15b-input142+pCDFDuet-input210 selected by Kan and Amp and STC.
Figure 21. Plate for pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP related transformation (BL21-DE3). From left to right. Plate1: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP selected by Kan.
Plate2: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP+pET-15b-input142 selected by Kan and Amp.
Plate3: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP+pCDFDuet-input210 selected by Kan and STC.
Plate4: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP+pET-15b-input142+pCDFDuet-input210 selected by Kan and Amp and STC.
Transformed BL21-DE3 clones was treated with 0.1mM IPTG for 4h and then disrupted by ultrasonic-sound. Cell lysate was collected by centrifuging and diluted to 1.8 μg/μL. The EGFP fluorescence from the diluted cell lysate was measured at a medium-high PMT gain. The clones transformed with double-arm LIRA 1 did not have increased EGFP expression even with both input142 and input210, indicating that it could not be activated by miR-142-3p and miR-210-3p (Figure 22). The clones transformed with double-arm LIRA 2 showed increased EGFP expression even with input142 alone, indicating that it could be activated by miR-142-3p alone (Figure 23). The clones transformed with double-arm LIRA 5 showed increased EGFP expression only with both input142 and input210, indicating that it could only be activated in the presence of both miR-142-3p and miR-210-3p (Figure 24).
Figure 22. Fluorescence comparison of BL21-DE3 with Double-arm LIRA 1 related plasmids by Multi-mode Microplate Reader with OD Ex:488 Em:525.
Figure 23. Fluorescence comparison of BL21-DE3 with Double-arm LIRA 2 related plasmids by Multi-mode Microplate Reader with OD Ex:488 Em:525. *** indicates p < 0.001.
Figure 24. Fluorescence comparison of BL21-DE3 with Double-arm LIRA 5 related plasmids by Multi-mode Microplate Reader with OD Ex:488 Em:525. *** indicates p < 0.001.
Test of cell-free system
In the future, we would like to apply our LIRA-based screening approach to screen blood samples from post-MI patients, to identify those patients with high risk of cancer. Since it is unlikely that we could transform miRNAs from blood samples into bacteria, we need to adapt our LIRA-based screening approach into a cell-free system. In addition, for a screening approach, it would be much easier to detect changes of color than expression of EGFP, which requires machine to measure fluorescence. Therefore, we set to make two improvements of our LIRA-based screening approach. First, we change the reporter gene from EGFP to LacZ, which could hydrolyze CPRG (yellow) into CPR (purple)[2]. Second, we use a cell-free system to express the LacZ cloned in our LIRA constructs.
To set up the cell-free system for LIRA, we first tried H01 LIRA that we have successfully validated in our experiments at the beginning. We replaced the reporter gene from EGFP to LacZ in H01 LIRA construct. For the cell-free system, we chose the PURExpress® In Vitro Protein Synthesis from New England BioLabs. With CPRG as substrate, the results of LacZ expression could be visualized. (Please see our Engineering section for detailed information)
Next, we combined our double-arm LIRA 5 with a LacZ reporter gene, and tested it with the cell-free system. We added the double-arm LIRA 5 plasmid with miRNA and CPRG into the cell-free system. After incubation at 37 ° C for 2h, the results could be visualized, and also quantified by measuring OD562 with a Multi-mode Microplate Reader. The result demonstrated that our double-arm LIRA 5 could be activated by miR-142-3p and miR-210-3p in the cell-free system (Figure 25).
Figure 25 OD562 measurement results. Tube 1: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP in cell-free system with CPRG. Tube 2: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP and miR-142-3p in cell-free system with CPRG. Tube 3: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP and miR-210-3p in cell-free system with CPRG. Tube 4: pCOLA-LIRA_ANDgate5-linker-EGFP, miR-142-3p and miR-210-3p in cell-free system with CPRG. Tube 5: β-gal with CPRG. *** indicates p < 0.001.
[1] Ma D, Li Y, Wu K, et al. Multi-arm RNA junctions encoding molecular logic unconstrained by input sequence for versatile cell-free diagnostics. Nat Biomed Eng. 2022;6(3):298-309.
[2] Ma D, Shen L, Wu K, Diehnelt CW, Green AA. Low-cost detection of norovirus using paper-based cell-free systems and synbody-based viral enrichment. Synth Biol (Oxf). 2018;3(1):ysy018.